Black as Night (Sirius Black)

By celestialsister0918

23.5K 442 200

Given a second chance at life, Sirius Black is sent into hiding by the Order yet again -- this time in the Mu... More

Author's Note- This is a Sequel
Prologue: Turned My World to Black
Dancing in the Dark
It's Just Easier Than Dealing with the Pain
The Past Is Gone But Something Might Be Found...
Because Tomorrow Might Be Good for Something
And I Don't Know If I've Ever Been Really Loved
What You Are Is Beautiful
Just a Kiss Goodnight
Don't You Forget About Me
Honey Don't Think
Is This Real?
Found Out About You
Of What Will Be With You and Me
I've Got the Magic in Me
Magic Man
She Asked Me, Be My Sister
Hides the Face, Lies the Snake
You'll Come Apart and You'll Go Black
Not Listening When You Say Goodbye
I'll Be Upon You By the Moonlight Side
Sweet Child O' Mine
Follow You Down
Epilogue: Dancing in the Moonlight
Book Three now up and ongoing!

Do You Believe in Magic?

758 21 6
By celestialsister0918

Sirius had convinced Colleen to leave a key taped to the mat for him so he could get an early start roasting the chicken for their Wednesday dinner. He decided to dress a bit more comfortably this time, giving the Muggle jeans another shot along with a black t-shirt. It was more like the look he sported back when he and his fellow Marauders ran around Hogwarts, back when he had his old motorbike, back when things were easier and more carefree. He finally felt like he had a chance at recapturing that happiness again; he was even tossing around the idea of buying another bike. He had time to kill and money to spend, so why not?

As soon as he opened the door to the Gilmore flat, Sirius felt a warmth and a welcoming that he only ever remembered feeling at Hogwarts, and at the Potters' house when he ran away to live there at 16. Even with Colleen away at work, her touch was woven into everything around him— the paintings of the seashore, the soothing light blue walls, vases of flowers, candles all around. She had fluffy pillows on the sofa and textured placemats at the table, rugs beneath the furniture, and sunny curtains on the windows. It created a softness that Sirius just wanted to sink into. Such a stark contrast to the cold, dark cell of Azkaban and the haunted, dusty abandonment of Grimmauld Place. He was sure of two things; Robert Gilmore was a fucking blighter, and his wife deserved to be treated like a queen.

Sirius prepared the chicken for roasting with the fresh herbs they had purchased, then set the table and cleaned up a bit around the flat, using magic to ensure every inch was perfect. After making tea, he settled with the newspaper he'd picked up from the front mat upon entering. Buried a couple pages into the gossip rag was his own name again:

Sirius Black, Millionaire Playboy?
While he his official status is still "whereabouts unknown," the scoop around The London nightclub scene is that the handsome prison escapee of three years ago, now cleared of all charges, is back and living large. Sources have claimed to have spotted him out and about in the company of several beautiful women, dressed to the nines and enjoying the nightlife. One source even alleges seeing Black on a Sunday market run with the widow of famed prosecuting attorney Robert Gilmore, who recently perished in the Millennium Bridge attack. One of the women interviewed for this story says Black claims a large family fortune, enabling him to lead his new playboy lifestyle. More to be revealed as we confirm Sirius Black's presence and activities here in London.

"Merlin's fucking beard," Sirius muttered. He looked at the by-line— Teeny Hancock, with her column The Scoop. Aside from the obvious jabs he could make at her name, Sirius already loathed the woman. What kind of person had nothing better to do than try to publicly shame and ruin someone who was just trying to build their life back? He already worried about Colleen. She would want to crawl under the nearest rock and hide once she saw this, probably cutting things off with Sirius altogether. If that happened, Ms. Teeny Hancock was going to become quickly acquainted with several hexes that would prevent her from composing such drivel in the future.

It was approaching five when Sirius heard the key in the door. He had already managed to spill his tea on the offending paper, ensuring there was a likely explanation for when it was discovered in the garbage.

Ben bounded in the door first, stopping short when he saw Sirius on the sofa. He was a cute little bugger— light brown hair, freckled, with his mum's aquamarine eyes. He wore a shirt with an astronaut on the front, black sweatpants, and tiny little trainers on his feet. Colleen strode in behind him, giving Sirius a small smile and a nervous little wave. She had worn a beige dress to the office that day that was well-tailored and professional but still managed to show off every curve of her body. Sirius was jealous of the attorneys who got to ogle her all day. How this woman didn't know she was a knockout was beyond his comprehension.

"I'm Ben. What's your name?" The boy extended his hand to Sirius like a little grownup.

"Nice to meet you, little man. I'm Sirius."

The boy blinked. "That's what my mum says when she tells me to stop moving the vase." He pointed to a curved blue vase sitting on one side of the credenza, opposite of the television. "'Stop it, Ben, I'm serious!'"

