
By XxAmsyxX

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Aizawa and Midoriya are hit with a mind linking quirk, they're able to hear each other's thoughts. It's Part... More

Ch.2 "Can I be a hero?"

Ch. 1 "Mum?"

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By XxAmsyxX

"Izuku, come on we need to get going"
Inko was waiting for her son to get ready to go shopping.
"Yes mum, I'm nearly done"

A few seconds later the green haired boy was jumping down the stairs.

"I'm am here!" he said a bright smile placed on his face

The two shortly left the house and went off, the shopping centre was only a 5 minute walk away.

"So what did you need again?"
"Oh..just a new T-shirt hehe?"
" did this one get ruined?"

Midoriya knew his mother would worry relentlessly so he made up a short lie about falling over and ripping it by accident.

His mother only sighed and carried on with the task. Whilst walking closer to the shops Izuku spotted a blonde classmate from the corner of his eye.

"Hey mum, can we go over there" pointing in the opposite direction. His mother ignored him and went to greet her friend Mitsuki

The two boys just stood still and stared, red eyes looked furious towards the green haired kid.

"Stop looking at me, damn deku"

Izuku flinched and backed away slightly and tugged at his mums shirt.

"Please can we go yet?"

The two mums eventually parted ways and began to get on with whatever they were doing until the ground began to shake.

"Izuku honey, quick let's get out of here"

As they started making their way over to the exit, almost as time had slowed down, a car was flung right infront of the two.

"Mum, let's hurry"

Turning around izuku couldn't get sight of his mum.

"Mum? Hey?!MUM?!"

He crouched down, there was blood at his knees slowly pooling around him.

"Hey mum? Wake up haha, it's okay the villain was restrained...mum!?"

After that it was black, then white, tiles on the ceiling.

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