Por ACRobbinson

47.9K 1.9K 201

What happens when you mix pheromones, a little drunken bravery, families and an arranged marriage ? Find out... Mais

Authors Note
Character List part 1
Character list part 2


1.1K 54 5
Por ACRobbinson



A/N: Hi Loves, I'm back with another one. Hope you all enjoy, happy Reading 😊.

Over the next weeks the pair became closer since their deceleration of their non-negotiables. Openly going on dates, being honest and Gulf moving into the main bedroom.

The inseparability causing Gulf to go into his first heat since being wed. the blissful carnal marathon lasting three days.

Leaving Gulf annoyed at not being able to move and Mew gingerly teasing him for the next two.

Making Gulf realise that in the heat of the moment. -pun intended- They didn't use protection. Sending panic to his system.

A panic that sent him running to the nearest pharmacy, buying up three pregnancy tests.

The worry soon disappeared once he bought the pregnancy tests. Testing them out over the course of the day all resulting in a big fat 'NOT PREGNANT' to their relief.

After some discussion, both weren't opposed to the idea of having children. They just wanted to spend more time together, finish University at least, before thinking of starting a family. Have more time to be young and free and just them.

Gulf had to admit, the thought of a little Mew or Gulf running around sounded very lovely. The idea brought a sweet smile to his lips.


One Saturday, after breakfast, Mew found himself sitting in their living room finishing off some paperwork for the business, sipping his tea he heard the hurried footsteps of his Omega.

The light scent of chocolate and cinnamon followed behind him in his rush to the front door. Mew looked over, seeing his wife in an outfit too irresistible for those piranha alphas out there.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Enquired Mew.

"I'm hanging out with the WAGS today at Mall we're going shopping." Gulf replied with a smile.

"Dressed like that?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You can't, you're too tempting." Mew whined; squarely watching Gulf, predatorily gazing, licking his lips as he did so.

"Nuhah down Alpha. You know I'm only for you, so save that feeling for later." Gulf winked.

Mew chuckled and pouted. "... Hold on, did you say WAGS?"

"Hmm yeah. That's the name P'Saint decided to call our little group. It's all the other halves of you F4's and then some. It stands for Wives and Girlfriends."

Mew stared at him in bewilderment, he could see how Saint would get a kick out of it. He's been wanting to have some other people other than four of us to talk to.

Mews train of thought was interrupted by the ringing of Gulfs phone.

*Ring Ring*


"Hi Nong! You ready? I'm downstairs."

"Yeah, I'll be down there in two mins."

Gulf ended the call, picking up his crossbody bag he rushed toward Mew placing a chaste kiss upon his check and hastened to the front door.

"Hey Gulf! You're not wearing that!" Mew shouted across the living room, falling out of his stunned stupor.

Gulf ignored him continuing to put on his shoes.

"Bye P'."

"Gulf!" Mew warned.

Grinned Gulf sending an air kiss Mew's way, closing the door behind him.


Gulf walked out of the apartment building and into a wating White Mercedes-Benz GLA 250.

"Hi P!" Gulf greeted Saint as he opened the passenger side door and climbing in.

"Hey Gulfie!" Saint replied with a smile.

Saint started the car and moved onto their next destination, Yiwa's. where she and Mannow would be waiting, they got into an amiable chat. Until Gulf, had gotten noticeably quieter.

"What's wrong Nong?" Saint inquired, taking a passing glance at his passenger before refocusing on the road.

Gulf quietly sniffed the air, looking around the vehicle trying to find the source of his irritation, or discomfort.

"P don't' you smell that?"

"Smell what?" Puzzled Saint. Saint wondered what his Nong could be on about since there was no one and nothing in the car but the two of them. – so far.

"Seriously P! you don't smell the stink of Kimchi and boiled eggs" Gulf changed tack, quick to realise he'd been gauche. "P... you didn't have it for breakfast, did you?"

"Yes, I did." Saint said resolutely. "I'm sorry you find it so revolting, but I won't apologise for the combination." Huffing as he did so.