Sirius laughed. The boy was smart. "Well, my name is Sirius, and it's spelled differently. It's also the name of a star, like way up in the sky."

"Like Twinkle," Ben said with a nod. He took off down the hallway and returned with a paper dog he had crafted.

"Ah, you have a dog named after a star. How about that?" Sirius marveled. He wasn't sure how many more signs the universe was going to throw at him about all this, but he was willing to take them all. Explaining them to Colleen was going to be a different story.

"Sirius is my new friend, Ben," Colleen explained, kneeling down to his level. "He's going to help us out for a bit. He even got dinner started for us tonight."

"Is he going to live here, Mummy?"

"No," Colleen answered quickly, flashing Sirius a pointed glance before he could jump on the opening. He gave her a playful pout and she just shook her head with a smile.

"Can I show him a magic trick?"

"Of course, love. Why don't I go finish up the food and you can show him, alright?"

Ben bounded off to his room and Colleen stood, walking over to Sirius slowly. Instead of standing he grasped her forearm, pulling her onto his lap.

"Sirius! What are you doing?" Her eyes were wide.

"Welcoming you home, love."

She promptly stood back up. "You're going to confuse him."

"He's not even four. He doesn't know what it means that I have his mum on my lap," Sirius pointed out. "Besides, did he ever see you in Robert's lap?"

"No, but..."

"See? He won't even think I'm trying to take his dad's place." Sirius grinned at her victoriously.

She sighed and shook her head. "He's really smart for his age, Sirius. He's going to have questions."

"And I'll have answers," he replied. "Ones that begin and end with the fact that his mother is a beautiful queen that deserves to be cherished and cared for. And occasionally that means holding her on my lap after she's had a hard day at work."

That earned him a smile, at least.

"Sirius, you're impossible." She turned and went to the kitchen to start side dishes for the chicken while Ben bounded back to the living room, now wearing a black cape with a small plastic wand in hand.

"Oh my, whatever happened to Ben Gilmore? I must say he disappeared. The only person I see here is the Brilliant Benji!"

The little boy gave a giggle then grabbed a brightly colored wooden box from his magic set.

"Watch the wand disappear!" The boy slipped his toy wand inside the box and the middle of it "disappeared" behind a mirrored insert.

"But there's more!" Ben exclaimed. He produced a carpet bag with scarves. "What color is this, S— what's your name again?"

"Sirius." He grinned. The kid was adorable.

"What color is this scarf, Sirius?"

"I do believe it is blue."

"Ah but watch it change!" The boy utilized a little metal lever built into the bag's wooden handle to change the pockets around and pull the hidden green scarf. "And the blue one...disappeared!"

"Absolutely brilliant, Benji," Sirius declared. "My turn?"

The boy nodded.

Sirius took a little wooden tray and some coins from the magic set and laid the three coins in a triangle, then waved his hand over top. When he was finished the coins were perfectly stacked on top of one another. Simple, wandless magic. Nothing that could get him in too much trouble.

Ben's eyes widened. "How did you do it?"

Sirius shook his head. "A wizard cannot tell."

"How do you get to be a wizard?"

"Wizard school, of course! Well, first you'll have to get a letter. An owl delivers it to the door, or through a window, or even through the floo. But only to a select few who have special magic."

Ben glanced back and forth at the blue vase by the television, seeming afraid he might get in trouble.

"I have more magic," he whispered. "Only with the vase and Mummy says not to move it."

Sirius gave a wink. "I remember. She's 'serious' about it. But seeing as I'm also quite Sirius, I think I can let you try...just this once?"

He wondered what little imaginary trick the boy had invented with his mother's vase; at least if it broke, Sirius could fix it quite easily before she returned from the kitchen. Ben took his toy wand and turned to face the vase, pointing his arm determinedly. The vase slowly began to slide toward the television, now noticeably in another spot. Colleen must have seen it end up that way without witnessing Ben's actual movement of it. If the boy could accomplish that with no real wand, and at age three...

"Bloody hell," Sirius whispered.

Ben whipped around.

"Um, I said 'really swell.' Really swell, Benji. I mean it. You may be a wizard yet."

The list of earth-shattering news he had to break to Colleen grew ever longer. But this one could wait. They still had over seven years until the owl would arrive.


Colleen kissed the top of Ben's head as he drifted off. He'd gotten sleepy early that evening after all the excitement of showing his little magic tricks to Sirius, having someone new to play with. When bath time rolled around, Ben didn't even complain, his eyes already heavy.

"Your friend is a wizard, Mummy," he'd told her as he pushed his toy boat along in the water.

"Is that right, love? And how do you know that?"

"He told me all about wizard school and how an owl comes to tell you can go. If you know special magic."

"Well, you most certainly do, right? So maybe you'll go someday."

