A Vampires Omega (BOOK ONE)

By Hstowe

195K 6.3K 617

The rules were simple, every full moon, omegas and alphas would gather and they would find their mates. So... More



6.3K 231 13
By Hstowe


I woke up to my body feeling heavier than usual before hearing two soft groans on opposite sides of me.
I was laying in the middle of Monty and Asta who had me pinned down, unable to move.
But the sound of gentle knocking on the window caused my eyes to fully open and I was looking in that direction.
Before I was shoving Monty out of bed, tripping in the process of my groaning brother and ran to the window where both Magna and Joshua stood.

"What are you guys doing here?" I questioned.
Magna was frowning deeply at my bruised cheek and suddenly I felt more embarrassed, thinking about last night.
"We came to see you two, but more importantly." Magna carefully caressed my cheek as I tried not to hiss in response.
"Who did this?" His eyes were dark looking at my cheek as my brows knitted.
"It's fine-"
"It's not fine, Moxie, who the hell did this?" He growled.

I frowned at him.
"Our brother." Monty walked over glaring softly at me as he rubbed his back.
"By the way, the next time you want out of bed, shove Asta before you shove me." He told me.
I blinked looking to our cousin who was still asleep.
"Sorry." I blushed looking back at Magna and Joshua.

"Why did your brother hit you?" Magna frowned at me.
"Because I was trying to stand up for once instead of just blindly obeying our dad's orders." I told him as Magna frowned at me.
"Your dad's orders?"
My brows knitted looking at him.
"He told me to stop seeing you." I frowned.

Magna's eyes slightly widened.
"They know?"
"That I was with a vampire the other night, I didn't give them your name." I frowned softly as he frowned back at me.
"You could have and we would have dealt with them, this is not okay Moxie, you shouldn't be hit because you were standing up for yourself." He frowned at me.
I smiled softly.
"I haven't even told you the worst news yet." I said as his brows knitted.

"The alphas are arriving today and our dad has hand picked the alpha he wants me with." I told him.
Joshua's eyes grew wide looking at Magna whose eyes were black.
"I should have marked you the night we were at the hotel, then this wouldn't be happening." He frowned at me.
The tears were burning my eyes.
"There's still a chance for us, I.. I don't think he's going to mark me the first chance he gets. All we're doing is meeting them today." I explained despite how warm my face was and my eyes that burned like fire.
The tears slipped but Magna brushed them away looking at me.

"If push comes to shove, you and I will run away to Moon Rose." He told me as my eyes grew wide.
He smiled softly.
"Together." He repeated looking at me.
"I won't let them have you Moxie, the next night we are together, you will be marked by me and you will be my mate. I won't let them treat you like an object." He told me.
I smiled softly looking at him.
"That's a nice thought." My heart raced hearing someone knocking on Monty's bedroom door.
I looked back at Magna.
"Go." I ushered him and he nodded pressing his lips to mine.
He hesitated looking at me.
"I won't let go." He promised running off with Joshua.

We turned to the bedroom door that opened and where our mom stood, her expression looked broken seeing my face as she came up to me.
She sucked in some air and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry you've been put in this position, Moxie, if we were a normal family, maybe things would be easier for you." She told me as I frowned at her.
"Things could be easy now if you guys would just accept that I'm not interested in alphas." I told her as she frowned at me.
"I don't want to be with an alpha mama, I want to be with-"
"Stop it." She cut me off frowning softly.
"You were hit last night by Mistral because you were acting exactly how you are now, being with vampires are not allowed and you should let that fantasy go-"
"But it's not a fantasy-"
"Yes it is-"
"I LOVE HIM!" I yelled as her eyes grew wide.

"Moxie." Monty was at my side as the tears slipped looking at her.
"What did you say?" She asked me.
My brows knitted.
"I said I love him mama, more than I'd love that alpha you want me with just to boost your image." I frowned deeply.
She was frowning deeply at me.
"I see." She said tightly stepping back from me.

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way Moxie, but this is reality, and reality is you not being with that man and you being with the alpha we have picked out for you. I suggest you get cleaned up, because they will be arriving in an hour." She said stepping out of Monty's room as I stood there and more tears fell.

"Are you okay?" Monty's voice was soft as I looked at him with knitted brows.
I couldn't find the words.
I just stepped past my biggest supporter and walked to my room so I could get ready to shower.
This was reality.
And reality was a bitch.

I stood in the shower for what felt like ever just standing there and crying silently to myself.
I wanted Magna.
I wanted to run away.
Could we really do it?
Could we survive if it was just us?
My face was burning as I turned the water off and stepped out, I stared at myself in the mirror and only cried harder at the bruise on my cheek.
It was starting to hurt again.
And no amount of make up would cover this.

I let out a shaky breath stepping out of the bathroom and could hear chatter in the family room.
I wasn't ready for this.
I didn't want to look good for someone who wasn't Magna..

"Oh, there he is now." I heard my mom's voice and she sounded fake.
I stood at the archway of the family room where six people stood and the air in the room was thick.
I wanted to avoid looking at any of them despite how fast my heart was racing.
There were six alpha's in the room and that was excluding my family.

"What happened to his cheek?" A girl questioned with blonde hair and green eyes, she wore a black shirt and blue jeans looking right at me.
"He got into a fight with another omega." Lexi lied looking to her then to me with narrowed eyes as if telling me to keep my mouth shut.
My brows knitted for a minute.

"Come join us, Moxie." Our mom was looking at me with this slight impatience in her eyes.
I frowned but stepped forward finally looking at the six alphas in the room, and my body was reacting to each of them.
It was harder to breathe.

