Friends...?《Helluva Boss x Ma...

By ShallotStudioz

388K 6.6K 8.4K

[NOT COMPLETED] Y/n is a young man who lives with his mother and step-father. He's a hired hand for any job (... More

S1/E0: Pilot
S1/E1: Complicated Feelings
S1/E2: Y/n Morningstar: The Helping Hand
S1/E3: Spring Broken (Part 1)
S1/E4: Spring Broken (Part 2)
S1/E5: Spring Broken (Final Part)
S1/E6: Everything Doesn't Stay (Part 1)
S1/E7: Everything Doesn't Stay (Final Part)
S1/E9: Harvest Moon Festival (Part 1)
S1/E10: Harvest Moon Festival (Final Part)
S1/E11: Interlude I
S1/E12: Truth Seekers (Part 1)
S1/E13: Truth Seekers (Final Part)
S1/E14: Love
S1/E15: Bloodline
S1/E16: The Confession
S1/E17: Death Bed (Part 1)
S1/E18: Death Bed (Final Part)
S1/E19: Ozzie's
S1/E20: Queen Bee (Season Finale)
S2/E1: The Circus
Season 2 Teaser
S2/E2: Interlude II
S2/E3: Seeing Stars
S2/E4: Forgotten Lovers (🍋)
S2/E5: The Pressure of Truth
S2/E6: The Price of Truth


15.3K 286 446
By ShallotStudioz


Blitzø shoots his shotgun at the TV, utterly rendering it to scrap and bolts

Millie: "Nice work, B!"

Blitzø: "Get me another, Mox."

The tall Imp orders his employee who walks up to the broken TV, swipes it aside, and places a nearby identical TV in its place. He turns it on to reveal 666 News.

Blitzø: "Not feelin' it. Next!"

Moxxie changes it to what seemed to be Hell's version of Betty Boop.

Blitzø: "Keep going, keep going."

Moxxie listens as he changes the channel once again to reveal an Imp taller than Blitzø on the screen. He was talking about contraptions and invention and whatnot, but before Blitzø could shoot...

Y/n: "Hey, guys! I'm here!"

Y/n says as he walks into the boardroom. However, Blitzø changes his aim and fires at Y/n who narrowly dodges the gunfire. The loud noise wakes Loona up who was sleeping. She turns to see Y/n on the floor from ducking and new bullet holes in the wall.

Loona: *angry* "Blitzø!"

Blitzø: *lowering gun* "What?"

Loona: "Stop! Trying! To shoot! Y/n!"

Blitzø: "... well, in my defense, he just looks very shootable."

Y/n stands back to his feet as he dusts himself off and smiles.

Y/n: "Welp, good thing I chose to be your clean-up crew, or I would be shot at a lot more."

Blitzø: "I still don't like you, pretty boy."

Y/n: "Yeah, I know. Anyways, how is everyone else?"

Y/n asked his new co-workers as he sat down next to Loona and leaned against her. Everyone gave their respective answer.

Loona: *happy* "Pretty good."

M&M: "Good."

Blitzø: "... meh."

Suddenly everything started to shake, catching everyone by surprise as they look around.

Loona: "Uh, you guys feel that, too, right?"

Blitzø: "Oh, shit. Is that a Hellshake?"

Y/n and Moxxie: "Is that even a thing/possible?"

The Imp and Human asked in unison as they stood up with Millie and Loona.

Millie: "Okay, stay calm. There's no need to panic, Moxxie!"

The Imp tells her husband who looked confused.

Moxxie: "I am calm. Because Hellshakes don't happen."

Loona: "Stop getting hysterical, fatty! You making Y/n panic!"

Y/n: "What? No, I'm no--Moxxie!"

Loona smacks Moxxie with enough force to send him to the wall. Then suddenly, a ball of wires and mechanical tentacles busts through the wall, making Moxxie lie under a pile of rubble as a tall man leaped inside.

Y/n: "AH! MOXXIE!"

Y/n screamed, seemingly being the only one concerned for the Imp before taking out his snake dagger while Loona gets into a lunging position.

"Do not be afraid."

The man said as he stretched his arms out, making the mechanical tentacles from before lunge from his backside underneath his cape.

Y/n: "Uh-huh. So says the Doc Ock wannabe."

