π…π¨π«πžπ―πžπ« || Geoffrey Mc...

By Scarlet_RedHead

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πš…π™°π™Όπ™Ώπšˆπš πšπšŠπš—πšπš’πšŒπšπš’πš˜πš—πŸ©Έ SUMMARY: London, 1918 - your life suddenly changed as soon as you woke up... More

Episode 1 - Rebirth
Episode 2 - Curse
Episode 3 - Realization
Episode 4 - First Meeting
Episode 5 - Pact
Episode 6 - Resumption
Episode 7 - A Different Provocation
Episode 8 - Deception
Episode 9 - When Your Heart Lies
Episode 10 - One Step Away From You
Episode 11 - Forbidden
Episode 12 - Confession
Final Episode - For Eternity
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Episode 13 - The Last Night

144 9 0
By Scarlet_RedHead

You three were facing each other, away from any glance; that night, Jonathan Reid was on the verge of making a revelation that would have shocked those in attendance soon.

《That night...》  The doctor started  《...you were walking along the main street and that is where all happened...》

Meanwhile, you stared at the vampire as you remembered that moment yourself, right after leaving your house.

《Unbeknownst to you, a man was stalking you...he decided to approach just when there were no more people around you.》  Jonathan explained in a lower tone than earlier.

《Apparently, his goal was to rob you, but you reacted by trying to defend yourself...but unfortunately for you, that man carried a weapon with him...》

For a moment, McCullum stared at your expression, so focused and terrified at the same time. The problem was that you didn't remember anything what Jonathan was saying and it was as if you discovered a missing piece of your life.

《The first stab was in the abdomen...I can only tell you that I found you in the alley lying on a pool of blood, when your killer was already gone.》

When he said that, Jonathan had a twinge as he remembered that painful moment.

《Your heart had already stopped beating. You were died, Miss Wright.》

His last sentence made you fall off balance. You suddenly knelt on the ground, unable to believe that story.

《H-how is this possible...》  Of course, you were referring to the fact you became a vampire.

《...I was the one who transformed you in vampire. In my eyes, your death was horribly unfair. I hope you can forgive me for this insolence of mine.》

The pain began to erupt in your chest at the idea that someone had taken your life in such a cruel way...if you hadn't had a fight with your father and if you hadn't decided to run away, you were sure this wouldn't have happened.

It was just your fault, in the end.

But unlike what he thought, you weren't mad at Jonathan; on the contrary, you could only be grateful for that, regardless of the consequences of his choice.

《What happened to that man?》  You asked in a whisper and the vampire replied that he was dead. You breathed a sigh of relief at the idea that such an evil person was no longer in this world.

Jonathan leaned next to you and gently stroked your little body; now, you understood many things, for example the fact he gave you his own blood to make you survive and to prevent you from drinking human blood. In a way, he was taking care of you.

However, there was someone who couldn't accept all of this, and it was Geoffrey McCullum.
Without thinking twice, he pointed the large sword at Jonathan's neck.

《Tsk, I knew you had something to do with it from the start, you bastard.》  The hunter had listened to the whole story and just hearing he was the one who transformed you pissed him off more.

Anyway, you got up as fast as you could to stop him.

《Please, he is not to blame for this!》  After that, McCullum felt your palm on his arm outstretched and ready to attack that hateful vampire.

《I see, you defend him because he gave you immortality, huh?》  He looked at you with narrow eyes  《And you? What you promised him in return...》

You didn't understand what he meant, until you remembered your torn dress. There had never been anything between you and Jonathan because, unlike him, he had always been a gentleman.

《Time to end it once and for all, Reid.》

McCullum dodged you and tried to attack the doctor, but the other managed to avoid the slash by moving quickly to the opposite side.

《You son of a bitch!》

He didn't stop cursing at the vampire, eager to inflict a death blow on him soon. You stood there, a few steps away from them, witnessing what would have been a battle.

《Stop that Geoffrey, you can't do this next to a hospital!!》  You screamed; right here, Jonathan saw something was different...not only he had seen McCullum embrace you like that, but you also called him by his first name.

《I think I told you Miss Wright, he would have made you suffer sooner or later, no matter how much you may love him.》

The Ekon said that as he let the blood flow out of his body to use as a weapon. Anyway, Geoffrey blocked that and countered with his small crossbow.

This happened several times. When it came to one's turn, the other was able to parry or avoid the attack...that endless cycle of violence was unbearable to watch, you had to do something to prevent them from actually killing themselves.
But your thoughts were interrupted when you saw the vampire hunter on his knees.

《Please stop!!!》

You immediately ran in his direction, but Jonathan stepped in front of you.

《Do you really want me to spare him, Miss Wright? Is he really that important to you...?》  He asked you as if he didn't have a shred of humanity left in him.

