The Wanderer

By Grace_sama

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After the stressful class poll exam, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka decided to rest in his dorm. But to his surprise, he... More

Chapter 2:- Drawbacks
Chapter 3:- A Gamble
Chapter 4:- Declaration of War
Chapter 5:- Moloch's impatience
Chapter 6:- Battle of 8/3

Chapter 1: First encounter

877 49 3
By Grace_sama

What is happening around me?

I couldn't tell. My eyes were closed. It felt like I was moving at a very fast speed, but I couldn't determine where my destination was.

Finally, I felt my feet touch some flat surface.

I opened my yes, around me was 2005 Tokyo........

"Well this is certainly peculiar."

First thing that caught my eye was a billboard advertising a movie. It stated its release date.

The date today is 6th July.

I felt some weight on my back. It appeared to be a bag.

"Let's see how good my luck is....."

I opened it and found several thing. Two keys, a few maps, some handbooks, a few pictures and a credit card.

"This should do for a while I guess..."

I didn't bother reading the maps, it would be time consuming. Instead, I headed to the nearest ATM I could find.
Insert your 4 digit pin


I checked the bag again, and there was a small slip of paper.


It turned out to be correct pin number. I withdrew around a couple 100 thousands. This much should be enough for a few months. Considering that I don't have to pay for rent or educational facilities.

The remaining balance showed 600k yen. So to conclude, I had recieved a million yen initially.

I wonder how long it would take me to complete my mission

Regardless, I moved away and waited for a taxi. I read out the address that was written on the map, and so the driver agreed to take me there.

On our way to the place I would stay at, my mind was busy with several thoughts.

Why was I chosen to be the destroyer of evil, when I myself have sinned? Was it to atone for my sins? Or is it that there is no one else capable of doing it?

If Fate exists, was sending me a part of it? Do I need to go with the flow because the end result has already been decided?

I could conclude one thing for sure, after all he indirectly confirmed it.

"We are here."

A voice broke my chain of thoughts. I got out of the taxi and after paying my fare, I looked at the place I was staying.

"Not bad I guess."

It was a medium sized house. It looked way too clean for a house that was never occupied before. Or could it be it didn't even exist before....

Having no reason to overthink about the house, I quickly entered.


So overall, the house was fit for me. Electricity and water facilities were already available. The refrigerator was filled with food items while the wardrobe was lined up with fine outfits. There was furniture too, it didn't feel empty.

The thing that attracted my attention was however, a small shelf which contained a few books.

Among those books, one was rather strange. It had a white plain cover and all the pages were blank. It didn't make any sense. But I knew that it was valuable in its own way. The other books were related to religion and other historic events.

White room did make us study literature however sacred texts weren't considered integral for our education.

Regardless of why they were here, I guess I could at least read them to pass some time.

"Now then......."

I had settled down for now, thus it would be best if I get work as soon as possible. I wasn't sure what my task was, but I had to finish it without delay.

This could be a perfect opportunity for me to run away, though the consequences of my actions would be devastating. There wasn't much I could do about my current situation either. Not like I had much of a choice back then.

Anyway, after making myself comfortable at my temporary home, I started going through the things I had recieved.

The maps were complicated. I can memorize the location and once I get used to the area, I won't be needing them anymore. But for some time, I would have to rely on them.

"As for the pictures-"

I took them out of my bag and looked at them one by one.

"Somehow, their facial structure is quite different to mine."

I got up and went towards the mirror. I hadn't paid much attention earlier but it appears my facial structure has changed a bit.

Although I still look the same, there was this different vibe I was getting. One that was similar to the pictures.

Nevertheless, that wasn't the main concern. So my only lead as of right now were these three pictures. Or so one would have concluded.

I turned the pictures around and there was something written behind it.

After further inspection, it turned out to be a brief database about the people. It included their name, family background, address and other personal info.

However, there was one key difference. There was one special message below Hanagaki's database.

Target;Priority:- Max

So that's how it is.

Hanagaki is the person who he was most likely referring to. He apparently possesses the ability to travel through time and is now inside his younger self.

Judging from the other hints, it could be concluded that either the girl, Tachibana or Manjiro is the important person he wants to save.

