Daddy's Little Girl

By ElizaPWinchester

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What if our favorite bow wielding redneck had a daughter he had to care for and protect? Will Daryl only prot... More

Chapter 1: It's In Your Blood
Chapter 2: That's My Little Dixon
Chapter 3 Birthday Surprises
Chapter 4: What's Happening?!
Chapter 5: Eyes of Stone
Chapter 6: New Arrival
Chapter 7-Danger
Chapter 8-Quiet
Chapter 9-What Is This?
Chapter 10: The Road
Chapter 11: Ten Questions
Chapter 12: Seconds
Chapter 13: Swapping Stories
Chapter 14: What In The Hell?
Chapter 15: Barely a Memory
Chapter 16: Wishing Your Life Away
Chapter 17: Tantalized by Fear
Chapter 18: It's Time to Go
Chapter 19: Welcome Home
Chapter 20: Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 21: Perceus and Andromeda
Chapter 22: Baby No Name
Chapter 23: Taken
Chapter 24: Goodbye For Now
Chapter 25: My Real Family
Chapter 26: Fight or Flight
Chapter 28: She Get's it From Her Mama
Chapter 29: The Choice
Chapter 30: Goodbye Again
Chapter 31: New Beginnings
Chapter 32: Kids Get to Be Kids
Chapter 33: Celebrate The Living
Chapter 34: Keep Regular If You Want To Be Happy
Chapter 35: In Sickness and In Health
Chapter 36: Quarantine
Chapter 37: Cover Your Cough
Chapter 38: Not Normal Yet
Chapter 39: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Chapter 40: Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter 41: Keep Moving Forward
Chapter 42: First Time For Everything
Chapter 43: Childish Fears
Chapter 44: Maverick
Chapter 45: A Moment of Comfort
Chapter 46: Work Song
Chapter 47: Old Traditions Die Hard
Chapter 48: Never Apart Again
Chapter 49: Red
Chapter 50: My Girl
Chapter 51: Brace For Impact
Chapter 52: The Good Out of the Bad
Chapter 53: A Sheriff, A Samurai, and a Redneck Walk Into a Church
Chapter 54: That Awkward Moment
Chapter 55: The Last Supper
Chapter 56: Once Upon A Dream (Interlude)
Chapter 57: No Mercy
Chapter 58: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter 59: Liar Liar
Chapter 60: What Can No Longer Be
Chapter 61: Country Roads Take Me Home
Chapter 62: The Mother's Memory and The Father's Blessing
Chapter 63: Savannah
Chapter 64: Goodbye Georgia
Chapter 65: Hoofing It
Chapter 66: Together
Chapter 67: The New Guy
Chapter 68: Don't Be A Hero

Chapter 27: Fight Club

938 19 0
By ElizaPWinchester

The air in the prison was thick with tension, after the happy homecoming of the Dixon family, the prison group realized they needed to make a decision on what the next move was going to be. The adults all stood around arguing about whether to stay at the prison or go. Katie was in no mood to argue, when she looked into the Governor's eyes she saw nothing different than when she looked into the eyes of a walker.

The cold and calloused nature of this man is what truly struck fear into Katie. If he hardly batted an eye at letting a 13-year-old girl be beaten by one of his men then what would stop him from hurting Carl or Judith? She knew her father and uncle couldn't be safe with the Governor either, he'd seen their faces and knows their names, the only option was to stay and fight. It was odd for Katie to not weigh in on the group decision as she was never one to stay silent.

The fear of the Governor coming back had the group behaving like caged animals, however, the more Katie thought the more she knew that running was not an option. Even if they wanted to run, she knew they couldn't, from her insight into The Governor, there was no doubt in her mind that he had snipers and scouts on every exit of this place.

Merle had proven Katie's thoughts to be true when he began to antagonize the rest of the group. Locked away from the cells in the common area. With Merle and everyone else talking she couldn't get her thoughts straight, she knew Rick would make the right decision, he had to.


"If we're going to stay and fight we need training, we should take those old mattresses from one of the other cell blocks and put them in the common area, it's easy enough to take down walkers hand to hand but humans are a different battle entirely" Katie suggested. After yet another fight about Merle staying at the prison, Katie was doing her best to diffuse the tension, and maybe some hand-to-hand training would be a good way to blow off a little steam.

Beth peeked around the corner of her cell, "I'd like to learn, just in case" she said offering Katie a ghost of a smile. Katie nodded, "then it's settled, I'll go get the mattresses," she said sheathing her knife in it's holster and strapping her new bow across her back.

She looked over at Carl and raised her eyebrows as if to say come with? He wordlessly sheathed his own knife and started toward her as they slipped out of their cell block cautiously. Rick said he hadn't seen any snipers outside so it was safe. Katie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as they walked to Cell Block B.

