The Commander And Assassin.

By MajesticxEffect

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Commander Jane Shepard, Saviour of the Citadel, First human Spectre and Captain of the once Normandy SR1, now... More

The Assassin.
The Very Model Of A Scientist Salarian.
Urdnot Grunt.
I'll Kill Him!
Poker Night.
Pity Fuck.
The Sins Of A Father.
Shore Leave.
The Great Commander Shepard.
Strained Relationship.

"Now You Show Up?!"

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By MajesticxEffect

Shepard had to give some of her charm to convince Bailey to help them when he found out it was Kelham they needed. It seemed Bailey had a deal with Kelham, he'd buy C-sec charity ball tickets each year and Bailey left him alone with most of his... operations. But Shepard was able to win him over and soon Kelham was being dragged unconscious to the integration room.

"Shepard, his lawyer is close, be quick," Bailey warned as he left her and Thane to deal with the lawyer that was just minutes away.

"How do you want to play this?" Thane asked as they walked through the back doors. Shepard knew she was better as the bad cop, the heavy N7 armour and guns strapped to her back gave it away.

"You be good cop, I'll threaten the asshole if I have to." Thane nodded and let her walk in first. Kelham had woken up with a bloodied lip, he laid strapped to the integration bed.

"Get me out of here, Bailey." He stopped when his eyes landed on the human and Drell walking through the door. "Who the hell are you too?" Shepard and Thane looked at each other before putting their hands behind their backs and walking to either end of the bed.

"You gave another Drell information on an assassin, who's the target?" Thane asked in a calm but stern voice. Kelham chuckled at him and shook his head, refusing to talk. Shepard clenched her fist and punched the back of his head.

"Mr Kelham, my partner asked you a question. Do us all a favour and answer him." Thane narrowed his eyes, judging the human as he had a stare-off with Shepard.

"I ain't answering, frog boy," he spat. Shepard stood beside him, holding her armoured plated arm up against his throat.

"You'll answer the fucking Spectre who will strangle you if you don't," she threatened. Kelham looked at her, his eyes becoming wide in shock as he realised who she was.

"Joram... Joram Talid. Turian on the right-hundred blocks. You have to hurry," he says in fear. Shepard slowly removes her arm, keeping contact with him as she backs away.

"Thank you for being so cooperative," Thane says as they both leave. They bump into his Lawyer on the way out, the other human was ready to shout at them both but Shepard quickly shut him up by waving her Spectre status at him.

"Did he talk? Why did he hire the boy?" Bailey asked as they joined him in the hallway.

"Joram Talid, big named Turian?" Shepard asked. Bailey nodded, his name had crossed his desk one too many times.

"Anti-human representative6. Became real big after the Citadel battle, he believes humans are to blame for the Geth revolt." Shepard laughed as she looked at the floor, Thane raised a brow ridge as he held his hands behind his back.

"Last I checked Saren was the leader for them, who's Turian, not human," she nearly snorted. Bailey nodded in agreement, Talid didn't have much argument but many followed him. It made sense for Kelham to want him dead.

"Sergent get these two to a cab for the eight hundred blocks, now," he commanded the female sergeant who stood behind them. She saluted as darted off to get the cab ready.

"Why are you helping us, Bailey?" Shepard asked as they all walked back out to join Garrus. Bailey shrugged his shoulders, becoming awkward.

"I know what it's like to not be in contact with your own kids, haven't spoken to my own in a long time. He is trying, that's worth helping," he says motioning to a silent Thane. He partly bowed, not saying anything to the man's reasoning to be helpful.


Finding Talid was easy, finding Kolyat was harder. Thane knew what Kolyat would look like even with him being much older and taller. Drell face patterns don't change with puberty, he could recognize his son in a crowd of a million.

Shepard walked through the catwalks, tailing Talid and the Krogan bodyguard, Thane followed down below. Shepard tried with all her might to look out for him, but he generally became part of the shadows even when he commented he could see either Valid or Shepard in the catwalks.

They'd near the end and finally, Shepard saw him. A Drell, he had some colouring of Thane and then a hint of yellow, almost a gold tinge. She didn't know what else to do when she watched him approach Talid.

"Kolyat!" Shepard screamed, and Drell turned to the call of his name. Talid turned around at the same time. Kolyat panicked and shot his pistol, killing the Krogan. "Thane?" Shepard called as she climbed down, Thane was right by her side as they ran after Talid and Kolyat into his apartment.

"I saw," he responded as they ran down the hall. Talid apartment was easy to find with the door being kicked in by Kolyat. They both walk in, Thane unharmed but Shepard had a pistol pointed at him.

"This... this is a joke, right? Now, now you turn up?" Kolyat spits as he holds the gun to the back of kneeling Turians neck.

