
By KristjanaVolundardot

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Ronald Weasleys twin has always been different from the rest of the Weasley family she was quiet and cunning... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

400 12 1
By KristjanaVolundardot

In the burrow arguing could be heard from outside. The louder voice was Molly Weasley, she was yelling at her oldest daughter Allium Weasley.

The two had countless arguments ever since Allium returned from Hogwarts.

Sometimes George and Fred would join in to defend their sister.

They usually ended with Allium hiding away somewhere, whether that be her room or wherever she could find outside.

This argument was just like the others, Molly getting angry about Allium's school house. Allium had started to just feel numb when her mother did this. At first Allium would cry for a bit after, she still does occasionally.

Her father was almost worse. He just simply ignored her, she would prefer him being mad at her. She missed the happy looks he used to give her, how they used to examine muggle objects he brought home. Now it was the cold shoulder.

Four of her brothers were the same around her. George and Fred never commented on it, the only part that they were disappointed about is that Allium refused to let them in the common room. Charlie was cool and sent her regular letters with pictures of dragons. Bill also sent regular letter along with the occasional odd muggle thing he could find.

Mum and dad had convinced Ginny not to talk to her which of course stung but she still had hope that Ginny would change once she got to Hogwarts. Though as Allium thought about her house mates she thought otherwise. Percy was much like her father with just the plain cold shoulder and disappointing looks.

Ron definitely stung the most. When they were younger they were quite close. Ron was actually decent and still occasionally talked to her though it was much more distant.

Molly was still yelling, Allium was shocked how long she could go on for.

As Allium looked at her mother she could only see anger and disappointment. Allium will admit what she did was most definitely not thought through she doesn't regret it.

She ran.

She could her her mother yelling after her for her to come back.

She ran into the muggle area of saint catchpole. Allium was relatively used to this place since she had gone her a few times after her mother had yelled at her.

She walked around trying to decide what to do contemplating one of the more complicated options.

As she wondered around the small town she remembered a muggle thing that Harry had told her about. He did say that it was slightly dangerous but she was a wizard and could protect herself.

So she walked to the edge of the sidewalk, holding out her arm and sticking her arm out with her thumb up.

After a few minutes a car had pulled up beside her rolling it's window down.

Inside was a older woman with frizzled grey hair wearing a hair net. "Oh come on in dear" the women told her opening the passenger door.

Allium had only been in a car a few times, it was still slightly odd. She was also used to her fathers flying car.

"Now where are you headed sweetie?" the women asked her starting up the car again.

"Privet drive in Surrey, I'm going to visit a friend" Allium told her which got her a surprised look from the women.

"Well what luck I live on the next street" the women said smiling, she started up the car.

"I'm Ms. Figg by the way, may I know your name?"

"Allium, Allium Weasley"

Ms. Figg knew that name, knowing instantly who the girl was going to see.

The drive was a long for Allium since she wasn't used to sitting in a car so long.

She knew what she was doing could be called stupid, but she was also worried since Harry hadn't been answering their letters.

Allium had to endure Ms. Figg talking about her cats for rye while ride. The whole reason she was even in Saint Catchpole was to get something fer her cat.

When Ms. Figg told her they were only five minutes away she couldn't help but feel relief.

Ms. Figg dropped her off at the end of Privet drive. As Ms. Figg drive off wishing her well wishes she couldn't help but think at how odd the houses looked.

The sameness of all of them was simply disturbing to her.

She walked down the ride looking for number four. When she finally figured out the number system she stood in front of the house.

It was hard for her to imagine that Harry would live somewhere like this.

She walked up the concrete pathway up to the door. She could hear yelling inside by a man clearly upset.

She tried to remember how muggles entered someone's home since Hermione had explained it to her.

She did as Hermione told her and raised her fist, hitting the door lightly each three times.

She could hear a slight commotion on the inside.

The door opened showing Harry, he was small and skinny which Allium always complained about saying he needed to eat more, with brilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that was always untidy. He wore round glasses, and on his forehead was a thin, lightning-shaped scar.

She chuckled at the shocked look on his face.

"Hey there Harry"

Harry was still shocked to see one of his friends

"Allium! What are you doing here? How are you here?" The boy questioned her.

"Well one it's your birthday, second you haven't been responding to any of our letter everyone is very worried"

Harry was even more shocked, she remembered his birthday?!?!?.

Also what letters?

"Letters I haven't gotten any"

This made Allium give him a weird look. Her and Ron had sent quite a few.

"That's odd we've sent quite a lot but never mind that it's your birthday" she said happily clapping her hands together.

Harry was happy that she was there though he was worried about the Dursley's reaction to another wizard. "But Allium you know how my family is about our kind"

She only smiled at him. Harry recognized this, it wasn't her normal one, it meant she had a mischievous idea.


A voice yelled from inside the house. Harry simply shrugged his shoulders and motioned for Allium to come in.

He head her to the room where the Dursley's were sat in.

Petunia Dursley froze when she saw the two in the doorway. A boy and a girl, the girl with bright ginger hair looking similar to her late sister. Harry had already looked so much like his father.

"Now, who is this" Vernon Dursley said putting on a kind demeanour to the stranger.

"A friend from school" Harry said grinning brightly.

All the Dursley's looked like they had tasted something sour. Dudley ran from the room sorely remembering what happened last time another wizard showed up.

"Hello Mrs. Dursley, Mr. Dursley. I'm Allium, Allium Weasley. Sorry for the interruption but my family and I have been worried about Harry, he hasn't been returning our letters" Allium said putting on the kindest smile she could muster.

"Oh well of course he's been busy, now why don't you two head outside it's a beautiful day" Petunia said trying to get the two away.

Allium and Harry happily obliged, Allium because she didn't like these two muggles and Harry so he could catch up with Allium.

Harry brought Allium to a park near where he lived. Harry had bombarded Allium with questions on how her summer had been.

Allium explained about how her mother was constantly annoyed with her and her fathers coldness.

The two sat on a park bench where Allium put her feet on Harry's lap which made him laugh since it was weirdly comforting. That nothing had changed, they were still friends.

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