Viridian High, Freshman Fear

By DocTheTuba

197 3 14

I recommend reading my Red One Shot before reading this What's not to love about Highschool? Making new fri... More

Foreign Exchange
Dorm mates
Odd Ones Out

Letter of Acceptance

80 1 6
By DocTheTuba

A teen woke up in a daze, mid-summer morning, looking at the pale ceiling infront of him, when he faintly heard the words

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on Ash," then a faint giggle from two parties. It didn't even register to him what that person said, as it was too late to even think, as he was zapped with 100,000 volts of Electricity through his body.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK!" The teen screamed as he fell off the loft that was his bed. He heard his giggling Pikachu run down the steps that lead up to the upstairs of the house. He started to chase him down, screaming "Get back here you rodent!"

Ash saw him out the door, and run to Professor Oak's lab and ranch. Ash didn't follow as A) He was out of breath from the way he was woken up, and B), He was also naked except underwear

"Hey Ashy, good morning, I made your favorite today," Ash's mom sang as she set out plates for him and herself. "Don't think I did this to just you, Oak is waking Gary up righ..."

She didn't even finish the word when they heard a loud "WHAT THE FUCK UMBREON!" coming from the lab.

"Really, what's the occasion that you're waking both me and Gary up?" Ash asked, sitting down, eating the eggs and bacon set out infront of me.

"Oh, nothing, except this," Delia held out her hand, and in it, contained an envelope. Ash engulfed his food, then opened it and read it aloud.

"Dear Mr. Ketchum

Us from the Viridian Highschool Board of Education have accepted your application to join our school as an incoming freshman. We understand that you mostly had no prior education, but with your reputation as a trainer, engaging in several leagues, including our own indigo league, as well as contests, we happily accept you into our school.

Hope all is well,
-Principal Sheppard.

Registration for dorms and classes will begin today, Friday, the 29th, at 8am, and will end Friday, the 5th."

"Congratulations Ash, I'm so proud of you, your father would be proud as well!" Delia said.

"Oh Arceus, I thought that they would never accept me," He set the envelope and letter down on the table. "I wonder if Gary also..."

Ash then felt a buzz from my phone, it was Gary.

"ASH, GUESS WHAT!" Gary excitingly asked over the phone.

"You also got accepted into Viridian High, yeah yeah yeah, same here, got the letter right here to show ya, dumb ass," Ash responded, then hung up.

Ash headed back upstairs, put a pair of red shorts, and a blue sleeveless shirt on, showing his faint muscles that he had gained through the years of traveling. A pair of red running shoes on as well, and his cap from kalos. He then headed to the Lab in search of the rodent who woke him up.

Ash barged in through the front door, and was greeted by Gary, who's hair was as messy as his was this morning, but less toasted.

"So we both got accepted into Highschool, that sure is gonna be interesting," Gary said slinging his arm around Ash's shoulder. "Highschool life, we get to be surrounded by hot chicks every day, you realize that?"

"Is that all you think about Gary?" Ash asked the perverted 15 year old infront of him.

"What, all I'm saying is that, since we now are getting older, both you and me should start looking for some gals, whatcha think Ashyboy?"

"Dear Arceus," Ash sighed, as he straightened himself out. Both Ash and Gary have matured a lot since they were 10, starting our Pokémon Journey, and nearly 5 years have passed since then. They now both stand eye level, both at 5'10", and the both of them with their own distinct features. Ash's dark raven hair and lighting dashed cheeks, meanwhile Gary had his messy mahogany hair and his necklace.

The last thing the two both had added to our ensembles, was the half pokeball they got when they were kids. Ash had the lower had as a part of his belt, and embedded in it, was a key stone. Same for Gary, but the upper half. Both also had Z rings as well, but Gary didn't have as many crystals as Ash.

Hey, wanna Battle as a celebration?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, we'll get to that, but first, I think it's about time we find the two that woke us up," Ash smirked at Gary, and he smirked back. The two then tore the lab and house up, searching for the two pranksters that woke them up. Moving everything, from the couch, the thing stand, tables, everywhere.

