The Esztar Code | A Mafia Rom...

By Mysteriously_Wicked

416K 9.2K 1.9K

• BOOK 1 OF THE ESZTAR SERIES • Reaching upstairs, he hurled me inside his room and closed the door harshly... More

C H A P T E R 01
C H A P T E R 02
C H A P T E R 03
C H A P T E R 04
C H A P T E R 05
C H A P T E R 06
C H A P T E R 07
C H A P T E R 08
C H A P T E R 09
C H A P T E R 10
C H A P T E R 11
C H A P T E R 12
C HA P T E R 13
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C H A P T E R 15
C H A P T E R 16
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C H A P T E R 39

3.5K 93 13
By Mysteriously_Wicked

39 | Vittoria's Betrayal

Port Reddington was blanketed in a deceiving calm. We were all stationed at our pre decided spots.

All the guards and the twins were at the east wing while Rafael and I were at the West Wing entrance, backed against a wall. We were alone. At least that's what he thinks.

"Toby, is she here?" Rafael whispered into the ear piece.

"No sign of Kiara Bates. Looks like we might have to wait for a while." Toby answered.

The warehouse was roughly at a hundred meters distance from where we were. Rafael's eyes were cautiously surveying the area around us.

But mine were set on him.

"You're staring, señorita." He whispered and an all too familiar lopsided grin creeped up his face.

I wasn't staring. I was capturing all the intricate features of his face.

His expression slowly morphed into a concerned one at the absence of my answer.

"Is something bothering you?" He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

Why did he have to do things like this? He was  making it more difficult for me.

"I'm scared." My voice turned brittle.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

The truth in his words ripped my heart apart. Here I was , exposing him to so much danger. No! This was wrong. I can't do this to him. But I was also aware of the consequences of telling the truth.

Fuck! What do I do now?

Shut up and stick to your plan.

A voice from my head commanded.

Reconsider your decision. You can change him into a better person.

Well, that was my heart.

We listened to you and look where we are now.

My mind countered.

Ugh! Why were these two squabbling like Toby and Liam. I can't.

"Alright Rafael, Kiara has entered the warehouse and fuck, she's hot!" Liam exclaimed.

"Be quick, Rafael. I spot Luca's men here. I believe they don't know that we know that they don't know we are aware of their presence." Toby chimed in.

"Shut up you two. Focus!" I scolded.

"Yes ma'am." They sang in unison.

"Vittoria." Rafael said softly.


"I need to go."

"Then go."

He smiled and raised up his hand and I found my hand clutching that of his in an iron grip. My eyes held his as our hands separated ever so slowly. He picked up the black bag stuffed with gold and walked away just like that.

I felt alone.

I took off the earpiece and thrusted it into my pockets if my hoodie, just in case. I was supposed to leave from the lane on my left as instructed by Luca. But I couldn't bring myself to tear my eyes away from Rafael.

Just a few more seconds. I'll leave when he disappears from my sight.

But his legs came to an abrupt halt. He swiftly turned on his heels and began striding over back to me, simultaneously ripping the earpiece off. I felt exhilarated but at the same time confused.

"What's wrong?" I inquired.

"I forgot something." He switched to jogging.



He tossed the bag on the ground and his arms circled around my waist. The ground below me disappeared and in one swift motion his lips came crashing down on mine.

I didn't care about anyone and anything. I savored the moment, memorizing the dominating rhythm of his lips against mine as his mouth expertly did things to my body. My fingers tugged on his silky dark brown locks which erupted a groan from him. His hands held me more firmly and the intensity of the kiss increased tenfold.

I was well aware of this being our last kiss. So I held him a little tighter and kissed him a little longer.

"That's the best kiss I've ever had." He panted, stroking some strands of hair from my face.

"Promise me you'll be careful." I hugged him again.

"I promise. Now, you stay here. I'll be right back." He kissed my forehead and went away.

But you won't find me here.

This time I turned my eyes away. It was better that way. I took deep breaths to calm myself. Once I felt in control of myself, I began heading to the lane.