McCullum's face was swollen with bruises and blood and yet he had absolutely not given up, not in front of a bloodsucker like him.
Obviously, he noticed your expression and chuckled at the idea that you might be so worried about him, because it was the last thing he expected to see during that crazy night.

As crazy as when he heard you loved him.

《I won't let you hurt him, Dr. Reid, not here and in front of me...》  You clenched your fists and felt a strange energy move inside you.

You were facing an Ekon, just like you, but you feared you wouldn't have been able to beat him, as you weren't as skilled in your power as he was. Well, who knows how many bodies he had left behind to become what he was just now...

However, Jonathan calmed down.

《I have no intention of facing you, Miss Wright, just as I did not want to fight against him. But, as you may have noticed, he gave me no other choice.》  He answered by justifying his own actions in that way, but it didn't convince you at all.

《W-what do you want to do to him?》  At that moment, you just saw the doctor approaching Geoffrey and feared that he might attack him.

《Nothing I will regret later, my dear.》  Then, Jonathan grabbed his chin forcing the two of you to look at each other.

《Tonight, you will let this man die or turn into a vampire. The choice is yours, Miss Wright.》

* * *

You thought the world had already collapsed on you as soon as you became an immortal right after your death...but now, it was as if your breath had been completely taken away.

Why did Jonathan want such a thing? Of course, you didn't want to make any choices and just hoped that ended soon.

Your heartbeat quickened when you caught Geoffrey's gaze; in front of everyone and you, he had always been a selfish and fearless man, so you hated to see him like that now.

You wanted him to spare McCullum, but the idea of ​​him being turned into a vampire, the monster he hated most...if that happened, you thought, he would have never forgiven you.

《I-I can not do that Dr. Reid, I don't want any of this!》  You turned your attention to the Ekon, who was looking at you without the slightest surprise, as if he already knew your answer.

At that point, his fingers gripped the vampire hunter's neck letting the claws make their way into his flesh. However, McCullum tried to resist the pain in silence.

《Please let him go Jonathan, I am sure you are a better man than this...》  You pleaded slowly approaching him; the word was your only weapon against him and you hoped it would have worked in the end.

He couldn't help but smile, he always thought you were a caring girl. Even towards an insensitive person like Geoffrey McCullum, the only one who had been hunting him for all this time.
Maybe, he was underestimating you, it was the reason that Jonathan didn't notice you had moved quickly towards him.

Your quick little hand grapped the vampire doctor's wrist, squeezing with superhuman strength to make him let go of the grip on the one you wanted to save.

《Let him go, I said.》

Your tone had changed as if you were a different person. Still on his knees, McCullum had watched your every move and expression and he couldn't help but be amazed by such a vision.

You weren't what he always thought you were and when he had kissed your soft lips and your white skin earlier, they certainly couldn't have belonged to a lousy leech to him...but from a wonderful vampire girl and her sweet poison had a side effect on him.
Just then, he realized his neck was free and that he could get up again.

Anyway, your eyes were focused on Jonathan to be able to notice him and when he appeared on your side, he turned the weapon at his opponent.

《It's just the two of us, Reid!》

The vampire hunter smirked as he continued to advance with his attacks. In the meantime, you were forced to step aside and let the hunter catch his hateful prey with his own hands.

Anyway, you were worried about the one who, despite being strong, was at a disadvantage compared to the vampire.

You joined your palms in front of your face and prayed that Geoffrey didn't die...

Only later, you thought their noises would have caught the hospital's attention and so you headed for the entrance to prevent anyone from seeing what was going on...otherwise, the secret that Doctor Jonathan Reid tried to protect would have been discovered, and yours as well.

《...what the hell is going on here??》

Soon, a voice reached your ears. Luckily, it was Edgar Swansea.

《Dr. Swansea, you need to help me, we can't let anyone see this!》  You said reaching him with a hurried step.

The doctor could only agree with you, the reputation of the Pembroke was at stake and he couldn't allow negative rumors to spread all over London...fortunately, the other doctors and nurses were too busy dealing with what was inside the hospital rather than outside, but now the fight between the two men had to be stopped immediately.

《Jonathan, McCullum! Please stop, this is not the right place or time for such a thing!!》  Suddenly, Swansea rushed towards them and tried to get in the way, risking harm.

Jonathan paused for a moment, not taking his eyes off his current enemy.

《Step aside Edgar, this has nothing to do with you.》  But unexpectedly, he added  《I know you asked me to let it go, but I cannot let this man ruin everything I am trying to.》

Swansea understood perfectly what he meant; for all this time, Jonathan didn't give himself peace to find the cause of the epidemic that was ravaging the city, although the Skals and vampire hunters tried to stop him at all costs.
But now, it seemed something was wrong.