"Son put the gun down," Thane commanded. Kolyat shook his head. Holding the gun even tighter. Bailey had joined, and the news of the dead Krogan travelled fast. He stood next to Shepard. "They'll be snipers outside," Thane whispered, trying to reason with his son.

"I don't care, I'm leaving and he's coming with me." Talid hissed as the gun barrel was pressed against his head.

"Help me, Drell, I'll do whatever you want," he begged. Shepard had enough, she shot the light just behind Kolyat. It distracted him enough to turn and lower the gun, Shepard moved in and pushed him back as she swiped the gun from his hand.

"Talid, get the hell out of here. You speak of nothing that happened or I'll deal with you myself," she threatened. Talid quickly got to his feet, nodding as he flew out of his apartment. "Kolyat, your dad doesn't have much time left, just hear him out," she requested as she moved behind Thane.

He gave her a small nod as he closed the distance between himself and Kolyat. "Son, I'm sorry for all... this. This was not a life I or your mother wanted."

"Why do you care about your mother? You were never there when she was alive, let alone dead," he hissed. Thane looked at the ground, feeling himself breaking inside.

"I hunted them down, the triggermen and ring leaders who killed her." Kolyat dropped his defensive stance, shocked at the revelation.

"What?" he gasped.

"Kolyat," Thane mumbled, still looking at the floor. "I've taken many bad things from this world, you're the only good thing I've added to it." Kolyat broke down at his words, the tears fell down his cheeks. Bailey cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

"This isn't a conversation to have with strangers. Officer, get a room for Kolyat and his father to talk in private." The officers nodded as he led Thane and a crying Kolyat to the C-sec car outside.

"Thank's, Bailey," Shepard muttered as she followed him out.

Bailey scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, well, send me a Christmas card or somethin'," he muttered in reply.


Shepard left with Garrus to deal with Sidonis; she promised to meet Thane back at Bailey's desk when she was done. The ride in the car was deathly silent, Kolyat wouldn't speak to anyone. The room they were given was mostly dark with a table and two chairs at either side.

"Son?" Thane asked as he looked at his son's bowed head. Kolyat's leg shook in with anxiety.

"Why did you leave?" he asks as he finally looks up. His scales glistened with his tears.

"I had to when I returned to find your mother dead and you cowering for your life... I..." He paused, the memory taking over. "The smell, smoke and heat sinks. Windows busted, doors kicked in. I enter quietly, ready to kill. Then the smell, blood... her blood. She lay dead, clothes ripped, scales torn. "Siha?" I whisper, no response. Gunshot to the head... to the chest. My son, I think. Back hiding room. The house is in dismay, our belongings looted. I found him, hiding in my wardrobe. "Son?" I called. He looks up, tears stained, huddled in a small protective ball. "Come to me, son. You are safe," I say in anger, 'I will avenge her'." He snaps back to the present, Kolyat stares at him wide-eyed and drops open-mouthed. "I hunted those down and made them suffer, that's why I left."

Kolyat swallowed heavily, his words dry and bitter, "why didn't you return when you killed them?" Thane looked down at his hands.

"I tried, but you were older and became... sick. Hunting your mother's killers made me forget about myself. I stopped looking after myself... Son," he paused as he looked at Kolyat. "I have Keprels."

"No," Kolyat cried. "How... How much longer do you have?"

"Twelve months at most," he mumbles. Kolyat cries again, Thane takes his hand in his. "I am sorry, son. I cannot give you ten years back of what I never gave you. But I will give you what I have left."

"Who is the human?" Kolyat asks with near disgust. Thane knew he knew, whether it was Shepard's pheromones or his father's sub vocals.

"Commander Shepard, I am sure you know her?" Kolyat nodded, he heard more than plenty about Shepard, even about her death and then resurrection.

"Who is she to you?" he asks more clearly. Thane blinked a few times before answering.

"She... she's my Siha," he proudly admits. Kolyat looks almost disgusted but doesn't say anything on the subject. He nods and drops it. "I have to return to the ship, I am on an important mission."

"The Collectors?" Kolyat guessed. "I overheard Shepard and Turian speaking about it." Thane nodded with confirmation. "Will you return, or are you leaving me again?"

Thane shook his head, "I will fight with all my might to return to you, son. Then I will be with you again."


Shepard had arrived back before Thane was finished, she sent Garrus back to the ship. She stopped him from killing Sidonis, the man wasn't worth it. He obviously had PTSD from what he'd done.

Bailey was typing in his console, being weirdly quiet until Shepard commented on them both being gone for such a long time. "That kid seems to have had a hell of it. Nearly ten years ago a lot of bad people disappeared." He looked up at Shepard, "the prime suspect was a Drell."

Shepard leans into the desk, she wasn't about to let them take Thane from her. "Ten years is a long time, the man is probably dead by now."

