Rabid Mate (REWRITING A FEW C...

By TaneshaMarieGalante

319K 12.5K 1K

After escaping imprisonment by a group of especially sadistic vampires, young Callisto finds herself holed up... More

Chapter 1
Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note

Chapter 17

16.1K 732 53
By TaneshaMarieGalante

Callisto POV

Being out of the dungeons had already improved my mood pretty drastically.

Being fed was the icing on the cake, especially since it was the raw meat I was used to.

But when a new woman came barging into the kitchen my mood plummeted. Was it another bitch trying to get with my mate? Was she a threat to my children? Who is this "she" she is looking for?

Mitchell hadn't moved from his seat when she arrived, and he seemed pretty relaxed around her.

"Laurie, this is my mate Callisto. Callisto, this is my sister Laurie."

Sister? Thank the Goddess. I didn't want more competition, since I wasn't completely sure I could win in the first place.

I relaxed a bit, but kept standing in front of my children. She may be related to my mate, but I didn't know her from Eve. I could see Mitchell smirking from the corner of my eye and wondered what he was so amused about. It was annoying.

"Hello Callisto! Oh, I've always wanted a sister! What's that behind you....?"

Laurie started off hyper and excited, but when she trailed off into confusion when she got a look at the pups, I looked at them too, trying to see what she was seeing.

"Mitchell..." she started saying, but her voice appeared to just give out. I could smell the fear and suspicion coming from her in waves.

"What's wrong, Laurie?" I couln't figure it out, and Mitchell seemed pretty confused himself.

"How... how are they pups? They're too young! And their eyes! WHAT HAVE YOU BROUGHT INTO OUR HOME!?" his sister screamed. I understand now.

I was so use to how my babies were that I no longer considered what they could do abnormal, but to pack wolves this has probably never been heard of and they will be scared of anything different.

"Laurie, enough!" Mitchell used his Alpha Voice to command his sister. She had still been screeching about the "abominations" in her kitchen while I was coming to my conclusion.

"These pups are half vampire. I don't know why they are pups, I truly didn't realize until you pointed it out. I was preoccupied. They are not a danger to us, and will be staying with us along with my mate. They are her children by birth. No, don't ask any questions, I will explain everything at the pack meeting I am calling for tonight." Mitchell said. Laurie had tried to interrupt at the end. " Now if you can, please go see if you have anything in your closet that will fit Callisto. She's roughly your height, but a bit skinnier. Also try finding some clothing to fit..... how old are they, Callisto?"

He stopped speaking to her and addressed me. I tapped my nails on the kitchen tiles five times in reply.

"...three five year olds. Two boys one girl. You're dismissed."

Laurie walked out looking none too pleased, but she had to obey her Alpha's orders.

"Now that she's gone, would you like me to show you the room you and your pups will be staying in? I realize you won't want to be separated from them, so I put you all in one room. You'll be on the top floor with me, in the Alpha's living space. And the Luna's." He added the last part on with a sexy smirk on his face while he made eye contact with me. My heart picked up, beating faster in response. His smirk turned into a full smile when his canine hearing allowed him to hear the effect he had on me.

I let out a wolfy snort and a short bark to let him know his laughter wasn't appreciated. He chuckled again anyway, the asshole.

He turned away and walked towards the staircase I had run down last night. I looked behind me to make sure my pups were following me close behind, and then thought better of that.

Walk in front of me, and don't pass the Alpha. Walk in a line. Better safe than sorry.

Mum, wha's a Alpa? Artemis asked me. I had never saw the need to explain pack hierarchy to them, since I thought we'd spend our lives in that cave.

Not al-pa, baby, al-fa. That man in front of us, Mitchell, is an Alpha. He is the leader of every signle wolf on his territory. Right now, that includes us, so if he tells you to do something, do it. Unless you know it's wrong, then you come straight to me, or call for me through the link.

Wow, I wanna be a Alpha! Ares exclaimed excitedly. I didn't reply, because I didn't know how. Mitchell hand't said anything after I told him the truth that indicates his rule on who will claim the Alpha title has changed. 

We had reached the very top floor at this point, and I recognized it as the floor I had woken up on. We passed the door I had come out of on the right side of the hall, and stopped at the door right after it on the same side. Mitchell opened the door and stuck his head in before opening the door the rest of the way and walking in.

The kids went to follow him, but I stopped them and went ahead in case there was a trap or a threat inside. I stopped at in the doorway and surveyed the room.

Mitchell stood in front of a king sized bed, the back of which rested against the middle of the wall opposite the door. To the left of the bed was a bedside table with nothing on it. Against the baby blue wall to the left of the door was a huge dresser with a mirror on top, which stood close to the corner connecting the two walls. To the left of the dresser were two sliding doors, which I was guessing to be the closet. Next to those doors, I could see the beginning of another door, but the door to the room was blocking the rest of my view.