"So this is the one you said is in need of an alpha?" This blond haired male stepped up looking down at me as I tried not to tremble in front of him.
"Yes." Our dad said frowning at me.
"He had a full moon ceremony the other night and it was completely ruined by vampires." He said and I wanted to argue but kept quiet feeling Mistral's eyes on me.

"Shame." The blond smirked softly looking at me.
"He's an attractive omega, you did well with your genes, Ace." He looked over his shoulder at my dad smiling softly.
"The only upset is the bruise on his cheek, other than that, it would be hard to pass someone up like this." He looked back at me taking me in as my brows knitted.

"How old are you?" He asked me.
I frowned at him.
"I'm sixteen." I answered.
The blond looked at my dad.
"You told me he was of age." He frowned softly.

My dad seemed flustered.
"I thought we discussed what age was appropriate for you?"
The blond was frowning at him.
"I did not think he would still be a kid, Ace." He looked at me for a minute before looking at my dad.
"But, we did not just travel from Sun Rise for me to get upset over a slight age difference." He shrugged looking at me.

I frowned at him.
"How.. How old are you?" I found myself asking him.
He smirked softly.
"He's bold." He looked to my parents who seemed disappointed I was asking him questions.
"But I'm twenty." He answered me as I felt my heart racing.
There was definitely an age gap between us by four years.
I wasn't even sure how old Magna was.
But here I was.
In love with him regardless of his age.

"Alright Ace, I think I'll take you up on this offered omega you've presented me. It's not every day I get to witness omega's who speak out of turn, but he is an Ellison after all." He said that last part more bitterly but with a smile on his face.

My parents both seemed relieved but I wasn't.
I was terrified.
This wasn't supposed to go over smoothly.
How else could I ruin his interest in me?

"Can..." My face was getting warm as I stood there, he just made it obvious I shouldn't be speaking out of turn but..
"Can I ask you for your name?" I asked him.
He blinked as if the question threw him off before he smirked.

"It's Church Rhodes." He told me and part of me guessed this was him.
I just didn't want to acknowledge it.

Church looked to my parents.
"If it's alright, I'll be taking him back to the hotel I am staying at." He looked at the house.
"Your home is lovely, but I don't want to deal with us being interrupted." He told them and I felt sick to my stomach.

"That's fine Church, he's practically your omega now." My dad said as I glared at the other who didn't even seem phased over my expression.
Church smirked softly.
"My omega huh?" He looked to me.
"I guess he is." He said walking ahead with the other alpha's
I was hesitant to follow but felt someone pushing me forward.

I stumbled before turning to find Lexi there.
"Get going." She glared at me as I glared back but followed after Church and the alpha's he walked in with.

When we were out in the street.
He stopped with me turning to the other five.
"You can go back to the house I bought, inform the others I'll be there shortly." He told them.
The blonde from earlier was looking at me.

"Will your omega be joining us?" She asked him.
Church smirked at her.
"No, you know better than anyone Vanity, omega's are not a part of our meetings. He will be at the hotel." He told her.
She frowned but nodded before the other five walked away from us.

Church watched them before his blue eyes fell on me and I flinched looking away with knitted brows.
He smirked softly.
"What's wrong? Do you have nothing to say now that it's just us?" He asked me as we walked towards the hotel.
"Am I allowed to speak or will I be out of turn?"
"You catch on fast, that's good." Church chuckled.
"You speak when I allow you to speak, I don't have time to babysit you while we're here, so for the time being. Your new home will be the hotel, we will please each other and you will sleep. It won't be for long, then after we return to Sun Rise, that will be when I will treat you more like my mate rather than my plaything." He told me.

My face was burning.
"W-When you say please each other-"
"Have sex, are you a virgin?" He asked me.
I blushed harder, shaking my head.
Church blinked before he smirked.
"Well that makes it easier for me then. Our final night here, I will mark you and you will be my mate, so I suggest you work on prepping yourself for that night." He told me as we walked into the hotel.

This felt wrong.
It felt like I was going to cheat on Magna.
Tears burned my eyes as we stood in the elevator.
I wanted to cry.
I wanted to run.
But I knew I was no match for this guy.

We walked into the room that just had one bed.

"It was a long drive here, so go ahead and take your clothes off." He told me removing his jacket as I turned to him alarmed.
Church looked at me.
"We're going to have sex, remove your clothes." He repeated.
I blushed.
"O-Oh.. um-"
"Don't tell me, you're not only an outspoken omega, you also like it when others take your clothes off for you?" He smirked walking up to me.

I stepped back from the other.
"It's not that-"
"No need to feel shy, you've already had sex with someone, I'm just better at it." He shrugged, grabbing the front of my jeans and pulled me into him.
My heart was racing as I looked at him.
Church smirked softly.
"I'm going to enjoy this." He said unbuckling my jeans then his.
Something felt..

"Did the last alpha you slept with not make you feel this good just from his pheromones?" He questioned as I looked at him feeling dizzy.
"He wasn't a alpha." I told him.
He blinked.
I shook my head.
Church stared at me.
"Then what was he?" He smirked.

I felt his hands slipping into the back of my jeans and I could no longer think.
It was getting hot as I whimpered softly against the other.
He watched me before he smirked, pulling my jeans down and was kissing my neck.
"Can't tell me or won't tell me?" He questioned tickling my neck as I whined in response.
"It feels weird." I cried.
"What feels weird?" He asked me.
"This." I couldn't think anymore looking at him.

"I can't do this." I told him.
"You're not the one I'm in love with." I frowned.

Church blinked before smirking softly.
"Oh no? Then who are you in love with?" He asked, squeezing my ass as I whined, leaning my head back.

"I'm in love with a vampire." I told him.
The room fell quiet.

"You're what?"  

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