Unchartered Waters ✅

By ladybugprincess8848

26.9K 668 550

They say some things happen for a reason, and that may be the case here. What if Alex overheard Ryan and Isa... More

Chapter 1: The Diner
Chapter 2: The Rendezvous
Chapter 3: The Confession
Chapter 4: The Confrontation
Chapter 5: The Face-Off
Chapter 6: The Reaction
Chapter 7: The Reaction Part 2
Chapter 8: The Confession
Chapter 9: The Confrontation (Again)
Chapter 10: The Potential Cure
Chapter 11: The Bar Stumble
Chapter 12: The Truth
Chapter 13: The Conversation After
Chapter 14: The Much-Needed Conversation
Chapter 15: The Much Needed Conversation Part 2
Chapter 16: The Return
Chapter 17: The Truth
Chapter 18: The Initial Feelings
Chapter 19: The Photoshoot
Chapter 20: The Apprehensions
Chapter 21: The Pet Monster
Chapter 22: The Outlaw Celebration
Chapter 23: The Circuit of the Americas
Chapter 24: The Completely Tired Appearance
Chapter 25: The Text Message
Chapter 26: The Stale Portion of Life
Chapter 27: The Nashville Trip
Chapter 28: A Whirlwind of Thoughts and Time
Chapter 29: Speeding Through Summer
Chapter 30: A Meeting
Chapter 31: Braves Game
Chapter 32: A Clock for The Hack
Chapter 33: The Shop Meeting
Chapter 34: A Scratchy Throat
Chapter 35: Reminders of the Past
Chapter 36: "I wasn't talking about the championship...."
Chapter 37: An Early Morning
Chapter 38: His House
Chapter 39: The After Discussion
Chapter 40: The Little Secret
Chapter 41: The Wedding
Chapter 42: Conflicted
Chapter 43: A Visit to Georgia
Chapter 44: "Move in with me, please."
Chapter 45: Next Gen Testing
Chapter 46: Taking Advantage of Time
Chapter 47: A Shop Rendezvous
Chapter 48: A Day Off
Chapter 49: A Date for Two
Chapter 50: Slidin' the Sprint
Chapter 51: A Surprise Visitor
Chapter 52: Noisy Blaney
Chapter 54: Burnouts in Nashville
Chapter 55: Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
Chapter 56: Her Visit
Chapter 57: The Emotions
Chapter 58: "I don't know what to feel."
Chapter 59: Building for the Chili Bowl
Chapter 60: The Visitor
Chapter 61: Not Guilty
Chapter 62: Shop Time
Chapter 63: His Testimony
Chapter 64: "Show me what love can be, and allow an escape."
Chapter 65: Finding Comfort
Chapter 66: Any Regrets?
Chapter 67: The Confession
Chapter 68: Merry Christmas
Chapter 69: The Court Room
Chapter 70: Not Guilty
Chapter 71: New Feelings
Chapter 72: Those Feelings
Chapter 73: The Birthday Surprise
Chapter 74: The Afterglow
Chapter 75: Back to Work
Chapter 76: Frazzled
Chapter 77: Unloaded, Ready to Go
Chapter 78: Chili Bowl Time!
Chapter 79: Chili Bowl Nationals
Chapter 80: Chili Bowl Tuesday
Chapter 81: A Break from Chili Bowl
Chapter 82: Chili Bowl Nationals
Chapter 83: Dealing with Nerves and Worry
Chapter 84: ABR's Strong Performance
Chapter 85: Production Days in Charlotte
Chapter 86: Testing in the Desert
Chapter 87: Hooter's Photoshoot
Chapter 88: Hanging in L.A.
Chapter 89: Preparing for the Clash
Chapter 90: The Busch Light Clash
Chapter 91: Rainy Blues
Chapter 92: World of Outlaw Sprint Car Debut
Chapter 93: Barely.....
Chapter 94: World of Outlaw Sprint Cars
Chapter 95: Quick Time!
Chapter 96: Cup Practice
Chapter 97: Golfing Outing
Chapter 98: Bluegreen Vacation Duels
Chapter 99: Cup Practice
Chapter 100: Cup Practice
Chapter 101: Daytona 500
Chapter 102: The Photoshoot
Chapter 103: California Spin Cycle
Chapter 104: Auto Club 400
Chapter 105: The Meeting
Chapter 106: Viva Las Vegas
Chapter 107: Pennzoil 400
Chapter 108: Desert Practice
Chapter 109: Ruoff Mortgage 500
Chapter 110: The Advertisement
Chapter 111: Rainy Day in Georgia
Chapter 112: Going Dirt Racing
Chapter 113: Folds of Honor 500
Chapter 114: Time for Practice....
Chapter 115: Xpel 225
Chapter 116: EchoPark Grand Prix
Chapter 117: Jealousy
Chapter 118: Toyota Owners 400
Chapter 119: A Pole, Finally!
Chapter 119: Blue Emu Maximum Pain Relief 500
Chapter 121: Getting Dirty
Chapter 122: Pinty's Truck Race on Dirt
Chapter 123: Food City Dirt Race
Chapter 124: Bridgeport Motorsports Park
Chapter 125: Talladega Dirt Track
Chapter 126: Dega Qualifying
Chapter 127: Geico 500
Chapter 128: Jealousy
Chapter 129: The Text Message
Chapter 130: A Conversation
Chapter 131: A CAT Scan
Chapter 132: A Concussion
Chapter 133: The After Effect
Chapter 134: What do we do?
Chapter 135: The Note
Chapter 136: The Appointment
Chapter 137: Babysitting Parents
Chapter 138: An Awkward Meeting
Chapter 139: Yellawood 500
Chapter 140: A Celebration
Chapter 141: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 142: Morning After
Chapter 143: Frustration
Chapter 144: Good news.....
Chapter 145: Martinsville Speedway
Chapter 146: Xfinity 500
Chapter 147: Charlotte Motor Speedway
Chapter 148: The Sprint Car
Chapter 149: A Return to Phoenix