The doctor tried to calm his colleague's soul by placing a hand on his shoulder.

《My friend, I recognize what you have done so far, but I think Miss Wright can get by on her own, especially with McCullum. She's still your offspring, after all.》

When Edgar said that, you were shocked to notice he knew too that Jonathan had turned you into a vampire and that he had never told you about it before. At this point, you no longer knew who to believe...

Then, you approached the vampire hunter who was wiping the blood from his face. You could sense he was tired, but he would have continued to fight stubbornly to defeat that damn vampire.
He was like in a trance state and only turned to look at you when you laid your hands on him.

《Geoffrey...are you okay?》  You asked sincerely and with a worried expression.

When you spoke, the other couldn't help but observe first your pink lips and then your bright eyes. How many times he had dreamed of your face while he slept, before he could actually touch that unexpectedly warm mouth...
Well, you couldn't totally read his thoughts, but you could clearly see his eyes were eating you and that made you lower your head in embarrassment, but without letting go because you didn't want to lose contact with him.

《So.》  Geoffrey started to speak  《You really have...》

But he couldn't even explain it to himself and tried to deny that discomfort with a serious look; then, he frowned instantly when he heard you giggle a little.

《Hehe, I did not think Captain Geoffrey McCullum cared about certain things.》

Unlike you, he wasn't laughing at all, and noticed he was terribly serious as soon as he approached you with his whole body.

《Tsk, don't play with fire little leech, or you'll end up getting burned.》  Suddenly, Geoffrey positioned the large sword behind your back to prevent you from any possibility of escape.

But he didn't expect what you did next, not even trying to stop you, when you threw yourself on his chest to kiss him.

Your kiss was sweet and chaste on his half-open lips. It wasn't the right time for such romance, but before anything else could happen, you had decided to express openly your feelings for him and moaned as Geoffrey increased the pressure on you causing your body to fall back. In order not to risk, you held tightly to the edge of his coat, now ruined and stained with blood and dust.

From afar, Swansea was amazed to see that and couldn't help but smile, while Jonathan watched in silence with a doubtful look.

He knew that man too well, just as knew there could be no future between him, a vampire hunter, and you, a vampire who still knew too little about the world...but before you found out, you just wished you could enjoy this moment that you never imagined doing in your previous life.

* * *

You couldn't believe you did. That sensation was so new and intense to you that was hard to stop, even your bloodlust couldn't be better.
At that moment, Geoffrey dropped the sword to the ground and sharply grabbed your hips over the skirt of the dress.

Obviously, he was pissed off. Not only his fight with Jonathan Reid had been interrupted, but now a vampire brat was devouring his mouth viciously and he couldn't let go of it anymore! Of course, you weren't the first woman he kissed and those had spent the nights with him were much more experienced than you, but he wasn't bored of it. On the contrary, he was excited by the idea of ​​having his way without you being able to complain.

《–fuck everything.》  He thought without the slightest interest that you were one of those monsters he hated so much.

He was definitely going to kiss you endlessly. After Dr. Swansea had managed to convince Jonathan to leave the fight, you and McCullum had moved away from the two, towards the hospital garden, not better of the rest but definitely a quiet place.

《Wait! We need to think about your injuries first.》  You sighed as you tried to re-establish adequate distance between your bodies and grabbed his battered face in your smooth palms. That sudden cold touch was almost a relief to him.

But Geoffrey chuckled by reminding you wore a ripped, dirty dress that certainly didn't make a good impression on you. However, you didn't care anymore.

Failing to get any other ideas into your head, McCullum pulled you towards him and crossed his hard arms around your shoulders.

《Mmm, I don't really need a medical checkup, but if you really want to do something, you could start piquing my interest on somewhere else...》

Then, his eyes shifted on the lace of the dress at your chest; well, it wasn't a florid one like some whores in Whitechapel, but the idea of ​​touching yours, so chaste and unexplored, made it more appetizing...well, if only it weren't for that...

Firstly, it wasn't clear what his intentions were, but when you felt the warmth of his palm cupping your left breast, you didn't hesitate to squeeze yourself to interrupt that contact.

《W-why are you doing this all of a sudden...》  You asked looking at him with some discomfort, but he was particularly amused by your reactions.

Earlier, you didn't want anything unpleasant to happen to him and you knew the reason too well...but him? What were the reasons that pushed him so far now??

Anyway, you quickly freed yourself from his grasp and tried to find refuge inside the hospital.

《The sun will rise very soon, we have to go back before that–》  But then, you froze when you heard a thud. You let out a little scream as you saw the man suddenly fall to the ground.

《M-McCullum! Can you hear me?!》  But you got no response  《Please, wake up!!》

His breathing had weakened, his skin was turning pale, and a large red patch was forming on his abdomen. This time, the hunter let you help him up but the more he moved, the more the wound opened.

