TBATE : I'm In Your World

By AlannaXYZ

95.3K 5K 3.1K

-Completed- Warning : Hurt, Sad, and Angst genre! So prepare your heart! ๐Ÿคญ Read slowly, and you can feel the... More

๐ŸŽถ 1 - About Myself
2 - Dicathen
3 - Arthur Leywin
4 - Who Are You?
5 - Tessia Eralith
6 - Sylvie
7 - Bond
8 - Return
9 - My New Weapon!
10 - Adventure Begins
11 - Dungeon!
12 - Confession
13 - Confession (2)
14 - Reunion
15 - I Promise!
16 - I Realized it..
๐ŸŽถ 17 - I'll Be There for You
18 - How to survive?
19 - Distance
20 - Blue Dungeon
21 - Encounter
๐ŸŽถ 22 - Will we be until old days?
23 - School Invasion
๐ŸŽถ 25 - Farewell Makes a Person Stronger (Season 1 End)
26 - After 3 years.. | 2nd Season
27 - Arrival
28 - Sacrifice
29 - Fight Back!
30 - New Bitter Truth..
๐ŸŽถ 31 - It's not that easy for..
๐ŸŽถ 32 - Loved or Loving?
33 - Jealousy Can Burns Your Soul
34 - War Still Has to Happen
๐ŸŽถ 35 - You Fade Internally
36 - Everything Goes Right. Right?
๐ŸŽถ 37 - Should I Pretend?
๐ŸŽถ 38 - Better Like This
39 - When The Answer is Visible
๐ŸŽถ Not an Update | Just an Art for Ross
๐ŸŽถ 40 - Too and More
41 - Hope and Courage
42 - Do and Fight, or Die!
๐ŸŽถ 43 - I Just Wanna Be With You..
๐ŸŽถ 44 - Unknown Feelings
๐ŸŽถ 45 - I'm In Your World (End)
๐ŸŽถ Epilogue - Letter From Ross
๐ŸŽถ Epilogue - Can We Change Our Fate?
My Last Author's Note
Side Story : The Numb and The Touchy

24 - The Incident Happened

1.4K 94 23
By AlannaXYZ

POV : Alanna Roses

Strengthening my legs with mana, I glided at full speed at him. I lowered my body, then formed blue flames over my sword, and tried to point my sword at his feet, trying to slash his legs.

Arthur taught me this way, leaning forward, by utilizing the wind and strengthening my legs with mana, our attack speed increased.

He jumped back to dodge my attack, his eyes flashing in surprise at my sudden movement. Using my heel as a pivot, I jump at him again. Before he dodged, chunks of ice formed around his feet, preventing him from moving. Adding wind to propel me, I formed several ice spikes and then launched them at him. However, before my ice spikes reached Draneeve, a barrier of fire formed in front of him, the barrier was as big as his body and my spikes only hissed when they met his fire barrier. I stopped my movement, trying to find a gap.

Draneeve emerged from behind the fire, a mad grin appear on his face. "Geez, I didn't know that in this place, where the filth who called themselves 'elite' went to school, there was someone as talented as you." He instead walked past the magic barrier and went up onto the stage.

These cowards, all he did was take cover. "Come, fight me" I hissed talking to him.

He just replied with his crazy laugh."Hahahaha, sorry pretty girl, I don't have much time to serve you" He walked to the center of the stage and then faced all of us, while spreading his arms he said "Now we are going to the main show of this all! Please take them all out!"

From within the bell tower, came out several people with black hooded robes covering their heads, each of them dragging a person, whom I recognized in part as upper class nobles of the Elf and Dwarf races. Everything looked disheveled, with bruises on his face, and disheveled clothes.

There were angry screams all around me. Swearing at people who are on stage. Until the last person appeared, bringing the crowd into silence, he dragged someone by pulling her hair. A girl, with a disciplinary committee, has disheveled clothes, bruised face, and apparently unconscious.

"Kathlyn!! How dare you hurt her! Let her go! Let go of my sister!" I looked at Curtis who was screaming, trying to break free from Claire's and Clive's grip who were holding him back.

"Hahahaha, surprise! They are my captives, with the sapin princess as collateral. Too bad, I'm looking for the Elf princess, but she's not here!" He said while playing his tongue on his lips. "And now, I'm going to introduce our new member, who had a very big role in today's invasion, Lucas!"