"Sorry P." Gulf waied, thinking it the better part of valour to remain quiet and not put his foot in it anymore then he already did.

The two had arrived at Yiwa's still having not spoken a word to each other, since the bad smell notification. Gulf called Yiwa, informing them that they were downstairs.

The embarrassed silence continued.

There was a voracious knock on the car windows signalling Mannow and Yiwa's arrival, opening the doors and sliding gracefully into the backseat.

"Hey!" said Mannow.

"Hey guys." Said Yiwa.

The front pair greeted them back. Saint started the car and drove off. The two still in an awkward silence.


They arrived in the Car Park of Siam Paragon Mall.

"Ok I can't take this anymore, you two do know that you have not said a word to each other since we've gotten into to car. Furthermore, you won't even look at one another?" exasperated Mannow.

"I don't care what happened but you're going to kiss and make up before we get out of this car. I'm not looking this good and spending my day with two gloomy bastards. Go on make up." Yiwa's stubborn streak settled in.

Gulf knew it was futile to try and make an excuse to wiggle out of it.

"I really am sorry again P'Saint, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Gulf pouted, knowing it would soften Saint up.

Saint glanced at Gulfs apt imitation of Puss-in-Boots, and caved in. Unfurling his arms and let out a sigh.

"Not gonna lie. It did hurt my feelings, just a little more tact when you speak ok. but I do accept your apology and I'm also sorry for the attitude." He smiled, much to the relief of Gulf.

"Uh ah, she did say to Kiss and make up, didn't I?"

Both turned towards the back seat with an incredulous look on their face.

"don't look at me like that! we're wating. We are not getting out of this car until you do hurry up the sooner you get it done, the sooner we can start shopping."

"We're not asking you two to snog, just a quick peck and a hug and you're alright." Said Mannow.

The two shrugged and embraced in a hug, both plump lips briefly touching before pulling away.

"That's better." Mannow smiled.

"Come on you idiots lets shop."


The WAGS wondered the mall. Garnering various degrees of attention from passers-by; Accumulating shopping bags from any store that took their fancy. Filling their arms with a mass of goods.

They were in a lavish shop looking around, Yiwa looking at the jewellery whilst Gulf and Saint examined the bags.

Gulf began to sniff again.

What now? Thought .

"Whose stupid enough to think it would be a good idea to eat something with tuna fish and garlic and be a shop assistant for fuck sake. It stinks." Gulf muttered under his breath.

He didn't say it to anyone, but that didn't mean he wasn't overheard.

Saint's peripheral caught sight of a petite sales assistant trying to slyly check her breath and sniff the collar of her jacket. Saint didn't smell anything but, judging by her reaction he must've been right on the money.

Saint frowned as he thought, it was not the first time or second time today that Gulf had been accurate about a smell that no one else could detect.

I wonder if... no way... he couldn't be ...

"Nong, you, ok? are feeling alright?"

"Yes, Sainty why?"

"it's just that you've been a bit more irritable than usual recently, something wrong?"

Gulf pondered for a second. "Not really P'... it's just that I'm finding random smells really irritating recently."

"Oh really..."

Saint dropped the matter and returned to the bag he'd been holding, but not before meeting Yiwa's eyes, who seemed to overhear the conversation regard him with speculation. Seeming to be calculating the same thing in her mind as his.

Saint walked to the cashiers' desk, purchasing the bag he'd been holding. When Mannow popped alongside him with two pairs of shoes.

"I'm starving! After this why don't go and get something to eat? Please! All this shopping I need carbs."

The gang laughed and agreed.


The Restaurant was popular with the young, professional and wealthy.With its Instagram-worthy interior, plush seats and great food. The WAGS walked in and were shown their seats, drawing attention from the other dinning patrons. Not that any of that mattered to them, they settled in their booth.

