The Esztar Code | A Mafia Rom...

Mysteriously_Wicked द्वारा

417K 9.2K 1.9K

• BOOK 1 OF THE ESZTAR SERIES • Reaching upstairs, he hurled me inside his room and closed the door harshly... अधिक

C H A P T E R 01
C H A P T E R 02
C H A P T E R 03
C H A P T E R 04
C H A P T E R 05
C H A P T E R 06
C H A P T E R 07
C H A P T E R 08
C H A P T E R 09
C H A P T E R 10
C H A P T E R 11
C H A P T E R 12
C HA P T E R 13
C H A P T E R 14
C H A P T E R 15
C H A P T E R 16
C H A P T E R 17
C H A P T E R 18
C H A P T E R 19
C H A P T E R 20
C H A P T E R 21
C H A P T E R 22
C H A P T E R 23
C H A P T E R 24
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C H A P T E R 35

4.3K 99 14
Mysteriously_Wicked द्वारा

35 | Who's Ally, Who's Enemy?

"Thank you." I passed the cab driver a polite smile.

Walking this hundred meter distance in Rutherford Avenue has never been easy ever since Mason's death. But today, it was agonizing.

"Bless my eyes. The day's going to be lucky for me." A honeyed voice dripping with heavy Italian accent swirled through the morning air.

"Ugh! My hopes for a good day just took their last breath." I wrinkled my nose, shielding my eyes with my hands.

"You wound me, tesoro." Luca held a hand over his chest. "Where's your boyfriend by the way?" He peered over my shoulder.

I sighed. "I may or may not have killed him accidentally."

His eyebrows shot up feigning surprise. "Wow! Like he killed your brother? I mean not literally but the king is responsible for the actions of their subjects." A malicious grin crept up his face. My hands balled into a fist but I didn't give anything away from face.

"No. Like how I killed that cartoon you sent to kill me."

"Oh come on tesoro! That's a month old story. Let's not hold grudges against each other."

I snorted. "Sure."

"You know we think life is unfair, we keep wasting our time wailing about what's lost. That's when we miss out that one chance life offers us to make things right." He said.

I started at him with creased brows for a fairly long time. "What now Mr Zanetti? Planning to be an inspirational speaker considering the crippling scenario with your company?"

"Hmm" He rubbed his chin, his squinted hazel eyes looking far away as if deep in thought. Damn! He's a threat to my top position of being a drama queen. "Not quite really. But I'm planning to take an early retirement. Maybe I can think about it then. So what do you say? Would I be inspirational enough?"

"It's too early for some Zanetti shit. Now if you'll excuse me." I sneered, walking away from Luca. This is only so much I can keep myself from either killing someone else or myself after all that happened yesterday.

"I'm here to offer you a deal Miss Andress." He declared, causing me to stop and turn back at him.

"I'm not going to spy on them for you." I spat.

I admit I hate them all. But I'll only be pushing myself into more dangerous waters if I associated myself with him in any way.

"You didn't even ask what I've got to offer you." He smirked a little too confidently.

"There's nothing that can convince me to join hands with someone like you." I eyed him in disgust to which he replied with a lopsided grin.

"Not even if someone like me can help you with avenging your brother's death?"

I stopped dead. He knows?

"Entire Esztar does." He replied, reading my mind. "News travel fast in Esztar. We knew the truth since the very day Mason died right here." He pointed at the spot I've been trying to avoid looking ever since.


My mind was desperately screaming the two lettered word.


"I know how far you can go for revenge. I hate to admit but I'm quite impressed by you. Your mind almost made me go bankrupt." He tried not to glare at me while I tried not to smirk.

The almost part will vanish soon, you idiot. Good things take time.

Wait a minute. Why am I happy with his downfall now? I've got nothing to do with him.

"Look tesoro, this is Esztar. Enemies become allies overnight. Yes I tried to kill you but you were never my target. We have a common enemy. Think about it." He pressed.

I swept a cautioned look around me. We were in the middle of a busy area. Definitely not the place to discuss such matters. Not that I'm going to agree to it.

"Listen carefully Miss Andress." He took a step closer enough for his hushed words to be heard clearly. "There will be a burner phone placed inside the bottom most drawer of your work table. I give you until tonight to tell me your answer."

"Why bother for so long when I can convey it to you in two seconds. N-O." I flashed him a fake smile.

He ignored that. His hazel eyes burned through me and suddenly felt highly uncomfortable. "Just for your safety. Stay away from Oliver."