(ShallotStudioz: Wait a sec, that be a really good story idea--)

Blitzø: "Please tell me you got that insurance thing."

Millie then raised an axe in an angry manner.

Millie: "Who are you and what do you want?'

Loopty: "I am Loopty Goopty, dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopish!"

Loopty says as he slinkys himself in the middle of Y/n and the IMPs. However, Y/n took this chance to go help Moxxie out from the rubble.

Loona: "Ya know, you could've used the door, dude. Didn't have to be this whole thing."

Loopty: "I am eccentric, which means I must therefore do eccentric shit!"

Loopty tells the Hellhound as Y/n helps Moxxie out of the rubble.

Moxxie: "Thank... you..."

Y/n: "No prob."

Y/n says and sets Moxxie down on a chair to rest. Then Blitzø smells Loopty, catching his more Human than Demon scent.

Blitzø: "Ugh! This old fucks smells just like Y/n, minus his collagne! Did you just die?"

Loopty: "Yeees! Moments ago, in fact! Which brought me heeeere!"

Loona: "Just saying, the front door would've gotten you here fine."

Y/n: "Yeah. You didn't have to bust a hole in the wall."

Loopty: "Shut up, dear furry! You, too, pretty boy!"

Loopty tells the two, making Loona growl as the new Demon turns to Blitzø and shows him a picture of an old man.

Loopty: "This is the man I want you to kill!"

Blitzø: *takes picture* "Not even a shit's length of time in Hell and already plotting revenge. I can respect a man with that sort of passion! I'm Blitzø, the "O" is silent."

Blitzø tells Loopty as he shakes his hand.

Loopty: "What "O"?"

Blitzø: "Aw, thank you. Now what's the tea, sis?"

Loopty: "The teeeaa?"

Y/n: "He means why do you want this guy dead? It's usually a thing they do to ask why the client wants someone dead."

Loopty: "He was... my business partner! You see, I was not always an old man!"

The Demon then went on about he and his business partner, Lyle Lypton, were co-owners of an invention company. They were testing a new machine they built that either aged or de-aged the one inside it, but instead of using poor people like they usually did, they tested it on themselves. However, the machine was set to make them old, and when they finally got out, Loopty was dead while Lyle was an old man.

Loopty: "Now that evil sunova bitch is gonna take over the empire we built together! Without me to share it with him, he'll make all the Goddamn money in the world and become the forth trillionaire, and get all the credit!"

Blitzø: "Ehhh, that’s not really evil."

Loopty: "It's evil to me! Now, get your crimson asses up above and send that heartless no-good son of a bitch to Hell, where he belongs!"

Blitzø: "Eh, y-y-y-uou do know, Poopty--"

Loopty: "Looooopty!"

The new Demon corrects the tall Imp angrily.

Blitzø: *raises hands defensively* "Of course! Of course... If we do kill him, though, and he ends up down here, y'know, you will be stuck with him. Forever."

Loopty: "Oh, trust me when I say that I'm counting on it."

Loopty says as, from underneath his cape, an assortment of weapons spins forth.

Y/n: "Okay, Doc Ock."

Loopty: *angry* "It's LOOOOOOOPTYYYY!!!"


Later, Loopty had left after paying Blitzø in advance to kill Lyle and the Imps left to kill Lyle in the Living World. When the portal closes, Y/n stares at the wall for a moment before he turns to Loona.

Y/n: "Hey, Loo?"

Loona: "Yeah?"

Y/n: "Do you think you can open another portal to Earth?"

Loona: "Why?"

Y/n: "I just wanna get some stuff from my house. I don't really have anything here, so I just want to get some of my belongings and whatnot."

Loona: "Yeah, I can do that."

Loona says as she stands from her desk and grabs the Grimoire. She opens it and goes up to the wall that still has the pentagram star on it before mumbling some words. Then the star explodes into fire before turning into a hole in the wall that shows some trees in the background.

Loona: "Trees?"

Y/n: "Oh. Must be my backyard. The side of the street I live on is in front of a forest."

Loona: "Alright, then."

Loona says as she and Y/n walk through the portal and step on to Earth. The Hellhound closes the book and the portal closes as Y/n looks up at the sky to see that it was nighttime.

Y/n: "Well, I guess Earth-time and Hell-time is different."

Loona: "Come on. Let's get your shit and get outta here."