"Stressed?" Carl asked as they walked in step.

"Very. It was getting a little overwhelming in there and I needed a second" Katie said, her accent thick and low. Carl could still see the remnants of her injuries, a bandaged head wound, split lip, and a bruised cheek did nothing to dull her maturing features. There was more age in her face, but in a subtle way to show she was growing.

Her eyes remained the same, thick dark lashes and the silver rings squinting against the Georgia sun. Carl never asked about exactly what happened to her in Woodbury, and he didn't want to. He knew if Katie wanted to talk about it, she would. So instead they walked quietly, Carl couldn't deny he did wonder what happened.

Was it a walker or someone else who did these things to her? From the way everyone was delicately treating Katie, Maggie, and Glenn, he knew the answer couldn't be good so instead, he was silently supportive.

Katie knew Carl wondered what happened to her, it was clear by his questioning looks, and when he stared ever so slightly at her injuries. She wasn't offended by any means, just not ready to talk yet. As they reached the door to the cellblock, she pounded three times with her fist to make sure there weren't any walkers waiting for them inside.

Hearing nothing Katie unsheathed her knife along with Carl as they slowly crept into the cell block. Their ears had become keen to even the slightest sound and their eyes were wide not knowing what could hide around any given corner.

The two children finally breathed a sigh of relief upon entering the long rows of cells and seeing nothing unexpected. "Let's grab about six, and if we need more we can always come back, it's not like they're going anywhere," Katie said with little emotion as she walked toward the cells.

Her shoulders and back muscles tensed as she started to pull mattresses out of cells, every day she was afraid The Governor and his men would come back to the prison and do God knows what. Every day she feared for her own life and the life of her family, and she knew she could never be safe until she had The Governor's head on a pike. She was angry, these monsters were no different from walkers in her opinion, and what did they do to walkers? They eliminated the threat. No matter how long it took, Katie vowed to herself that she'd be the one to make sure The Governor was good and dead.


Daryl watched as his daughter wordlessly and strategically placed the mattresses on the floor, like Carl he knew Katie wasn't okay after Woodbury, who would be? Daryl could tell she was quietly angry, the rage was manifesting itself in a different way now; like a pot of boiling water forgotten on a stove.

Once Katie felt satisfied she called the group in and started analyzing, who the best partners would be. "Dad and Rick, you two seem like an even match, why don't you try first" Katie suggested, being that Rick was once a cop and Daryl was, well Daryl, their fight was an interesting watch.

Rick had started with the upper hand, but Daryl was quicker, Daryl ultimately had Rick down on the matt but they were a given, and they knew what they were doing.

"Ok, um--Beth, come here try me," Katie said beckoning her over, she shyly made her way to the mats, truth be told, everyone knew this was an easy win for Katie, but it wasn't about winning or losing it was about learning.

Beth had made the mistake of charging Katie to everyone's surprise, but when Katie swept her legs and pinned her to the matt with her boot, it was basically over before it was started. Katie noticed that Beth did have the strength and balance but her issue was confidence in her hand-to-hand abilities. Maggie and Michonne went, and Michonne came out on top easily, and then Daryl went again against Glenn, and Daryl won again.

The group continued to switch out partners, Daryl against Maggie, Beth against Rick, Katie against Michonne, and then collaborating on what was good and what could be done better. The quickest learner was Beth, surprisingly as no one would have guessed Beth would be extremely close to winning against Maggie.

Katie had avoided coming against Carl, as she didn't want to have to fight him, but she knew it was the best idea in case Carl was captured next. Carl didn't want to hurt Katie, after what she'd been through he was afraid she would practically shatter. As they approached the mats Katie and Carl circled each other for a moment and then without a fight she had Carl on his back with one swift kick.

"You gotta try Carl," Katie said slightly frustrated and Carl just shrugged and this caused her to become even more frustrated. "Again," she said in a cold voice and once more they circled each other and Katie had laid Carl flat out on the mats.

"Goddamn it try!" she said forcefully and then sweeping his legs bent his arm behind his back.

"What the hell are you gonna do when it's not me?" Katie asked frustrated that he was letting her win the matches so easily, he needed the practice, she couldn't be there all the time.

"This" he said, untwisting his arms and grabbing Katie by the ankles to her surprise and this time she was the one on her back. Carl offered his hand to his dear friend and helped her up, the frustration and anger had faded from Katie's face and she just nodded, seemingly satisfied with their match.

The group continued on for a couple hours, easily blowing off steam until Carl and Maggie went off to watch. Katie had begun to opt for the night watches, since that first night back in the prison she couldn't sleep without fearing she'd wake up back in that room in Woodbury.