Chapter 53: Happy Birthday, Elliott!

191 5 4
By ladybugprincess8848

Alex's POV

Sunday, November 28 – Dawsonville, Georgia

It was the first time that we'd be seeing each other since last weekend.

It'd been a whole week since we saw each other, a whole week since we touched each other, and a whole week since we shared a simple kiss, let alone everything else. How did I manage to survive it all?

Oh, it was also his birthday as well that we would be reuniting on. Of all days possible that we'd be seeing each other, it'd be on one of the most meaningful days of his life in general. Of course, just something else to add to the pressure.

I remembered the message that I sent to Bill yesterday. It was a simple question. I hoped that I wasn't overstepping, or sharing too much, but I had to know for my own planning. There was no point in doing something if it just wasn't going to work out.

"There's no big birthday party planned," he told me in return. "We're just having dessert with family, because you know he can't pass on his mom's famous German Chocolate Cake. You're welcome to join us."

I thought about saying yes, appreciating the offer and the fact he was cool with everything. Sure, I didn't need parent's approval, but it was always a bonus in a relationship. However, I instead turned it down, knowing I could use to this my advantage.

I just hope I hadn't over stepped with sending the message. Bill knew about our feelings originally, but what if Chase wanted to keep things where they were quiet? Anyways, there was no way I could dwell on that topic.

Instead, here I was making the familiar drive back up to Georgia once again. I could very well understand why he felt flying was a better option with how often he did this. Truthfully, I still couldn't believe that he did this on a regular basis.

The only regret was knowing that I couldn't stay over in having commitments tomorrow back in Charlotte. There was still a whole bunch of orders to get shipped out, more midget business to sort through and oh yeah, we can't forget about my day job. Sure, it's the NASCAR off-season, but we're going to be back testing the new car and that needed some commitment.

What off-season, right?

