~Helluva Boss : Beelezbub~

By Cyrilwolf

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So this is definitely a tale where I want to experience something, since we met the Lord of lust, I thought t... More

~Chapter 1 : A Joyride~
~Chapter 2 : Lost in the Sweet Seas~
~Chapter 3 : Welcome to CandyLand~
~Chapter 4 : Meet the Bug Queen~
~Chapter 5 : Think He Saw~
~Chapter 6 : Undercovering~
~Chapter 8 : Truth Comes Out~
~Chapter 9 : Escaped~

~Chapter 7 : The Dark Secret~

144 1 0
By Cyrilwolf

~Blitz, Millie and Beelzebub enjoy their dinner as they feast on the amazing cooked dishes that were prepared all together, Beelzebub watches the imps eat, her eye twitch, but continues eating to try act weird around them, Millie then looks over to the empty chair besides her, still reminding her of Moxxie, she hoped he was okay, and that nothing happened to him, she sighs a little, still kinda thinking about it, the feast stayed while it lasted, until finally everything on the table was gone, Blitz and Millie were filled up, But Beelzebub wasn't stuffed, as she is immune to being full, Blitz sighs of enjoyment, leaning his head against his chair, his tongue stick on the side of his lip.~

Blitzo : Man, That was great, everything on the table was priceless, I feel so relaxed.

Beelzebub giggles, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Beelzebub : I'm glad you've enjoyed the food, thankfully to see you're happy faces are all satisfied and settled.

Millie : Well we all appreciate it, hey, if it's not too much to ask, you think we can stay for the night, Like i mean, just one night, before me and Blitz can head on back to the ocean, and back to the Pride ring on our own?

Beelzebub looks at Millie, wasn't expecting that question, but she surprised.

Beelzebub : Oh of course, you and your friend can stay! oh, and speaking of friend, where did your other friend go?

Millie : Oh...He left, just before we got back here and before too.

Beelzebub : He....Left?

Millie : ..Y-Yeah, unfortunately.

She seems to pause her words when hearing her say Moxxie left, but after a moment, she comes back, answering back for her.

Beelzebub : Well..I'm sorry to hear that, he just missed out on the fun and everything else, now why is it your friend left?

Millie : ...Ehh..To be blunt here, he kept worrying that your place, and everything about this town is dangerous, he wouldn't stop trying to defend us from telling us to listen and leave, which..I don't know, I can't understand why that is, or for what reason he's not stable enough to be around here, I think it's safe to say he..probably have something on his mind, something he's not telling us clearly, I'm..really worried about him in this protective condition.

Beelzebub : Oh, Don't blame yourself or him, your little friend is not the only one thinking that way, many others did and say the same, spreading rumors about how my home is a dangerous place, and that it can't be trusted, Such silly lies they spread, but don't worry, it doesn't bother me, since I've grown use to it, people are like that sometimes, and you just need to not be bothered by that too.

Millie : ...Well, that's really sad to hear, but really knowledgeable of you to get over something like that, and you know, I think your place is a good place, and people just don't see it.

Beelzebub : Aww, Thank you, I Really...Appreciate it..

Beelezbub looks away, starting to feel woeful, and even showing glum on her expression, Millie saw the sudden change again, she felt agonize on her, she went to reach out her shoulder.

Millie : Hey, are...you alright?-

But before her hand could touch her, she suddenly reacts.

Beelzebub : DON'T TOUCH ME!!

Her sudden outburst scared Millie a little, but Beelzebub shakes her head, chuckles nervously and leans back.

Beelzebub : I'm..S-Sorry, Didn't mean to do that, I was...Just really work up, Please forgive me if I scared you a little, it really is just that, hehe.

Millie : ..Oh..Okay, no it's..alright..

She sits back down, a little worried about what happened, but she tries not to mind it too much, since she said it was a slight mistake to do, Blitz however, stretches and leans up on his seat.

Blitzo : uhh..You know where the nearest restroom is? I really need to settle myself for a second.

Beelezbub : The bathroom is at the 2nd floor to the left, two doors down from my room.