On the right side of the bed there was another bedside table. The wall to the right of the door I stood in held a giant mirror that angled downwards to show a full body view, much bigger than the dresser mirror, that hung over a beautiful intricate golden vanity set, which was also bare. Next to that was yet another door. I was sure one of the two unidentified doors was a bathroom, but I wasn't sure which.  After that door the wall was basically unadorned. In the corner of the wall to the right of the bed and the wall to my immediate right was a gigantic television. It was almost as tall as me, and it wasn't even on a table! My children and I could stand side by side in front of it and just about reach each end! Out of everything, that seemed to shock me the most in the room.

Seeing no danger, I moved aside to let the pups pass me. After they were all inside the room I followed, cautious, but utterly enjoying the hardwood floor beneath my paws. From the smell  of it, the floors were made of real trees, and it comforted me slightly, being able to smell the forest inside.

My pups were slowly making their way around the room, smelling everything. This was all new to them.

I let them explore but kept my eye on the door in case one of them tried to walk out to the hallway. It was thanks to that that I didn't jump like Mitchell and the pups did when Laurie started talking.

"I have the clothes for them, Alpha." She seemed much more calm now, but still cautious from the reprimand she'd been given from Mitchell.

Mitchell walked and got the clothes from her, giving her a "thank you" before walking back towards me and laying the clothes on the bed.

"Callisto, I'm going to leave and let you all change and get dressed. If you want to explore the room, that's perfectly fine, since it's yours. When you want me to come back, knock on that door there. It leads to my room."

He pointed to the door that stood before the television. I nodded my head and watched him  leave through it. That must mean the door next to the closet is the bathroom door.

I changed back into my human form and went to the pile of clothes on the bed. I lifted up a small black shirt, dark blue jeans, and a matching lime green underwear set that was obviously meant for me. It took me a while to get into the clothes, it's been a very long time since I've worn anything like this. The shirt was pretty form fitting, it showed every curve of my upper body. The jeans were just about the same, but loosened up a bit past my knees. I felt... human, for the first time in years.

Looking through the children clothes, I saw a pair of mini children's jeans with flowers on the pockets, a tiny pair of underwear with butterflies on them, and a shirt with a multi-coloured heart on the front - obviously for Artemis. There were two boys shirts; one was yellow with green stripes and the other was a plain black. Two more pairs of plain jeans, and small boys underwear both sporting firetrucks.  There were three pairs of plain kids socks too. They were pretty thorough.

I dressed Artemis first, and then the boys. I put the black shirt on Ares and the yellow and green one on Apollo. They seemed to fit the boys personalities perfectly. The whole process was pretty funny.  It was relatively easy to get Artemis dressed, since she stood calmly and I'd just had practice getting my own clothes on, but when I turned around to call one of the boys over to get dressed next, I saw that they had taken matters into their own hands. Ares was trying to wear his underwear as a shirt and had a sock on his had, looking very uncomfortable, while Apollow had done almost the opposite and was wearing his shirt as his jeans and had one pant leg on his arm while trying to get the other arm into the other.

It took a while for me to stop laughing, but eventually we were all straightened out.


Mitchell POV

I wiped my palms on my pants for about the thirtieth time since I left the adjoining room.

I was nervous for no apparent reason. It had started right when I closed the door between us. It was getting very annoying.

You're scared that she will leave us now that she is out of our sight, that is why your palms are sweating.

I jumped slightly as Maximus gave the reason to my nerves. How had I not realized that was my problem? Maybe I just didn't want to even think about it and refused to acknowledge it. I wish he hadn't brought it up, now I can feel sweat gathering on my back and forehead.

She could already be gone for all I know.

Don't think things like that!

Now Maximus was nervous, and I was kind of glad. Misery loves company.

I couldn't stand the silence in the next room, and walked to open the door. Before my hand touched the knob, I heard laughter. It was long, loud, and beautiful. I never wanted it to stop. It made my heart feel lighter than it's been since my teens and brought a smile to my face, even though I have no idea what the cause for her laughter was. I wish I did.

The beautiful sound stretched on for almost two minutes before it trailed off, with the occasional chuckle slipping through. At least now I knew she was still here.

A minute later, I heard the sounds of little running feet in the next room. The pups must be exploring in their human form. I sat to the left of the door, listening to whatever came from next door.

Almost ten minutes later, the knob above my head jiggled softly and the door opened to reveal my mate. I stood up and examined her clothes.

She was breathtaking. Even with the scars that covered her face, neck, and arms she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my time on this earth.

I stepped forward and stroked her cheek. She stood shocked and silent at my show of affection, but she didn't look angry or scared.


My wolf took over for a moment, and in that time he brought our hand to the back of her neck to bring her face towards us and captured her lips with ours in a passionate but gentle kiss. He didn't try to force his way into her mouth, for which I was thankful.

To both my wolf's and my surprise, after a seconds she put her arms around my neck, brought her body closer to ours, and stood on her toes to return our affections.

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