Natasha Romanoff x reader one...


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these are all from my tumblr @/natsfirecat all are written with the intent of fem reader but some don't use a... Еще

Ring Race
Left Behind
Falling For The Sister
Temporary Heartbreak (Taylor's Version)
Operation Fire Widow
Bring You Back
Avoiding The Arms
Betrayal Remembrance

Oblivious Genius

1K 32 3


When you first started dating Natasha, the two of you were worried about what would happen when your father found out. But as time went on, you found that it really wasn't that hard to hide your relationship.

While he was indeed a genius, Tony Stark could also be a moron at times.

You were currently in her arms on your bed, while a movie was playing. Although, neither of you were actually paying attention to the movie.

You ran your hands through her hair as she trailed her lips all across your jawline. Once she brought her lips back to yours, you smiled into the kiss as her tongue explored your mouth. She placed her hands at your sides, slowly moving them up and down as your lips moved in sync.

Just as she slipped a hand under your shirt, you broke away from the kiss, wide eyed.

"What?" Your girlfriend asked.

"I have training with Steve," you told her. "Shit! What time is it?"

She reluctantly rolled off of you, reaching for her phone on the nightstand.

"It's 3:00," she said.

"Shit, shit, shit," you cursed, getting off the bed. You ran to your closet, grabbing training clothes. 

Without a second thought, you began changing into your tank top and shorts. Natasha couldn't help but smirk, prompting you to roll your eyes. 

Just as you were about to walk out the door, she grabbed your wrist, pulling you back into her. 

"I'm sure we could come up with an excuse," she said, wrapping her arms around you.

"Natty, you know we can't,"

She stuck her bottom lip out and pressed her eyebrows together. At your silence, she narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Y/N/N," she said in a whiney voice. 

"If I don't go, he's gonna give me his disappointed stare! And then he'll tell my dad and he'll give me his disappointed stare too!"

She sighed, pulling you even closer to her. 

"I'm going with you," she muttered.

You smiled, pressing your lips against hers for a quick kiss. Of course, she tried to deepen it, but you pulled away too soon.

So, she followed you down as you made your way to the training room. To no one's surprise, Steve was already there waiting for you.

Just as you were about to go to him, Natasha grabbed your wrist once again.

She pulled you towards her, pressing your lips together for a goodbye kiss. 

Steve cleared his throat from behind you, prompting your girlfriend to roll her eyes as you finally disconnected the kiss.

You smiled at her as she resisted the urge to kiss you again. She held her arm out, reaching for you dramatically as you walked further away from her and closer to Steve. 

Once she finally accepted that you ~would~ in fact be training with him, she walked to the edge of the room, sitting down in the observation area.

Steve of course, ignored her presence and was determined to train you as planned.


After around 15 minutes into your training session with Steve, the door opened again, revealing your father.

He didn't say anything as he walked over and sat down next to Natasha.

For a few moments, he sat in silence, watching Steve work with you. Then, he began to notice the way Natasha's lips twitched into a smile whenever you did a move right. 

He smiled at this, feeling sincere for once.

"Y'know, I've really noticed how much Y/N enjoys being around you," he began. "Ever since she's been staying here and becoming part of the team, she seems comfortable around you and I appreciate the friendship the two of you have,"

She nearly choked on her own spit, taking in his words. 

~Of course Tony Stark had to be that oblivious to the fact that his daughter's 'best friend' was actually her girlfriend.~

He smiled brightly, patting her on the shoulder before exiting the room and leaving the rest of you alone.


To be fair, that really shouldn't have surprised her. 

A few weeks later, and you had just gotten back from spending the day with your father. You were still carrying your unfinished slushie when you walked to your room, ready to unwind and spend quality time with your girlfriend for a bit.

Natasha had been waiting for you, instantly pulling you into your lap when she saw you.

"I missed you," she said, wrapping her arms around you.

"I was gone for four hours, Natty," you said, giggling.

You leaned forward, planting a soft kiss against her lips as she hugged you tighter.

"Four hours too long," she mumbled as she leaned forward to lean her forehead against yours.

You giggled again, bringing your lips back to hers.

"I love you, Natty,"

"I love you too, Y/N/N,"

She reconnected your lips, pulling you even closer as you wrapped your arms around her neck. 

Her tongue swept along your bottom lip, prompting her to internally smile as you opened your mouth to allow her entrance. As your tongues collided, she began to taste the sugary remnants of your slushie that you had tasted just before.

"Blueberry?" She asked as she pulled away.

You nodded, smiling widely before kissing her once again.


Of course, it was no shock when Natasha walked out of your room, her tongue just as blue as yours had been.

FRIDAY had alerted her that she was needed for a mission report. She didn't want to leave you, and made sure to kiss you a few more times before leaving. But when FRIDAY interrupted your makeout session for the third time, she finally decided to go.