Katie sat in her cell, unable to read a book, or train, or really do anything but replay the events of her torture over and over again in her mind. With the Governor still alive she knew she could never sleep, and never stop looking over her shoulder.

Tapping the toe of her boot rhythmically against the cement floor wanting nothing more than to see the light leave the eyes of the evil just a few miles away from them. Daryl looked down into Katie's cell, she didn't seem to notice him and she looked deep in thought, hearing the rhythmic tap, tap, tap of her boot against the floor gave him solace knowing she hadn't completely lost it.

"She alright?" Rick asked looking down at her as well and Daryl shook his head. "I never asked her what happened in there, and I won't, not unless she wants to tell. It's eatin' her up from the inside out" Daryl said confiding in his friend, he couldn't say any of this to Merle because Merle was part of the reason it happened, which made his belly churn to think about.

The toe-tapping continued, and this time Katie laced her fingers together bringing her thumbs to her lips and seeming even deeper in thought. "She'll talk when she's ready man, she'll come back from this." Rick said placing a hand on Daryl's shoulder as he headed down the stairs.

I hope so. Was all Daryl could think and just like always his mind wandered to Savannah, what would she do? Would she know? Hell, who does? Just like that Rick came bolting back into the cell block.

"Andrea, she's out front." was all Rick needed to say before Katie was out of her cell with a gun in her hand, and that's when it truly hit Daryl that his daughter was on a warpath.

Katie trailed out of the cell block crouched down behind one of the dead cars, seeing Andrea coming through the gate. Traitor. She thought scanning the trees looking for any more Woodbury soldiers. Her father, uncle, and Rick trailed out with heavy rifles. Scanning as well as her, she met Rick's eyes and he nodded at her as Merle shouted "Clear!" they all moved forward. Knowing the three men wouldn't be particularly comfortable with her going forward toward Andrea, she didn't care.

Michonne took a place squatted down by her and they shared a knowing look, without words, Katie knew Michonne had to be as angry as she was. Rick began to interrogate Andrea as she begged for him to open the gate. As Daryl ran to open the gate, Katie ran forward too, her handgun extended in front of her pointed at Andrea.

Michonne didn't follow her this time, sadly looking toward Andrea as if she was a ghost. Katie tuned out whatever Andrea and Rick were saying, one thing beneficial about having a sheriff as their leader was that Rick could handle criminals.

Katie narrowed her eyes and kept her gun pointed at Andrea's head. All eyes were on the woman they thought to be dead, but Katie didn't care, she was with that devil, she was with the enemy. As Andrea was on her knees Katie pressed her gun to her cheek, "traitor" was all she said before roughly removing it and beginning to walk away once the group deemed it was safe.

She didn't wait to see Andrea's reaction, and she didn't care, she wanted her out of the prison. Out of her home and away from her family. Carl's eyes met her own, and she felt herself relax only a little, but having Andrea here was jeopardizing Carl's life and that's something that needed to be fixed immediately.

Katie looked at him and felt a small smirk tug at her lips seeing how goofy the ugly riot gear made Carl look, but at least he'd gotten rid of that dumbass bear paw shirt. Filing into the cell block and allowed the back of her hand to brush against his as a reassurance. Katie knew that her father and friends were worried, and she tried to conceal her emotions as best she could, it used to come so easy to her. Now that she trusted these people, she just couldn't hide it as well anymore.

Standing slightly behind her father and peeking out from behind his shoulder, seeing some of the group warmly welcome Andrea back. However, those of the group that were inside the walls of Woodbury weren't as easy to impress.

Once the talk of the group's deceased members came up, Lori's name inevitably came through and Carl just stared coldly at Andrea, mimicking Katie's icy stare as well. Rick however avoided her gaze altogether.

"You all live here?" she asked curiously

"Here and the cell block" Glenn answered emotionless. Katie saw Andrea start to peek into the cell block and Katie immediately tensed.

"May I go in?" she asked starting to walk toward the door. Katie, Rick, and Daryl were quick to block her entryway.

"I won't allow that," Rick said plainly with as little emotion as Glenn.

"I'm not the enemy Rick," Andrea said suddenly offended turning her gaze to Katie who did nothing to hide her animosity.

Rick began to explain the details of the attack on the prison from the Governor, and Andrea claimed she knew nothing about that. Turning to Glenn and Maggie now for sympathy saying she didn't know any of them were in Woodbury until after the shootout.

Katie had moved to stand next to Michonne now, the two of them looking like a powerful pair.

"What have you told them?" Andrea interrogated stepping closer to Michonne, and Katie protectively stood in front of her friend.

