Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

5.5K 136 676

With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!

155 6 43
By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Vegeta had escaped from Frieza's flagship, and in his escape, he stole all five of Frieza's Dragon Balls! Enraged, Frieza sent his second in command, Zarbon to find Vegeta. However; the young greedy Saiyan saw both Jaune and Pyrrha fly past him with a Dragon Ball in their possession. The Saiyan warrior trailed behind them, only for Zarbon to trail behind HIM. Upon catching up, Vegeta and Zarbon had their long-awaited rematch, but before they fought, Zarbon revealed that Frieza also had the power to transform! After killing Zarbon, Vegeta took our heroes Dragon Ball and flew off. Unbeknownst to Vegeta, Ruby had stolen his hidden Dragon Ball! Enraged, Vegeta flew all the way back to our hero's hideout. How will our hero's fare against this enraged Saiyan?


Frieza's Secret Weapon!


Vegeta had finally arrived at the cave where the Remanites were hiding. Upon landing, Vegeta let out a menacing roar.


Upon receiving no answer, Vegeta ran into the cave. However; the cave was abandoned. Clenching his fists, Vegeta blew up the entire cave!

"Grr! DAMN IT! Those bastards saw this coming!" Vegeta growled angrily to himself.


After Ruby had returned to her friends with Vegeta's stolen Dragon Ball, they quickly packed up and flew to another hidden location. Their new location was a hidden between two large rock formations on a hill. Ruby peeked up over the hill to check if the coast was clear.

"I think we're in the clear. It's pretty well hidden." Ruby said to the others.

Weiss however wasn't too fond of their new hideout.

"Oh, you've got to be joking! At least with the previous location we had shelter, but now we're out in the open in a confined space no bigger than the hallways of Beacon!" Weiss complained.

Pyrrha tried to cheer her up.

"Oh come on Weiss, beggars can't be choosers. And besides, Oren and Fasha will be coming in on that new ship your brother made. So, it'll be best to tough it out until then." Pyrrha said.

Weiss puffed her cheeks in annoyance. Jaune then turned towards the others.

"Alright, so I have a plan. I will take Ruby to see the Grand Elder to get her potential unlocked, while you two stay here and keep watch over the Dragon Ball." Jaune said.

Pyrrha nodded her head, while Ruby looked confused.

"Wait, what do you mean unlocking my potential?" Ruby asked.

"I'll tell you more on the way, let's go!" Jaune said.

Both hunters then took off into the sky, and began their flight to the Grand Elders home.


In outer space, Oren and Fasha continued their training. At first, they started off light with ten times gravity, but as they went up, they made it to one hundred times gravity! Currently, both Oren and Fasha were doing handstand push-ups with one arm.

"N-Nine thousand, ninety-nine.... Ten thousand!" Oren said, before jumping to his feet.

Both Oren and Fasha's clothes were ripped and torn from their training, and both were covered in scrapes and bruises. Oren held out his hand and looked at it for a moment.

"Hey, Fasha, I don't feel worn out! You'd think we'd be exhausted by now." Oren said.

Fasha cracked her neck and did a few stretches.

"It seems that our bodies have fully become accustomed to the intense gravity." Fasha replied.

Fasha walked up to the gravity devise, and switched it off, after a few moments, the gravity turned back to normal.

"Well, I'm off to the showers." Fasha said, before climbing the ladder down to the lodging area.

Oren stood there for a moment, and looked down to see a chunk of the floor the size of a small rock. He picked it up and looked forward, and threw it to the other side of the room. With incredible speed, he moved to the other side and caught it! Upon opening his hand, the chunk of the floor was nothing more than rubble in his hand. Oren face broke out into a wide grin.

"HA HA! This is awesome! Not only am I stronger than I was before, but I feel light as a feather too!" Oren said excitedly.

Oren then began to beat his chest with one arm.

"Also, I'm as tough as a brick wall! If anything goes down while we're on Namek, I'll be ready for it!" Oren said.

Soon after, Oren went down to the showers to clean up. Afterwards, he walked into the kitchen towards the fridge.

"Alright, let's see what's in here?" Oren said.

Shifting through the objects in the fridge, Oren came across a few cans of beer.

"What's this stuff doing in here?" Oren said to himself.

Reaching in further, Oren pulled out a sports drink.

"Well, I'm not really into energy drinks, but beggars can't be choosers." Oren said.


Both Jaune and Ruby were flying as fast as they could, until in the far distance, they both saw a large pillar reaching up into the sky.

"Whoa, is that it Jaune?" Ruby asked.

Before Jaune could answer, he felt someone following them, it was Vegeta!

"Th-That power, it's Vegeta!" Jaune exclaimed.

clenching his fists, he turned towards Ruby.