I made the drive to the familiar address and house that I had grown used to. I didn't need to enter the address into the GPS anymore, as I remembered exactly where it was located. I seriously had made too many trips up here already, not that I was about to complain. Instead, I was ready to savor each of those experiences.

I smile in seeing everything neat and tidy as usual, even with the fact he hadn't been home in a single week. Gonna guess that daddy probably checked in on things regularly for him – or maybe momma. After all, he was a momma's boy all the way through.

I thought about just pulling up to the garage, parking in front, though knew that'd spoil everything right away. He'd see my truck right away, and there'd be no point to the rest of the surprise. I wasn't about to allow things to spoil so quickly.

Instead, I pulled around the side, tucking it in the back corner where I knew he had a little extra space that wasn't visible from the road. Remind me to thank him later for sharing some of the property secrets with me.

I climb out of the truck, making my way over to the front porch, and planting my butt in the chair that was out front. Relaxing back with a glance at the time, I knew he'd probably be home soon – at least I hoped. Maybe I should've shared my plan with Bill after all.

Though I also couldn't blame him for having the seat here, either. It was comfortable and the view was perfectly serene. It'd be the perfect spot to come and sit to think about anything that was on your mind.

It was enough to get totally lost in, as I lost track of time, only reminded of the purpose for being here when I heard a rumble coming down the driveway. A smirk forms on my face in recognizing that right away – he was home and I was about to see my favorite human being in the whole wide world.

I watch as he pulls up the driveway, parking in front of the garage with a smile on my face. I had to remain calm. I couldn't start freaking out or screaming – that'd just give everything away. Deep breathes Alex, deep breathes bud. It was only a matter of time now.

If anticipation could kill, that's where I was right now in waiting for him to make his way up to the porch. It seemed every single moment from shutting the truck off, climbing out, closing the door behind him, and hitting the lock button was taking far too long than you'd think. Why couldn't he just do this quickly? Wasn't he tired after his long week of fun? Actually, I hope he isn't too tired because I plan on making the most of his birthday.

The thoughts crossing my mind didn't have to last much longer as he made his way up to where I was, freezing as our eyes locked on each others.

"Dad told me you turned down an opportunity to join us for cake," he starts, to which I nod my head in agreement. I was still nervous about his reaction to messaging Bill to begin with. What if he was mad at me? That wouldn't be a great way to spend his birthday. "I thought you were ditching me on my birthday. I was actually ready to call you and kill you."

"I could never do that to you," I tell him as I stand up, closing the gap that remained between us. "That'd be punishment for me, too."

"I missed you..." I don't think those words needed to be spoken as it was clear by looking into his eyes how much he was endearing this moment right now.

"I missed you even more." I then allow my lips to finally touch his skin, savor the taste that I had been missing for the past week and craving more than anything in the world. Why did I punish myself that way? "Happy Birthday, Elliott. I'm here to offer you as much pleasure and desire as you want."

"So that's my present?" Okay, maybe I could've done better. Actually, fuck, I should've done better. Who falls in love with someone and doesn't get them something for their birthday? What was I thinking? A simple trip to the store, and I wouldn't been a total ass standing right before him right now. "It's better than anything else you could've gotten, because I missed holding you in my arms."

"Well, I am all of yours tonight..." I was also about to savor just as much as him because damn, there's nothing that I can say to make up for the time we had spent apart. It actually felt worse than the months we spent apart prior to this.

"Then why are we still standing out here?" He makes his way past me, unlocking the door and allowing us both to enter the house together.

We didn't get far once inside, as every resistance that I'd been fighting against since arriving at the house and spending that pain staking time waiting for him to reach me couldn't be fought against anymore. As soon as the door shut behind us, I had him pinned back against the hallway wall, my lips pressed against his, taking in every bit of what I'd been missing this past week. God damn, he was the sweetest damn peach and I was absolutely adoring every bit of that taste.