"Nothing" Michonne shrugged and Andrea stared in disbelief.

"I don't get it. I left Atlanta with you people and now I'm the odd man out?" Andrea said, because the world was obviously so unfair to her, when she was living in a cushy community with her little boyfriend.

"He almost killed Michonne and would've killed us." Glenn said once more, all Maggie could do was stare at her old friend, not recognizing the woman she saw.

"With his finger on the trigger! Wasn't he the one who kidnapped you? Who beat you? Your own niece?" Andrea said coming down hard on Merle and Katie unlatched her gun. Hearing the small click echo through the cafeteria Andrea looked to Katie remembering the time back at the farm Katie had knocked Andrea on her ass.

"Stop." was all Katie said and Andrea was taken aback at the maturity and depth in Katie's vice and her features now that she was getting a good look at the young lady. Begging even more for compromise, for everyone to try to live in peace with one another. Katie knew this wasn't an option.

Daryl piped up during Andrea's sob story about Woodbury: "I'll tell you what, next time you see Philip, tell him imma take his other eye."

"He wants a war? He's got one." Katie hissed with no remorse.


Andrea was upstairs in the cell block visiting with Judith and Katie looked from Michonne to her father to Rick and all that came out of her mouth, in a low southern drawl was: "I'm going to kill it."

They all looked to her, wondering what it was and Michonne was the first one to realize she meant the governor. There is no reason for a young girl to be so cold. Daryl and Rick said nothing as if they were allowing her to make this choice, but in reality, they knew she deserved to kill the man who orchestrated her torture.

However, just because they knew her hatred was well deserved, they couldn't allow this little girl to kill anyone, it would change her forever, even more so than her experience in Woodbury. As it began to grow late, Andrea made the promise to Daryl that she really had no idea Katie was in captivity with Glenn and Maggie.

"He was able to orchestrate the torture of a thirteen-year-old little girl. His eye is mine." Daryl said coldly and Andrea said nothing more silenced by the fact that the man she had fallen for was truly a monster.


That night, Daryl had asked Katie to stay inside the cell block, and offered to take her watch shift, but Carl was the one to volunteer, he knew Katie needed time with her daddy. The moon was high in the sky and somehow, knowing the governor was gearing up for war oddly put her at ease. She knew his plan, they could take him down.

The moonlight trickled into the windows of the cellblock illuminating the whole room. Katie laid with her back and head against the wall, across from her father, even though she felt more at ease she still felt the storm coming, the war coming.

Small flashlights and candles in the center of the cellblock added a bit more light and Beth looked at Katie beginning to sing an old Tom Waits song Katie knew to be Merle's favorite. Katie finally felt herself let go and begin to sing, harmonizing with Beth. She remembered before the world ended her love for music and the way it brought her peace.

Merle had entered into the cellblock, standing in the doorway and thinking about the last time he'd heard Katie sing, he'd almost forgotten what it sounded like. He knew he had to prove his worth to this group somehow, he was loyal to them, and because of that in the meantime he'd have to behave.

Daryl watched Katie, he could see her beginning to relax and again his mind went to Savannah, she'd be so proud of who Katie was now. That was their daughter, and she was growing into her own.

Daryl was ready for a war for this exact reason. His daughter deserved to keep growing, and become more beautiful by the day, just like her mother. So if he had to fight his way through an entire army, he would.  Nothing could stop him. Katie singing in harmony with Beth, he could see the tiredness in her face, her voice began to fade out as she fell softly asleep. It was like an ocean calming while Katie slept curled into the side of the prison wall.

Merle took the metal protector off his arm as he walked toward Katie to pick her up and take her to her cell. None of the rest of the group had seen Merle be so paternal to Katie as they had been at an icy distance but he gently picked her up and tucked her into her cell as she slept. She was finally asleep. Rick had a ghost of a smile cross his features, "that's new."

Rick holding his own daughter smiled at Merle carefully watching over Katie as if she'd break right there in her  cell. "They were close, before" was all Daryl and it was all he needed to say. A few hours later Carl came in from watch and the only ones awake were Daryl and Rick, everyone long since asleep.

Glenn got up out of his cell and trudged to take the second half of the watch shift. Carl taking off his hat and peering carefully into Katie's cell checking on her, sat down in the entry way.

Daryl looked down at him from the perch, the love he could see this young man had for his daughter made his heart burst. Even though he knew no one could love Katie as much as he did, Carl seemed to come in a close second. Falling asleep like a rock on Katie's floor, as if ready to take on anything that came near her. Laying down, but making sure he could still see Katie and Carl, Daryl was finally able to relax his body.

Missing Savannah and feeling a bittersweet happiness for Katie, he knew that no one could ever harm his family again.


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