His African Queen || BWWM

By Official_Refiloe

119K 3.5K 414

Marii Dlamini is a beautiful 24 year old South African living in the US. Liam Augero is a handsome 26 year ol... More

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3.1K 121 3
By Official_Refiloe

I woke up in my own bed and got ready for work. I wear a suit that fit me right. After getting everything done I then proceed to work.

I get to the top floor and headed for Liam's office door. I open the door to see Liam's father on Liam's chair. "Oh um James?" I say a bit confused. Why is he here? "It's Mr Augero to you." Oh. Well. "Oh yes of course. I'm sorry." I say putting Liam's coffee. I bought him something new today in hopes that he would like it.

"Miss Dlamini, sit down." he says. I hurriedly make my way to the chairs in front of the desk and sit down. I'm so nervous. "Ever since you have been with my son, my son is nothing but distracted. That cannot be tolerated at all." he says sternly. What does he mean? "Um I'm sorry Sir but I'm confused. Everything is going smoothly."

"According to the accounting department, we lost two million dollars this month. Liam is too busy so-called admiring you to even focus on this company. I also heard you assaulted Miss Evans on your first day." Oh shit. "So as you may know, I still own half of this company. That gives me every right to dismiss you from the company." Wait? Is he-firing me?

"Please sir. I promise I'll work harder, please don't fire me." "I'm sorry but it's already done. You are dismissed to collect your things. You have 10 minutes." I just looked down in defeat, fighting the tears wanting to fall out.

"Thank you." I softly say as I head into my office. Well my old office now. I sit down on my chair and the tears come out. I look up and see two boxes. Wow. Even prepared boxes for me. I take the boxes and put everything of mine in it. Everything fit into the box.

I then place my laptop on top of the desk. I took a sticky note and wrote the password. I then take my box and make my way out. I get to the bottom floor and head straight towards Jade. "Marii?" "Liam's father. He fired me." I say between cries.

"What? Why?" I then tell her the reason he gave me. "Jase, I don't know what to do." "I'm so sorry baby. But you know what we will figure it out together." Jade and I just lock hands. "Let me leave you to work. I'll talk to you later." I say as I make my way out. I can't believe I was fired, again! No one is going to want to hire me now. I get home and flop onto my bed and just let all my emotions out. Worst day ever.

Liam's POV

I drive into the parking lot when I see Marii get into a cab leaving. Where the hell is she going? She probably has to go somewhere important. Well she better be back cause I want to see that pretty face in front of me.

I give my car to the valet who takes my car to the underground parking I have just for me and a few other men. I head into the building and greet Jade. I hear her heels clicking towards me.

"How dare you let your father do that to Marii." "What are you talking about Jade?" I ask her as I walk on to my elevator. "Your father just fired Marii." I immediately stop and turn towards Jade. "What did you just say?" "You heard what I said. Wait you don't know?" she asks. What the fuck?! Why would her do that? "Excuse me." I say as I head towards my office.

I open the door to reveal my father there with Kayla. What the fuck is she doing here? "Father. What is it that I hear? You fired Marii?" "Yes I did. She is distracting you. It was the only choice." "Are you serious right now. Look father I know you don't like her but this is unnecessary."

"The company lost two million this month. This is very much necessary." "Maybe you should question the loss of that money to the Accountant whom you appoint who is very much unqualified for her job." I sau referring to Kayla. I hear her scoff. "Excuse me." she says.

"Don't worry about that she is no longer in the Accounting department." did he just fire Kayla too? "She is now your new Assistant." my mouth gapdd open. I must be dreaming because this can't be happening.

"Can you believe it. Well be together all the time now." Kayla say putting her hands on me. I remove her hands off me. "Get your hands off me." "Liam that is no way to speak to my future daughter-in-law." Oh yeah of course. He's still on this crap.

"Drake must have lost his mind and decided to marry Kayla if she's your 'future daughter-in-law', because I'm only giving my last name to Marii only." my father then immediately stood up. "You are not getting married to that bitch. I won't allow it!" he said hitting the table.

"What I'm not going to let you do is call my woman out of her name!" "Your woman? Liam I am your woman." "Shut the fuck up!" "Now you look her. Don't make me regret giving you everything. I will not watch you destroy everything because of another girl. Now you better leave her before anything bad happens. I will be leaving now. You better make the right choice." he says and continues to leave.