The pain in my chest sprung back in full force the moment I heard that name. But this wasn't the time for it. It's futile crying over fake bitches.

"He- he isn't your ally?" I found myself asking.

"I wouldn't be needing you if I had him."

Who are you Oliver Rivera? What's your real face?


"Hey babes!" Ariel screamed the moment I exited the elevator for the entire floor to notice. Her cheerful morning face gradually transposed into a concerned frown as I reached up to her desk.

"What's wrong Vittoria?" She eyed me weirdly. Alright I look like a zombie. Noted.

"Not in a mood to work." I shrugged casually.

She didn't buy that. She instead took a step closer, examining my face. "Why does your cheek look a little swollen?"

Hell to the no! Is it that evident?

"Don't worry. It's not visible unless you watch it very closely." She assured. "Is.. Is Mr Grayson being abusive towards you Vittoria?" She whispered, her voice filled with a mix of fear and concern.

"What? No. Oh my god Ariel. No!" I laughed, shaking my head, hoping my acting is convincing enough. "It's just a new lotion I tried on my face. Don't know about smooth skin, but it surely did give me an allergic rash."

"Are you sure?" She looked at me skeptically.

"Yes sweetie." I chuckled, entering my cabin and closing the door behind me a little too quickly. I was afraid I won't be able to hold this strong front anymore. So I instead focused on analyzing financial statements.

Exactly thirty minutes later, Liam made a hesitant appearance. I continued typing on my laptop, without looking up at him. He settled down on his desk next to me. He was silent but I could feel his occasional glances at me. That's how the day passed until lunch break.

"Vittoria." He slowly began. "Please talk to me. You haven't spoken a word since yesterday night."

I continued pretending he wasn't there, picked up the white envelope and stalked out towards my destination. Climbing a floor up, I reached Rafael's empty office only to find the door wide open.

That's strange.

However, I don't dwell on the abnormality and thank my stars. At least I won't have to see his face. Thanks to my currently dysfunctional heart, being here didn't affect me anymore. I completed the task which had brought me up here and returned to my cabin to find it unoccupied as well.

I was getting increasingly restless. My hands were itching to check the bottom drawer but everything, literally everything told me not to do so.

I think I'm going mad!

Finally after several minutes of pacing meaninglessly and wrecking my brain over it, I jerked open the drawer. As informed by Luca there was a burner phone safely concealed below a red file.

I threw a cautious look at the door before retrieving the small object. God save my life if any of them caught me.

Bright light attacked my sleep deprived eyes the moment I turned it on and a message displayed on the screen.

Yes or no?

Yes or no? I ask myself.


My brain answered in a heartbeat.

"Stupid Vittoria! What we're you thinking?" I scolded myself, tossing it back in the drawer. Why dive deeper into the mess when you can free yourself from all this madness. Above all, I haven't forgotten the Esztar Code.

Betrayal leads to death.


My grip on the black folder tightened and I inhaled a huge load of oxygen before raising my hand up to knock on the wooden door of his office.

"Enter." His voice sounded distant and lacked the usual straight tone.

I walked in to find him seated on his plush leather chair, blankly staring outside.

"These are the sector reports you asked us to prepare last week."

Honey brown eyes snapped up at me and he legit jumped up from his seat. He clearly didn't expect it to be me.

"Vittoria." Oliver breathed out my name in a shaky whisper and began striding towards me but my sharp glare halted him midway.

"There's one more reason I'm here."

He nodded, encouraging me to go ahead.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday."

"Why are you apologizing?" He said, disbelieved.

"The things I said yesterday about Ava weren't right. That was very low of me. No matter for what reason but you all have saved my life many times. So to thank you for that. I don't want this to end on a bitter note." My words were true but my tone came out as a lifeless and mechanized one.

"End this?" He furrowed his brows.

"I've resigned." I proclaimed.

"What?" His eyes went wide.

"I don't get what's so surprising. Do you really expect me to stay with people responsible for my brother's death? No thanks."

"Fine. But tell me where will you go?" He challenged.

"I don't know and I don't care Mr Rivera." I yelled.

He was taken aback by my sudden outburst. There was a minute of complete silence until he walked up to me and held my hand but I quickly jerked it away.

"Look Vittoria I know what I did yesterday was beyond wrong. I don't know what took over me. I was very angry but that's no reason for my action. I admit I wanted to hurt you with my words but never in my life have I ever raised a hand on some girl. I was.. I was hurt because you thought of me as a traitor. It was... I don't know. I'm just so very sorry Vittoria. Please don't go."

