The Esztar Code | A Mafia Rom...

By Mysteriously_Wicked

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• BOOK 1 OF THE ESZTAR SERIES • Reaching upstairs, he hurled me inside his room and closed the door harshly... More

C H A P T E R 01
C H A P T E R 02
C H A P T E R 03
C H A P T E R 04
C H A P T E R 05
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C H A P T E R 07
C H A P T E R 08
C H A P T E R 09
C H A P T E R 10
C H A P T E R 11
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C H A P T E R 58

3.4K 82 3
By Mysteriously_Wicked

58 | What Are You Hiding, Mr Grayson?

"Rafael." I called to the person seated to my left, not knowing what exactly I wanted to say.

His grip on the steering tightened although he didn't reply in any way. His sunglasses were on but I knew his eyes looked worn out like he didn't sleep the entire night.

"Raf." I repeated timidly.

No reply.

"Fine I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked in a flat tone.

"I don't know." I mumbled, although I did know why.

I was just too ashamed to say it out loud. I acted very childishly yesterday. I should've known he's stressed. They all were. I should've tried to understand instead of behaving like a brat.

"We've reached." He stated, getting out and opening the door for me. He stretched his hand out for me but he never looked at me.

Was he that mad at me?

"I promise I'll keep my behavior in check." I said, looking down at my lap.

"It has got nothing to do with you. Come on now. We're already late." He pulled me with a slight jerk before interlocking our hands and walking towards the skyscraper hastily.

"Okay then. Smile for me." I grinned widely.


"Raf! Don't be a grumpy dumpy. A small little tiny minuscule smile? Please?" I batted my eyelashes making that infamous puppy face.

"Oh no! Not that face, woman!" He warned, breaking a small fake smile which didn't reach his eyes. But it'll have to do.

"Ah? That should be illegal." I remarked dramatically.

"Are you flirting with your boss, Miss Andress?" There comes back his smirk.

"Naah! I'm flirting with my half French ex fake boyfriend." I winked.

He laughed.

It died away soon.

I followed his line of vision and got the reason.

Luca one day gonna be murdered by Vittoria Andress Zanetti.

He was standing right in the middle of the entrance of the two rival skyscrapers with his hands thrusted in pockets. His hazel eyes were glued on us while a malicious smirk hung on his lips. It was like he was awaiting us.

And that was bad news.

Wait! He was always bad news.

"Vittoria. Go." Rafael commanded, not taking his burning gaze off Luca.

What! No! He's already in a crappy mood since morning. Leaving him alone with this dipshit will only make things worse.

"I think I was quite audible." He repeated sternly.

"O-Okay. I'll go." I said, well aware of Luca's dirty eyes on me.

"Quick." Rafael said.

Very, very strange.

"Don't kill him. I want to do that. Okay?" I pecked his cheek and headed inside through the revolving doors.

It took me all my strength to not turn back and catch a glimpse of the two rivals but something told me I wouldn't like seeing it. So I quickly swiped my card, ran to the elevator and reached up to my cabin.

"Good morning Ariel."

"Morning, Vittoria." She broke a small smile.

It had always been that way ever since she was busted. These people treated her quite harshly after what she did. I felt bad for her at times. She kept her conversations minimal with us even though I've told her hundred times that I've forgiven her and that she shouldn't feel that way with me.

I reached my office but stopped when I heard Oliver's voice speak inside. "I'm not mad at you Liam. I understand why you don't agree with him."

"But I don't understand how can you agree with him? Look I know this means the world to us. I really do but-"

One pair of ocean eyes and one pair of honey brown eyes snapped up at me, startled.

Oliver cleared his throat. "So you got your doubts cleared right?" He asked Liam.

"Yes yes I did. The analyst report will be there on your desk within an hour." He replied quickly, adjusting his glasses.

Such a shitty cover up.

"Morning, Mr Rivera." I greeted, settling down at my desk.

He gave a curt nod, walking out without meeting my gaze.

"So..?" I smiled at my co worker.

"So?" He quirked his brows.

"You reached her an hour before your time. Are you okay?" I touched his forehead pretending to check his temperature.

"Yeah." He rolled his eyes. "You see all this work."

"Uh huh. It's definitely the work." I scoffed, punching in the keyboard to type the analyst report.


"Can I have that spaghetti if you're just gonna play with it?" Toby sat across me in the cafeteria.

