Mobile Legends Golden Gala

By miarebel65

7.3K 247 202

As Zlatan is getting modernized day by day, it had been chosen as the host for the 21st Golden Gala in the L... More

Fight Song
Gavin Paxley
Break Up
Loving You More Than Him
The Job
Meaning of Loyalty
Field Ops
Aamon Paxley
Between Brothers
Dress Up
Finally Yours
New Groom
To Keep
You're a Snake
White Rose
Betray and Guilt


134 7 18
By miarebel65

Hanabi's POV

Today is the day. The biggest event in the whole Land of Dawn and this will be the first time, that I will attend to; and of course I am the representative from the Scarlet Faction. I got ready as a maid escorted me to the dining room.

"Good morning, duchess," she greeted me, with a hint of tease in her tone.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, "Very funny, princess," I sat down at the table.

Yes, I slept at Silvana's place for the night. Aamon told me that the men will be waiting at the venue and their partners will be arriving with the other women, and of course that includes me. Silvana would tease me from time to time, calling me duchess since my secret fiance personally send me here. Yup, even Silvana, one of my close friend, does not know that I am now engage to Aamon.

As we were eating, Fanny, Miya and Natalia, finally joined us for breakfast. "You both are early," Natalia commented as she sat beside me.

"Early to rise, early to get the best breakfast," I said as I took a bite at the most delicious croissant I ever tasted.

"Darn it! If I knew there would be croissants, I would have gotten up earlier," Fanny whined as she pouted.

I just smiled at her as I continued to tease her by continously munching on the croissant. I am certainly amused with the look on her face, she kept on staring at me with that silly pouting face; while she kept eating her eggs. I just let out a small chuckle as I gave her the last croissant on the tray. I watched her eyes widen like saucers as she ecstatic that she finally got to eat her favourite pastry.

"So, what's the agenda today, Sil?" Miya asked as she was munching on her toast.

"Well first the spa, just to get us refresh for the gala," she started.

"Oh, I do need a massage and aromatherapy bath," I said as I could image myself being relaxed in a nice scented bath.

"Then to the salon to do some touches on our hair," she continued.

"I would love to get a manicure," said Natalia as she looked down at her black painted nails.

Miya and Fanny are quite estatic of the idea of getting a makeover, but it really makes me uncomfortable. "Oh come on, Hana, it's not so bad," said Fanny.

"I'm a ninja, I do not enjoy those prissy girly things like makeup," I said as I drank some tea.

"If it is to impress Aamon, would you do it?" Silvana asked me with a teasing smirk.

I almost choked on my tea, but I quickly composed myself and replied, "Don't be silly, I heard the Baroque family will soon send their daughter to be wedded into the Paxleys".

"If I'm not mistaken, that daughter is Guinevire," said Natalia.

"And I heard, that Paxley is actually Duke Paxley, but Guin didn't know," Fanny added.

"Such ashame, she would be the most luckiest girl in the Land of Dawn," said Miya.

She is indeed right, if Guin knew that she was supposedly engaged to Aamon, but she didn't know her groom was him and ran away. The thought of him marrying Guinevire, really enraged me.

I was then snap out from my thoughts, when I felt on my shoulder. "Are you alright Hana?" Natalia asked me in worry.

"Yeah, just a bit in thought," I replied with a fake smile.

"I wonder, what if Hana's groom is actually Aamon," Miya asked as she began to imagine, in which her question made me blush.

"Actually, he is much more suited for our Hana than anyone in the Paxley family," Fanny gave her opinion.

"Huh, I never thought of that," said Silvana, "I think I agree with Fanny on this. Your more suited with him than with Gavin or Gusion".

"Well I'm still on team Hanasion," Natalia replied, "you're better with Gusion, than any of his brothers".

"I am not sure anymore," I said as I beginning to feel a bit depress.

"What you mean by that?" Miya asked.

"When I was chatting with Aamon," I began, "he said I was involved in an accident, which made me lost some memories of him and Gavin, when we were younger".

"He told me that, he foresee that I will be confused with my feelings. I will be confused of who my heart belongs to. And he's right, I'm really confused now. I wished I could get those memories back," I continued.

I sighed as I just played with my food with the fork in my hand. Silvana put a hand on my shoulder as if she was trying to comfort me. "No worries Hana, we'll help you get your memories back," she promised with a comforting smile.

I looked at Miya, Fanny and Natalia, and they all nodded, sealing that promised to me. I am truly blessed to have great friends like them.

I thanked them, and a maid came to tell us that our ride to our spa time had arrive to pick us up. "I need a minute," I said as I went back to my room, just to get my phone and my retractable weapon for some extra precautions. I went outside and climbed into the limousine. Fanny passed me a glass of champagne, with a big smile. I happily took it and chugged it down my throat. It feels good to be free.

When I finished my first glass, they applauded and cheered with joy. "This will be the best day ever!" Miya cheered. I smiled from ear to ear as I was beginning to fell free and happy, with not a care in the world.

As our limo stopped at a red light, another limo stopped beside us. I didn't give a care of who was in that other limo, I having the time of my life with my close friends and bliss ignorance. When we reached the spa place, Silvana began to say, "I forgot to mention that I rent out the spa to us for the day".

"No way," Natalia surprised.

"Yup, we have it all to ourselves and no one can interrupt us," Silvana smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Miya asked with a smile as we went inside.

*Skip to tonight*

3rd's person POV

It was the night that everyone was waiting, the Golden Gala, where the men wore masks to surprise their partners and the women wearing extravagant dresses to the most formal event in the entire Land of Dawn.

As the evening arrived, the men have arrived to the venue, to great each other and also to show off their stature.