I wanted to believe him. I really did. But I couldn't.

"I'm not changing my decision Mr Rivera." I said firmly.

He shook his head frantically. "I promise I'll find out the truth about Mason. I owe it to you. Just give us one chance. Give me one last chance." He pleaded.

I desperately searched his eyes to find the truth. They did look truthful. But that's how it was every time and with everyone – Mason, Caleb, Rafael, all of them. They kept lying to me all my life. And now, I won't be be able to trust anyone no matter how bad I want to.

"Goodbye Mr Rivera." I walked out quickly, afraid of giving into his manipulation yet again. However, it didn't do me any good.

"Stop." An authoritative voice boomed from behind. It was the voice which once used to bring a smile on my face. "In my office. Now."

I ignored him and continued heading to my cabin but he grabbed my hand, roughly turning me back to face him.

"What are you doing Mr Grayson?" I snarled.

"I think I was quite audible Miss Andress." He shot back, equally furious.

"People are watching us. Don't create a scene Rafael, please." I begged.

"Yeah it's because you want to make everything so damn difficult." He raised his voice furthermore. He's doing this on purpose.

He wants to play dirty, well then bring it on.

"I'm no longer working for you Mr Grayson so can quit bossing over me." I fought back. Let's give these beautiful people some tea.

"Is that so?" He challenged. "Because I still haven't signed this, love." He held up my resignation letter.

"You will sign that damn letter."

He laughed in the most wicked manner. "No honey, I most certainly won't."

"You still don't get it, do you honey." I mimicked the way he said it. "You want me to spell it out for you? Fine! I am D-U-M-P-I-N-G you."

A series of gasps were heard which wiped away the nasty smirk from his face. Those charcoal eyes darkened and he gripped my arm tightly, pulling me into him.

"Say. That. Again." His tone was dangerously low but he didn't scare me one bit.

"I'm breaking up with you Rafael. We're over." I might not be capable of hurting him physically but I can definitely cripple his ego.

Is it possible to break up without even being in a relationship? The answer is yes.

"You don't have a say in it, senorita." He whispered into my ears. I couldn't clearly feel the tremors of rage in his body.

"Oh my god! Vittoria?" Ariel came running towards us holding a worried face. Her eyes traveled to Rafael's fingers painfully clasped on my arm. "Do you want me to call the cops?" She quivered, avoiding eye contact with Rafael. His enraged eyes snapped at her.

"No it's nothing." I spoke before he scared her even more.

"Don't try to fool me Vittoria. That mark on your face is definitely not a cosmetic gone wrong." She was terrified but still stood up for me.

Rafael's hands immediately left my arm. His guilty gaze trained down to the floor and he took several steps away from me.

"What the hell is happening here?" Oliver dashed in.

"Help her, please. No one deserves to be treated like that." Ariel pleaded him.

So friends this is what we call dark humor.

"What did you do?" Oliver demanded, throwing an angry stare at Rafael.

"I'm sorry did I hear that right? You seriously have the nerve to accuse me? You are the reason all this is happening." Rafael lashed out at him.

"Stop it you two." I stood between them in an attempt to stop a fierce fight from springing unnecessarily. "Ariel please take Mr Rivera away."

"Fucking hell!" Oliver cursed out loud before storming away to his office. The door slammed shut with such propulsion that I'm surprised the skyscraper is still standing intact.

"Rafael, let's not heighten this any further. Please sign this letter and let me free. I'm requesting you." I said, making sure the others don't hear us.

"When have I ever treated you like a captive?" Hurt floated in his eyes.

"No. That's not what I'm saying. I just want to get away from this. From Esztar."

"You can't get away from Esztar once you're in it."

"So you won't sign my resignation letter." I raised an inquisitive brow.

"No." He said with finality.

"Is that your last decision Mr Grayson?" I glared up at him.


I sighed, taking two strides to the table next to me. Every single pair of gossip hungry eyes we're trained on us. Well, good for me.

"You asked for it, mon cheri." I grabbed the glass of water sitting idle on Ariel's desk and splashed all its contents on this arrogant lying cheat's face before dropping it down.

The glass integrated into several tiny pieces. That's the sound of Rafael Grayson's ego shattering. Satisfied, I looked around at these flabbergasted people.

"Congratulations to me. I just got myself fired." I declared with a broad smile.

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