Though I feel it is most likely to be the girl. But then, what purpose does this guy's pic serve? Perhaps, the three of them, their safety is my main priority for now.

I thought over a while regarding how to approach the boy, Hanagaki. I didn't even know where he lived. I didn't know anything about him except for the fact that he wants to save someone, and thus came back to the past.

I put the pictures in the drawer and searched for something else. Apart from the house key, there was another key which was meant to be used for starting a bike.

I have never driven a bike before. It could be useful for me, as who knows how far I might have to travel to accomplish my goal.

As for how long it would take me to get the hang of it, well it depends. There were also several handbooks. Some regarding how to operate the various home appliances, while one was about the bike I had.

I looked over at the clock, it said 7:18.

I decided it would be best if I begin my search now. Who knows how long it may take otherwise?

I changed into some casual clothes. Wearing a hoodie above, making sure to hide my face while not making it seem conspicuous. I also wore a mask.

After locking the main door, I looked over at the bike which was standing still next to a tree in the garden.

It is not the right time yet, but it will surely help me later.

And with that, I started wandering around here and there, searching for Hanagaki.

I had no clue where to begin with, so I took out one of the maps.


The map was the exact same as before. However.....

(I would address the location at the end of the chapter)

At least that's a plus. Or else, I would end up roaming everywhere with no results. The place is huge, and he could be anywhere.

I wasn't sure for how long he would be staying there, or if I could see wherever he went, thus I decided to fasten up my pace.

Judging by the size of buildings, the displacement could be anywhere between 1 to 2 kms, however, it was much further due to the buildings and roads in between. I tried to use as many shortcuts as I could.

I wanted to avoid being seen by anyone, for obvious reasons. My outfit could bring me attention if it occurred to others that I am deliberately trying to hide my face, thus reading the map made it seem natural.

I started jogging while also keeping an eye out on the surroundings. After all, this is the place I will have to live for some time at the very least.

While heading towards my destination, I started formulating a strategy on how to approach things.


After about 10 minutes, I reached my destination. The park was right in front of me, and I could see several boys playing around.

I was hiding behind a tree and carefully observing them. Hopefully, no one notices me. I don't want to be branded a stalker after all. Though I had made sure no one was around the area I was hiding at.

Several minutes passed, and yet nothing extraordinary happened. The boys were still happily talking. I tried to get as close as possible to eavesdrop upon them. 5 boys. 1 target. I managed to find Hanagaki, who was standing alongside a kid with red hair.

Jeez.....what's with their hairstyles? ANHS was lenient regarding hairstyles however these kids here are bizarre in that aspect.

The ground is quite open, and thus I could be seen by them. But the lack of light proved to be good for me. And so, I crept further and further till I could make out what they were saying.

" from.....slaves. You were really cool." The red-spiked boy said.

"Cut it out, you are making me blush." The boy, who I presume to be Hanagaki said that.

From what I could hear, I theorised that thanks to Hanagaki, the other boy was free. Slavery is a heavy term, I wonder what exactly happened.

The red-haired boy started heading towards the other three, and after a few minutes, they all started to leave. The five went their seperate ways, and so Hanagaki was finally alone.

I hid my presence to the best of my ability, and started following him. While doing this, I folded the map into a square. Roughly 100 meters away from the park, he took a left turn, and in an instant I caught up to him.

Swiftly without making a sound, I was now exactly behind him. Matching his footsteps, I managed to sync the sound. And then......

"Takemitchi Hanagaki?"

I said in a deeper voice. Before he could turn, I took out my now folded map and pointed one of its sharp corners towards his back. He let out a confused noise.

"Do not worry or make a sound. I just want your cooperation."

It could be bad for me if he turned out to be a skilled and smart person. However, I had concluded not too long ago how our conversation would go. In the off chance he turned out to be the opposite, I still had countermeasures. Though there's no point thinking about them now.

"Ah-ano....Uh ok ok, I will-....listen to you"

He stuttered and his body showed clear signs of fear.

"Act natural. Just follow my instructions and don't try to pull anything. In case you do, then I will have to try out this brand new knife."

Hanagaki wasn't stupid. In fact, almost anyone would have done the same in his position. Except for some muscle heads who would be too stupid to take the threat seriously. I suddenly surprised him and before giving him time to think, I made him believe that I am indeed holding a knife.