Y/n nods before a blue light catches his eye making him turn back to Loona only to see her in her Human disguise.

Y/n: "Why are you wearing your disguise?"

Loona: "Just in case we get caught. Don't want anyone thinking about a Demon invasion or anything."

Y/n: "Good idea."

Y/n says and then walks up to the sliding door on the back of the house. He slides it open and walks inside with Loona right behind him. However, the two stop when they see the ruined state of the interior. Everything was flipped and thrown around, a complete mess as a lot of things were broken as well.

Loona: "What the fuck happened here?"

Y/n: "It must've been those agents who tried to kill me. They probably checked my house before going to... my parents."

Y/n looks down, saddened when he remembers what happened only a few days ago. Loona saw her best friend's sad look and places her hand on his shoulder.

Loona: "Don't worry. We'll get them back one day."

Y/n: "Yeah. And I'll make them pay."


Outside on a hill, three Cherubs are seen with Lyle Lypton who was literally on death bed. They show him the nature in front of him.

Cletus: "Look around, Lyle. God’s gift of nature is a wonder to behold, regardless of age! Or wealth!"

Collin: "If you were to end your life, you’d be missing all of this!"

Suddenly, Blitzø appears in a tiger costume as he makes his presence known.

Blitzø: "Mm-hm. You’re gonna buy that load of shit from a baby and the sheep it fucks?"

The tall Imp asks the Human as he does a lewd hand gesture.

The three Cherubs all give a mixture of reactions, ranging from shock to quiet disbelief and to disappointment.

Keenie: *gasps* "That is so inappropriate!"

Millie: "Oh, kiss our ass, prude!"

Millie says as she and her husband are seen in their own respective cat costumes.

Blitzø then pushes Lyle aside to make room for himself on the bed. Then he shoves some binoculars in the old man's hands.

Blitzø: "Anyway, take it from me, a fellow genius. Nature is no picnic up close."

Lyle looks through the binoculars to see a group of rabbits and squirrels. He smiles at the adorable sight, only for a pack of hungry wolves to appear and tear the small critters to shreds.

Lyle: "Oh no!"

Collin: "S-stop looking at that!"

The goat-like Cherub tells Lyle as he tries to take the binoculars, but the old man has an iron grip on them.

Lyle: "I can’t stop! I’ve never wanted to die more than I do now!"

The old inventor declares as he watches a bear suddenly arrive and swipe away some wolves. However, a large tree falls on the bear and kills it. The lumberjack who chopped down the tree looks proud of his work before a beehive falls on his head and he goes around screaming in pain. He throws his chainsaw in the air as he does this which cuts off both of his arms and then a wild stag arrives and stabs its antlers through the Human's body as lightning flashes.

Everyone stares in utter shock and horror as Lyle lowers the binoculars from his eyes. However, Blitzø fakes it before growing a grin.

Then one of the Cherubs, called Cletus, suggests as they go look at something else while M&M fist bump each other.

With Y/n and Loona...

Back with Y/n and Loona, Loona is seen rummaging through one of Y/n's drawers. Y/n was in his own room, cleaning up the mess those two Agents made as he also gathered up some of his clothing.

Loona: "So what am I looking for exactly?"

Loona asked Y/n as she stood from one of the drawers.

Y/n: "I dunno! Just things you think I would want to keep!"

Loona: "Alright."

Loona said and stepped away from the drawer since it had nothing much of interest. She turns around and takes a step forward, only to hear something crunch under her foot. She moves her foot and looks down to see something rectangular on the floor. She bends over to pick it up and stands back up as she looks at the now revealed family picture of Y/n, Ryan, and Susan. The glass holding it in place was cracked apart and it's frame was also torn.

Loona: "Y/n would definitely want this."

Loona says and tears open the picture frame to pull out the picture itself. She looks at it one more time before folding it up and placing the picture in her pocket. Then she walks off to find some more things to take with her and Y/n back to Hell.

With Y/n, he was placing some clothes into a duffle bag before going back to his closet. He goes to grab more clothing, but something falls from the shelf above and it crashes to the ground. The blonde looks down to see that it was a box.

Y/n: "I forgot that was in here."