"Ruby, get to the Grand Elder's place, I'm going to stall him for as long as I can." Jaune said.

"B-But what are you..." Ruby began to say.

"Don't argue, hurry over there and get stronger!" Jaune ordered.

Reluctantly, Ruby nodded, and flew towards the Grand Elders home. Jaune faced where Vegeta's power was coming from, until he felt a large gust of wind hit him. After that, he turned around to see Vegeta right behind him! Vegeta turned his head to look at Jaune, then smirked.

"Hey, fancy meeting you again. I'm not a fan of being made a fool, but stealing MY Dragon Ball from me is something I won't tolerate!" Vegeta growled.

Inside the Grand Elder's home, Ruby was currently standing beside Guru's throne. Guru then placed his large hand atop Ruby's head, then paused.

"Ah, I feel a great power within you young one. Much greater than any I've ever felt!" Guru said.

After a few moments, Ruby was surrounded by pure white energy! Outside, Vegeta was nearing Jaune, with the intent to kill. When all of a sudden, he felt a large energy increase coming behind him.

"The Hell? Where is this power coming from?" Vegeta said.

Vegeta then turned around, and saw the large house on the pillar of rock behind him.

"That mountain, that's where the Akulari girl flew off to, right? I bet that's where you're hiding the Dragon Ball." Vegeta said, smirking towards Jaune.

"W-What no, it's..." Jaune tried to explain, only for Vegeta to fly towards the mountain.

"D-DAMN IT WAIT!" Jaune called out, before flying after Vegeta.

Vegeta flew towards the large building, and landed outside of it. Vegeta looked up at the strange building.

"Hmm, what is this place?" Vegeta said.

Jaune landed behind him, right as Vegeta began walking towards the entrance.

"V-Vegeta don't!" Jaune called out.

Then, Vegeta stopped as he saw Nail standing outside the door. Nail stared at Vegeta intently.

"Leave us!" Nail said calmly.

Vegeta smirked.

"And if I don't?" Vegeta said mockingly.

"Then I'll be forced to kill you." Nail replied.

Back inside, Ruby's power continued to rise. Whatever power she had hidden deep inside her, it was rising rapidly.

'W-Was this power hidden inside me all along?!' Ruby thought to herself.

Back outside, all three warriors felt Ruby's power increase.

'Yes, Ruby's power is finally unlocked!' Jaune thought to himself.

Vegeta however believed that it was Oren's power coming from inside.

"I see, so Tato is the one held up in there." Vegeta said, before raising his fist.

"Then let this be the day we settle our score little brother! Come out here and face me you coward!" Vegeta yelled.

The sound of footsteps was heard from inside, and they were getting closer to the doorway. Then, Ruby stepped out and faced Vegeta. Vegeta however was shocked.

"W-What?! That huge power increase is coming from her? But she's an Akulari, not a Saiyan, how could this be?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Before anything could escalate, Dende ran outside to warn everybody.

"W-Wait! The Grand Elder told me that there is someone really, really powerful about to land on the planet!" Dende explained.

Everyone turned towards Dende.

"What?!" Nail exclaimed.

Jaune and Ruby looked up and indeed sensed someone powerful.

"He's right I can feel it!" Jaune said.

"Yeah, me too!" Ruby replied.

Jaune then smiled.

"You know what, I bet it's Oren and Fasha! They've finally arrived!" Jaune exclaimed happily.

Vegeta's eyes widened.

"What?!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta stared up at the sky, until a grim expression spread across his face.

"N-No, it can't be them?!" Vegeta said worryingly.

Ruby had an uncertain look on her face.

"J-Jaune. I sense more than two people." Ruby said.

Soon, everyone was looking at the sky.

"One, two, three, four, five. I-It is them! Frieza's summoned the Ginyu Force!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Vegeta then ran towards Ruby, and grabbed her by the shirt.

"Grr! Look, I don't have time to play with you bastards! Give me the Dragon Ball, now!" Vegeta yelled.

Ruby looked at Vegeta defiantly.

"No! You don't scare me, Vegeta!" Ruby retorted.

"Look, I'll make a deal with you. Give me the Dragon Ball, and I promise I won't lay a finger on you or your friends!" Vegeta bartered.

"As IF we'd trust you, Vegeta!" Jaune said.

Vegeta tossed Ruby to the side, and turned around to face Jaune.

"Alright fools, listen and listen good! Imagine someone as strong as I've become since our first meeting. N-No, even STRONGER, now imagine there's five of these monsters! Five, with advanced scouters that could hone in on our power levels from across the damn planet, and who aren't here to make friends!" Vegeta explained.

Jaune was shocked, but was still in denial.