Colleen shut Ben's bedroom door, remembering the conversation with a smile. It was nice of Sirius to humor him with such stories. Ben had barely mentioned Robert since the bridge attack, but Colleen worried he might be struggling deep down. They had been given a couple of free therapy sessions in the week following his dad's passing, and the counselor had mentioned that Ben's sudden interest in magic tricks was perfectly normal— a way to feel in control of something after a loss.

"All tucked in, love?" Sirius was on the sofa watching the television, making himself at home. Now that Ben was in bed the reality of them finally alone together again hit her. He had lost the polished, elegant look and opted for a t-shirt and jeans instead, but the man looked perfect in anything, clearly. She could now count five tattoos in addition to the one she had seen a glimpse of on his neck, thanks to the short sleeves. She had no idea what they were— some kind of symbols, and she could see the bottom of what seemed to be long phrases written in some ancient looking language.

Wizard language? She thought back to Ben's statement with a laugh.

"Yes, he went right to sleep. Thanks for playing along  with his little magic games like that. It means a lot to him."

Sirius nodded emphatically. "Yes, it does. He's a smart kid, like you said. Incredibly so."

Colleen sat down slowly next him, nerves already forming in her belly. She wondered how long until he kissed her again. It was all she'd been able to think about at work, the way his tongue had caressed hers so lightly and lovingly, like he was worshiping her mouth. The attorney she was currently assigned to had caught her daydreaming on more than one occasion.

Sirius's arm immediately came around her shoulders, pulling her to his side. "She dances like you do in the club," he remarked. He pointed with the remote to the television, where a young girl was dancing rather awkwardly and dramatically down a flight of stairs.

"Sirius! You did not just compare me to Baby Houseman. I love to dance, I'll have you know." She play-smacked his leg.

"I know," he replied with a grin. "So does she. But look at her— no confidence. She doesn't know how beautiful she is."

"Someone's about to show her. I promise. You can stop worrying."

"So you've seen this film before?"

"Every woman has. And Hannah chooses movies based on how hot she thinks the lead actor is. It's kind of the same mindset that made her send a stranger to my door without considering you could be trying to kill me."

"Hannah has great judgment. You should trust her more."

Colleen rolled her eyes. "No one could accuse you of lacking confidence, could they?"

"Nope, never," Sirius agreed. "It's just about knowing who you are, what you have to offer, and knowing that whether someone chooses to accept it or not is on them and not you. Though if you didn't accept me I might...perish from the earth," he declared dramatically. He nuzzled his face into her neck and she drew in a sharp breath. And to think she had wondered how long she would have to wait.

A million thoughts ran through her merciless people would be at her lack of mourning— how disappointed Sirius may be in her if she couldn't pull together this "confidence" he wanted to see. Then the feelings seemed to dampen the thoughts. His tongue firm but gentle on a spot just below her ear that seemed to send a current through every nerve. His hand warm as it traveled up her bare arm, coming to rest on the other side of her neck, holding her in place for his mouth. The sounds of his kisses on her skin, erotic sucking that seemed to drown out the music coming from the television. The tickle of each of the hairs from his mustache and goatee, like little electric impulses working together to send her spiraling. His breath, hot and working up to a ragged pant as he became more intent in his work, moving down to her collarbone now, his other hand sliding the zipper of dress down ever so slightly to access more of her shoulder and neck.

She was hot, like her body was begging her to take her dress off. She wanted to, even though the only person who'd ever seen her fully naked was Robert. She knew she would be embarrassed but it was like her body had taken over her mind, her senses ruling reason. A moan escaped her mouth, causing Sirius to pause.

"Ah, the little kitten likes it so much she purrs," he whispered, his soft eyes shining blue as they met hers.


"Shh," he stroked her cheek, his thumb gracing her lips. Colleen instinctively opened her mouth, seeking his finger to preview the taste of his skin. It was crazy how much she craved such intense, almost bizarre ways...images of wild things she wanted him to do to her, and all the ways she wanted to touch and taste him. It was like she was possessed, her compulsions all spiraling outward from this drive that pulsated in her center and seemed to consume her.

"Tell me what you want, love." Sirius was searching her eyes for some indication of what she wanted next and how far she would let him go. His words startled her back into reality. It was Wednesday night. She had just met him into the early hours of Sunday morning. A month ago she had been someone's wife. Ben slept two doors down the hall. Sirius brought baggage that would always haunt him, things they had never touched on that had probably broken him inside. She wanted him in spite of all that, in spite of her fears. But how much of that was real and how
much of it was a desperation to quell this burning ache inside of her?

"I want to not care about anything else tonight," Colleen replied quietly. "I want you to make my mind shut up."

Sirius's face relaxed with relief then immediately broke into a mischievous grin. "I will not only make your mind shut up, my love, but I will make your body scream."

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