After Draneeve said that, the person who was dragging Kathlyn opened the hood of his robe, revealing his face. He grinned at Curtis, then brought his face closer to Kathlyn's face, and licked Kathlyn's cheek.

Curtis ran and stood next to me, then hit the barrier in front of us many times. Harsh words came out of his mouth. His eyes burned with anger.

I looked left and right looking for who was holding the artifact to create this barrier. What should we do? Otherwise Kathlyn could be in danger.

"Curtis, calm down!" I said while shouting. "We have to think, we have to break this barrier, then save Kathlyn!" I said while holding his arm.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill him!" Curtis said, he stopped his pointless blow on the barrier in front of us, biting his lip until he bled.

"Can you use Howl World to break this barrier?" I asked him.

"I have already do it, the professors also did it using their magic before you got here, but it's useless, this barrier just hissed, and didn't open at all" I nodded in response.

There was a scream in front of me, Draneeve's followers were torturing their captives and driving the crowd around me becomes crazy. Ignoring the screams around me, I noticed this barrier, this barrier shaped like a dome that enveloped the place where Draneeve's followers were. I planted mana into my eyes, while taking a clearer look at how this barrier worked. With mana, it was seen that this barrier was shaped like an enormous fishing net, nets intertwined with one another. Connect to each other. But there was a thin gap between the nets, the gap was like fragile glass. An idea flashed through my mind, all this time people had only directly attacked this barrier, the immense power that hit it instead seemed like it was being absorbed by this net. What if I concentrate my strength in one of the gaps of this net?

"Curtis can you step back for a bit" I need to concentrate, because forming mana is something that requires very high concentration.

I also ignored the fact that there was mass torture in front of me. I took three steps back, then concentrated strength into my right hand. Gathering a certain amount of mana then forming a very thin long needle, maintaining its shape for a while, then I flow it with lightning. Lightning hissed around my needle.

Taking a breath, I leaped forward, stuck my lightning needle into one of the gaps in the barrier net and gave mana to my arm to push it. Pressed it with both hands, until the lightning scorched my sleeves.

I saw cracks starting to appear in the gaps between the nets, then a 'Praaaang' sound of glass breaking filled the air, the barrier shattering. Completely collapse. And its open. If we weren't at war, this would look so beautiful, looks like a diamond with reflecting colorful lights are falling.

"Come on Ataaaccckkk!!" Said one of the professor from behind me.

I looked at Draneeve who was standing in surprise. His crazy grin disappeared as all the students who were still able to fight and professor ran onto the stage. Attack anything that is on the stage. The sound of war cries resounded to encourage each other.

There was a commotion all around me. Everyone who had been waiting impatiently behind the barrier, furiously and blindly attacked the Draneeve followers and their pets. Even though Draneeve's followers used potions to increase their mana, the rapid change of events and our large numbers kept them from moving.

I helped beat up some of Draneeve's followers. But what I'm looking for is Draneeve. Having him as a prisoner must be very profitable for us. He had the artifact to activate the portal to his continent. If we take his artifact, we can have access to the Alacrya continent.

When I was beating someone, suddenly a stinging sensation was felt in my left arm, I looked at my arm, trying to find out what was causing the pain, there was a nail that pierced my left arm. I pulled out the nail, but the stinging was still there, even more so. And now my left arm feels numb. Is this an anesthetic?

I looked around me, trying to figure out who had fired this nail bullet at me. In the distance, Draneeve, Lucas, Kai and a few of his followers could be seen taking cover behind a new barrier. Kai smiled slyly at me while forming a V sign with his thumb and forefinger and pointing it at me. Confirming that he's the person.

I walked towards them, dragging my legs which currently felt weak.

"Shut up you all! Otherwise this girl will die!" Draneeve said in a deafening ringing voice, pulling Kathlyn's hair up and pointing the dagger at Kathlyn's neck.

The commotion around me fell silent, they cast hateful gazes at the mob in front of me. Draneeve straightened her hair, pulling it back. "You guys are really troublesome filth, I've given you a chance, but you guys wasted it. You don't give me any more fun here, I better hurry up and finish my work." Draneeve pulled the knife back and stabbed Kathlyn in the stomach while laughing madly.