Bailey stares at her but nods and closes the terminal. "Not my problem," he mutters. The side doors opened and Thane finally emerged, looking like the weight of the world had finally come off his shoulders.

"How did it go?" Shepard asked as he joined them both at the desk.

"We..." He stops to look at the floor. "Our problems will not be fixed with a few words, we will see if time can heal those wounds." Shepard patted his shoulder and offered a reassuring smile.

"Your son shot some people, not one I cared for. I am unsure of what to do with him." He looks at Shepard. She didn't come this far for Kolyat to get arrested for murder.

"Kid wants to make a difference, get him doing some community service." Bailey narrows his eyes.

"Community service for murder, what type of jury would buy that?" Shepard leans on her hip, crossing her arms over her chest.

"None, this would have to stay right out of C-sec. I can pull some strings if I must." Bailey got up.

"Interesting, I'll think about it." He shook both their hands, Thane thanking him for all his help as they both returned to the ship.

"Come see me when you get the chance," Shepard whispers as she walks ahead to the ship. Thane smirked as he looked at the armour around her ass and waist complimented her figure.


"Siha?" Thane called as he entered her cabin. Shepard was sitting on her bed, reading a datapad.

"Hey, how are you doing? Thing's improving with Kolyat?" Thane walked down the stairs and sat at the end of her bed, looking at the floor as he spoke.

"We have sent some messages. He is helping Bailey and promised to improve his behaviour... It is a start. Thank you for helping me," he adds. Shepard puts the datapad on her bedside table and scoots closer to him. Thane smiles as she lays her head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad I could, either way, I wasn't going to let Kolyat get arrested. We could have brought him to Normandy if we had to." Thane stroked her auburn hair from her face, letting his warm scales trace her long hair.

"I don't think this ship would be the best place for him. We are on a difficult mission." Shepard shrugged her shoulders and nodded. That was past her mind now, she wanted Thane for the night. "What are you thinking about?"

Shepard moves her arm to cup around his neck, slowly moving his face towards her as she was intended on his lips. "You," she whispers as their lips brush. Thane lost all his control and pushed his lips back into hers with more pressure.

Shepard pulled the collar of his jacket as they fell back into the bed, Thane complied and held himself over her. She opened her legs to let him settle in as he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

"Siha," he says between kisses. "My venom?" Shepard hums, not caring as she starts to unbutton his leather shirt, he complied and pulled back to pull his jacket and shirt off. Shepard does the same but leaves her bra on.

Thane kisses down her neck and chest, tracing his way down to her breasts. He growled as he aggressively lifted her effortlessly and unclips her bra with expert precision. Shepard removes her hold from his neck and pulls her arms through so it could fall to the floor with her other clothes. Thane kissed around her nipples and then gently bit down, Shepard threw her head back in pleasure.

Shepard moved her hand between them and rubbed his growing member. Thane bit down harder on her breast, she moaned and started to fumble with his trousers which were incredibly hard to get off.

"Jesus, Thane. Get these off," Shepard groaned in frustration. Thane got off the bed chuckling at her, he slowly took them off, letting her see in anticipation as she was greeted with his hard dick. "You're incredible," she mumbles as she pulls her trousers down and lays ready for him.

"You are beautiful, Siha," Thane replies as she gets back on top. He wanted to take it slow, but it seemed Shepard was too impatient as she already had a hand between them and guided himself in her. "Impatient," he comments with a smirk.

Shepard moaned and lightly slapped his bare arm, "when you walk around in those fucking leather clothes all day, I will be impatient," she replies as Thane started to rock his hips. Shepard threw her head back into the pillow, his ridges rubbing perfectly against her wet walls.

He didn't keep it slow for long when Shepard was chanting his name as if he was a god. The bed rocked under their fast rate, Shepard felt herself getting close but was disappointed when Thane pulled himself out and got up.

"What are you doing?" she groaned. Thane pulled her up and spun her around to bed down. "Oh," she mumbled as he slammed back into her, she bent over the bed as his will. He slammed himself into her, the sound of moans and wet bodies filled the room.

"I'm close, Siha," Thane mutters as his body is laid over her to get as deep as he could inside her. Shepard's loud moan sent him over the edge as he filled himself inside her. Thane collapsed over her, rolling his hips which made her orgasm. It took all of Shepard's will not fall to the bed. "You are so tight," Thane groaned as he slowly pulled himself out, Shepard groaned as she felt empty again.

They both lay on the bed, panting heavily. Shepard felt as if she could fall asleep right then but she felt Thane rub his hand over her ass. "Don't tell me you can go again?" she asked as she rolled over to face him, her leg draped over his hip.

"Drell have perfect stamina, including in bed," Thane says in a chipper, deep voice. Shepard only groaned as she kissed him, happy to comply for a second time.

They both made love throughout the night, nothing could ruin their night together. Not even the Collectors. 

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