The Fifty State Nightmare

By Broken_Samurai_

37.7K 1.1K 369

Y/N L/N is a famed serial killer. What happens when she runs into other killers? More



2.6K 76 33
By Broken_Samurai_

"Follow me," Slender tells you, three other creatures following the two of you.

He leads you through the mansion and to a large, black, oak door that he opens to reveal a study. The five of you enter the office before the male with the twitch closes the door behind all of you. You try to remember their names but come up blank. There were way too many people for you to remember.

"Y/N, this is Toby, Masky, and Hoodie," Slender introduces. "These three are my proxies."

"Hey," You tell them with a wave.

"You three will take Y/N out on your killings. Get her familiar with the parts of the forest before the barrier. Y/N, you will be provided a map of all borders and where they lie. I expect you to get the borders memorized," Slender tells you.

"Wait?! For real?! That's like.....ten billion acres of land!" You protest. "I don't even know the nearly eleven million acres of my own state!"

"The fact you know those numbers prove you will be capable of such tasks," Slender tells you, leaning against his desk. "If you desire to kill outside of your assignments I will be assigning one of the pastas as your partner. Until I can trust you I will be monitoring your every move. Are we clear?"

"I suppose," You mumble, knowing full well you didn't have much choice in the matter.

"Good. Breakfast is served at ten every morning, lunch is up to you, and dinner is prepared at seven every evening. It's your decision to eat with us or not but if you do not you're in charge of your own meals and the dishes that accompany them. You will be provided a weakly allowance and the money you currently have will be moved to a more private bank account. You spend your money however you please."

"Wait, really?" You ask him in surprise. "What if we overspend?"

"Then you don't have anymore money to spend. I do not cover debts. That is up to you," Slender tells you.

Well, thought you'd try. You couldn't help but wonder how much the weakly allowance would entail. You'd also be transferring the money yourself. You didn't need them to know how much money you had in case you ever needed to leave. You could play nice for a while but your intention was to still get out of here.

"You're free to try but you won't get far," Slender tells you, your eyes widening in surprise. "Yes, I can hear every word."

You immediately make your mind go blank, swearing you see the outline of a smirk on Slender's face.

"You get used to it," Masky informs you. "Don't fret too much."

"Now, for your first job. There's a few people that need to be taken care of. They threaten our way of life," Slender explains.

"Boss?! Are you sure?" Hoodie asks in surprise.

"What? What's wrong?" You question.

"Hunters. They're a government organization in charge of tracking down and capturing creepypastas. Their goal is to get Slender and his brothers but have failed thus far," Hoodie explains.

"It's the perfect job for her to prove herself. You know where to go," Slender declares.

"Yes boss," The three sigh.

"Come on Y/N. We'll lead the way," Toby tells you.

You take one last look at Slender before following the three proxies out of the office and downstairs. You slip your mask back on and grab your knife from your bag, the four of you heading out and into the forest. You sigh softly as you follow the three males, the four of you hunkering behind some trees as you watch the facility. A few people come out of the building and enter the forest, some holding weird looking equipment as they get closer to the four of you. You grow anxious as they get closer and closer, looking between the three males in panic. They were going to be caught! Masky rests a hand on your shoulder when you start to get antsy, your eyes meeting his behind his mask.

You take a deep breath and hunker down, your hand grasping your knife hard in your hand. Toby is the first to make his move, his hatchet burying into someone's skull before you, Masky, and Hoodie jump out. Your knife sinks into the flesh of one of the human's, your heart pounding as you pull it out and dodge one of the human's coming after you. You spring forward after they swing and bury your knife into their throat, the blood hot as it spurts out at you. You yelp when a knife digs into the skin of your arm, jerking back from your victim and squaring off with another human. You grasp the knife by the blade and throwing at the human, smirking when it buries into their neck. Suddenly, an alarm starts blaring and the proxies fall back. You grab your knife from the human's throat and fall back with them, the four of you scaling the tall pines as dogs bark and run out.

You look down from your branch as the dogs sniff and howl, hiding among the needles as the humans shout and look up the trees. You wondered what you all were supposed to do now. Eventually the dogs and humans give up their chase and returning to the facility. You slip down the tree with the rest of the proxies as your eyes adjust to the darkness, the four of you moving silently through the trees as you make your way back to the mansion. You enter the mansion and Slender is waiting for the four of you, relieved to see all of you back safely.

"How did it go?" Slender asks.

"They've found the barrier but aren't brave enough to try and explore the forest. Had we not been there physically they'd have probably stayed put," Masky explains. "Y/N managed three kills and scaled the trees."

"I expected the strength but the dexterity is impressive," Slender compliments.

"Oh, uh, thanks?" You tell him, slipping off your mask. "I don't kill my victims in their sleep. I like to have them awake."

"Would you like to go out tonight?" Slender asks you.

"Honestly, I'd rather go to bed," You admit.

"Follow me," Slender instructs. "Good work today."

You glance at the proxies before you follow Slender up the stairs and through the hallways of the mansion, coming up to a white door that he opens for you.

"Here is your room. You're free to decorate and furnish it as you like. I will assist you in that," Slender informs you.

"Why? What are you getting out of this?" You ask him.

"Your loyalty," Slender explains. "We're a family. A family of killers, but still a family. We merely want you to join in. I'll give you a few weeks to adjust. If you can't then I'll have no choice but to end your existence."

"So, either I become a proxy or I die. Fantastic," You snap in annoyance.

"You should have thought of the risks before becoming a killer," Slender tells you. "Sleep well."

You sigh and set your mask and knife on the nightstand before crawling into the large four poster bed. You bury beneath the purple covers and curls up. You were never going home again. Your parents would never know if you were alive or dead and you had lost a dear friend. He was right though. You risked being drawn in by groups as a killer. You just never expected it to happen to you.

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