Slowly pushing him to the front, I put the map in my bag and put my hands in the pockets.

"Where is your home?"

" is a few blocks away from here..."

"It's ok. We are going somewhere else."

For the time being, he cooperated with me. I instructed him regarding where to turn. Since I had already memorised the path.

After some time, he suddenly stopped.

"I-I don't know who you are......but my home is very nearby. P-Please let me go back. I have already faced way too many problems, and I won't be scared this easily."

Interesting. I wasn't expecting him to say that. But Hanagaki, I also have an ace up my sleeve.

"Takemitchi, how is life in future?"


In an instant, he froze. He tried to slowly turn back however I interrupted him.

"My methods may be cruel, but they bear results. I will help you save tachibana. Trust me, and keep going on."

He didn't say anything, nor did he budge. But after a few seconds, he started moving again. This time, his movements were more carefree.

After several turns here and there, we finally managed to reach my home.

I passed the keys over to him and he slowly opened them.

"Go upstairs, and wait for me. I will be coming shortly."

He followed without hesitation.

I quickly went inside one of the rooms and changed into a simple shirt and a pair of shorts. I took off the mask as well.

With that, I headed upstairs. I opened the door, and finally, I and Hanagaki were face to face.

"Ummm.....can you now explain the situation to me?"

You stole my words Hanagaki. Can you explain the situation to me?

"It's a very long story, It would be best for both of us if we get straight to the point. I am simply someone whose purpose is to assist you into your goal of saving Hinata Tachibana. I even know that you are from the future. But fear not because I have no intention of telling it to others."

"Hah....that is good to hear. I am still confused about a lot of things though."

"Now then. Can you explain me everything. And I mean every single thing that has happened to you."

I didn't have a slightest clue about his time travel abilities. And my deduction skills were practically useless when it came to something supernatural.

Time travel wasn't a concept in our world. It only exists here. Naturally, I am curious as to how it happens. To think something so advanced could be built in this world.

I had knowledge on the subject of quantum mechanics. Things like butterfly effect do exist. What would be the consequences of Hanagaki's time travel? Only he could tell me.

After that, he began explaining everything to me.

From how he was pushed on to the train track. To how he met Manjiro Sano.

"....and then I met you! That was everything."

What a joke.

So many theories and experiments. And to think the only way time travel existed here was due to something like that?

There are several inconsistencies in his time travel story. Butterfly effect seemed to be non-existent.

And then, it hit me.

"The worlds that are created due to one's imagination are much weaker, thus allowing evil entities to pass through."

Those words reverberated throughout me. It finally made perfect sense. Due to excessive amount of loopholes, unwanted energy was entering here, to make up for the one lost due to time travel.

Even a small change in the events can lead to a major unwanted event in the future. However, despite travelling 12 years into the past and back, the only thing that changed(I.e naoto saving him) was the one Hanagaki had intended to. Butterfly effect didn't take place at all.


Butterfly effect is non-existent.

In this world, a lot of fighting would be involved. To win, Hanagaki will have to be at the top of the good chain. That would require him resources. Since he himself isn't that strong, he will have to rely on others.

Money is the most essential thing here. Second being man power.

The gears started kicking in my brain and I quickly devised a strategy that would almost single handedly ensure victory.

I just had to exploit the loopholes.

"Ano....Can I know your name?"

"Huh? Oh, It is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Ohhh, Nice to meet you Ayanokouji-kun. Can I call you Kiyotaka-kun?"

He sure was direct. In fact, he was way too polite for a 27 year old.

"Sure. Then I will call you Takemitchi."

"Ah Kiyotaka-kun. I was wondering how exactly would you help me in saving Hinata."

"Oh that. I have some ideas in my mind right now. But more importantly Takemitchi, I wanted to confirm something."

Sensing my serious tone, he stiffened up.

"Oh? What is it?"

"You said that the first time you time leaped, it wasn't due to a hand shake was it?"

"Oh right. Because Naoto-kun and Hina-chan were.....already dead at that time."

"But you said you have to shake hands with the younger Tachibana to time leap? How were you able to time leap back then, for the first time?"

