Letting You Go ...

By CurvyRealGal

25.8K 707 133

I have set him free It's better to have my heart shatter at a single slam rather than have it slowly be gro... More

Letting You Go ... 😊<>NuKuea<>😊1
😠 <> Gilayn <> 😠 - 1 // 😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 2
😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 3
😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 4
😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 4
😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 5
😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 5

😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 3 //😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 2

2.9K 84 14
By CurvyRealGal

😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 3

He didn't even pretend to sympathise.

It was just a string of "Hmms" as if he wasn't even listening what I was saying before he gave a curt, "Ok" abruptly ending the call.

The level of apathy, and we are supposedly engaged.
How on earth did grandpa even think that I would be ok with this man.
I accept I am thoroughly pampered, but my parents have loved and shown it always.

Going from being constantly taken care of to being not even given a second thought about is jarring.

He is absolutely emotionless.
How had I never noticed this before?
Does he ail from the same thing Pei Shou Yie has?
Is that syndrome real?

I am so confused.
Yes, I need attention and affection. A little sympathy and sometimes molly coddling too. Is that too much to ask just because I'm a man.
Or have I been turned a namby pampy by my parents over protectiveness as my uncle has claimed at one too many family gatherings. Should I harden myself like Hia?
Constantly wear a poker face.
Can I harden myself like that?

And it always comes back full circle to HIM!

No more.
It's exclusive ME time tonight.
I will enjoy myself doing what I love, am good at and am applauded for as well.
With these thoughts in mind I pulled up the contact who could help lift my spirits.

"... "
"Hey P'Jay. Do you have a free slot open earlier tonight?"

"... "
"Yes I'll take the happy hour mic."

"... "
"I know I won't be paid. But I'll get the 2 free drinks, right?."

"... "
"Yes I know nothing top shelf."

"... "
"Yes, I promise I'll turn my keys over to P'Leo before I get on stage. Scouts honour"

"... "
"Ok! See you in an hour."

As I got ready I received notifications for Gemini ♊️ club's IG stories informing followers that Kirrin was making a special appearance tonight with my pseudo Ig account tagged. Which I quickly reshared and watched as likes flowed in along with the shy 'see u there' to the flirty 'look out for the (cocktail) I sent that' messages from my ardent fans.
This is what I need in my life.
People who'll lift me up.
Not people who make me question my very existence.


😠<>Gilayn<>😠 - 2

"Oh! So he canceled tonight." Yi responded nodding his head as if some mystery had been resolved for him.
"Now I know exactly why Diaow cancelled our date." Yi stated flatly as if it wasn't a surprising event.
"And you are surprised after what happened Wednesday evening right here in this very office." He continues watching my face, I am confused by his statement so I nod.
"Wow! Damn! Tell me, those vitamin supplements that you take, do they have an additive of 650 mg of stupid to ensure extra obliviousness to the obvious."

"What's with this sarcastic repartee tonight. Stop talking in riddles and say what you mean exactly." I finally snarl at my friend who seems to be on the verge of loosing his shit as I look at his fiery eyes and crooked maniacal smile because he seems to be privy to something that I am definitely oblivious to.

He just shakes his head letting out a long suffering sigh.
"You really don't have any attachments to him do you. A bit of affection, something?"

"I can't bring myself to feel anything. He is too dollish. So plastic. I can't believe how he's lost every ounce of individuality after he left high school." I finally let out my true opinion about my arranged fiancé.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yi enquired seems my statement baffled him.

"I mean he used to have opinions about everything under the sun. He could be witty too. It was unintentional but he used to be quick to respond with ridiculous replies. But now ... he's either smiling or simpering or worse trying to fawn over me complimenting me which just makes my skin crawl." I replied feeling my skin prickle as I thought of Kuea's every present wide grin.

"You really have lost touch with reality and completely forgotten what it was like to be barely out of your teens; in college, facing the boy you desperately like and are looking for their reciprocation of feelings." My best friend asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?." Could this man stop with his quizzing and give me a straight honest reply!
"That you are completely out of touch and are not even trying to get on the same wavelength as your fiancé. The poor kid is definitely better off without you. He deserves so much better than a dullard like you."

"Let me say it plainly for you. Kuea is in love with you. When he compliments you he expects you to return the favour and say something nice about him back to him. When he wishes you best of luck for an up coming deal he expects you to be abreast about events he's participating in and wish him best for luck for those, be it sports or a faculty project submission."
"But if I'm not mistaken you know next to nothing about his life."
"I know enough." I grumble adjusting the knot of my tie.
"So tell me. Which exact stream of engineering is he in? Hmmm?"
"Ok then who is on his football team?"
"who is in his study group?"

I know he told me all of it but I ... I didn't absorb any of that information as I felt it was irrelevant.

At my silence Yi just snorts a laugh

"So you know zilch!"
Then lectures me yet again
"And when that very ignored young man keeps abreast of every deal you undertake and wishes you the best you find it irritating and call it simpering, fawning over you."
"You are an Asshole of the first order. Kuea is blessed to be rid of you. May he not allow his family pressure to make him get back together with you. Diaow has wiped enough of his little cousin's tears these past three years. He is lucky to be rid of you. Should his grandpa try to disown him I will knock that old coot's lights out." Yi ended his rant frothing at the mouth.

"That wasn't helpful to me at all, you know that right?" I hissed lips pursed irritation vented by tapping my table with a well manicured nail which I spent a pretty penny on yesterday evening. Just so I could fit in better with the upper echelon who I need to schmooze with come the weekend.

"Simple you blithering idiot. Get. To. Know. Your. Fiancé. Implicitly. Fullstop." Yi replied emphasising every word of his instruction so as to not be misinterpreted.
Before I could respond to my raging friend my office door flew open my PA scurrying in holding his phone screen facing towards us.
"Sir! You won't believe this, Sir!" he shrilled
"Fei, take a breath and then relate to me whatever it is that you have discovered." I instructed as I have as per usual to this excitable man who is always running around like a squirrel on a coffee high.
Fei noisily breathed in and out a few times.
Bowing dramatically he began "Kirrin is performing an extra set during open-mic happy-hour at Gemini tonight."

"Is he now? Excellent ." I couldn't help but be elated. It seems the fates have decided to grace a smile my way leading me to get the chance to witness the genius who has managed to draw away clientele from Pentagon during the hectic weekends this past 8 months.

"Ai'Lian what about Kuea?!"

"Not now, this is more important than that pampered pest of a child. I'll expertly handle the fall out if there is any and come out the other side smelling of roses."

"His heart is not a business deal." Yi growls with ferocity.

"It may not be. But then I am not interested in his heart the slightest bit in the first place." I tell him firmly leaving him stunned before I turn to follow Fei out.
Come hale or high water Kirrin will be headlining at Pentagon as quickly as I can make it possible.
And I Always Win!

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