I then feel cold hands lay on my shoulders. "So what do you want to do?" I hear Kayla say. "Get off me." I say removing her hands and walking over to sit on my chair. "You know you need to start speaking to me right. I am your future wife after all." I the let out a laugh. "Why are you so delusional? Get away from my face." I say swatting her off. "Liam-" "Out!" I shout out.

I hear her sniff as she walks out my office. I should care but at this point I don't really care. Poor Marii she must be devastated. I then make a mental note to pass by her place afterwards.

Marii's POV

I was busy sleeping when I hear someone knock on my door. I groan as I wake up. I look at the time. 5:12pm. How long was I asleep? I then head towards the door.

I open the door to reveal Liam standing there with flowers in his hands. Oh please. I then continue to try close the door but he stopped it from closing. "Wait Marii please. I promise you, I didn0't know he would do such. I just don't understand why he's doing this?" "You don't know why he's doing this? (scoff). It's quite obvious he does not like me." I said making my way back to my bed.

I hear the door shut behind me. "Tell me how am I supposed to find a job now. No one will want to hire me." I say putting my face into my hands. "Look how about you just stay at home and I'll pay for everything." I look at him as if he were crazy.

"I will take that look as a no. Okay then I help you find a job, if that's what you want then. But let me take care of you for now." I mean I could do just that. Nothing wrong with that. "Fine but you assist me to a certain limit." "And what limit is that, mi amore?" "You only help when I ask for it, okay." "Alright." he said with his hands up in surrender with a smirk plastered on his face.

We just sat there looking at each other. I then just lay down and he follows. I feel his head nuzzle up my neck. He started leaving trails of kisses on my bare skin making me moan.

"Liam." "Mhmm." he answers still continuing to kiss my skin. "Does your dad know?" "Know what?" he says as he lowers down to my stomach. "That I know about you being a Don and all." he then stops immediately and sighs. "Okay then. I'll take that as a no." he comes back up to meet my face.

"Why you asking?" "No particular reason, just asking." don't yall think today would have gone differently if he had told him. I'm just asking for a friend. "It doesn't matter anyways. He will know. Now I just want to eat."

"You hungry?" "Very." "Okay let me give you some-" I say as I try to sit up. "Lay back down." he says pushing me back down. "What do you mean? My food is right here." he says as he lowers down. I watch him lift my shirt and pull down my underwear.

He then wasted no time and dove right into my pussy. My back started to arch a bit as I ran my fingers into his hair and grab the locks. I feel his beard scratch against my thighs as he eats me out.

I try my best to not make to much noise. These walls are very much thin. Trust me, I know👀 After a while I then cum into his mouth. I then feel him stuck every juice from me. He comes back up and kisses me. "You taste so fucking good Amore." he says and I moan into our kiss.

"Bella I've been meaning to ask you something. Don't you want to um move a few of your things to my house so you could have access to them when you at my house. Who knows maybe all your stuff." I stop him from kissing my neck and made him look at me. "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

"Maybe." "Don't you think it's a bit early to be moving in with each other." He replied a simple 'no'. "Your father is going to be mad." "My father doesn't exist right now. It's just you and me only. So what do you think?" he says looking deep into my eyes making me a nervous.

"Umm can I atleast think about it?" I say. "Yes of course amore." he says placing a kiss on my lips. We then end up snuggling into each other. I took a quick whiff of his scent and slowly fell asleep again.

The next day, I woke up to Liam still here next to me. I look at him as he snores softly into my ears. I reach for my phone to look at the time. 6:46am. If he doesn't wake up soon, we- I mean he will be late.

I then wake him. "Liam baby wake up. You'll be late for work." I said shaking him a little. "Mhm I want to stay here with you." he said snuggling up more into me. "Is this what your dad was talking about when he said I distract you." he immediately looked at me.

He does not seem very happy with what I said. "I am joking, jeez. But seriously get ready." I say. My stomach then growls out of no where. Liam looks at me with a smirk. "You hungry." "Yes cause I slept without eating last night."

"How about I make you something." "Or you could get ready for work and I'll make myself something." "Fine but make me something too." I turn back to look at him. "Please." "I thought so."

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