I held up the forkful of entwined spaghetti which went straight into his mouth.

"So what's bothering my bestie?" He asked, trying to sound cheerful.

"Is that a trick question, Tobo?" I said monotonously, resting my chin on my palm.

"Yeah well, don't mind them. Focus on this spaghetti. It's amazeballs." He forcefully fed me like a mom.

"They are all fighting with each other." I said, my face dropping furthermore. I don't like seeing them like this. They're so upset. It hurts to see these cute mafias sad.

"Chill, they're just on their man period." He laughed doing the air quotations.

It faded when I didn't laugh along with him. He tries to hide it but I could see he was equally worried about whatever it was.

Then there's Rafael. He's onto something that the others don't even have a hint about. I still don't get why he has to hide things from them.

I smell something fishy.

"Do you think he's tired of me?" I asked, looking out at the opposite building.

"What!" Toby choked on his water.

"Oh my god are you okay?"

He nodded, wiping some water on his shirt with a tissue. "Where are you getting all these crazy ideas from? That man loves you, Vitty!"

I don't know what else to think. I mean I know I'm a little difficult to handle. I don't listen to anyone. I have mood swings like a pregnant woman and patience of a toddler. I try to change myself. I really do. But somehow I always fail and go back to being that irritating bratty girl. They have enough problems as it is.

It isn't easy to live with me. In fact the proper word is dealing with me. Not living with me. It's not even their fault. Anybody would get tired of tolerating me at some point of time. I don't know why am I like this.

"Oh no no no! Don't you dare Vitty." Toby pointed a warning finger at me. "Don't cry. Even I'll start crying and then all these people will laugh at me."

"I'm not crying." I rigorously blinked back my tears. I'm such a crybaby. Another annoying thing about me.

"Look Vitty I'm not supposed to say this." He swept a cautious look around us. "But since your mind is running wild with these dangerous thoughts, I'll have to tell you what this is all about." He sighed.

"Raymond is trying to ignite a revolt against Rafael." He proclaimed, lowering his voice.

"He what?" I almost yelled.

"Yes you heard that right. He's provoking the opponents to force Rafael down the Leader position of Esztar. He's telling them all that Rafael is no longer fit for the position."

"On what grounds is he saying all that crap?" I banged my fists on the table in aggression.

Toby averted his eyes, not answering my question. Then it clicked. A new wave of guilt enveloped me.

"It's because of me." I stated.

"No it's not like that." He said sympathetically.

"Oh it is Toby. It definitely is. It's because he lost control over himself in those two months. Esztar knows everything. So what do they expect from the Leader huh? To be a heartless monster? God! He's human after all."

"I know. But Raymond is trying to take advantage of it." He added.

I shook my head, trying to shake away these thoughts as well as the headache that tagged along with it.

"I need to go see him." I stood up, the chair scrapping against the tiled floor.

"I don't think that's a nice idea." Toby said dreadfully.

"Don't worry, I won't mention anything about this conversation. It's our secret." I assured and began leaving the cafeteria.

"Vittoria." He stopped me abruptly, bearing a rather mournful expression on his face.


"You are important to us. Please don't forget that."


But cute.


The top floor was bathed in a worrisome quietude. I cautiously pitched my eyes across the floor to make sure no other person is present here. Like always, there was no one.

I noticed the door of Rafael's office was slightly ajar and I could hear his hushed tone as he hissed at the person on the other end of the call.

Backing myself against the adjoining wall, I focused my attention on what he was saying.

I was eavesdropping, I know. But I need to know what's happening. I don't want him to go through this alone. If this is the only way to share his stress then be it.

"One week is enough for a bastard like you to turn things upside down." He spat. "... Of course they trust me... Don't tell me what to do.. I made a promise to you and I intend to honor it..."

It was bad.

The argument as well his behavior.

I was extra alert, well aware of the consequences of being caught. Rafael isn't someone to be messed with when he's angry.

I wonder who it is on the other end of the phone. A sudden spike in his voice caused me to flinch. I quickly clamped my mouth with my hand to suppress any kind of noise.

"Don't you fucking dare threaten me with her life." He bellowed, and a loud thud followed.

His words made my mouth go dry and my breaths to quicken their pace. Their argument or rather a negotiation went on for another minute or so while I tried to make sense of it. I couldn't, apart from one fact.

A lot was on stake. But what? I couldn't fathom that.