Once a jug of ice-cold water was brought to their table, A well-dressed alpha approached. Clean shaven, strong jaw, styled clothes. He looked like he could have walked out of a photoshoot, if it wasn't for a shirt with no tie, open two buttons too low, purposely exuding a slight set of alpha pheromones.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but I just had to come over and say that you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. As soon as you walked through the door you took my breath away, my names Victor by the way, I hope that we could go on a date and get to know each other better."

Gulf continued to pay him no mind; still happily reading the menu in front of him. silence surrounded the table, eyes flitting between one another.

"I think he's talking to you Saint." Deflected Yiwa.

"Nuh ah, I 'm in a relationship, he's obviously talking to you Mannow." Brushed off Saint.

"No, he's definitely looking at Gulf."

Saint turned to the guy and awkwardly asked whom he was talking to.

The man scoffed and said, "Obviously him."

Directing his thumb in Gulf's direction. He still didn't look up only jerking to attention at the subtle kick from Saint to his shin alerting him to the new guest.


He leaned in slightly, making sure to have Gulfs attention and repeated his spiel.

"As I was just saying, I liked the way you looked from the moment you walk through the door, I think we'd look good together. Shall we go on a date?"

Gulf showed his left hand, spreading out his fingers, wiggling them in his face. The diamond from his ring finger, sparkling in Victor face.

Without caring he simply replying I'm married and went back to his menu.

The man tried to regain his composure smoothed his jacket and walked back to his table.

"That was cold." Remarked Mannow

"Oh, don't bother pitying him, men like him won't be so easily disparaged over a rejection, he's only looking for one thing. Next time someone says something like that to you, ask them what colour eyes you have and how they can better your life."

Yiwa whistled impressed by Gulf's levelheadedness, she inferred that maybe it comes from everyone always wanting something from you not really caring about the real you.


Their food arrived; Gulf's nose started acting up again. Sniffing his way around the table. He reminded Yiwa of a sniffer dog, but cuter.

A plate of poached eggs on avocado toast passed under his nose he caught one whiff and made a very brisk walk into the toilet. Yiwa and Saint exchanged silent signals, Yiwa gesturing for him to go and check on Gulf.

The girls flagged down a waiter and asked them to pack up the remaining food but not the poached eggs and paid. Leaving the restaurant with all their belongings and Saints keys. Texting Saint to come back to the car instead of the table as the have their stuff.


After twenty minutes, Saint and Gulf entered the Car Park. Saint placing Gulf delicately in the front seat, closing the door before getting into his own.

"Gulfie... are you feeling better?" Mannow asked cautiously.

Gulfs only replay was a brief but delicate nod.

Saint and Yiwa exchanged glances, Yiwa nodded affirmatively.

Saint cautiously swallowed his saliva before speaking. "Gulfie listen to me. There's something I am going to say to you, and I don't want you to interrupt me before I've finished. Ok?"

He nodded.

"For a little bit now, we've noticed some irregular behaviour from you. Like your oversensitive sense of smell, more than usual irritability, lethargy, and other things. Because of this, we think it'd be appropriate for us to go to a pharmacy, pick up a couple of things and all head back to Yiwa's. so, that you ... can take a pregnancy test."

Gulf remained still, only blinked slowly. Saint took the silence as a yes and drove on.

Only once they parked outside of an out of the way Pharmacy, did Gulf regain his wits.

"Where are we? What are we doing?"

"We are at the pharmacy, to buy a couple of pregnancy tests, then we're going to Yiwa's house for you to take the tests." Saint reiterated calmly.

"You don't need to do that I've already taken one. I'm not pregnant." He stated.

"What!?" Mannow and Saint shouted in unison.

"Explain?" Said Yiwa.

"Well about a month ago, I went into my first heat as a married man and, we lost ourselves in it, if you know what I mean."

"hm" the rest encouraged.

"Well after heat passed and we were back to ourselves, I realised - too late. That we were too far gone to remember to use protection. So, I panicked and bought three of the best pregnancy sticks out there. Went back home and over the next twenty-four hours peed on all six sticks every four hours. All came up with Not Pregnant."

