Scent me | Inarizaki x male r...

By The_Whatever_

110K 4.6K 381

All y/n wanted was to go to a good school. But now he has a whole group trailing after him. Cover done by: @A... More



11.1K 541 27
By The_Whatever_

If Suna or Osamu had anything to say about you wearing Kita's jacket they kept it to themselves. However they did have a few questions. Kita wasn't the type to just give his things away unless something happened and a nice looking omega with an alluring scent wouldn't change that. You weren't letting out a distressed scent, it was exactly the same as when you left minus the fact that Kita's scent was starting to cling to yours due to you having on his jacket. So what had happened? And why had you waltzed into class like it wasn't a big deal?

"Hey y/n,"

You hum and glance over to Osamu "Yeah, what's up?"

The gray haired twin tugs on the school jacket you have on, "You know whose this is?"

"Uh- my brothers?"


"You sure about that?" Suna ask, him looking away from the teacher to glance down at you.

"What's with all the questions?"

"It's nothing it's just the scent, does it smell like your brother at all?" Osamu probes further.

"I mean no, but i kinda like the scent." You mumble, your voice getting quieter as you near the end of your sentence.

Of course both of them heard you, Osamu let out a low chuckle while Suna only let out a small hum.

"Don't worry y/n, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's cute."

You let out a small huff "'M not embarrassed." Suna laughing quietly through his nose causes you to quietly pout, paying attention to the lecture now.


Class is soon to end, the teacher letting the class talk amongst themselves, however you find yourself texting Kuroo and Kenma as Suna and Osamu talk to one another, and the occasional fan girl feeling brave enough to talk to either one of them.

Kaptin' Kuroo
Come back.

I cant :(
My parents would kill me
Besides i'm all the way in Hyogo and we sold the house, i'd have no where to stay...

Move in with me.

I couldn't possibly trouble you like that

If you were trouble I wouldn't've suggested it

You don't need me, Nekoma is strong

Kaptin' Kuroo
We're stronger with you

i'm blushing-

There's a tall first year who doesn't even know how to handle a ball.
we're in desperate need of your management.
Tora won't stop whining about you

I miss him too
I miss all of you!

Kaptin' Kuroo
Come back then ;-;

I'll see about a weekend.

"L/n san," Your head pops up from your phone to see the teacher standing at the door "A third year is here to see you."

Although confused you stand up and head to the door to find it's the well smelling third year you, unknowingly to him, knowingly 'borrowed' the jacket of.

The two of you stare at one another for a second until your teacher clears their throat.

"Right. We met earlier but I don't think we introduced ourselfs."

"Oh right." You stiffly bow to the older male "L/n y/n. It's nice to meet you." You stand back up to your full height and flash him a small smile.

The third year returns the gesture "Kita Shinsuke," He pause for a second, "And I believe this is yers." Your eyes widen as he produces your jacket "I think you took mine instead of yer brothers on accident earlier today."

Your eyes widen "Oh-" Embarrassment sets in "Please forgive me, I had no idea!"

"It's fine. I'm just here to correct the incident. It could have happened to any of us."

You shrug off his jacket and quickly exchanged the jackets "Well thank you, have a great day!"

Just as you were about to make your escape Yukaro comes rushing down the hall yelling for you "Y/n!! Kitaaaa!!"

You narrowly dodge the girl that comes barreling at you, her managing to skirt to a stop just before running into you. "I'm glad I caught ya! Give me one sec yeah? I gotta talk to Kita real quick!" She then turns and talks to Kita for a little bit before a hearty "Alright then, i'll see ya soon!" She claps Kita on the back before turning back to you with a grin like the cat who got the cream.

"What's that about?" You question as you watch Kita walk away.

"A scrimmage after school. Speakin' of school'll be over soon," she checks the inside of her wrist where a tiny platinum watch rest. Her eyes bugging out of her head as she reads the time "In less than five minutes! I gotta get ta my class! I'll see ya later, yeah? If not i'll find you!"

"Please don't."

"Yer funny y/n~" she gives you a punch on the shoulder before rushing off.

You let out a small sigh before you head back into the classroom. No one but the teacher paying you much attention as you do.

You sit around playing on your phone, electing to ignore the eyes boring into you, trying to waste the short bit of time until dismissal, as there was no classroom duty and you didn't need to be at the volleyball club for your club duties until next week, you found yourself with a bit of free time.

You continued playing mindless phone games as you pondered what to do after school. You could explore the town seeing as you hadn't done so yet. Or go busy yourself with the stores nearby. Maybe do a bit of shopping? Get ahead of the curve by studying? Or- Your thoughts linger on the PSP Sae had snatched from you earlier this morning. Sneak into Sae's backpack and snatch your PSP and play it until you dropped from exhaustion! Now it was your time to grin like the cat who got the cream, that was exactly what you'd do.

A poke on your cheek snaps you out of your thoughts. You look to your left to see Osamu with a raised eyebrow. "Ya alright? Class got dismissed a few minutes ago yet yer staring at yer phone like it has all tha secrets of tha universe."

"Oh, Yeah of course. I just- I gotta go. It's been nice meeting you!" You fumble over yourself as you get your things bowing to Osamu before scrambling out of the room.

Osamu watches you, a small smile coming over his face before he shakes his head and follows after you.

You teacher, witnessing all of this, only shook their head, Teenagers.

I have no clue how i'm supposed write the dialogues they speak in Hyōgo...

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