Our lips fighting for dominance, I couldn't resist feeling his skin against mine any longer, slipping my hands under his shirt. Admittedly, it felt weird the first night with how hairy he was – and trust me, he has a whole lot more hair than I probably thought originally. However, it felt so soft and ticklish against my hands that I just wanted to savor it as much as possible.

Our lips only separated for a quick second, as we both removed each other shirts, tossing them aside. I could already see us in the morning looking for our clothes, following the trail that we were about to leave – if we ever made it to the bedsroom that was. I don't know if I could wait that long.

For the record, I still hadn't let him move a single inch, keeping him pinned in the same spot as our lips firmly found each others once again. The kisses felt that much more better this time around as our bare chests touched each other, my cock growing harder by the second. I knew that was something I had to share, as he had to know my resistance for anything was low tonight, grinding my lower half against his, following the same rhythm as the lip movements.

"It seems someone missed me too," he comments afterwards, to which I couldn't help but moan in agreement. Fuck, my cock had certainly missed you boy as you have a way of taking care of me that nobody else knows how.

"But tonight, my dear, it's all about you," I tell him once again, as it was his birthday. He deserved the present, and everything that came with it because he's just that amazing and special.

Before he could have any ideas of his own, I undo the belt on his jeans, reaching my hand in the gap that I had created in the process. I slightly stroke him, still remembering how blessed and special it was in the first moment that he had trusted me to take care of him. So much for him running the full relationship, huh?

"It's not fair to tease someone on their birthday," he comments, which I wasn't about to argue. However, it'd be no fun if we just spoiled everything and went straight to the moment – even though I know my cock would be very damn grateful for that.

"Patience, it will be worth it," I assure him, allowing the pants to fall to the ground, followed by the boxers that he wore underneath.

I almost wanted to give in and allow him to have everything that he wanted. I mean, after all, it was his damn birthday. However, I wanted to make this a special memorable night and just getting to the point wouldn't do that.

It was why I lightly stroked him, ever so slightly, allowing him to feel just the very tip of my finger, a moan escaping him in the process. I then repeated the process, using a little bit more of my finger, allowing it to follow the same route that my tongue was taking in his mouth right now. Oh yes, he wasn't the only one with the tricks up his sleeve.

While his mouth tasted absolutely wonderful, and I knew I could complete the job with my hand, I also knew that I was ready for my goody bag at this birthday party. There was also the fact that I still had him pinned at the perfect spot to complete the package.

With this as my motivation, I fight against every urge to continue enjoying the kisses, drawing enough back to stop them in the process. Instead, I allow the tongue to trace along his jaw line, followed by his neck, using my lips to suck right there in the center. The suckles continued, right along the shoulder, down to the moobs, with a lick around the belly button for good measure because that's the icing on the cake, right?

"Damn Alex..." He lets out, to which gave me every assurance needed that I was following the right procedure here. That's right, I have you right where I want you babes.

I feel his hands run through my hair, and I can't help but feel giggly in response. I'm one of those odd people who love when people run their fingers through my hair, as short it is. It almost inspired me to grow it long, you know with those curls. I actually wish Chase would do that again as that had me completely jealous of possibilities there.

"If this is my birthday, don't I deserve my prize?" He questions, snapping me out of my thoughts. Couldn't think about hair at a time like this – had to focus ahead. Besides, the best part of it all was set to come to me.

A lick along the waist line, and there was only one more option left on the table and I couldn't damn well wait for this. However, I knew I couldn't just spoil myself immediately. I had to make this special. It was why I allowed my tongue to lightly brush along the tip, before a slow lick up and down, just ever so slightly. Fuck, he tastes so good.

"Fuck...." He lets out, and I know that I have him right where I want him. That's right, you're going to enjoy the fuck out of this birthday tonight.

"That's what I plan to do," I tell him, before taking him, all of him, for a nice, long suck. I repeat the process, before upping the anty shortly thereafter, allowing his hips to pump against my mouth, savoring every single damn second of this.

Hopefully this is a birthday that he never forgets. 

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