            "If that's the case then, it may just have given you a false negative result. – I'm not a doctor. But this, and your behaviour earlier, just confirms my point for you to take another one. And after whatever result, book an emergency doctor's appointment, so that they can do all the relevant tests and be one hundred percent sure either way." Explained Saint.

"I-" Gulf opened his mouth to protest.

"I know, you can't book an appointment cause your mother will know. I understand. I thought of that. So, here's what we do, we just need to book it under Saints name, explain to your doctor that its you not Saint and ask not to tell your mother yet. Alright." Reasoned Yiwa.

Saint and Mannow alighted from the car and went into the pharmacy. Yiwa squeezed his shoulder in reassurance, falling back into her seat as she knew there was nothing else, she could say to Gulf that would get through. Gulf sighed and focused his attention to the views outside the window.


The WAGS scattered themselves on the sofa in Yiwa's living room. Tv on, sound up absentmindedly lost in their own worlds. Hands clasped around now lukewarm mugs of tea.


The shrill of the timer went off in the distance, startling back to life.

They all focused on Gulf. "Do you want to look or shall I?" Mannow asked.


Mannow rose from her comfortable spot on the sofa, treading her way across the apartment and into the bathroom. Gulf mindlessly tapped out a rhythm along the sides of his mug.

Five minutes later, Mannow emerged from the bathroom slowly walking towards the anticipatory group. All looking back at her like meerkats.

"Well?" promoted Saint.


Gulf and Saint waited in the expertly but sensibly furnished doctor's office, waiting for their doctor to arrive.

As soon as they called up, namedropping that a 'Kanawut-Suppasit' was calling to make an emergency appointment on behalf of his friend; worked to speed up securing an appointment and have Gulf's personal Doctor be the physician in charge. It obviously didn't hurt that Gulf's family owned the hospital and is treated with the utmost importance.

When they arrived, the two were immediately shown to the doctor's office. Although Gulf knew he could cut the queue, he didn't want to misuse this privilege. Gulf said to the nursing staff who showed them the way, that they didn't have to attend to them, as there were obviously more important and sicker patients to attend to, than 'his friend' They would have no trouble in waiting for the Doctor to finish his rounds.

This was met with cheerful smiles and reverence from the nursing staff.

Thirty minutes later, a tall, lithe, good-looking Doctor – whom Saint assumed to be in his mid-thirties walked in.

Upon entry he smiled seeing Gulf waiting in his office, he waied his greeting and congratulated him on his nuptials. They waied back respectfully.

"I understand that you made an appointment for your friend. Khun.."

"Saint Suppapong, P'"

"Well actually," Gulf interrupted "I need a favour..." the trepidation evident in his voice.

Doctor John frowned and waited for Gulf to continue.

"We kind of lied. The appointment is not for Saint it's for me... I need you to do some tests for pregnancy for me but not under my name. not yet," He hurried to add.

"anyway. I knew that if I made an emergency appointment for myself, my mother would be notified immediately, and I'd be asked why till she got an answer. We thought if it was this way, she would think nothing more of it other than me accompanying my friend for an appointment. It would just be the one time, till we knew which way or the other."

The doctor sat and contemplated. "Ok, I get it. Your mother can be quite formidable at times." He finished politely.

"Well, I can do that for you under your friends name, but as long as you understand its ONLY ONCE."

They nodded quickly, at the firmness of his voice, the brokered no argument.

"Now tell me why you think you are pregnant?"

Gulf repeated the same story he told the others in the car earlier, and how they started to notice symptoms. Once the doctor understood, they went forward with all the relevant examinations.

After all tests are completed, Dr John informed them it might take a couple of hours and might want to go for a walk and stretch their legs.

They declined, saying they were fine to wait in his office.

He left the two of them to their own devices, shutting the door behind him he felt a little sorry for Gulf. what he recognised in that room was a young man who was scared shitless.


Saint parked, removing his seatbelt as he turned to Gulf who looked out the window still completely dazed.

"How are you doing?" Saint asked, looking over watching his silent friend.

"To be honest... I'm not really sure."

"So, are you going to tell Mew? Now that you know you're pregnant."

