A Lost Friend - Villain/Vigil...

By KyoJiro-Chan

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Izuku Midoriya has always wanted to become a hero despite being quirkless. He admired every hero he came acro... More

CH-1 The Road To Our Paths
CH-3 After The Fall
CH-4 A Friend?
CH-5 Control
CH-6 Are You Alive?
CH-7 Recruitment
CH-8 Acceptance
CH-9 The End Of An Era
CH-10 An Unlikely Alliance
CH-11 Preparations
CH-12 Strike Back
CH-13 A New Society

CH-2 Kyokas Guilt

2K 55 4
By KyoJiro-Chan

Jiro's POV
After seeing Izuku I walked home and got myself ready, I was excited about starting our training to get into UA. We would finally be heroes together and prove All Might wrong, so Izuku can be his own hero who is greater than him. I arrived at the beach a couple of minutes early so sat on a nearby bench and waited. After about 10 minutes he wasn't here so I decided to call him but he didn't answer. He probably just got into some traffic, he'll be here in a minute. I called again at 1:25pm but still no answer, I called again and again and again for the next hour. He probably saw a hero and is caught up making notes on them. I started to get worried, not knowing where he could be. Then it was 3pm. He just got caught up at home and there was an accident blocking the road, that's why he isn't here. Then it was 5pm. H-He had to cancel and his phone is dead that's it right? Tears started streaming down my face as it approached 7pm. H-He p-probably f-fe-fell asleep w-whilst h-his p-phone was charging s-so hasn't called yet. I was starting to break as the sun set and it was approaching midnight, I refused to go home or answer any phone calls besides Izuku's just in case he showed up. H-he w-wouldn't l-leave me a-alone l-like t-this so s-something m-must've h-happened r-right? Please be okay Izu, I can't lose my best friend.

I was exhausted, I had stayed at the beach staring at my phone waiting for something from Izuku until 7am. I decided to head home as my battery was almost dead and I didn't want to miss his calls, tears had been streaming down my face all night and hadn't stopped. I kept telling myself that something came up, something that was too important so that he couldn't make it. I made it back to my home and walked in with the tears still streaming down my face.
"Kyoka dear, where have you been?" My mum asked.
"I was waiting for Izuku, he didn't show up" I said whilst crying, I then looked over at my parents only to see Izuku's mum sitting with them. "Auntie Inko, why are you here?" I asked confused but she didn't answer, she only cried. "Where's Izu?" My parents both looked down at the ground as I asked. "WHERE'S IZU?" I desperately asked whilst tears shot out of my eyes for a totally different reason.
"Kyoka dear... I'm sorry..." My mum said as I just backed up with my hand in front of me.
"No. No. No. No..." I ran upstairs and shut my door before screaming into my pillow. Izu... Why, what happened... I stayed in my room for a couple of hours before heading back down. "W-What happened?" I asked after I calmed down.
"They didn't find his body, there was just a pile of blood. And a... Suicide note" My once calm face just dropped and my tears started again.
"No... He wouldn't..." I said trying to hold back my tears. Auntie Inko walked over to me and handed me the note.
"Here... He wrote something for you..." She said whilst crying. I shakily grabbed it but couldn't bring myself to look at it.
"T-Thank you..." I said.
"Take your time Kyoka, nobody is expecting you to get over this anytime soon" My dad said. I just nodded and walked upstairs note in hand.

I closed my door when I got in and picked up my phone, I had put it in charge and I just started scrolling through my gallery. I stared at pictures of us together at school, hanging out at each other's houses, at the mall, at the beach and so much more. In everyone of those pictures he was smiling but the last time I saw him he wasn't smiling. I only wished that I could see his smile again in person, I put my phone down and picked up the note and read my part.

Dear Kyoka,
I'm sorry, I know I promised to meet you at the beach but I couldn't make it. I wanted to thank you for being my friend, my only friend even though I was quirkless and don't let me be your last friend. You helped me through so much and believed in me and my dreams. I tried to stay for you but I couldn't, I couldn't take it anymore after what he said to me. What both of them said to me. I just want to let you know one thing though. I love you. Please don't give up on your dreams because of me, do your best.

My tears started again. He loved me? He actually loved me. If I had told him how I felt then maybe he'd be alive. I'm so sorry Izu. I love you too. I put the note down on my desk and let out all of my tears. Izuku's death hurt me drastically, it hurt me so much that I occasionally even cut myself but I was able to keep it from everyone. For the next month I didn't even go to school, I just went to the beach and trained for UA until my teachers forced my parents to bring me to school. The reason I didn't want to go wasn't because I didn't like school, even though I didn't like it, Izuku was the only thing which made it tolerable. The reason I didn't want to go was because of him, BakuBitch.