Tony and Steve were just outside the door, talking amongst themselves when they saw her.

"Took you long enough," Tony muttered. 

She rolled her eyes in response, opening the door and sitting down. 

"Let's just get this over with," she said.

She was still salty about the fact that her moment with you was interrupted, and she very much wanted to pick up where she left off the second this was over.

Steve tilted his head to the side as she opened her mouth.

"Your tongue is blue," he pointed out.

Tony snapped his head towards her, instantly remembering getting the drinks with you today.

Natasha's eyes widened as she saw the gears turning in his head.

"Of course you'd be the only person she'd share her slushie with," he said, then turned to Steve. "Who knew being friends with Y/N would turn our local assassin into a softie?"

Steve turned bright red, feeling Natasha's threatening stare from his side.

While Tony was as oblivious as he could be, it didn't take long for Steve (and everyone else) to find out about your relationship.

While Natasha had no problem being soft and adorable around you, she easily scared the others. All she had to do was narrow her eyes just a bit, and it didn't take long for them to do what she said.

So of course, everyone was sworn to secrecy about your relationship.

Luckily, Tony thought nothing of this. He wanted to get this over with as much as everyone else.


You and Natasha were normally present when the team wanted to do movie or game night, but you were both feeling a little socially drained at the moment.

So, you decided to spend tonight in your room, just the two of you.

While the others were downstairs, getting ready to watch a movie, Peter was excitedly giving everyone updates about his progress with asking his crush out.

"I complimented her eyes today!" He said, rolling back and forth on his feet.

"So have you decided how you're going to ask her yet?" Steve asked.

"I have a few ideas planned," he replied.

Tony thought for a minute,

"I could help you come up with something, and make this whole process easier for you," he offered.

Peter's cheeks turned red,

"I'll let you know if I need anything, but I've already gotten a lot of help from Natasha!"

Tony scoffed, nearly laughing at the idea of Peter getting romance advice from her.

"And why would you take her advice?"

"I mean, she's been in a stable relationship with Y/N for almost a year, so it couldn't hurt to listen to what she says,"

Tony's brain nearly short-circuited. 

"What did you just say?" He asked.

The room fell silent as Peter realized what he had done. His eyes widened as he watched Tony put the pieces together. 

~All those times he had seen the two of you together, she actually had far different intentions from what he assumed.~

Wanda tried to suppress her laughter, but was unsuccessful.

"Got something to say?" Tony asked as she erupted into a fit of giggles.

"No," she said between laughs. "It's just that it was obvious they were together,"

He glared, crossing his arms. 

"Since when is it a bad thing to appreciate a close friendship?"

"They're far from friends, and have been for a ~long~ time,"

He sighed, walking back and forth as his glare intensified. 

"You're friends with my daughter," he said. "You all are!"

"Yeah, and I'm not the one she clings onto every night," Wanda retorted. "I'm not the one giving her those hickeys she tries so hard to get rid of, but fails miserably. I'm not the one she has ~incredibly~ loud thoughts about-"

"Okay, that's enough I get it!" He said, crossing his arms again.

As he thought for another minute, he realized that you and Natasha were the only ones absent.

Without another word, he stormed off, heading straight for your bedroom. 

He was preparing himself for what he was going to see when he walked in, but as he opened the door, a wave of relief fell over him.

You were laying on her chest as she played with your hair. With her other hand, she was holding your as you absentmindedly fiddled with her fingers. 

A movie was playing, and the two of you were watching in silence, simply enjoying one another's company.

"Romanoff," Tony said as his eyes narrowed. "Get your hands off my daughter,"

Your heart dropped as you were met with his glare.

Your girlfriend scooted away from you, her eyes widening.

You looked back at your father, and he was fuming. Although, his anger seemed mostly directed at Natasha instead of you.

"Dad-" you started, but he cut you off.

"No," he said. "I think I make myself ~very~ clear when I don't Miss Triple Imposter here using you,"

Now you were glaring almost as much as him.

"Hey! That's not fair! Natasha is my girlfriend and she's not using me!"

Despite him telling her to get her hands off of you, he noticed the way your hands were still linked as you sat on opposite sides of the bed. She ran her thumb across the back of your thumb, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.

Natasha wasn't quite sure what to say. She loved you and wanted to be with you, but she didn't want to say the wrong thing and make Tony even more angry than he already was. 

He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped, unable to move his focus from the way she kept moving her thumb as a calming action for you.

"I love her," you said after a few moments of silence.

Tears swelled in your eyes as you shifted your gaze between your father and your girlfriend.

He wanted to yell again, but instead he just stared in silence as a tear fell.

"Y'know," you began, breaking the silence. "When I first started staying here, you told me 'no boys.' You didn't say anything about girls,"

He almost smiled, realizing that you were right. 