Blitzo gets up and exits out of the dinning room to head to the main hall, Millie and Beelzebub were left back to the dinner table, Blitz heads down to where the stairs were, the Insect demons still in the room watches him, intensely still, the faces Blitz didn't see or know, He heads upstairs to the 2nd floor, remembering where the restroom was, but before he enters through the doorway, he saw the master's bedroom door was slightly open, Blitz paused for a moment, knowing this is where Beelzebub's room is, but he also remember one of the insect demons after he left back to town to not go in there, only the hands of Beelzebub is allowed to be in there at anytime, Blitz wanted to respect that, but his curiosity is starting to rise, wondering what's inside Bee wouldn't want anyone to see, just a room, or maybe more, Blitz goes to Beelzebub's bedroom, opening it quietly, so no one could hear him sneaking in, inside was a huge bedroom, with a king size bed, many fancy antiques, and loads of things inside the bug monster's room, Blitz wanders around the room, looking at all the artifacts and objects on the shelves, counters, and drawers, he sees a lot of more portraits on the wallpaper, Blitz was about to leave, until he spotted something on one of the shelves, a photo, he goes to it, this area was where he hasn't yet gone to, he stopped by the photo, and picks it up, the photo shows of Beelzebub with a certain somebody who's an imp, the glass frame was cracked, like something hit it or it just fell off, but something on that photo made Blitz look closely to it, recognizing something on that photo, the imp Beelzebub was with, he notice the freckles, and the white hair, even the familiar horns he knew someone just like those have, going through realization on the photo, and the certain imp, knowing...It's Moxxie on the photo, Blitz was stunned, and also deeply confused, seeing one of his co-workers on this photo with the Lord of the Gluttony Ring, Blitz didn't know what to say after seeing this.

Blitzo : ....Moxxie?...

He still looks at the photo of Moxxie and Beelzebub, who looked really happy together, and even held hands, on Beelzebub's finger, there a ring on it too, could this mean something? Was Beelzebub Moxxie's-

"Hey You! stop right there!"

Blitz got startled when he heard a voice shout out to him, he turns to see one of the insect demons in the room, with a spear aiming to him.

Insect demon 6# : What do you think you're doing inside Beelzebub's restricted room, you can't be in here without Beelzebub's awareness.

Blitzo : Oh crap! You scared me back there.

Insect demon 6# : Please answer the question sir.

Blitzo : I....Uhhh..Well..The Door was open.

Beelzebub and Millie still talked in the dinner table, until the insect demon was dragging Blitz by the arm tightly, as he comes to Beelzebub and tell her about what happened, Blitz felt his grip squeezing him, which it hurts him, the girls saw both of them walked in.

Insect demon 6# : Your majesty, I got some news to tell you about what happened while you were here.

Beelzebub was confused when she saw Blitz.

Beelzebub : What happened?

Insect demon 6# : Well, I caught this man inside your room, which you specifically restrict anyone from coming in, he claims the door was open, but I believe he's lying.

Beelzebub's eyes dratted to Blitz, with a stunned look on her face, she went silent.

Beelzebub : You...Went into my room!?

Blitzo : I-I..I Didn't mean to, the door was unlocked, and I know I should've respected your privacy, but I went in anyways, just curious to see what's inside.

Her expression slowly turns into a glare, still silent as she looks at the imp, she then asks him something.

Beelzebub : How much did you see?..

Blitzo was kept silent, Millie stood in the background, still on her seat, noticing Beelzebub's different body language.

Blitzo : W-Well, nothing much, but just a lot of fancy antiques and portraits, candy glowing on the walls and rooftops, so far nothing, but...also I found this.

He shows her the photo pf Beelzebub and Moxxie, which it freaks her out, seeing the photo made her change her mood completely as she grabs it fro Blitz, she stood up, looking at the photo, she begins to downcast, her light yellow tears slowly fall on her face, and one landed on the cracked glass, it was a long stare, until she quietly, and loudly growls, Millie and Blitz watched, her behavior slowly turns into rage and pique, her eyes glow yellow, and then she threw the photo on the wall, startling the imps, leaving them confused, and uneasy, they heard her grunt, and huff, she turns around, now looking more displease, Millie was petrified by this new behavior of Beelzebub, what happened to the sweet bubbly bug monster they knew all day, how did this come to that point, then Beelzebub's eyes twitch, her wings flutter, her mouth salivated again, this time, it's knowable for the two imps to see, Beelzebub covers her face with her arms, backing away, growling in anger, screeching, her legs stomp on the ground, almost making the whole room shake like a mini earthquake.