"N-No, you're just making this up!" Jaune stuttered.

Nail however, was still looking up into the sky.

"No, he's right, I can sense it. Whoever they are, there are five, and they're hostile." Nail calmy explained.

Jaune thought for a moment.

"FINE, why not make Ruby immortal!" Jaune said sarcastically.

Vegeta grumbled.

"She doesn't even have any tactical experience! Why not have a Ladybug defend us!" Vegeta responded.

Jaune clenched his fists, and closed his eyes tightly.

"B-But if we make you immortal, th-then, we can't wish our dead friends back!" Jaune said in anger.

"You get more than one." Nail spoke up.

All three turned towards him.

"The Dragon Balls will grant you a total of three wishes. Hopefully with two to spare, you can all get what you came here for." Nail explained calmly.

Vegeta however was growing impatient.

"OKAY! See we all get three wishes, great! But the more time we doddle, the more time they have to steal them!" Vegeta growled angrily.

Jaune hated the idea of working with Vegeta, but at this point in time, they have no choice.

"F-Fine, but you better keep your word, Vegeta!" Jaune said.

Then all three fighters flew off in the direction of the hunter's new hidden camp.

"I don't like this!" Jaune growled.

"GRR! DON'T DODDLE, USE YOUR FULL POWER!" Vegeta yelled, as they continued their flight.


Five space pods were making their way into the planet's atmosphere, as they came into view, Frieza watched from the damaged window of his chamber's. And with a mighty crash, all five pods landed onto the planet's surface. Frieza smirked at the arrival of his elite task force.

"Ah they're here. Theatrical as always, let the pageant begin." Frieza chuckled, as he made his way to the top of the ship to greet them.

From the landing point of the pods, the doors opened, and five fighters stepped out of their ships. All five then began to float towards Fireza's flagship.

All five stood to attention, in front of Frieza.

"Oh, ho ho ho!" Frieza laughed.

The first to introduce himself, was a large man with huge muscles, and a red toupee and a green scouter. After flexing his muscles, he knelt down and struck a pose.

"I'M RECOOME!" The large man identified himself.

The next one, was as tall as Recoome. But this alien looked like a humanoid snake with blue skin, and red eyes. Like Recoome, this fighter flexed his muscles as well.

"KI KI!" The alien called out, before striking a pose, opposite of Recoome's.

"I AM, BURTER!" The snake humanoid announced.

The fighter next to Burter, was another alien humanoid who had light red skin and long white hair. He knelt down to the ground, then flipped his hair behind him, and brought both his arms into the air.

"I'M JEICE!" The fighter said in an Australian accent.

Opposite of Jeice, was a small pudgy green alien with a bald head. What made this little creature stand out, was that he had four eyes, with two on either side of his head. He too, posed like Jeice.

"GULDO!" The small alien announced.

The final member was facing away from Frieza, with his legs spread apart. This fighter had purple skin, and two large horns protruding from his head. He then ducked down so he could be seen between his legs.

"GINYU!" The final member announced.

Then, each spoke one after another.





Then all five stuck a final group pose.

"THE GINYU FORCE!" All said in perfect unison.

(End Song)

Frieza stood there with a slight blush of embarrassment on his face.

"I, uh, AHEM! Right, it's good to see you again." Frieza said, hiding his embarrassment on his face.

All five stood to attention. As Captain Ginyu began to speak.

"Thank you, Lord Frieza, we always aim to please. I trust you have a special assignment for us?" Ginu asked.

Frieza had a slight scowl on his face.

"That traitorous renegade Vegeta has stolen my Dragon Balls which I worked Oh-so-hard to acquire. I need you and your men to retrieve both Vegeta and the Dragon Balls." Frieza ordered.

Ginyu, along with his men locked their scouters onto Vegeta.

"Found him my Lord. He seems to be in a hurry, and there are two more power levels with him." Ginyu said.

Then Jeice picked up a green case and handed it to Frieza.

"Here's the new updated scouters you requested my Lord." Jeice said.

Upon opening the case, Frieza picked up a scouter and affixed it to his head.

"Ah perfect, you never fail to disappoint Ginyu's." Frieza said happily.

After Frieza had put on his scouter, the small devise picked up that Vegeta and the two that were with him were heading towards two more power levels.

"Ah, it seems that our treacherous comrade has made some new friends. Deal with them." Frieza ordered.

All five then began to line up in formation, then flew off towards Vegeta.


Oren was walking towards the large dressing cabinet in the lodging area of the ship. As he opened it, he saw that it was packed to the brim of Turtle Hermit Gi's.

"Heh, I asked King Kai to make me a new Gi, but I had no idea he would make THIS many!" Oren chuckled.

After putting his new Gi, he met Fasha back on the flight deck.