"Don't break her heart, Romanoff,"

Without another word, he left, leaving you alone with the woman you loved.


Now that Tony knew about your relationship, Natasha had come to a realization; there was a good chance that he could be her father-in-law one day, so it was probably best to stay on his good side.

So, she bit her tongue from making retorts toward him.

She was in the kitchen, and he was the only other person in there. He had has music playing as loud as possible, and almost didn't seem to notice her presence.

She inhaled deeply, about to yell at him to either leave or turn it off, but then she stopped herself.

~This is your girlfriend's father, who knows that you're together.~ She told herself.

He watched her cheeks flush red as she held back her remark. 

He instantly realized what was happening, smirking as he finally left.

He was going to have fun with this.


A few weeks later, and half the team just got back from a mission and everyone was exhausted. 

Tony smirked, glancing at Natasha. As soon as he was handed his paperwork, he walked over to her.

"How about you finish this up for me?" He said, wanting to see just how far he could go with this.

She stared for a few moments, wanting so bad to tell him off.

~But if she did that, he could so easily make her life a living hell by keeping you away from her.~

So, she took his papers, making her way back to her room.

When you were alerted that the others had gotten home, you were surprised that you couldn't find her with the others.

So, you went to her room, immediately confused as you saw her hunched over at her desk working.

"Natty?" You said softly.

She dropped her pen, turning around to see you. She reached for your hand, pulling you into her as she wrapped you in a hug.

"I missed you, my love," she muttered before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. 

"Why are you doing that now?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

She shrugged, which allowed you to feel her shoulders.

"God, you're tense," you said. She stared at you with a mixed expression, unsure what to say.

Nonetheless, you grabbed her wrist and gave it a gentle tug, pulling her onto her bed. From there, you sat behind her, bringing your hands to her upper back.

She sighed in relief as you began massaging her, leaning back into your touch. 

You giggled, adjusting yourself so you were sitting on your knees so you could lean up and kiss the top of her head.

"How'd the mission go?" You asked.

"It was fine,"

She didn't tell you that your father had been a total pain in the ass. She didn't tell you that she was two seconds from ripping his head off almost the entire mission.

"Let yourself rest for a bit," you told her, kissing the top of her head again. "You can do all the paperwork stuff later."

She groaned, leaning back so her head was resting on your chest. 

You ran your fingers through her hair as she hummed, still exhausted from the mission. 

She needed to get back to her paperwork, especially since she was doing more than normal, but she ~really~ didn't want to. 

"You're staying in here with me tonight, right?" She asked as her eyes began to close.

You grabbed her hands, then kissed the insides of her wrists.

"Of course."


As time went on, you noticed how she didn't make remarks toward your father anymore. You also noticed how much time she was spending on paperwork.

When she came back to your room that day, she looked like she was going to explode.

"Natasha?" You asked. 

She practically threw herself into your arms, burying her head in your neck.

"I can't take it anymore, detka," she mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" You asked as you began stroking your hand through her hair.

"I know he's your dad, but he is driving me ~crazy~ and he won't stop. I can't take it!"

You held her close as she let out all her frustrations.

"And why haven't you told him off like you used to?"

She let out a long, slow, sigh.

"Because I'm in love with his daughter," she said softly. "And I've realized that in the long run, I do want to be on his good side,"

"Why's that?" You asked with a small grin.

She let out a small laugh, bringing her forehead to yours.

"Because one day, my love, I plan on asking him for your hand in marriage. That'd be rather difficult to do if we weren't on good terms,"

You couldn't help but blush at her words, leaning forward to press a small kiss against her lips.

"Well, when that happens, I should hope that you marry me with or without his approval."

"You can count on that."


You noticed just how much she had to bite her tongue around your father. As much as you loved them both, you were sick of whatever was going on.

While sitting in the living room, she squeezed your hand in her own. You knew that he had been bothering her before you came in.

"Okay, enough of this," you said, breaking the silence.

You stood up, facing them.

"Natasha, you shouldn't have to walk on eggshells now that he's aware that we're together." You started, looking at your girlfriend. You then turned to Tony. "And Dad, stop taking advantage of this. Her being with me shouldn't change how she has to act around you, so you shouldn't get to annoy the hell out of her without any consequences,"

He opened his mouth to say something, but you weren't finished.

You reached for her hand, pulling her close. You dramatically pressed your lips together, kissing her deeply as if your father wasn't right there. 

"HA!" You said triumphantly when you finally pulled away. "We're together, and you just have to deal with that. End of story."

He sighed, eventually accepting it.

As it would turn out, he did grow to love the two of you together and Natasha went back to being unafraid of telling him off.

She no longer had to worry about it for awhile as far as she was concerned.

That is anyway, until Y/N Stark was about to become Y/N Romanoff.

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