By KatTart55

14.8K 507 694

My continuation of the Dynasty season four finale. ! I do not own Dynasty or it's characters ! More



467 20 53
By KatTart55

Third Person POV - Atlanta Hospital - November 13th

Liam lazily blinked as the sun's rays of light shined through the window. He yawned, tired from his sleepless night.

He checked the time on one of the clocks on the wall.

6:24 am.

He groaned as he dropped his head into his hands, pushing his hair back with his fingers.

It had been nearly twelve hours since he last saw Fallon, and concern gnawed at his conscience.

Were surgeries supposed to take this long?

Straightening his back, Liam hung his head off of the back of the cushioned chair. He stretched, the sensation feeling refreshing after hardly moving all night. He sat up once more and wiped his face with his hands, attempting to get rid of his tiredness.

Blinking a few times, he looked around the waiting area to see if there was a bathroom around, which there was. Sluggishly, he pulled himself up and walked over to it, the thought of cool water waking him up a bit.

Sure, it had only been a little over two days since he was last at the manor, but he still felt disgusting.

Liam entered the mens' room and looked at himself in the mirror, happy that he didn't look as gross as he had thought. He did, however, have a little bit of Fallon's blood crusted into his hair and on his shirt and pants. He didn't mind it though; he couldn't do anything about it even if he had minded.

He looked down to his hands, only just now remembering that he had been all over Fallon when she was heavily bleeding, and he had never once washed his hands.

He cringed back in disgust at the sight of the dark substance dried on his skin. Blood covered the area from his fingertips down to his elbows.

Disturbed, Liam quickly shoved his hands under the sink's faucet and tried his best to rub the red away. Within five minutes and with a lot of rubbing, he was able to get most of it off.

Ten total minutes later, he felt satisfied with his attempt to be clean.

He leaned against the sink and looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes widening when he suddenly realized that everyone back at the manor had no clue as to where they had been.

He rushed out of the bathroom and jogged to the main lobby, abruptly stopping in front of the receptionist's desk.

He paused and smiled, hoping that he didn't scare the woman that sat in front of him.

"Hi," he said calmly. "Can I use the phone?"

He pointed to the telephone sitting in front of the lady.

She raised an eyebrow at him before sliding it towards him.

"Keep it short."

He smiled gratefully and dialed in Blake's phone number. Tapping his fingers on the desk, Liam impatiently waited as the phone rang in his ear.

"Blake Carrington speaking, who is this?"

Liam sighed in relief.

"Blake? It's Liam."

Blake, on the other end of the line, stood up out of his chair and leaned against his desk.

"Liam? Where are you? And where is Fallon? It's not like her to leave and not tell us where she's going. I tried calling you guys but your phones were still in Fallon's room. I figured you went on honeymoon part two and forgot them."

"Um, long story short, we're in the hospital, and Fallon's in surgery," he told his father-in-law.

Blake stood straight, his composure reflecting his worries.

"What!? What happened!? You two have been gone for two days and Fallon nearly dies again!?" he questioned, deep concern lacing his voice.

Liam sighed and shifted in his spot.

"I'll explain once you get here. Just hurry."

With that, he hung up, leaving Blake confused.

"Thank you," he told the woman, placing the phone back in it's place.

She nodded, not really caring about whatever Liam had just done.

He smiled awkwardly and walked back to the waiting room.

When he returned to his seat, he swept his eyes around the area, hoping that a doctor would come by and tell him that Fallon was okay and that he could go be with her. Much to his disappointment, no doctor came.

He slumped in his chair, not knowing what to do. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

What if Fallon isn't okay? he thought, his mind wandering to somewhere he didn't want it to be.

What if she doesn't make it out alive?

He closed his eyes tighter, trying to fight off the disturbing thoughts.

What if the last time I saw her was really the last time I saw her?

He groaned.

Stop. She'll be fine.

He furrowed his eyebrows.



Liam jumped, his eyes shooting open. His startled gaze was met with Blake's worried one.


He sat down next to his son-in-law.

"Sorry it took so long, I got here as fast as I could."

Liam looked at him confused.

"I hung up the phone, like, three minutes ago," he said. "How did you get here so fast?"

Blake ignored his question and turned to face him more directly.