After a lot of convincing I reluctantly went back to school, the only reason I agreed was because I needed to pass a written exam to get into UA. Once I arrived at the school I entered the classroom, not many people were there as I was early but he was.
"OI EARS, looks like your little boyfriend bit the bullet. Now you've got no one, you should've stayed away from the damn nerd. He was pathetic and only dragged you down with him" That was when I snapped. I grabbed him by his collar and punched him in the face.
"THE FUCK YOU SAY BAKUBITCH, I DIDN'T QUITE HEAR YOU" I shoved his head into the desk we were next to multiple times before kicking him in the stomach and walking away with tears in my eyes. I sat down at my seat as everyone who was in the room stared at me, I didn't care about it. The only thing I cared about was Izuku. From that day on BakuBitch never said anything to me in fear of getting beat up again. I then spent the next 9 months studying and training for the UA entrance exam. I rarely spoke to anyone ever, even my teacher knew better than to try and talk to me as I just ignored everyone. I only spoke to my parents and Auntie Inko occasionally. When I wasn't at school or the beach I was either sleeping, eating or visiting Izuku.

Since Izuku's body was never found he couldn't actually be buried which infuriated me. I would spend hours trying to find who stole his body and why, if he was dead then what use could they have of him. He didn't even have a quirk. Even so he was given a grave site, not that many people actually visited. My parents would visit maybe once a week depending on how busy they were, Auntie Inko was always quite busy but would visit a couple of times a week and I was the only other person who would visit. I visited him everyday and would spend hours with him. I would sit down by the grave and tell him about my day, ask him random stupid questions and eat food with him, I would typically bring him Katsudon as it was always his favourite. I cleaned his grave everyday and brought flowers to him. Izuku looked up to one man and that one man was the cause of his death. From the day I found out about Izuku's death I went from admiring him to hating him. All Might, the symbol of peace, killed Izuku. He was no longer a hero to me as I knew the truth, he doesn't really care about other people.

Time Skip - 9 Months
I woke up early this morning as I was actually excited about something for the first time in 10 months, the UA entrance exam. I got up and had breakfast with my parents, as usual I wasn't even smiling. They knew why though so never questioned it and accepted it, the one thing in my life that actually made me happy was stripped away from me because of the number one hero. I grabbed my stuff and headed off to UA by train.

Once I arrived I stood at the gates and stared up, I reached into my pocket and grabbed a piece of paper. It was the note from Izuku before he killed himself, I carried it with me everywhere I went to remind myself as to why I want to become a hero. To protect people not just from villains but from what took Izuku away from me. I held back my tears after I reread my section of it and walked towards the auditorium where we would be told how the test would work. We would do a hour written test and then a practical test where we would destroy robots to score points and the top students would pass the exam. I was feeling confident about both exams as Izuku had helped me study loads before everything happened as well as teaching me special revision methods and I trained hard for the practical.

I did the written exam and it was pretty easy for me and I finished it in about 40 minutes. Once we were let out of the exam hall I went to one of the changing rooms and got into my sports clothes before heading to the exam area. There were a few dozen people waiting there already and some of them even had special support gear then this guy tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, I'm Denki Kaminari. Nice to meet you" He said as I turned around.
"Jiro" I said before turning away from him.
"Woah, you could be a little nicer you know. Maybe throw in a smile too" He said with an annoying grin on his face.
"Bring back the one thing that made me happy and I might smile again" I said still not looking at him.
"Huh, and what's that?" He asked.
"My best friend" I said before walking away.

I waited away from other people so that I wouldn't have to talk to anyone before the exam began and then Present Mic told us to start. I ran through the fake city plugging my jacks into as many robots as possible sending sound waves through them to destroy them and wrack up points. I was keeping track of how many points I gained as I went through, and with only one minutes left I had 54 points. Well, I think that I should have enough points to pass. I can't hurt to get a few more though. I ran around the city looking for any robots that are still functioning that I can destroy when I saw him. The guy who talked to me earlier was surrounded by robots and I ran towards him but he sent an electrical discharge all around him destroying most robots. He turned into a stupefied state as the last robot charged at him, I rushed over to him and destroyed the last robot. Present Mic told us that the exam was over and that we should head out, I looked at Kaminari and sighed before walking off.
"I ain't dealing with him" I said as I walked off.

I got changed and the went home, my parents asked how it went and I told them about all of it except for Kaminari as I didn't really care. I went to my room and rested my body as I was exhausted from the exam, I closed my eyes and thought about Izuku. Izu, why did you have to leave me? I miss you so much, please come back to me.

A week later my results letter came from UA and I grabbed it before going to my room. I pulled out Izuku's note and put it alongside my letter from UA, I stared at Izuku's note and then opened up my letter. A hologram came out of it and what was on the screen angered me.
"BOOM, I AM HERE AS A PROJECTOR NOW" All Might screamed. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING ON THIS. IT IS FROM UA RIGHT? All Might then explained that he was now a part of the UA faculty and told me that I passed the exam earning myself a spot at UA. I wanted to be excited that I got into mine and Izuku's dream school but it was clouded by my anger for All Might. I almost wanted to turn them down but I had to go, for Izuku.