"Ten minutes before landing." Fasha said.

"So, this Frieza guy is somewhere on Namek. I'll try my best to avoid him, but in the meantime, we've got to help our friends down there." Oren said.

Oren stood still for a moment.

"Strange, I don't feel nervous or even scared. Rather, I feel calm. I know what's waiting for us when we get there, but I can't help but feel...nothing." Oren said.

Fasha looked at her ward.

"Perhaps our training knocked something loose in your head." Fasha said.

(Back on Namek)

Jaune, Ruby, and Vegeta landed at their new camp to gather the Dragon Ball. Suffice to say, both Weiss and Pyrrha were shocked.

"Vegeta, what are you doing here?!" Pyrrha exclaimed.

"There's no time, come on!" Jaune said.

Gathering the Dragon Ball, everyone followed Vegeta.

"Jaune, what the Hell is going on?" Weiss asked.

Vegeta spoke up first before Jaune.

"Long story short, Frieza just sent his elite task force to this ball of dirt! Now hurry!" Vegeta yelled.

Eventually, they all made it to Vegeta's hiding place.

"Yes, now they're all mine!" Vegeta said to himself.

However; before they could all get to Vegeta's Dragon Balls, the Ginyu Force intercepted them! Vegeta, along with the others stopped in their tracks.

"Hello Vegeta." Ginyu greeted.

"G'day mate!" Jeice said.

"Long time no see." Burter said in a slithery voice.

The rest of the Ginyu Force began to chuckle.

"GRR! Damn! A few more steps, and we were there!" Vegeta growled.

Ginyu eyed their Dragon Balls.

"I suppose that wouldn't be a Dragon Ball you and your friend are holding?" Ginyu asked.

Recoome looked behind him.

"And looky here, we've got five more just like 'em." Recoome said.

Ginyu chuckled while looking back at Vegeta.

"Look Vegeta, just hand over your Dragon Balls. We're still gonna kill regardless, so how 'bout it? Be a sport." Ginyu said.

Vegeta smirked.

"I got a question. Do these new scouters of yours detect Dragon Balls?" Vegeta asked.

Ginyu smirked as well.

"And what if they aren't?" Ginyu said.

Vegeta then turned around, and threw the Dragon Ball as hard as he could!

"THEN YOU LOOSE!" Vegeta yelled.

Burter then quickly disappeared, then reappeared with the Dragon Ball in his arms!

"Miss me?" Burter said tauntingly.

Everyone looked shocked.

"W-What?!" Jaune exclaimed.

"H-His speed is faster than my semblance! Even I can't move THAT fast!" Ruby said.

Ginyu smirked while looking at Burter.

"Thought you were being clever? In case you've forgotten, Burter is the fastest in the universe, behind Lord Frieza of course." Ginyu explained.

Vegeta then turned to Jaune, who was currently holding the other Dragon Ball.

"You, destroy it, quickly!" Vegeta yelled.

Jaune brought his fist up, then brought it down. But to his surprise, the Dragon Ball was no longer in his hands!

"W-What, where'd it go?" Weiss said.

Then, everyone heard Guldo exhale. Turning around, they saw the Dragon Ball by Guldo's feet!

"What?! B-But how?" Jaune asked.

Ginyu smirked once more.

"Little Guldo here has the power to stop time. A pretty nice quirk to have." Ginyu said, prideful of his squad.

With a flick of his finger, all seven Dragon Balls began to float around Captain Ginyu.

"Now, if you don't mind. Lord Frieza has a date with immortality!" Ginyu said before flying off.

Ruby began to charge up her Masenko.

"N-No, I won't let you!" Ruby yelled.

Vegeta quickly stopped her.

"Stop, save your energy! We need to get past these bastards before we get to Ginyu." Vegeta explained.

Ruby reluctantly stopped her attack. The rest of the Ginyu force stood back.

"So, who's going first?" Jeice asked.

Recoome nudged Guldo's shoulder.

"How about Guldo. You do the honor." Recoome said.

Guldo grumbled.

"Right, you just want me to clear the runt's so the big guys can play! Some "honor", thanks guys!" Guldo said, with a hint of sarcasm.

Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha stepped up.

"Girls, how about we show these bastards our unlocked potential!" Jaune said.

"Right!" Both Pyrrha and Ruby said.

(Chapter End)


Ruby: Hey, Ruby here! These guys are tough!

Guldo: Ha Ha! No one can stop my time spell!

Recoome: Alright my turn next!

Vegeta: Let's see how you handle this! FINAL CRASH!

Jeice: Hey, there's an unknown ship landing up ahead.

Ruby: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Assault of The Ginyu Force!

Oren: So, this is Namek?

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