Damn it! Nothing I can do! My body is getting weaker due to this anesthetic. Trying to concentrate on my mana core, I spread the healing effect to remove the anesthetic from my body, but in vain, the effect of this anesthetic has already spread to my veins and has entered my brain. My consciousness will soon disappear.

Draneeve's grin grew wider, his eyes sneered at me, then he stabbed Kathlyn again in the chest, until the previously unconscious girl coughed up blood.

No, please..
It's enough..
I fell to my knees with my arms outstretched, trying to reach Kathlyn.

I faintly heard Draneeve speak "Take the girl with us" He pointed at me "She will be useful to lord Agrona"

Then Draneeve stabbed the girl again. My vision is getting blurry. If I could reach Kathlyn, I would be able to heal her.

I looked ahead, the sounds around me were fading away, even the sound of Curtis' screams and the sound of his smacking against the barrier was getting less and less audible.

My consciousness is fading.
Suddenly, a dark shadow covered us all. I looked up. There, there was a very large shadow that covered almost the entire field, with colorful barrier shards flying beside the shadow. Screams of the shadow resound throughout the school. Flow through the power and the fear at the same time in everyone.

With my remaining strength, I smiled, not just at the huge beast. But on someone who rode the beast. That beast that I know is a Dragon.

Finally he came..

Then the view around me went dark.


POV : Arthur Leywin

I flew with Sylvie towards the direction the school was located. After exiting the portal I asked Sylvie to change, ignoring the scared and surprised everyone's look on us. All I care about right now is the state of the school, and get there as soon as possible.

What if the artifact that Ross activated had something to do with the school invasion?

All the soldiers and Lance were currently patrolling around the beast glades, keeping an eye on the smugglers. They will be back in 3 days. Exactly two days before the invasion took place. But why did Ross activate the artifact?

I plan to be in the Elenoir kingdom for 2 days. But while there, I don't feel calm. The image of Ross getting hurt always haunts me. The next morning after confirming that Tess was okay, I asked Grandpa for permission to return to the Sapin kingdom.

[Flash back]
At that time Sylvie and I were in the horse carriage heading to the portal connecting the two kingdoms. Suddenly my communication scroll activated.

I opened the communication scroll, then there was grandpa Virion, with a panicked face he said "Arthur! The artifact I gave Ross has activated! Can you quickly check her condition?" Gritting my teeth I asked

"Where's grandpa?"

"At school!" At that time all I could think of was the school invasion.

"I'll send soldiers there, and ask the adventurer guild for help. But you have to get there as soon as possible, and take care of yourself okay!?" Grandpa said closing our communication scroll.
Why? What is going on? Did we miscalculate?
[End Flashback]

'Sylv, can you go any faster?' I said to Sylvie mentally.

'Okay papa! We'll be there soon! I can feel mama's mana!' Sylvie said while flying faster.

When the school was in sight, I saw a red dome that enveloped the school. The dome was thicker than usual. And there was a mana fluctuation in the center of the dome.

We flew through the school gates, then through the school square. There were seen many students lying motionless.

I gritted my teeth. Damn it! I'm late. We flew to the center of this mana fluctuation. Upon reaching that, I could see that there was a battle below me. Many were injured and several students and professors took part in the battle.

Where's Ross?

I asked Sylvie to fly lower then had her destroy this shield. Gathering mana in her mouth, pure white balls of mana, shot out from her mouth, and shattered the shield below us. The shield shattered like shattered glass.

When the shield shattered I looking down, there was a girl I knew very well, she looked at me who was flying above her, she smiled at me while kneeling, after that she fell forward and was unconscious.

Quickly, I jumped off Sylvie who was flying lower, standing beside the girl. Then I knelt beside her, and saw her sleeping. There were no major injuries on his body, only minor scratches.

"Hey you?! Who are you!!"

'Thank goodness she wasn't hurt, looks like she was just given an anesthetic.' I turned her around then picked her up and put her next to Sylvie, who is still in her dragon form.

"H-how dare you ignore me?!" I turned around, looking at the person who was shouting at me. I release all my killing pressure. It made him, who I recognized as Draneeve, pale. The lackeys behind him, Lucas, Kai, and several other traitorous students fell to their knees from the my killing pressure.