"Agreed. The deal is on." Rafael stated curtly and then there was complete silence.

I waited there for another couple of minutes contemplating on what I shall do. On what I can do.

I figured the answer was nothing. So I started to walk back to my cabin before Liam noticed my absence.

That's when a loud crash was heard from his office. The sound of glass breaking followed seconds after. Panicked, I ran inside without thinking any further and found Rafael standing behind his desk with his back faced to me and a large hole in the glass wall. Crimson liquid trickled from his knuckles which settled down on the grey carpet like tiny crystals.


"Vittoria go away." He snarled.

"Not until I wrap your hand." Ignoring him, I extracted the first aid box from his drawer.

"I said go away!" He yelled. "I might end up hurting you accidentally. I really don't trust myself right now."

"But I do." I took a determined step. He stepped back.

Next moment, all the contents of his desk were down onto the floor, the wooden table now carrying a trace of red. He was livid. Those charcoal pools were darkened and his eyes were all red, much like his face.

"Don't hurt yourself, Rafael." I begged, trying to stop him from slamming his bloody hand on the table.

"Leave me alone." He roughly pushed me back, his strong blow sending me staggering backwards.

"No. I won't. I just won't walk away leaving you like this you get that. Now cut the crap and let me take care of your hand." I scolded, fisting his shirt and pulling him into me.

His hand found a way around my waist like the swift movement is mechanized, like that action came naturally to him. The heat of his rage literally emanated from his body which was held tight against mine.

"Shh, it's alright." I whispered, caressing his back. "You got this."

"You don't even know what it is." He whispered back. His voice sounded almost defeated.

"Doesn't matter. We're in this together. You're not alone." I assured, dabbing his knuckles with a cotton swab.

"What are you doing, Vittoria?" He mumbled to himself, shaking his head.

"Wrapping your hand." I smiled.

"No. What are you doing?" He repeated, this time staring intently into my eyes as if hypnotized.

"I want to be your strength, Rafael. I want to stand by your side and support you. I don't want to be your weakness and drag you down." I cupped his cheeks, desperately trying to make him understand what I really mean.

"This is getting tiring day by day." He sagged back into his chair, looking out at the skyline of the city. "My responsibilities are forcing me to take extreme measures." He looked so worn out and it's just one in the afternoon.

I remained silent, running my fingers through his hair. He needed a little time to break out of his anger. I continued doing so until his breathing became normal and eyes went back to their normal shade.


"Hmm." He tugged me closer to him by my waist until I was standing between his legs.

"Do you want me to kidnap you?" I asked, still raking my fingers through his messy hair.

"Oh please do." He let out a tired sigh.

"Perfect! Where's chloroform?"

"Why do you need chloroform? I'm ready to get kidnapped willingly." He cracked a small smile. My heart relaxed like it has broken free from a torturous prison.

Mission accomplished.

"No mister! I'm kidnapping the mafia king. If we're gonna do it, then we'll be doing it the right way."

He chuckled, pulling me into his lap. "You're a single piece, you know that?"

"Mhmm." I played with his necktie.

"Or we can do it the easy way. How about I kidnap you? That'd be a little hassle free." He brushed his nose against mine.

"Sounds tempting." I giggled. "But I have a few demands, Mr Grayson."

"Go ahead."

"To begin with," I tapped a finger on my chin as if I'm deep thought. "The place where you'll keep me hostage should be pretty. Precisely, it should be a hilltop with an aesthetic house surrounded by snow clad mountains. And please I don't want any human interaction apart from my sexy kidnapper. You will make me breakfast every morning because I'm quite lazy at that time of the day. I'll add other points if I think of any."

"Agreed." He said immediately. "I can't wait."

I let my head fall over his chest, the rhythmic beat of his heart breathing new life into me. If only he knew how much I was in love with him.

"I'm so sorry, love." He said ever so faintly, holding me tighter.

"For what?" I asked, worried.

"For everything." He exhaled.

"Let's forget everything and start afresh."

"It's not that easy." He released his grip on me.

"It is." I guided his hands back around me waist.

"How?" He rested his forehead against mine, our breaths getting heavier.

"Kidnap me into a fairytale." I whispered.

My eyes closed as I awaited his answer as well as his lips, feeling his hot breath fan over my face.

"One day, señorita. One day." Then I was intoxicated by the taste of whiskey on his lips.

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