They searched nearly an hour, but soon got bored.

"I think we should head outside, don't we got to register for classes?"

"Yeah, let's head there now," Ash said, grabbing the lead Tauros's Pokeball, as well had Dragonite's, and Gary grabbed Alakazam's.

"By the way, where's the Professor?" Ash asked his best friend.

"Oh, doing field research, looking for wild Pidgey," Gary replied.

"Okay," Ash said, "Tauros, let's go to Viridian City, alright? Good."

Tauros took off, and fast, running the entire way through the Viridian Forest and Rt 1, the journey wasn't short though, still taking an hour and a half just to arrive in Viridian City.

"You know we could've just use teleport instead," Gary said, cracked his back as he got off Tauros.

"Where's the fun in that," Ash refuted, returning Tauros to his Pokeball. "Okay, a Highschool, this shouldn't be to hard to find."

"Yeah, it'd be the biggest building I'd suppose," he commented, kicking a pebble around. They walked around town, looking at street signs, in order to find the school. Soon enough though, they found it, with a bunch of kids outside talking, and was bigger than Ash thought. Double layered, and spanning out for a quarter of a mile, while dorms were right across the street. They walked around the perimeter of it, checking it out. The width of it was also equally as long as the length of it. "Arceus, how big is this school?"

"Well, when you have kids from Pallet Town, Cinnebar Island, Peter City, and Viridian, as well as foreign exchange students, it's bound to be large for all the students, same for the dorms," Ash said as they entered the front door, which was brimming with students. Most of them looked to be around their age, so think incoming freshman.

They weren't on line or anything, just standing there, waiting, unlike the two, so they brushed pass them, as they crowded the halls, but no one seemed to mind as they walked up to the main office, which wasn't hard to find. Unlike the halls, the office was quiet, and only a few kids in, waiting. They went up to the front desk and checked in, where there was an old lady, around 70 years old, at reception.

"Ahh, Mr Ketchum, and Mr Oak, I've heard so much about you from Samuel," the lady sitting at the front desk said.

"Oh, you know my grandpa?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, I knew him when he was young, back to when he was a trainer," she paused for a minute, and giggled to herself, "and a champion."

"Hold on what?" They exclaimed in unison.

"Yup, back when he was still a battler, he was Kanto's champion, and held the title for 15 years, the 2nd longest anyone has held it, now this was before you, or your fathers were born, and boy Mr Ketchum, your father has Samuel beat by 3 years," She said as she turned around. The mention of their fathers both sent a bad nerve down their body.  "Sheppard, it's the two exceptions you accepted."

"Okay, send them in," they heard a deep, commanding voice say. The lady pointed towards a plaque, titled Principal, so Ash opened the door, and they entered, where they were met by a 6'6", dark skinned, bald man, with thick facial hair, wearing a gray suit. The two sat down infront of his desk, as they stared around his office, where there was a badge case, with all badges from the Kanto and Johto League. "Let me get straight to the point, it's no surprise you two were accepted, as I've personally gone through your files. Both of yours, and I'm impressed. Gary, Kanto and Johto League, as well as being your grandfather's Protégé, making your own discoveries. And Ash, being the son of the champion before the current one, 7 Leagues, Champion of both Alola and the Organge Isles, and youngest to conquer our Battle Frontier. Both of you just at the age of 15."

The mention of his father struck another chord in Ash. Gary next to him could see the visible discomfort in his friend's expression, going from nonchalant, to a bit annoyed.

"Okay, now what we've established the point that Ash is an amazing person, can we get on with registration," Gary tried to kick the conversation of school back into context, and get Ash back to a more calm manner.

"Okay, now since you both hadn't really had an academic Education since you two were ten, we've decided to put you two in the most basic classes that freshman usually take. That being Algebra I, Biology, World History I, Gym, and Literacy/Literature 9, being required classes for you to take, along with that, you have 3 electives you can take which you two can decide, and fill them all out of the course request form. You can look up the electives on our school website, under course selection, or if you want a physical list of the courses, I have some here if you want," Principal Sheppard said, as he showed them two brochures of different electives from different categories. They took them both.