The rose-cheeked Human says and crouches down to the box. He opens it up and sees its contents, only if it were a few things. It was an small old capsule that held a picture of his old girlfriend who died years ago, a few things he collected over the years, and a vintage watch his father gave him. He grabbed the capsule and shoved it into his pocket and grabbed his father's watch before clamping it down on his wrist. He looks down at it, its hands unmoving due to its age and rusty gears. He would have to get it fixed one day.

Y/n: "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to save you, Mom and Dad... I promise to make sure they suffer for what they did."

Back with Loona, she was rummaging through a small closet in the hallway. Nothing much had gotten her attention, that is until she found a container full of pill bottles. Curious, she rummages through the pill bottles and looks at each one.

Loona: "He never told me he took medication for anything."

She looked through the pill bottles, seeing how they were mostly suppressants and other things. However, one caught her attention. It looked like a regular pill bottle, but the pills were a strange red color. She could barely even read what the name of the medicine was called.

"Loo! I'm done!"

Said Hellhound in disguise looks over to see her best friend exiting his room with a duffle bag around him. She presumed that it was stocked with his clothing.

Y/n: "You found anything?"

Loona: "Uh, yeah, but not a lot."

Loona says and reaches into her pocket to pull out the picture she grabbed earlier. She then handed it to Y/n who looked at it. He was silent for a few moments before smiling at Loona.

Y/n: "Thanks for finding and giving this to me, Loo."

Loona: *smiles* "Y-yeah. No problem. Oh, and you never told me you took medication before."

Loona said as she held up the bottle of pills she took interest in just earlier.

Y/n: "Oh, yeah. I forgot I had those in that closet." *grabs pill bottle* "I took these when I was in late high school. Stopped, though."

Y/n threw the bottles back into the closet, making Loona's eyes trail it as it lands on one of the shelves. However, it seemed to glow faintly, but the darkness of the closet made it noticeable. Loona's eyes widened in surprise, but Y/n didn't seem to notice anything as he walked over to the kitchen. He grabs something from the kitchen pantry, a bag of chips, and opens it before walking back into the living room.

Y/n: "You ready to go, Loo?"

Loona: "Y-yeah! Hold on!"

Loona said before running back into the living room and grabs the Grimoire from the coffee table. She smiles nervously at Y/n before she takes out some chalk and traces a pentagram star on the wall. She then reads out from the Grimoire before the fiery portal back to Hell opens up.

Loona: "Alright. Time to go back home."

Y/n: *walks up to Loona* "Ladies first."

Loona rolls her eyes at Y/n before she shoves him into the portal and follows the Human through. The portal closes after them when Loona feels her legs get sweeped from beneath her and she falls to the floor.

Loona: "The fuck?!"

Y/n suddenly springs up and pins Loona down by her shoulders. He then gets close to her face with a grin as Loona blushes a bit.

Y/n: "Didn't think you'd get away with that, did ya, Loona?"

Loona: "Uuuhh..."

Loona tries to say something, but instead growls and headbutts Y/n in the face. Then she immediately spins around and reverses the pin with her on top and the blonde on the floor. She leans close to Y/n's face as well.

Loona: "Who's got who now?"

Y/n: "Nice moves."

Loona: "I'm more skilled than I look."

Loona smirks as Y/n laughs. Then they look at each other before they begin to lean in close to each other. Their eyes slowly close as their lips draw nearer and nearer before...


Loona's phone suddenly rings and snaps the Hellhound and Human back to reality. Y/n groans quietly as Loona blushes and sits up. She grabs her phone from her pocket and looks at the caller.


Loona: "Sunova bitchass chicken fucker..."

Loona growls and answers the call from her adoptive father.

Loona: "What?!"

Blitzø: *over phone* "Hey, Loonie! How are you?"

Loona: "Are you done with your job?"

Blitzø: *over phone and hurried* "Yep! Could you open the portal, please? And hurry! These Cherubs are fucking insane!"

Loona looked confused at the mention of Cherubs, literal Angels, but answers.

Loona: "Uh, yeah. Sure."

Blitzø tries to thank Loona, but gets cutoff when his adopted daughter hangs up. Then she sighs before falling to the floor with Y/n.

Y/n: "Lemme guess. Blitzø?"

Loona: "Yeah. He wants me to open the portal up."

Y/n: "... are you gonna do it?"

Loona: "Maybe."