Just then, the place wrapped in a deathly quietude erupted into a fit of precipitating movements. Gunshots showered like rain and chaos took over the entire place.

This was a planned disorder and yet it managed to terrify me. I looked back in Rafael's direction. He wasn't there. I frantically scanned the area around. He wasn't there either. He was nowhere.

The supposedly vacant part of the port was now filled with men battling against each other. I panicked. But I didn't know what to do. I continued stalking down the lane as per the plan with the gun ready in my hand.

I had to cross the lane to get to my destination where some guy will be waiting for me. But for that I'd have to pass this battling crowd. I can't let Rafael's men spot me.

So I stayed there hidden in the shadows, waiting for the right moment. I observed their movements vigilantly. My analytical mind started working in full speed. Not a single person from Luca's side was going anywhere near the warehouse.

Something was not right.

"Miss Andress." A voice called from behind.

What is it? What's happening here?

I turned back to find a heavily armed man wearing a grey uniform stand before me.

"Capo (Boss) has asked me to bring you somewhere safe. He has arranged for your tickets to London as per your deal. Please-"

His sentence was left half unsaid. A bullet hit his head from behind and he collapsed onto the ground, revealing a known figure staring at me with brooding ocean eyes.

It was Liam.

"You betrayed us." Hatred dripped like venom from his words.

I should be worried about this but I just couldn't stop thinking about what was wrong. I could sense it. Something very bad was going to happen.

"Answer me." He roared.

My eyes spotted Toby as he too, much like Liam snapped his angry eyes at me. He must've heard him through the earpiece.

And so did Rafael. But where was he?

Toby was moving towards the warehouse with the bag of gold now in his hands. He was also dodging a shower of bullets from Luca's men firing from very far away from where he was. He was surrounded by them. If they want the gold then why not just go and get it unless....

Oh my god! No!

"Liam stop Toby from going there." I begged him.

"Don't you fucking dare touch me." He pushed me away.

"It's not the time Liam. Stop him please. Luca's gonna blow that place. W-Where is Rafael?"

Don't know it it was rage or confusion, Liam stood there unmoving.

"Toby move away." I screamed like a madwoman, hoping he hears me. "Get away from there. Please be quick. Please please please." I cried hysterically. I'll never forgive myself if anything happened to any of them.

He turned back and began running in our direction in full speed and that's when everything around us shook. A massive explosion lit up the darkness. Concrete flew around as the giant structure blew up into pieces.

Toby gravitated to the ground with a harsh thud. He quickly pulled himself up, the bag secure in his hands and ran to us.

"We really underestimated you, Vittoria." He spat.

I had no words to speak. What would I say? I'm sorry? Would that even begin to justify the guilt I was feeling.

"Where's Rafael? Is he... Is he..?" I couldn't find the courage to say it out loud. "He's safe. Please tell me he's safe." I shook Toby's shoulders rigorously. He too just like his twin pushed my hands away like I was  the most disgusting thing.

I was.

"You bitch!" A once velvety voice bellowed. It was the voice I should be dreading but could feel nothing more than relief.

I rested my head against the wall behind me and let out all the fear in the form of tears. He was safe.

It was like the terror absconding from my eyes made it's way into Liam's. His eyes widened as he switched them between me and a very furious Rafael who had his arms wrapped around a fucking gorgeous woman. Kiara Bates.

Her dark skin glowed magically in this low light much like her eyes. She was a walking goddess. I tried not to feel the unbearable pain in my chest seeing her so close to him. I had no right to.

"You are going to fucking regret it, Vittoria. But don't worry. You wouldn't have to endure it for long." He yelled from far away. He passed an injured Kiara to Travis before beginning to stride towards me.

"Vittoria! Go!" Toby urged.

What did he just say? Was he helping me? I gaped at him, dumbfounded.

"When I called you my friend, I meant it." He snarled. "Unlike you." He added bitterly.

"What the fuck are you doing, Toby?" Rafael growled like a beast.

"This is only so much we can do for you. Get lost and don't show your face ever again. You wanted to escape. We're giving you a chance." Liam said, his eyes trained to the side. He didn't even want to look at me.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed, my vision blurring.