"What happened? Is Fallon okay?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "She's been in surgery for the past twelve hours... Does anyone else know about this?"

Liam looked around, seeing if any other members of Fallon's family were here.

"I informed them that Fallon was here, but I told them to stay home. I didn't want to crowd her," he spoke quickly. "Now tell me, what happened in the past forty-eight hours?"

Liam then went on to tell Blake about what the two had gone through. Everything between being taken in their sleep, the fight with Eva, and to Fallon collapsing in the parking lot, he left out no details. He teared up around the parts about Fallon; he didn't care much about what he had gone through.

Blake gasped at some parts, but for the most part, remained silent and allowed Liam to tell the full story.

"And that all happened in just two days!?" he asked once Liam had finished.

He sadly nodded.

"And that's not even all of it. After the call disconnected, I have no idea what Fallon went through up to the next morning."

Blake scoffed in disbelief.

"Why those crazy assholes."

"Now I don't know what happened with Evan, but I do know that he is still out there somewhere. I also don't know what happened to Eva after the fight... Fallon told me not to worry about it."

"Well that's not good," Blake sighed, turning to face another direction.

"I know. I couldn't go after them because of Fallon nearly dying."

Blake nodded in understanding.

"Let's just hope we can catch them before they try anything else."

"And after we make sure that Fallon is okay."

Blake looked back to Liam, a frown settled on his face.

"She will be okay, right?"

This time, Liam looked away.

"I don't know," he admitted quietly. "The last time I saw her, it looked really bad. She lost a lot of blood and the wound got horribly infected... god, I sure hope she pulls through."

He buried his face in his hands, and Blake patted him on the back.

"Hey, I'm sure she'll be alright."

"You don't know that," he said, his face still in his hands.

He looked up again.

"You didn't see how horrendous everything was. The blood everywhere, the non-existent pulse, the sightless, grey eyes staring up at nothing, the gaping hole in her stomach..." he shuddered, "it'd be a miracle if she lives after everything she's been through."

Blake looked down to the floor, tears in both of their eyes.

"All we can do now is just hope for the best," he finished, bringing the two into an uncomfortable silence.

A few minutes passed.

"Fallon Carrington?"

Liam shot his head up at the call of his wife's name. He looked to the opposite side of the room, and he abruptly stood up at the sight of a doctor standing by a door, holding a clipboard. He rushed over, Blake following shortly behind.

"Yes, is she okay? Is she alive?" he questioned anxiously, nerves chewing at his gut.

Liam recognized the man as the same doctor that had taken care of Fallon the last time they were there.

"I've got to say, I didn't expect to see Fallon again so soon. She would have had to come to get her stitches taken out in a week's time, but that's clearly not happening."

He chuckled, and Liam grew more impatient.

"Is she okay?" he asked again.

Blake nodded behind him, also wanting to know.

The doctor looked down at his clipboard.

"She will be."

Liam closed his eyes and shifted his head back, sighing in immense relief. Blake smiled.

"Although, we did lose her a few times during the surgery... four times to be exact... but we were able to pull her back. She's actually been out of surgery for a while, but she had to be kept under complete moderation to make sure that she wouldn't slip away suddenly. With the size of the injury and the amount of blood she's lost, it's amazing that she pulled through."

Liam's smile turned into a frown of worry.

She died? Multiple times?

"She has been stable for the past hour or so, and we are confident that she will make a fine recovery. I can take you to her now, if you'd like."

The smile returned to his face, and he eagerly nodded.

The doctor turned around and motioned for the two to follow him. They went through the double doors, and they walked down the hallway, passing a numerous amount of rooms and corridors.

"Is she awake, doctor?" Liam asked.

Not turning around, the man responded.

"Not since the last time we checked. We don't think she'll be awake for a long while yet."

They continued walking down the hospital, and eventually, they made it to Fallon's room.

They all stopped walking, and Mr. Doc. turned to face the two.

"Keep it down, and please, don't touch anything. I'll tell you more about her condition and what happened during surgery in a little bit," he told them.

He walked away, leaving Liam and Blake outside of the room.

Liam took a deep breath and shook his hands, preparing to see his wife again. He gripped the door handle and turned it, slowly pushing the door open.

He stepped inside, and his eyes immediately filled with tears as a wide grin took over his face.


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