I took a deep breath, then 'Phase one: dragon will, Active' I quickly slid towards Draneeve, past the shield that was like a layer of jelly for me as I passed by, then approached him, I quickly broke both of his legs. Then broke the legs of his followers too.

When deactivating the first phase, screams of pain echoed across the stage. And the shield made by one of his followers disappeared. I walked in front of Draneeve who was screaming and pressed his neck. Forcing him to look at me.

"Are you responsible for what happened here?" I said while hissing. An insane grin appeared on his lips instead, he burst out laughing.

"You're Arthur Leywin aren't you? My lord warned me, but unfortunately our plan has worked. Well, even when I don't get your elf princess, that you love, but that's okay, I've killed one of the princess of this kingdom. Hahahaha. You're too late!!"

I gasped in surprise, then looked around me. All I thought about was Ross, I forgot that they were aiming for the royal princess. If Tess wasn't there it would be Kathlyn they were aiming for.

Behind them was the figure of a girl covered in blood lying helplessly. Damn it!

I saw Curtis running towards the figure of the girl while crying, Kathlyn.

"Healer! Where is the healer!" I shouted at the crowd. They looked at me with fear. But one of the students replied "There is no healer here"

Damn it! Suddenly a fireball was aimed at me. I dodged it by brushing it off with my free hand. Then I saw Lucas who had lost his leg using his magic on me. Before he could cast another spell, I released the draneeve and pulled out my sword, and activate the first phase again, then slashed at the heads of Lucas, Kai, and the remaining followers.

'These insects, I shouldn't have let them live any longer'

Looking back at Draneeve who was still laughing madly on his knees, I walked over to him. He looked at me laughing mockingly. Makes me want to kill him. But this person didn't deserve to die, his information was worth more than his life. When I reached him I burned his hand, his crazed laughter disappeared to be replaced by a grievous scream. His eyes looked up until only the white part was visible.

Just as I was about to burn his other hand, suddenly a wave of light hit me hard. It threw me and crashed into the bell tower. When my back hit the bell tower, the air from my lungs seemed to be sucked in, my body was numb I couldn't move, activating the first phase twice, and being hit by this attack, caused the intense pain I felt.
What is this power? With one strike made me like this?

I looked at the person in front of me. The one who gave off that power. Lance Barion Wykes, Lucas' older brother. He looked at me with an angry look. He was forming a lightning spear and was about to point it at me, before a figure grabbed Barion's hand and stopped his movement.

"Don't stop me Varay! He killed my brother! I have to kill him"

"You'd better not do it. Elder Virion asked us to protect the boy and the girl, so they're not the enemy in here! If you kill that kid, you're disobeying orders" Said the strongest Lance on the continent, Lance Varay, though speaking quietly and calmly, but his words caused Barion to drop his lightning spear, and stop his movement. But his eyes were still staring at me intently.

"Sorry young man, we don't know what's going on here, so this is just a precaution okay?" I looked at someone who approached me, he then put an anti mana bracelet on my arm. The bracelets were like handcuffs, connected by chains between the bracelets. When the bracelet was put on, all my mana seemed to be drained instantly, I felt like I was naked and felt empty.

I looked at the person in front of me who was smiling at me. He is one of the Lance Drawf, Lance Olfred.

"Kathlyn.." I said hoarsely. Making Olfred turn his gaze to where Kathlyn was.

I looked where Olfred was looking. In the distance, Lance Alea was seen trying to wrap Kathlyn's body with her plants. Several healers who had just arrived were in the vicinity. Beside the body was Curtis who was crying while hitting the ground in front of her. Unknowingly, tears flowed from my eyes at the sight in front of me.

Fear and horror overtook me as I stared at the scene in front of me. Imagining Ellie who was there and me regretting my weakness beside her while crying.

Why? Why did this happen? Why can the invasion be accelerated? Why don't we know the enemy's movements?

I turned my gaze to the figure lying beside Sylvie in her fox form.
Sylvie huddled beside Ross's body. There's the same anti mana bracelet as mine on Ross' arm.

Why? Why is she hurt again? Has the future changed? What other tragedy will we face?


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