Somewhere in traffic, the Paxley brother's waited for their limo to arrive at the venue. Aamon looked down at his silver mask as his mind is filled with thoughs of his fiance. The limo was enveloped with silence and the tension between the Paxley brothers was so thick, it can be cut with a knife. "You're making a huge mistake, big brother," Gusion finally broke the tension, but his tone lithers with bitterness towards him.

"How so brother?" Aamon asked.

"You do not entirely her that well, brother," he replied, "neither you nor Gavin nor me know what she is thinking".

"For once brother, I agree," said Aamon.

As the venue was in view, Aamon wore his mask. "But, I wanted to learn more about her," he continued.

Gusion tightly gripped his black mask, feeling frustrated towards his older brother's response. 'Tonight is your last chance to change your mind brother. You will soon see her true colours,' Gusion thought as he put on his mask and they arrived at the gala.

An hour into the evening and the women finally arrived in their beautiful, luxurious and elegant dresses; sparkling accessories can be seen from a mile away. The first limo was to arrive was from the Baroque castle, as Guinevere and her sister-in-law, Odette, stepped out of the limo and greeted the other guest.

As Guinevere was chatting with her brother, in the corner of her eye, she spotted her old crush, Gusion, leaning on the pullers of the stairs as he watched his brother talking with Alucard and Tigerel.

'I heard he's single now,' she though, 'time to make my move'. She dusted away the imaginary dust off her dress, straighten her posture and elegantly, yet snobbishly walked over to the V.E.N.O.M. leader.

Gusion could care lest for who was going to greet him first, but he cares to be the first to greet his ex. He sighed in boredom as attending to these formal occasions are quite tiresome and is not his cup to tea. All he's interested in seeing his beloved spider. As his violet eyes watched every maiden, exiting their limo, he did not spot his spider, but he did spotted her close friends.

Guinevere began to feel her blood boiled as she watched her crush walking over towards his spider's friend. "Greetings, fair princess," he greeted her with a bow, to which he earned a light chuckle from her.

"Let me guess, you wished to know where is your divine flower?" she teasing asked.

"You're doing me a favour Sil," he almost gave the puppy eyes, in which he earned another light chuckled from her.

"After Miya," she simply replied as she began to walk over to Aamon, "be prepared for tonight Gusion," she added.

Gusion felt confused with a hint of worry as he feared that he had lost his precious spider to his older brother. For the first time, he was patient and was hopeful, that she had a change of heart. He began to be lost in thought as he waited. He fantasised the night when he could dance the night away with Hanabi, as well touching her smooth skin and feeling her soft lips on his.

He was too lost in thought, as he did not noticed a hand waving in front of him and a feminine voice calling out his name. As he snapped out, he was disappointed who the voice and hand belong to. "Good to see you again, Gusion," greeted Lesley with a smile.

"Oh, Lesley," he blankly said, "good to see you too".

"You look dashing tonight," she complemented him.

"Ah yes, you look nice as well," he said with no interest with her long, ruffled, deep royal blue dress.

"I actually don't have a date tonight, I am hoping you could be my partner tonight".

"I am flattered with the invitation Lesley, but I have plans for tonight," he said as he looked over her shoulder to search for Hanabi.

"Then allow me to join you Gusion". At this point, Gusion was getting annoyed as he's no longer have any interest nor feelings towards Lesley; as he promised himself to only love his beloved marksman.

When he took another looked at the long line of limo, he was thrilled that he managed to spot Hanabi; but disappointed as he saw Aamon, already walking up towards her. "Apologies Lesley, but I do not wish to spend my evening with any other woman, except for Hanabi," he pushed her aside as he hurriedly, tried to greet her first.

Disappointingly, he was too late as he watched Hanabi accepting Aamon's hand, while exiting the limo. He tightly clenched his fists and fuming as he could only helplessly watched his brother kissed her hand; earning a cute blush appearing on both of her cheeks. "May I have the pleasure of greeting and accompanying you, my fair Scarlet?" Aamon asked as he bowed to her.

Hanabi let out a small chuckle, "Of course, mighty Duke Paxley," as she curtiside.

She looked up into the crowd and locked eyes with Gusion. In her heart, she knew it was wrong to be with her ex's older brother, but it is what she wanted. Hanabi quickly looked away from him and focused on her fiance. Gusion couldn't help, admiring the noble ninja in her luxurious gown that was a gift from her fiancee. She wore a long, one shoulder strap, black dress with a gold, beaded belt. She accessorised herself with a pair of black, elbow-length, silk gloves. Her silky raven hair, tied into her infamous high ponytail and accessorised with her enchanted jade hairpin.

"I know you don't favour being accessorising yourself," Aamon smiled as he took out a red velvet box, "but I think these fit you well," he opened the box to reveal a beautiful emerald and diamond pendant.

Hanabi covered her mouth with both her hands to muffle her gasp, as she was shocked. "Aamon..." she was speechless, "I can't accept this".

Aamon took out the necklace and put it around her neck. "Your my divine flower," he touched the ends of her soft hair. Hanabi turned her head to the side, as she was embarrassed to look at him in the eye. He gently took her hand as he guided her to the top of the grand stairs.

Gusion watched them walked up the stairs as his blood continued to boil. He envied his older brother, who was getting the most of her attention and enjoying her company. "I thought she is already engaged," Tigerel asked as he, Alucard and Harith too watched Hanabi accompanying Aamon, "why is she with Lord Aamon?"

"Do you know about this?" Alucard asked; in which Gusion answered, "I wish I haven't".


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I've been going through a lot and just recently I was tested positive for covid-19, but now I'm fully recovered. And I will try to update weekly. So enjoy and see you later in the Land of Dawn!

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