Beelzebub : No! STOP!...STOP! *She still growls, her stomach growls, her blood are starting to tangle, her mouth still salivate, showing her two-sets of teeth, Blitz and Millie backed away from the bug monster as her frenzy condition is starting uncontrollably, she breathes frantically, like she's freezing, her wings still flutter, but in a fast pace.* ...Nn..Nnn!...I..Can't...Take this anymore! 

Her whole jaw opens, splitting when her mouth was forced opened, colorful saliva drips down the cracks of her open jaw, Millie and Blitz knew something was up with her, as she screeches a horrifying call.

Millie : Bee!?

Blitzo : Oh god..We need to leave now!

Blitz pushes the insect demon aside and both him and Millie ran from the terrifying transformation of Beelzebub, they heading down to the double-doors, until Beelzebub saw him trying to escape and charges them, she grabs them with both her hands, not letting them go, as the imps move around, trying to escape her grip, but it was too much for them to handle such strong squeezing on their bodies, Beelzebub looks at them with her twitching yellow eyes, smiling with all her sharp teeth showing.

Beelezbub : Where are you all going?! You're not leaving here are you!?

She stuttering asked them sharply, Millie felt extreme anxiousness, and her heart pump rapidly.

Millie : P-Please, let us go!

Blitzo : Get your hands off of us! *He moves around, with his arms and legs moving rapidly, trying to free himself, Beelzebub laughs and her head crooked a little.

Beelezbub : Oh~ You can't leave now, I don't want you to leave, you must stay...I'm sorry it has to come to this, but my limit is up, So..Now it's time for me to Feast!

She said in a demonic voice, she then flew up in the air, escaping the castle while holding Millie and Blitz in place as they scream, Beelzebub flies up to the yellow dusk sky, heading over to the other way around the Gluttony ring, Millie and Blitz were lost in their breathes, couldn't move, and felt their bodies being dragged in the air, held by the bug monster's hands, they squeeze them, until finally, one by one, they pass out from the lost of breath, Beelzebub flies down to the forest, and into the underground, where she flew down, the noises of the wings echoed once they go to the bottom.

Moxxie was still under the grounds, still trying to look for a way to get back up to the upper grounds, and leave this place, he travels around every landscape of the underground cave, smelling the sweet sense of the caves like sweet candy, Moxxie walks around in the dark tunnels, seeing a bunch of candy canes, and many different types of sugary treats stick and grow on the stoned dirt walls landscapes.

He's been in this candy underground for not that long, but not too short either, As he passes around many tunnels and trails, hoping to make it out alive, suddenly while running around each paths, they heard something buzzing, he was alerted and hides somewhere as the noise grow closer, there were a few insect demons inside and they passed by where he was, thankfully they didn't see him, Moxxie watches was they leave, he heads down to where they came from, through the long dark tunnel, he ran until he stops when making it to the end of the tunnel, it was still dark, but the smell rose when he travels through the room, it was the same fleshy smell from before, but it was different, there was multiple adding up to the aroma, mixing in flesh and sugar, Moxxie covered his mouth and nose, blocking the scent, until he walks further, what he saw..Horrified him, he saw in his eyes a bunch of dead corpses, laying on the dirt ground, some wrapped in colored web, and hanged on the ceiling, Moxxie breathes quietly, his heart skips multiples hard beats, he also saw the room wasn't empty, full of Insect demons, tearing and eating away on the flesh and bone on the corpses of the remaining imps, closing up to see the dead imps, were actually the passengers who didn't survive the yacht accident, all the clothes, and the appearance every one of them were identical, and there was also more of them which weren't recognizable as well, the insect demons feed, and collect the organs on them, the ones who were gathering the insides. collected them, and stuffs them in each bag they have, saving them, Moxxie was appalled and frighten, couldn't move at all, he hid himself and crawls away from the scene, seeing the monsters fly around the cave, as they all either devour, or save whatever is left, luckily, he manages to not alert any one of the bug demons, standing back up, he continues his travel once again, until he heard a loud screech, this one was huge, sounded beastly, and also familiar, Moxxie turns to see the noise was coming not too far away from him, knowing something like that he has to be cautious about, so he prepares himself and makes his way in the cave.

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