UA had placed a dorm system for all of it's students so I had to pack up all of my stuff so that I could move in over the weekend. I packed up basically my entire room which mainly consisted of my instruments and music posters. I also made sure to pack up all of my photos with Izuku, they were basically all that I had left to remind me of our happy times together. Once all of my stuff was packed up I had it sent to UA and then waited till the next day before I went there myself. I had a bag with me which I brought that had small items that I would just carry there myself, it's where my framed pictures of Izuku were along with my laptop, iPad and various other items.

I arrived at the UA dorms at around 9am on Saturday as that was when we were told to arrive. When I got there I saw about a dozen or so people already standing outside of the dorm rooms for class 1-A, and I saw someone I hoped I wouldn't see again. BakuBitch. But I also saw the annoying idiot.
"Hey, looks like we both made it. Good to see you again" Kaminari said whilst smiling.
"Hey..." I replied coldly. His smile is almost as bright as Izu's but his is far more annoying.
"Come on, no need to be so cold. We're classmates now so lets be friends" He said as he extended out his hand. I just stared at his hand as I remembered the time when I held my hand out to Izuku when we became friends. I shook my head to shake the thoughts out of my head so that I wouldn't start crying in front of everyone and walked past him.
"Sorry, it's nothing personal..." I whispered as I walked past him.

A few seconds later a man wrapped in a sleeping bag showed up from behind the bushes and introduced himself.
"Hello, my name is Shoto Aizawa. I'm your homeroom teacher, now lets head in. This is where you will be living whilst studying here at UA, be respectful to your classmates and don't cause any trouble. Your dorm assignments are here and your stuff has already been put there you just need to unpack it. I'll be back later to explain everything else" With that I quickly made my way upstairs to my room so that I could start unpacking before people start talking to me.

I unpacked everything placing my instruments in the back of my room and all of my photos of me and Izuku together on my desk. Once I finished I heard quite a few people gathering downstairs but decided to stay in my room. I pulled out Izuku's note and placed it on my desk as I started to listen to some music whilst laying down on my bed. Then a little while later I heard a knock on my door, I got up and walked over to my door and opened it to see a pink skinned girl smiling at me. Why does everyone have to be smiling like him? It hurts.
"Hey, your name is Jiro right? I'm Mina. Why don't you come down, we're all getting to know each other? We are classmates for the next three years so might as well get to know each other now" She said with a bright smile.
"Sorry, I don't do friends" I said before turning around and laying back on my bed. Mina then walked into my room and looked around.
"Woah, so you like music huh?" She asked as her eyes stopped on my desk.
"Yep..." I replied hoping she would just leave.
"If you don't do friends then who's he?" She asked picking up one of my photos with Izuku.
"He was my best friend" I said whilst standing up and snatching my photo back and putting it back on my desk.
"Oh, wait was? What happened?" She asked.
"I don't like to talk about it" I said whilst returning to my bed.
"I'm assuming you two didn't have a falling out or you wouldn't have his pictures all over your room. Did he-"
"Leave me alone please" I said interrupting her.
"Okay, I'll tell them that you're tired. Oh, but Mr Aizawa will be coming by later to explain how school will work so do you want me to get you for that?" She asked.
"Yeah, get me for that" I said whilst holding back my tears. She left right after that and I just slumped onto my bed and started crying. Izu, I don't know if I can do this without you. Please, just help me out. I was curled up on my bed crying but calmed down and decided to use my quirk to listen in on those downstairs.

"Hey Mina, where's Jiro?" I heard Kaminari ask.
"She's tired at the moment, she'll be down later when Mr Aizawa comes down though" Mina replied.
"She doesn't seem like she wants to be friends with any of us" I heard a boys voice say.
"Come on Shinso, I'm sure she does want to be friends I-" Kaminari was then interrupted by a familiar voice.
"She doesn't want to be friends with any of you idiots" I heard BakuBitch say.
"Huh, how would you know?" Someone else said.
"Because I knew her before UA idiot" Why is he helping me? Why isn't he shouting?
"Did something happen?" Kaminari asked. Please don't tell them please Bakugo.
"That ain't for me to say. Now shut up" BakuBitch replied.
"Oh, Mr Aizawa is here. I'll go get Jiro" Mina said.
"I'll get her" BakuBitch interrupted. I retracted my jacks from the floor and wiped my eyes so that nobody would be able to tell I was crying. Then a knock was at my door.
"Oi ears, teacher is here. They asked me to come and get you so lets go, I ain't waiting" BakuBitch shouted. I opened the door and looked him in the eyes.
"Thank you for not telling them" I said resulting in him having a confused look. "My quirk remember" I walked past him with an emotionless look on my face as always and stood far behind everyone else as Mr Aizawa explained how classes would work as well as living at the dorms. Once he finished he left and I was heading back upstairs when something fell out of my pocket.
"Hey Jiro this fell out of your pocket" Kaminari said as he held a piece of paper. It was Izuku's note. He was opening it up to see what it was but I didn't want anybody to know so I grabbed the note and pushed him back slightly to make sure he let go. Everyone was staring at me but I ignored them and went back to my room, I placed the note on my desk and layer down on my bed and went to sleep even though it was only 6pm...

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