Loona smirks as she looks at Y/n who just chuckles. Then he plants a kiss on the Hellhound's cheek, catching her off-guard before the Human wraps his arms around her and cuddles up to her.

Loona: "Wh-what are you doing?"

Y/n: "Cuddling with my favorite person in in existence."

Loona blushes a bit before sighing and wrapping her own arms and tail around Y/n.

Loona: "You're such a dumbass. But you're my dumbass..."

She said quietly, but just so only Y/n could hear it even though they were the only ones in the office. They stayed cuddling each other on the floor for a few more minutes before Loona eventually had to stand and open the portal for Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie. When they step back into the office, Blitzø wanted to know why Loona took so long to open the portal, to which she responded.

Loona: "I was busy doing stuff. Get off my back."

Y/n: "I'm stuff."

Loona: *blushes* "Oh, my God, Y/n! No!"

Y/n had a good laugh at that, along with Millie and Moxxie. However, Blitzø decided to chase Y/n around the office as he tried to shoot the Human.


After that, Y/n and the IMPs are seen back in the boardroom with Blitzø standing.

Blitzø: "Welp, the old man wanted to live again and we didn’t kill him, so we failed. Thanks to those fuckin' Cherubs, he’s probably up in Heaven now, so... it’s a shame. All our client wanted was eternal revenge on his business partner. And now the two are forever separated. And now, we gotta face the fire of fuckin' up."

Y/n: "I still find it hilarious you guys and some Angels basically had an argument over some old man's life who was pretty close to dying anyway. Kinda stupid."

Blitzø: "Well, at least we can have something we agree on."

Moxxie: "Sir... when are you going to tell the client?"

Blitzø: "Oh, I already sent him a text, and... we’re in good hands, 'cause texts don’t make people angry."

Blitzø said as he raised his phone to show the texting he and Loopty were doing. Y/n just sits back in his chair, knowing damn well that Blitzø was wrong and was waiting to watch the show. Then the wall behind Moxxie began to shake before a giant metal escalator crashes through it and crushes Moxxie.

Y/n: "Moxxie! Not again!"

Y/n says worriedly as he stands up from his chair and runs over to Moxxie just as Loopty descends from the escalator.


Blitzø: "Loofaaaaa! We can explain everything. I was--"

Another escalator crashes through the wall and another mechanical Demon, shaped like a sphere, rolls down from it with a grin.

Blitzø and Millie: "Lyle Lypton?!"

Y/n: *sarcastically* "Yay! Now Eggman is here, too!" *worried and serious* "Now someone help me help Moxxie!"

Moxxie: "Please....!"

Moxxie begs as Y/n tries to move the escalator off of the Imp. However, no one listens as Millie asks Lyle...

Millie: "I don't understand. We thought you went to Heaven."

Lyle: "Heaven?! You don’t make millions in technological advances in robotics by NOT experimenting on the poor!"

Lyle exclaims as he and Loopty laugh.

Loopty: "Oh, you no good heartless son of a bitch!" *to Blitzø* "Thank you for reuniting me with my best friend!"

Lyle: "The only question now is what do two old genius robotic inventors do now that we’re in Hell?"

Suddenly a rather tall Imp crashes through the roof, revealing himself to be Wally Wackford.

Wally: "Did someone say, I say, inventors?! Name’s Wally Wackford, and I am lookin' for creative new people to exploit!" *realizes what he said* "I mean, employ~"

Blitzø: "Everyone, STOP FUCKIN' UP MY WALLS! Y/n and Moxxie are gonna have to fix all this shit!"

Speaking of the Human and Imp, Y/n was still trying and failing to free Moxxie from underneath the escalator. The Imp was frothing at the mouth.

Blitzø: "Oh, chill out, Moxxie. If you kiss Y/n's ass any harder, you’ll go right inside him. Satan’s balls! First we deal with Heaven’s table-scraps, now this?"

Wally: "I guess…you can say, you say, you have a holey operation here, Blitzo!"

Wally jokes as he slaps his knee before laughing. However, before he could get any more laughs in, Y/n runs up to him and hits the tall Imp with a chair. The force of the hit sent Wally flying out a window and to the street below.

The IMPs: "Y/N?!"

Y/n: "What? It was a bad joke. Now someone help me with Moxxie before someone else goes out the window!"

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