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By thefinestprincess

174K 9K 15.8K

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9.2K 325 304
By thefinestprincess


Beyoncé POV
Thursday, 7:36 a.m.

     Today I have a very important celebrity client to style and I'm already running behind. Like why did I have to be late of all days?

This morning as I was finishing up my makeup routine, my false lashes decided to take forever to apply properly, which is already a sign my day was going down hill. iykyk

Not to mention, I burned my instant oatmeal in the microwave so my penthouse smells like the Fourth of July.

I didn't even have time to delude the smell, I pretty much said, fuck it.

However, I'm not even finished just yet. My damn car key fob wanted to play hide and seek just for me locate it in the back pocket of my skirt pocket. My room is pretty much a disaster now after destroying it looking for evil ass key.

I don't know what I did to deserve going through such catastrophe this morning, but I rebuke it because at this point I'm so frustrated I could break down and cry. I swear if one more thing happens, I'm going to rip my tracks out.

I am now in route to a photoshoot where I'm styling the Legendary, Naomi Campbell, for Harper's BAZAAR magazine.

I prefer to be 30 minutes to an hour early for my clients because I have to be sure every outfit is out and ready to be assembled. I also like to have enough time to do proper fittings to assure every look is to my standard.

At the moment, I am about 8 minutes away from the studio where we're shooting at and I was supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago.

I'm beyond thankful for my assistant, Michelle, who happened to be at the venue in time to lay out the wardrobe for today.

My anxiety is on about a 7 right now but I have my handy dandy chamomile tea to relax my nerves and not have me stressing beyond this point.

I'm hoping my remaining day goes by smoothly.

1:47 p.m.

"Thank you for all of your hard work today Michelle. I don't know where I would've been without you today girl!"

"Anytime, Ms. Knowles! Safe travels to your destination. I will see you Monday morning for our team meeting."

"Alrighty. Take care hun."

I waved my assistant goodbye as I hoped inside my black, 2022 BMW m3.

The photoshoot actually went by quite well.
Definitely a whole lot better than I expected. I honestly have to stop putting so much pressure on myself. Sometimes I happen to be the one in my own way.

I've had the pleasure of working with Naomi in the past so I knew exactly what to expect from the extraordinary woman that she is. I mean she's iconic which means she isn't new to this, she's true to this.

She does everything effortlessly, in my opinion. And I truly mean everything.

Naomi has always been an inspiration to me. I'll never forget what she told me a couple years ago when I began to grow big in the fashion industry, "Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. You should always want your work to stand out no matter what."

From then, I knew to set goals as high as I wanted them to be because not even the sky is the limit.

Having such mindset has gotten me far in my career. I've worked along side real life legends. I'm talking, top of line designers, magazines and A-list celebrities.

Of course my success didn't arrive over night but right when my lifestyle was ready to take on tasks at hand.

Right now, I'm proceeding to meet my sister and best friend, Solange and Kelly, at my residence. I'm sure the smell is still lingering so I'm prepared to be roasted just like my failed attempt of a breakfast this morning.


Onika POV
Thursday, 8:00 a.m.

    "Come on princess. Make sure you have your lunch bag, water bottle and your backpack"

"Check, check and check! I have them all mommy!"

"Awesome my baby. I can't believe my princess is going to kindergarten. Where did the time go?"

I was trying to fight back tears as I prepared my only daughter, Lotus, for her first day of kindergarten. It seems just like yesterday, she was turning the tiny age of one and have about six teeth.

I'm one of those mothers who's gonna bring out their camera whether it being a normal day, a hilarious moment or a special occasion. Today happens to be a special occasion for my baby. I honestly may be more excited yet nervous, than she is.

"Alright pose for mama for your first day photos baby." I uttered, going to the photo app in my phone.

Lotus is naturally photogenic so as in queue, she started posing.

"Okay mommy, I think that's enough pictures. I know I'm pretty but I'm exhausted." She over exaggerates, putting the back of her hand to her forehead.

"Okayyyy, you're right but today is basically a holiday, mini me. This is a huge step into your childhood and I want to savor as many memories as possible, so best believe I will be video recording once we arrive to your new school okay? Grab all of your school items and let's head to the car baby girl."

"Okay mommy. And don't forget to airdrop my pictures to my iPad so I can see them later okay?"

I cackled at her serious little baby face. She truly is my mini twin, looks and mannerisms.

"Okay pumpkin, I won't forget. Let's go before we're late."

8:20 a.m.

    Arriving to Lotus' new school, I park my pearl wrapped, 2021 Mercedes Benz C-Class, in the closes parking spot I could locate.