《Tsk, I thought that was just a scratch, but instead...that fuckin' bastard screwed me for good, ahahah!》

Despite this, he kept laughing all the way, while you were looking for a place to lay him down...

Around you, there were patients but no empty beds.

You had no other choice and hurried to the stairs forcing McCullum to keep up with you.

《Fuck, where are you taking me...》  He whispered trying to hold the blood in his hand, but it stained inevitably the floor with every step he took.

You glanced at him before answering.

《I'm taking you where there is a free bed. In my room.》

After that, Geoffrey said nothing but stared at you for a moment. Who knew it could be the last time...

* * *

When you placed him on your bed, you shortened the sleeves to take off his coat and use a damp cloth to cover his wound; you flinched to notice it was awfully deep.

《...we need a doctor here, I must go and call him absolutely!–》  But before you could get up, McCullum's fingers tightened around your bare forearm.

《–I'll kill you if you leave this room. I don't want any doctors now.》

This man was completely insane, you thought, how could he think of refusing medical treatment for his pride! Even with the risk of being killed later, you couldn't let him die because of his own foolishness.

《...you need a doctor urgently, I don't care who the hell he is and how long it will take!》

Then, Geoffrey lost his grip on you and could only mutter as he watched you vanish behind the door.

Nobody, not even his soldiers, had ever cared so much for him.

You were really in love with him, he thought with a mischievous smile and closing his eyes weakly.

* * *

You couldn't ask Jonathan for help, not after he had been the one to hurt Geoffrey.
However, that wound had been caused by a vampire and even though it seemed like any other, you didn't know if the other doctors could treat it as well...

Swansea wasn't back yet, so you headed to the west wing of the building, where you were sure to find someone still on duty. It was a few hours before the first light of dawn came out and you had to hurry...
Finally, you heard voices and found Doctor Strickland conversing, if not arguing, with Doctor Ackroyd.

《...I told you Waverley, just so we can understand if our idea really works!》

The euphoria of the first one was irremediably irritating the colleague's long patience.

Your idea, Thoreau, don't put me in your business, especially if there is a high risk of losing the patient...this is not the right way.》

But then, Ackroyd turned to you as soon as he noticed the other was staring at you behind him.

《Miss Wright? What are you still doing awake at this time of night...》  Dr. Strickland spoke first as he walked in your direction and his expression changed to concern when he saw your torn dress, hoping it was nothing serious.

《Thank goodness! A man was badly injured and I took him to my room to rest, but he needs a doctor right away...please help me!!》  You looked at both of them waiting for one of them to follow you.

And unexpectedly, they both did bringing their briefcases with them. The good thing was that none of their patients needed them now.

《Bring us to him!》

Once you reached the door of your room, you turned the handle quickly, everything else had been forgotten and the only thought in your head was Geoffrey.

When Ackroyd found out who the wounded was, he was baffled for a moment. Of course, he was the guy who had brought his soldiers to inspect the hospital, as if it were haunted and without any concrete explanation. Also, the doctor had often seen him talk to you and hadn't forgotten the way you yelled at him just a few hours ago, outside the hall.

It was clear that he wasn't a good person, but then why were you so terrified? Anyway, Ackroyd didn't have time to digest the situation that his colleague motioned him to approach.

《...the wound is long and deep, probably caused by a stabbing weapon. First of all, we need to disinfect it, so I need you to bring me some sterile cloths, Miss Wright.》

Dr. Strickland gave the first order and you ran to get several of them; meanwhile, Ackroyd opened his briefcase and took out a bottle of disinfectant and analgesic, preparing the dose of the latter to inject into the patient's arm.

Apparently, McCullum had fallen asleep and you could see it from his deep but slow breaths. This didn't reassure you and you would have preferred him to freak out as he did anytime, just to know he was out of danger...

While you watched silently, waiting for further requests, they cut off his bloodstained clothes over the wound and pledged to stop the bleeding before sterilizing it.
The internal organs appeared not to have been damaged, but they noticed the depth of the wound was such it had crossed his right side fully.

《What the hell was it that caused such a wound...?》  Strickland asked and you lied saying thugs on the street attacked him.

But Ackroyd didn't believe that story so easily, as he had noticed the man's strange equipment, as if he was hunting wild beasts rather than people, and was almost impossible that he had failed to defend himself...no, there was something else you were hiding.

Inside those walls the tension was getting heavier and the two doctors seemed to be more uncertain what to do. Why didn't they bandage the wound, now that it had stopped bleeding, what else was there that made them suspicious?

Soon, your blood began to boil not only from anxiety, but also from anger.

If Geoffrey didn't survive that night, no matter what he did for you...you would have never forgiven Jonathan Reid for what he had done.

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