"Don't expect us to forgive you Vittoria. You better run. Rafael will kill you. Doesn't matter if he loves you. That fact will actually make it worse. No one will be able to stop him. Just go!" Toby pushed me, forcing me to run.

"Don't you dare run away from me, Vittoria." Rafael yelled.

"Vittoria go!" Liam screamed.

Without thinking any further I streaked into an unknown direction. I ran and ran and ran. Rafael's enraged howls gradually became distant. Guess the twins held him back. But I knew that wouldn't last long.

I looked around myself. I had no idea where I was. My mind was in a state of panic. I couldn't think clearly.

What was I going to do now? Where was I going to go? I couldn't trust Luca again. My escape plan was entirely dependent on him.

Clutching my hair in frustration, I let my body fall down. I series of helpless sobs left my mouth. This was my punishment for betraying them. I shouldn't have. Losing freedom would've been better than losing my life right? Or is it?

I had yet again proven Mason right. I can't survive on my own. I'll always need someone backing me up. I'll always have to be at someone's pity. I alone was worthless.

Look what I'd done to myself. I was reduced to nothing but a crying mess cowered in a corner of an empty dark street.

I was helpless, alone, and terrified.

"This is not the time for self pity. Get up. We need to leave."

That voice.

I knew that voice. I've heard it before. But where?

A figure egressed from the shadows, inching closer to me. Petrified, I dragged my shaking body away from the unknown entity.

"S-Stay away from me. Who are you?" I warned but the shiver in my voice said it all. It was too dark. I couldn't see his face. My hands instinctively went to grab my gun. It wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" He waved the gun before my eyes. I could only make it out from the outline of it.

He bent down. I opened my mouth to scream. No sound came out. He had his hand clamped on my mouth, trapping all my cries of help.

"Shh. Be quiet." He warned.

I struggled violently, scrapping my legs on the rough ground. He yanked me up soon after and light washed over his familiar eyes.

"I'm here to help you. Now I'll remove my hand and you won't scream alright? If you do, we will get caught." Said the man with pitch black eyes. I clearly remember those eyes.

"Hayden Evans." I whispered his name in shock.

"I'm glad you remember me." He smiled. "Alright now listen to me carefully. Don't trust any of Luca's men. He was never going to help you. On the very contrary he orchestrated all this drama to kidnap you."

"What?" I gasped.

"Yes. I don't know why he wants you but he knew he'd never succeed in taking you away with Rafael and his men around you. Keeping all that aside, we need to get going." He emphasized.

I nodded. "What do we do?" I didn't trust him entirely either. But currently he was the only available option.

"Instead, ask me what you should not do."

"Fine. What should I not do?"

"Just try not to dominate this time... Ma'am." He chuckled.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked warily.

"I can't tell you that. All I can ask you to do is trust me. Oh and goes without saying, don't try to dominate." He laughed.

"Stop it Hayden. It's not funny. You knew that entire thing in club Inferno was planned?"

"Of course. But don't get offended. You were good. Really."

I shook my head in disbelief. There was so much happening that I had absolutely no clue about. "How do I know I can trust you?"

He placed the gun in my hand. "It's loaded. Now shall we?"

I nodded and followed him to an unknown place. We continued our journey on foot for about ten minutes until our way was blocked by someone whose back was faced to us.

A huge wave of terror washed over me. He wasn't just anyone. He was someone wearing a grey uniform. He was Luca's man. I looked over at Hayden silently asking him what to do now. He was eerily calm about it.

"I've got her. Now she's your problem." He said to the unknown man.

No. Not again! Have I been cheated again?

The man turned back and that's when I discovered he wasn't so unknown after all.


Hello there readers!
How did you like the twist?
What do you think is gonna happen next?

The Esztar Code just hit the 1st spot today in #darkromance and 2nd spot in #hot!

And I have all you beautiful beautiful readers to thank for it. You know my way of showing love is double update so here you go!!

Don't forget to vote, comment, share.

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