"We'll look it over when we get home, and come back with the course request form completed, to give us time to see what we want to enter," Ash said as he started to look at it briefly. "Speaking of homes, what about dorms?"

"Ah, yes, I'm sure you don't want to be riding in a car every day to school for an hour and a half," Sheppard said.

"Actually, it was a Taurus," Gary joked.

"One of my 30 to be exact," Ash chimed in. "Leader of the heard."

"Well, we wouldn't want that either," Sheppard laughed, as he continued his explanations. "So, our dorms are Co-Ed, with our rooms being one main living room and kitchenette, then a bedroom for each member of that dorm room. All dorms are all made for each trainer that comes through this school, with the background information you filled out on your application for this school, we've suited your half of the dorm to your own interests.

The Principle then produced 4 key cards from a machine, and gave them 2 each, each room numbers were on the key cards, Ash's number was 20-84, while Gary's was 6-82.

"Thanks, I think we'll be on our way then," Gary said as they got up.

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to you two about something?" Principal asked in a sincere tone.

"Uh, sure. What?" Ash asked.

"It's, about your fathers..." Ash didn't waste any time to walk out of the room, almost slamming the dorm behind him. "Was it something I said."

"Yeah, Ash doesn't talk about his father, it's not a good conversation topic," Gary said, "he's only ever had one memory of him, that was Red walking out the door right before going missing. Also was his first memory of anything."

"Oh, I didn't know. I obviously knew about the disappearance of Red nearly 12 years ago, as the Champion of a region, and being named strongest trainer in the world, being the Pokemon Master, doesn't go missing over night, as well as his best friend," The principal ended slowely.

"What does my father have to do with this?" Gary asked irritated, "Last I knew, he was in Johto, studying on a field search when he was sucked into more research, which lead him to not be able to come back home."

"That's just the thing, he wasn't, he was with Red when he disappeared."

Gary had look of disbelief on his face when he left the room.

"What did he say it you," Ash asked when Gary exited.

"Some shit about our dads," Gary said, flicking his hair out of his face. "C'mon, let's check out the dorms."

He grabbed Ash's hand, and dragged him out of the seat Ash was in. The dorms were right across the street, which was their next destination. There was already a receptionist there when they entered, but they just brushed past her, as they were given keys to their own rooms already. They are on different floors, Ash being on the top, and Gary being on the 6th. They split up, and when they entered their own dorms, their living rooms were pretty much the same.

The living room and kitchette was a dark blue color around the walls, with a white ceiling. They had a view of the city, but Ash's had a better view that extended into the forest, and also a view of Mt. Silver. The Kitchette had a oven and stove, a fridge, a dish washer, A sink, and small cabinets. There was a medium sized glass table with a Spruce frame. The couch was Light blue, with Pokeball pillows in the corner of them. Then there was a 84" flatscreen tv, which was hoooked up to several gaming systems, and also had regular television. The window also slid open to a balcony.

The only thing different about them was their rooms. As Mr Sheppard said, each room was designed for each students interests.  For Both rooms, they had a small plaque outside, with their respective names on, and both were the size of Ash's living room at home in Pallet Town. Ash's room was on the right side of the dorm, and across from Ash's room, there was another room that had the name Serena Yvonne.

For Ash's, the walls were red, with a loft bed like back his house, but with a lot of storage space underneath. On the wall, there were several rows of shelves, a desk with a desktop computer, an office chair, hard wood floors, and a pokeball carpet. There was also a machine to transport Pokémon to and from any lab that his Pokémon may be at. The wall also had posters of every league that Ash has partaken in.

"This place ain't so bad," Ash said to himself, as he grabbed his stuff, and headed back down to Gary's room.

