Once, there was an island...

By priesthoodofthe7

23K 361 414

//ONGOING!// ๐—ช๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฎ ๐—ด๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—น, ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฒ๐˜…๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—น๐—ฑ, MPHFPC o... More

Intro/ quick authors note!!
Character appearances + extra little HCs
Butterflies and Moths { Emma Bloom x reader }
Someone to Tuck you in at Night [ Bronwyn Bruntley!!}
A House in Los Angeles { Noor Pradesh & reader, platonic }
Thieves Honor { Millard Nullings x reader}
Un Homme Et Une Femme { Horace Somnusson}
The Thing About Birds & Bees... { Hugh & Fiona!!}
Without me, You're nothing at all! { Caul Bentham}
In The Woods Somewhere { Enoch O'Connor}
I will, I will, I will. { Alma Peregrine}
You & Your Damn Money { older! Jacob & Noor}
Loop Day!! {A/N}
Fireworks { Jacob Portman}
The Phantom { Enoch O'Connor x OC}
The Reaper & The Bard { Enoch O'Connor x reader}
REBEL GIRL! { Apocalypse AU! Emma Bloom}
Loser. { Noor Pradesh}
An Ode to the Daughter of Clouds { Olive Abroholos-Elephanta}
The Diner After Dark { Enoch O'Connor x OC}
The Problem Causers Collide Again { Headcanons}
Through The Valley { Bronwyn Bruntley}
In The Shadow of Death { Through The Valley: Epilogue}
Expanding on the Apoc! AU + more detailed char. descriptions!
Tear You Apart { Enoch O'Connor & Horace Somnusson}
War Pigs { Reader POV }
Rotting is Poison, Revival is Antidote { OC }
O Green World, Planet of Plenty { Fiona Frauenfield}
I Want You { Emma Bloom & Abraham Portman}
Abbey { Apoc! AU Claire Densmore}
The Problem Causers are back and still don't have therapy
So I Rewrote the Power System
Smokey Eyes { Althea Grimmelwald}
The Greatest of The Greeks {OC}
Art!! + Some Au Concepts!!
The Therapy Needers as other Therapy Needers
Girl Band go brrr
Height HCs :eyeroll:
The Day After Tomorrow { Horace Somnusson}
More Art + Encanto AU!!
da kids as pictures off my dr boards
The Kids as Songs
MPHFPC as Shane and Ryan
stuff n things
Kissing Lessons { Enoch O'Connor x Reader}
Night and Day { Movie!Enoch x Reader}
Who Has A Voice Like Smarty Does? { Millard Nullings x Reader}
Seven New Ways That You Can Eat Your Young { Movie!Enoch O'Connor x Reader }
Blood in the Wine { Enoch O'Connor & Jolyne Stoker}
mphfpc as board pictures p.2
MORE mphfpc as shane & ryan
To Live The Greatest Life- { Pirate/The Sea Beast AU}

Therapy Sessions w/ Laurie { more headcanons + updated fcs !!}

203 2 17
By priesthoodofthe7

my brain refuses to enter creative writing mode :sobsob:
so here i am! with some more random headcanons! this time covering music tastes, body hcs (in moderation), and other assortments of random junk that happens to be bouncing around in my head at all times </3

Jacob Portman:

- since he's born on Halloween, it's his favorite holiday. Absolutely feral when October rolls around. Uncontrollable and lowkey scary.
- the og Ghostbusters is his favorite movie. he keeps comparing Millard to Egon and nearly having plates thrown at his head
- continued to collect vintage & peculiar photos later on, to such a point where he has multiple boxes absolutely packed with them. His goal is to eventually find each of the people pictured and befriend them.
- his music tastes consists of both old and new stuff. he manages to bounce from like... the Beatles to Woodkid with no warning.
- Fell in Love with a Girl by The White Stripes, Goodbye by Ramsey, Kiss of Life by Sade, Ur so Gay by Katy Perry... this boy is indecisive as indecisive gets and has absolutely no complaints so long as it's decent music
- not allowed to drive anymore cuz he got too into the music " ONE TIME-"
- he was a creepypasta kid. i don't think i need to say anything more on that
- he's a definite horror nerd!! maybe not so much in the movie scene cuz gore freaked him out as a kid but scary novels have him by the THROAT
- he has a big ass scar around his waist from that one time a hollow tried to eat him, and someone broke his nose once in the Acre so now it's a bit crooked.
- his social medias are all mirror selfies w/ concerning ass captions and blurry pictures of his friends
- bi as bi gets
- basically he's never made a decision in his life
- he used to play guitar. he was not very good at it. but he picked up drums around the time he was 13 and totally kicks ass at them
- says the most unhinged and mildly concerning stuff at the most inappropriate times ( ex. once he told Enoch to "get the bat" and Enoch stared at him for a solid minute before asking " what fuckin' bat.")
- also quotes like... clone high and vines with absolutely no warning. he could just be standing there and then he'll do the " the theme for this years awareness fair is... awareness" and anyone around him just kinda.... shifts away slowly....
- his style heavily depends on plain t-shirts and a jean jacket he thrifted with Noor and would die before he gave up for anything, he also owns a pair of beat up converse he's had to almost fight Millard for twice
- needs therapy. pretends he doesn't know what that is