I grabbed my daughters hand, strutting towards the blue building doors. I pierced over to see Lotus with an actual smile on her face. I guess I am the only nervous one, out of us two.

"You ready for your first day princess?"

"Yes for the thousandth time mommy. Please don't embarrass me, first impressions are everything, as you always say."

"I promise I won't baby but best believe, I will be meeting your teacher and praising you from the sidelines. Keep your chin up and always stay gracious, Lotus."

"Always, mommy. I love you so much and I couldn't have asked for a better role model."

"I love you forever more, my love."

In this very moment, I was fighting back tears as we walked toward her classroom. I promised myself I would wait until I got back to my car but somebody is definitely cutting onions close by.

Everything I do is for my daughter and to know she looks up to me is beyond an amazing feeling. That's always the ultimate goal as a mother.

I quickly wiped the tear that fell as we strolled right to her classroom door that reads, 'Ms. London's Class'.

After giving the door a few knocks, I squatted down to give Lotus a tight squeezed hug and a quick peck.

"I'm proud of you, you know."

"I'm proud of you to mommy! And to be honest with you, I'm shaking in my crocs right now. I really hope I love my class and teacher."

Before I could respond, Ms. London opens her door, immediately smiling. Wow, she's gorgeous and kind of resembles Newnew from the film 'ATL', I thought to myself.

"Good morning young lady, I am your teacher, Ms. London. What's your name beautiful?" She said, reaching her hand out to Lotus.

"Good morning, I am Lotus Syria Maraj." Lotus responded with a bright smile, shaking her hand back.

"Lovely name Lotus. And you must be mom?"

"Yes I'm her mother, Onika. Nice to meet you Ms. London."

"Like wise, Onika. Please come inside so you two can get familiar with my classroom."  Ms. London said stepping to the side, allowing us passage.

"To your right, you'll see a coat rack and directly next that, you'll also take sight of each students individual cubby. Each cubby has the students name to decrease the chances of someone's items getting mixed up or lost.

In the center here are the tables or as I like to call it, work stations, which seats 4 students each. They will get the chance to pick their seats once every student arrives and from then it'll remain their seating for the remaining semester.

The students also will get the opportunity to decorate their own name tag for the seats they've chosen. In the back is our gather time right where you see huge the map rug. It's where we have class discussions, read time and fun games, as a collective." Ms. London spoke, giving a brief description of the areas in the class room.

"Very organized and impressive Ms. London."

I watched as Lotus looks around in awe, with an excited expression upon her face, which instantly made me smile, as well.

"Thank you. I try my absolute best for my students. I will do anything and everything to have them to succeed but still make it a fun experience for them, after all they're children. You have to teach them in a way they'll understand."

I know that's right.

"Lotus, you can go ahead and put up your jacket and put your backpack and lunch in your cubby then meet us in the back on the rug okay sweetie?"

"Okay Ms. London. Bye mommy! I'll see you later!" Lotus expressed instantly. I can tell she likes it already. Hell, I do too and I'm not even a student.

"Bye baby girl. Have a great day for mommy & try to keep your clothes clean as best as you can." I told her as she began skipping her way to her cubby.

I spoke my goodbyes to her teacher and left out of the school to my vehicle.

I don't have a chef gig today because I wanted to be as available as possible for my daughter's first day as a kindergartner.

And what I mean by gig is, I am a locally known, personal chef. I also do catering from time to time too. I currently have a beginners cook book out that is actually selling very well right now. I'm #3 best seller on Amazon and #5 on Kindle.

I began cooking at the small age of ten, helping mom and grandmother in the kitchen. I eventually began making an entire thanksgiving meal at age fifteen.

Cooking became a natural talent of mine early on and from the feedback of others, I took a chance on myself and began to take my passion seriously.

Being twenty-on now, I have built a generously long resume for myself.

I've been booked by very protege professionals. From local celebrities, CEO's, event planners, professional athletes, etc.

I'm consistently on my grind for my daughter who I happen to give birth to at sixteen years young.

Birthing a baby at such a young age like such, your child just about, grows up right with you. I was a child having a child.

Thankfully, Lotus was born just as my life was recovering for the better. It wasn't all sugars and sprinkles but it was my life and she's responsible for making it worth living.

I'm forever grateful for my support system for helping through such a tough time. Everything was so new to me. I was green as grass.

My support system consist of my mother, my younger sister, Joi and my best friend, Robyn. They've been there for me every step of the way.

I've had moments when life would take a tole on me and so would depression but my close loved ones would be right there to pick me back up.

I thank God for Lotus because she is my motivation to get at it everyday.

Vote & Comment pls. 🤍

• Thoughts?

• A/N: I've had this story sitting in my drafts for about four months, so I have a lot of chapters already written.

2019 words

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