Meanwhile Gary was overjoyed in excitement. His room was Blue in color, and his bed was also a loft bed, similar to Ash's, as well as a single shelf. A desk and computer also similar to the one in Ash's, but where there was a machine to transport Pokémon to and from the lab, there was an entire bookshelf, filled with books from famous journalists and authors. His view from his window wasn't as good from Ash's, but he could still see over the roof tops city.

When Ash came down to see Gary, he was already on his way out, so they decided to just go back home. The two got bus tickets and then headed home. The bus ride was faster then the bull run they had coming to Viridian Ciy. The bus, going nearly 90 through Rt1 and the Viridian forest got them home in no time.

It was roughly, 4 pm now, and the two had a welcome home gift from Oak, Delia, and Daisy, Gary's mother. They were all at the Ketchum residence for dinner, where Delia and Daisy were cooking, and Professor Oak had a gift for them.

"Dinners' ready, come eat!" Delia shouted as her and Daisy set out all the plates and food, roasted poultry was the main course of the night.

"So, how was your day, you two?" Daisy asked.

"Well, you can say we had a very rude awakening to the day," Ash joked. "By the way, where are those two, oh they have another thing coming for them."

"I'm with you on that," Gary added. "If my face wasn't in the way, that Shadow Ball would've been sent straight through my bed.

"You're welcome," Delia and Daisy sang, and giggled.

"By the way, you two, how was the campus visit?" The Professor asked.

"It was fine, to say the least," Gary said.

"Well why is that?"

"We met with the principal, and he talked to us about the campus, classes, and all stuff about us, and when we were about to leave, and stoped us, and asked about our dads," Gary answered, and received a confused look on his face. Ash placed his fork down, and looked away from the table for a minute. Their mothers decided not to push the subject. "I foget what he said, but it just bothered us."

"Other than that," Ash changed the subject, "the dorms are actually not that bad. My room looked nice, and had a nice view of the area on the top floor."

"I got the 6th floor, so I don't have that good of a view as Ash," Gary said, "but it's still something."

"Good to hear," Oak said.

"We're aloud to pick our electives, and I've already decided which electives I'm taking," Ash said. "One is Advanced Battling, and two study halls."

"Of course you're taking two study halls," Gary sighed. "I'm also going to take the battle class, Phycology/Sociology I, and one study hall."

"Oh, those are some interesting courses, we'll still be glad you're taking these courses," Oak said.

"Okay gramps, you've been teasing us with this gift for the past hour, what is it?"  Gary asked, and Oak chuckled to himself. He brought out two wrapped bags, each with their names on it. "Ash I got your gift from a friend over in Kalos, and Gary, that's also from our anonymous sender."

Ash and Gary tore their presents open, and inside both, there was a card that read, Happy Early Birthday, A.S.

"A.S, I wonder who that stands for," Gary asked

When looking open their gifts, Ash received a pokeball. For Gary, there were two mega stones, Alakazamite, and Aerodactylite.

"Sycamore, you son of a bitch," Ash laughed.

"Who's Sycamore?" Gary asked.

"He's the professor over in Kalos, who specializes in Mega Evolution," Ash replied.

"I do recall having heard of a man named Sycamore, and was always curious in his research," Oak said. "Maybe I should reach out to him tomorrow."

"You should, he's a very talkative person," Ash said. "Hey, weren't you asking to find those two mega stones a while ago, Gary?"

"Yeah, that's funny, hey, it's not too late, wanna go test them?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, I just want to see what's in this pokeball," Ash said, as he pressed the button, and inside, there was a mega stone, and a note attached to it. This mega stone doesn't read as anything, I wanted to send it to you, to see if it reacts with any of your Pokémon, thank you, if it does, you can keep, it, and if it doesn't, keep trying over different Pokémon you come across. "Huh,I guess his machine can't read this mega stone, so yeah, let's head over and test out your mega stones."

"Yeah, let's go."

"Those two are always competing, aren't they?" Delia remarked.

"Yup, it's always funny to see our little boys group up, sure bring me back to when our husbands were young," Daisy commented.

"Sure does," Delia said, watching the boys battle.

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