"Gulfie speak to me." Saint pouted. He urged Gulf for a minute still not getting the same response.

Gulf ran his hands over his face, remember all that transpired in the Doctor's office.


They waited just over an hour for all the test results to come back, Gulf watched Doctor John walk back into the room and sit behind his desk. Gulf could've sworn that it was the longest walk he'd ever seen anybody take.

Dr John kept reading and rereading over the results before taking a deep breath and looking towards the young pair.

"Gulf I have results and I can confirm that you are indeed pregnant,"

"Ok." The hold on Saints hand tightened, he didn't even know from when he'd been holding it.

The doctor looked on worriedly at Gulf, who looked paler than usual.

"Nong Gulf it's going to be alright, ok? What I'm going to do now is an ultrasound so we can see just how far along you are, and from there I can explain what all your options are. Alright, I want this to be a relaxing time for both you and baby."

Gulf honestly didn't know what hit him. One moment he was out was with some friends the next he was on his back whilst the good Doctor hooked up the machine and poured cold gel onto his lower abdomen.

Having Dr John search for a little bit, but ultimately finding what looked like a little peanut and confirming that I was about 3 weeks along.

After they got all the information Dr John could give, subtly urging to come back to start regular check-ups under Gulf name. handing us the ultrasound pictures.

He manged to get back to the car looking like there was nothing wrong with him. All thanks to his mother's training. Not before Saint started to supress tears, saying he was all happy for Gulf, but didn't want to weird him out.

Gulf smiled to make him feel better. Resting my head against the window as he drove on.


"C'mon Gulf, speak to me. What do you think? What are you feeling?" Saint pestered.

With a heavy sigh he spoke again.

"Honestly I don't know. I don't know what to think! I've got all these thoughts and feelings tumbling around each other in my head that if I was to explain it, it would honestly sound like static. The shock of confirming that I am pregnant, and it wasn't a false positive or false negative or whatever, hasn't worn off yet. So, I'm... numb. Numb is the only way I can describe it. Don't get me wrong I'm happy about having kids and I'm ecstatic, about having kids with Mew. I just didn't think that we'd be starting a family so soon. We're still in college and I know we're not hurting for money or a place to stay. but I just wanted it to be us for a little bit, and maybe establish something... like my own business, without any added responsibilities. And not be known just as the Kanawut Omega or Mews Wife. And Oh MY God! I'm going to be a parent! I'm going to have to be responsible for someone life. I'm not ready to be a parent, I'm still young... we're still young. Oh my gosh! Is he going to want to stay with me? Will he want the baby? Will he still like me when I get fat?"

Gulf stared to hyperventilate, and it was scaring Saint. Saint gently grabbed him by the shoulder and called his name, leaning over and embracing him in a warm hug whispering its ok and I'm here for you, rubbing continuous circles on his back.

Ten minutes of gentle encouragement later, Gulf realised that he'd been out for almost the whole day, and it was dark outside. Mew was bound to start blowing up his phone if he didn't get a move on.

"I think I better go up now, I can't stay in this car forever." He opened the door and alighted.

Closely followed by Saint, with his shopping bags he completely forgetting about them in all the commotion.

He turned and started to walk away; Saint ran up to him gabbing his arm lightly

"Gulf I just want you to know that if you need anything I'm here for you if you wanna talk just give me a call or text me anytime and that's fine. Don't worry about the girls I'll call them and tell them what's going on. I'll also strongly warn Mannow not to say anything to anyone, especially Techno about this until you're ready okay. You don't have to worry about a thing."

Gulf gave a strained smile, thankful for the friends that he has. continuing to walk into the lobby, pressing the above button for the elevator ...waiting.


Hi loves, hope you enjoyed that chapter. FYI, I do not know any medical terminology, apologies for them not being correct. So please take with a pinch of salt 😋

(Forgive me for the food combos, just tried to think of anything reasonable with a strong smell.)

Please like and comment, I do enjoy reading those.

Stay safe.
Much love, Loves


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