Updated Faceclaim:
Théodore Pellerin

Emma Bloom:

- lowkey in love w/ Bronwyn ( shhh it's a secret tho so nobody can know, even it's stupid obvious)
- mozart hater
- literally tried to fight someone with a pocketknife and a loaf of bread once. she won
- she keeps catching her hair on fire in the Acre. she's pretty sure it's Enoch's fault but doesn't have any proof yet and the cheeky mf is AVOIDING HER-
- she doesn't listen to music much but when she does it's either cheesy love songs or the kind of songs that make u ask if she's okay. she is not
- Television by Rex Orange County, When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Rooney, Our Love by Curtis Hardling, Thank God You Introduced Me To Your Sister by Sarah Barrios, that general idea
- she thinks she's bisexual but she's more questioning than anything, men n women are both her cup of tea
- effortlessly beautiful like this girl is a whole masterpiece without even trying
- big ol eyes
- she's super soft!! like her skin is literally perfect and she's a lower mid-sized girl, and i would die for her
- i've said it before but she is not allowed in the kitchen
- when Bronwyn is cooking she'll stand in the doorway like some horror movie character and just stare until someone drags her away cuz she's being creepy
- speaking of movies, she doesn't have the patience to sit through any
- she's tried but she just can't sit still for that long, so instead she settles for fast paced shows and whatever cheesy romance flick Bronwyn makes her watch
- uses " I'm too pretty for this" as an excuse and it works every time ( she stole it from Horace, who can't get it to work for him)
- " How easy would it be to just... burn this place to the ground right now? How simple?" " Emma no." " EMMA YES"
- also needs therapy, settles for mild crimes instead

Updated FC:
Sophia Lillias

Bronwyn Bruntley ( my darling my dear):

- totally not crushing on Emma Bloom herself no not at allllll (/sarc, she totally is)
- unironically a really good dancer
- she made halloween costumes for everyone the first year they spent it together, she had too much fun with her own
- she was a viking, Sharon helped her get a legitimate shield and accurate references
- idk how to explain it but i feel like she'd kick ass on banjo. do not ask
- her music taste is either all like... bluegrass, or indie pop
- Little Sadie by Crooked Still, Come Over ( Again) by Crawlers, Perfume by Lovejoy, Notion by The Rare Occasions, etc.
- does not follow her own, actually good advice
- the only one past Jacob allowed to have a phone, she doesn't use it and honestly forgets it's there until Jacob will call her and scare her out of her skin
- will not, under any circumstances, watch a horror movie
- THIS GIRL IS RIPPED. like literally even if she wasn't peculiar she'd be strong alone, her hugs are like being jumped by an overly cuddly bear and that's the best part
- she's lifted benches over her head like Gaston just cuz she loves how happy it makes people
- basically she's built like a female Gaston but she's so much better. not that it takes much effort to be better than that gumwad but Bronwyn took one look at him and decided that she was cooler. she was right
- lesbian!
- thinks snails are so cool

Updated FC:
Maisie Williams

Millard Nullings ( also my beloved my darling my dearest):

- goblin. there's nothing else to say
- i lied there's so much else to say
- this man. there's so much wrong with him ( and i love him so much for it but oh my god does he need extensive amounts of therapy)
- much like Jacob he'll just drop some concerning information out of nowhere and move on like it's nothing and everyone around him is just... " are you okay??"
- he is, in fact, not okay
- his music taste is all oldies, classic rock, or indie rock
- Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen, It's been a Long, Long Time by Harry James, Crying Lightning by Arctic Monkeys, Pretty Boy by The Neighborhood, that sort of thing
- quotes poetry out of nowhere. Enoch has the goal of catching him without some quote lined up and has yet to succeed
- jokes about being wanted by the FBI. he does it so often that some people are starting to think he's actually on their wanted list
- he is
- " Hold on, I have something for this," * throws something at Jacob, who immediately quotes a vine* " See, told you."
- this mf is so scrawny its concerning like eat something for the love of god
- past his concerning amount of bones there's nothing that special about his appearance past the fact that you can't see him at all
- he's very pretty tho

Updated FC:
Liam Samuels

Olive Abroholos- Elephanta:

- she thinks she's the funniest person in the whole of London
- and she's right too
- she'll walk into a room, " Let's talk about my mom!", then go on a rant about how lovely Bronwyn is with literally no trigger as Wyn is clutching her heart in the corner and trying not to sob of joy
- the sweetest little thing every but she has never ever heard of a filter
- her optimism is literally infectious you can't not smile when she's around
- carried glitter in her pockets for a while. no one knows where she got the glitter in the first place
- lavender is both her favorite smell and favorite color, on her 75th birthday Miss P got her lavender perfume and she nearly sobbed from happiness
- her music taste is a bit of a mix of everyones, as she's happy with anything anyways, but she likes the kind of songs that make you feel all fuzzy warm inside
- Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks, space girl by Frances Forever, Meet Me At Our Spot by THE ANXIETY + WILLOW, What Once Was by Her's, Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny, on and on...
- has made, of all people, Enoch dance with her. he did it but was not happy about it
- he's her favorite, for some godawful reason, she just thinks he's so neat and this mf is decapitating a chicken or smth
- she makes flower crowns with fiona all the time
- i am. not gonna mention her body nor her sexuality cuz she's an actual child lololol

Updated ( older than I wanted) FC:
Tashi Rodriguez

Horace Sommnusson:

- does not go outside. ever. so he's pale as a ghost and burns with no effort
- he is, obviously, distraught every time he ends up with a sunburn
- mitski enjoyer
- his music taste is kinda all over the place, he likes anything so long as it doesn't require thought.
- it's all.... either super sad and mildly concerning or sweeter than the things he bakes
- Comfort Crowd by Conan Grey, Nobody and Abbey by Mitski, Are You Satisfied? by MARINA, We'll Meet Again by The Ink Spots, Maya The Psychic by Gerard Way ( <3)
- he is not allowed to have the radio control on road trips cuz of it
- he would loose his mind to Melanie Martinez though!!
- he's super interested in filmmaking!!
- Hugh taught him french and now he won't stop insulting people in it
- he collects vinyls!! they're always on when he's sewing
- like Wyn, he would rather die than watch a horror movie
- instead he critiques the daylights out of period films, going on for hours about how the costumes aren't completely accurate or something
- he's actually not that scrawny at all!! he's actually... decently strong for someone stuck in a fourteen year olds body, like why does this malnourished Victorian child look like he could kill a man and get away with it
- anyways he's actually healthy and forces the others to be too
- could be a model if he wanted honestly
- gayer than what should be humanly possible ( and will fistfight anyone who tries him on it)

Updated FC:
Hugh Laughton-Scott

Enoch O'Connor ( my darling!! my beloved!! this dumb mf!!):

- the reason Olive no longer has a filter
- this mf is a SPACE HEATER, like there is no reason for him to be as warm as he is yet here he is. on fire in the corner
- will fistfight someone for his friends then turn around and insult them all right to their faces
- basically his love language is " i hate you also i broke my wrist hitting a guy cuz he insulted you" and that's it
- i think i said it before but he has a dedicated cat voice and i will die on this hill
- the only one past Miss P allowed to drive. it's a terrible decision but here this goblin of a man is, driving better than anyone else and pissing Jacob off
- he'd collect old ass cars and fix them just for the fun of it
- (sir there is oil in your hair)
- super into the alternative scene as a whole, he thinks its so cool
- his music taste is either all scremo or just straight up mine. this is what its like relating to this mf sos
- but yeah it's mostly riot ghoul, early 2000s pop punk, or just straight up old man rock
- Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash, Come Over ( Again) by Crawlers, Drowning Lessons by My Chemical Romance, Maggot by Slutever, Double Dare Ya by Bikini Kill, She's the Prettiest Girl At The Party... by Frank Iero, that sort of thing
- i think about his music taste a lot obviously
- Miss P refuses to let him choose the music if she's in the car with him
- called Jacob "bitchboy" nonstop for a month
- all of his clothes have some kind of blood on them. he doesn't know where any of it came from but it's just kinda.... there.
- collects horror novels, and religiously consumes that kind of media
- hence why halloween is his favorite holiday and Jacob looses his shit the first time they celebrate it together cuz Enoch shows up with actual bones and this shit eating grin
- i love him sm lol
- this man isn't exactly like... muscular? but he's not scrawny either, cuz raising the dead takes a hell of a lot. to say the least he could probably pick up Bronwyn with a little bit of effort lol
- doesn't care much about gender, like at all, so he's pan !!
- he is my boyfriend :) /lh

Updated FC:
Evan Peters

(map of days fit fr)

Hugh Apiston:

- menace to society in every way possible
- his arrogance can get annoying but it's also like... really funny
- will not stop trying to fight people like sit down you're literally a toothpick what the hell are you going to do
- is not allowed to have a license cuz he nearly crashed a car within two minutes of being behind the wheel and Miss Peregrine did not need that stress
- unapologetically a weezer fan
- his music taste is all... alternative and modern rock and the kind of stuff you'd listen to on roadtrips
- Scrawny by Wallows, Say It Ain't So by Weezer, Everybody Talks by Neon Trees, Call Me by Blondie, The Wolf by SIAMES, those vibes but on full volume at four in the morning
- istg he's nocturnal if he could he'd sleep the day away and only cause problems when the sun is gone
- plant father
- some of the things he will say will be so stupid funny for no reason and he'll just stand there baffled when people laugh about it
- the type of dude to hold something out of someones reach just because he's near 6'4''. he won't be that tall when Emma takes a bat to his knees tho !!
- for some reason he just adopted dragonflies at some point and everyone just let him
- he's thin as a bean pole and lighter than air at this point, this boy is all joints and bones and it's awesome
- he used to consider himself t4t but then he met Fiona and decided on not using a label!! man loves who he loves and he adores this tall irish girl that he cannot understand

Updated FC:
Jeenu Mahadevan

Claire Densmore ( i am actually head of her protection squad):

- sweet baby angel can do no wrong
- except for the fact that she's borderline feral and bites people for fun
- but nevertheless. angel child incapable of wrongdoing
- she's lovely and i will repeat this thirty times over until i make my point
- her music taste is a lot like Olive's, but still pretty sad at times
- Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men, rises the moon by Liana Flores, Hug All Your Friends by Cavetown, I Eat Boys and Bugbear by chloe moriondo, etc...
- makes her own dresses with Horace's help, she can and will fight hand sewing she hates it so much-
- loyal as loyal gets and loves Miss Peregrine more than words can ever describe
- i don't have many for her but i love her and i will do anything to make sure she's happy cuz she deserves it

Updated ( older than her age) FC:
Lindsay Whidby

Fiona Frauenfeld:

- i don't really have any new ones past her music taste n body stuff so lets go !!
- she doesn't listen to music very often but when she does it's funky stuff compared to the others
- Life Itself by Glass Animals, O Green World by Gorillaz, Disco by Surf Curse, Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend, things that don't exactly fall into the others tastes but she thinks they're neat
- she's very tall, see close if not above 6'5, and she's strong as an ox. Maybe not as strong as Bronwyn, but she could definitely hold her own in a fight if she needed to
- tall woman with abs who could kill me, basically that's my point here
- she considers herself omni!! her attraction spans everyone, but gender means a lot to her and she can't quite explain why.
- Hugh kinda gets it, since he struggled with his gender so much. that importance is why they got so close in da first place
- she/they Fiona canon 2021

Updated FC:
Lupita Nyong'o

Noor Pradesh:

- goblin. the amount of problems this girl causes
- besties with Ricky and takes about two minutes to befriend everyone she meets
- people just like her what can she say
- she likes alternative rock best when it comes to music but she doesnt really care overall. but she will actually fistfight someone if they play country near her,
- Twilight by bôa, Alien Blues by Vundabar, Carry Me Out and Drunk Walk Home by Mitski, Now by Paramore ( Paramore fangirl Noor canon!!), Dynasties and Dystopia by Denzel Curry, Snakes by PVRIS, etc...
- this girl can throw a punch if she wants to
- she got in fights at school a lot simply cuz she wasn't scared to turn around and actually smite a dude for having the audacity to disrespect her or Lilly, and she nearly broke her hand twice because of it
- " I swear to God I'm going to break this fuckers jaw-" " Noor, no" ( Jacob, probably) " I'll break yours too, LEMME AT HIM-"
- tried to fight Enoch, this tall mf just held her at arms length and looked very insulted the entire time
- im sorry but she's like 5'4 there's no way she's not
- from a 5'4 person, i am full of rage and so is she. she's closer to Hell yknow
- she's bisexual and full of crime and i love her

Updated FC:
Goldshifteh Farahani

Miss Alma Peregrine herself!!:

- so tired someone please take her on a free vacation she deserves it
- no but seriously this lovely woman does not sleep
- Horace has made her so much tea its insane and every single time she kisses his forehead and tells him not to worry about it. Horace looks her in the eye and makes another one without breaking eye contact
- her music taste is mostly classic rock, but she's a sucker for cinematic sounding songs
- What Could Have Been by Sting, Don't Look Back in Anger by Oasis, Change ( In The House of Flies) by Deftones and Mascara too, Aerials by System of a Down, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths, Guns for Hire by Woodkid....
- she has a mom bod and i will actually die on this hill
- super soft hands, like it feels like she's never used them with how soft her palms are its so awesome

Updated FC:
Lola Kirke

i love them all so bad sobsob

with love, as always
- Laurie <3

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