Takemitchi opened his mouth but quickly stopped. And then, his eyes widened.

"W-wait! How did I travel back then???"

"Calm down Takemitchi. I will figure it out. Let's see......what exactly were you doing seconds before time leaping?"

He thought for a while but then he started blushing.

"O-oh Well uh....I was suddenly pushed but during my last moments, I was thinking about Hina-chan....."

It is all coming together.

One of the main inconsistencies I found in his story was that he managed to time leap despite shaking hands. Which brings us the question, what exactly are the appropriate conditions for a time leap to happen?

"Takemitchi. Listen to me."

"Huh. Alright."

"If my deduction isn't wrong. Then it is quite possible that what you need for time leaping is a strong desire to bring Tachibana back."


He stood up, shocked and almost ended up shouting.

"Listen to me carefully. Normally, you do want to bring Tachibana back, but your desire is the strongest when you shake hands with Naoto. Shaking hands isn't really necessary. It is just that the desire is the strongest when you shake hands with him. Thus, if you focus enough, it is quite likely you can time leap without having to shake hands with Naoto."

It was as simple as that. That also begged the question. Could Takemitchi time leap if he wanted to save someone else? I couldn't say for sure. I didn't even know why 12 years. But if I had to guess, it would probably be because the main event that caused hina's death happened around this time.

"Kiyotaka-kun you are a Genius!!"

"That wasn't anything special."

It was rather obvious. But I wouldn't blame him. He was probably too shocked by the events unfolding that he never thought back onto it.

"Also, may I ask who exactly rules the Tokyo Manji Gang in the future?"

"Oh it was Manjiro Sano and Kisaki Tetta"

Manjiro Sano?

"But didn't you say he saved you today?"

"Yeah uh he did. I don't know why he would ever do something like that.....he seemed like a nice guy to me".

This brings me back to the theory that the reason why Takemitchi travelled back exactly 12 years ago, is because something happens during this period that would later lead to Tachibana's death.

"Also, naoto-kun told me that I have to prevent this Kisaki guy from meeting up with Mikey-kun. Because the evil Tokyo Manji Gang was formed after they met."

"Do you have any idea what Kisaki looks like?"

"Well Naoto-kun did show me a picture.......hmm I kinda remember I guess".

"To go back into the future, you require Naoto's assistance. I am not sure if the desire thing would be enough for you to go back without shaking hands. Thus, bring him along with you tomorrow. We have got a lot of work to do."

"Oh, ok if you say so."

"Also, it would be best if you do not tell about me to anyone. Especially Sano."

"Huh? But why? I mean you are really smart. You could easily become a part of the gang."

"My goal is to help you accomplish yours. I will join the gang if necessary. However, I prefer to stay in the shadows. Though of course you can mention that you have a capable friend to Sano."

I was told that several casualties would occur on our side. Thus it would be best to take the matters into my own hands. Takemitchi is obedient and trusts very easily. However he can be pretty indecisive at times.

If a death happens in the past, we can't redo it. I wouldn't want to risk anything. But for now, I would lurk in the shadows and try to gather as much info as I can while manipulating the man power at hand.

Takemitchi said that Sano found him interesting. Thus, it would be favourable for me if he could get a good word in.

"While you may mention about me being your friend, don't mention my name or address. It would be better that way."

"Alright. I understand."

It was getting late now. So it was time for him to go.

I walked him till my garden, and then bid farewell to him.

"What a troublesome world..." I muttered under my breath.

It was obvious that this was just the tip of the iceberg. Many such days were yet to come.

I wonder if there would be a day where someone would compel me to go all out. I once again looked at Sano's picture.

"To think he is the leader of Toman."

Behind that innocent smile, a cruel monster was hiding in the darkness. It would be interesting to see what he can do.

Considering I have the essentials to the survive for a month, I could put the money up for better use. Buying things like weapons and such could certainly be helpful.

Putting all these things aside, I turned off the lights and made myself comfortable in the bed.

"Somehow it feels different."

I closed my eyes and dozed off into a deep slumber.

Author notes

This is the central area where most if not every event would take place.

There are way too many loopholes in Tokyo revengers. Kiyotaka is fully aware of quantum mechanics. But he also knows that this world isn't that strict regarding rules.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

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