Once Upon A Royal Christmas (...

By cosmicjennies

35.6K 2.3K 1.1K

Just before Christmas, an aspiring journalist, Roseanne Park, is sent to the foreign nation of Westfall to co... More

Once Upon A Royal Christmas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Love Galore
The Truth About Monsters

Chapter 9

1.1K 98 42
By cosmicjennies

Chapter 9

Ella couldn't keep still in class the next day. Her leg bounced underneath her desk through the entirety of the morning math lesson while her eyes darted to check the time every other minute. She gave answers that were short and unfocused as her pen continually banged against the side of her desk. If Rosie hadn't known better, she would have thought Lisa had slipped a few extra shots of espresso into the teen's coffee that morning, but Rosie knew differently: Ella had lunch plans with her favorite aunt.

"Are you sure I can't just let you go early for lunch?" Rosie asked after the third time Ella didn't hear the question Rosie read aloud from the textbook.

"Nah, she's got a schedule to keep and I don't want to interrupt it," Ella said as she bounced in her seat. "Gosh, I'm so excited though."

"Really?" Rosie said with mock shock. "I couldn't tell."

"You don't understand. This past year, with everything going on with my father, I haven't gotten a chance to speak with her one-on-one in months. And we used to do it all the time. She'd take me to lunches and museums and parks. We had so much fun, and I'd tell her everything." Ella frowned. "I really miss that." A smile quickly took over her brief frown. "But now she's back and it can be like old times! Just in time for the holidays too!"

Krystal's words from the night before floated through Rosie's head as she pulled the open textbook tighter to her chest.

"Ella," Rosie hesitated. "I hate to say it, but things will probably never be like the old times."

"No." Ella shook her head. "I know my aunt. You'll see."

With a small nod, Rosie held out her textbook and did her best to resume the chapter, ignoring the sour feeling stirring in her chest. However, just fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door and Ms. Song entered with a short curtsy towards the teen.

"Vic!" Ella jumped to her feet. "Did Aunt Jennie finish up early? Can I go meet her now?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Ella," Ms. Song said solemnly. "But plans have changed and her Majesty will be unable to attend lunch today and sends her deepest apologies."

"But..." the spirit deflated from Ella's chest, leaving her body limp as her mind scrambled. "She promised."

"Unfortunately the Prime Minister of Bulgaria had no compassion for those plans," Ms. Song explained matter of factly even though her throat bobbed. "I do hope you understand."

"I guess," Ella mumbled as she sagged back into her seat like a deflated ballon.

"Now if you excuse me, I must be getting back to her," Ms. Song spun on her heel before hesitating at the door. "I really am sorry, Lady Ella. She was really looking forward to lunch today."

"Yeah, whatever," Ella mumbled in a voice weaker than before as she hunched over her desk, turning her head away from the door and to the snowy window outside.

Rosie's eyes met Ms. Song and they exchanged a brief nod before Ms. Song went on her way, shutting the door behind her. Placing her textbook to the side, Rosie squatted down next to Ella's desk, not quite in her line of sight but eye level. She wasn't entirely sure what to do, but this always seemed to help when Rachel would do it for her when she was acting like Ella so hopefully this translated.

"I'm sorry, Ella," Rosie started gently.

"It's whatever," Ella mumbled, still not taking her focus off the window.

"We can always get lunch together," Rosie suggested, rocking forward on the balls of her feet.

"It's not the same," Ella grumbled.

"Yeah," Rosie rubbed the back of her neck. "Look, I'm sure she's pretty bummed about this too. Maybe you two can just reschedule."

"She'll only cancel again."

"You don't know that."

"Dad always did."

Rosie froze. It was all too easy to forget who she was talking to or who the kind of person her father was. As much as Ella tried to pretend that the events of this whole year were behind her, the tears forming in her brown eyes told a much different story.

"Hey," Rosie said softly, gently placing her hand on Ella's arm. "Your aunt isn't the same person. And never will be."

"You don't know that," Ella said, her voice now hoarse. "They are siblings, aren't they? What's to stop the same thing from happening to her?"

"Because people, regardless of who they are related to, make their own decisions and follow their own individual unique path based on their values. And I've seen your aunt around you and she really cares about you."

"Clearly not as much as you think."

"Hey, give her a chance," Rosie squeezed her arm. "This is new territory for her too."

Ella swallowed thickly as she blinked hard.

"I just miss them."

The teen wasn't just talking about Princess Jennie, but also her father. Still, that didn't stop Rosie one bit from pulling her into a hug and holding her tight even when her shirt became stained with tears and snot.


The rest of that day's class mellowed out, but an aurora of gloom hung over them. When Ella gave her seventh one word answer in a row with no follow-up fun fact or question, Rosie decided to end the class early, blaming a nonexistent stomach ache. Ella didn't offer any concern and instead simply packed up her bag and shuffled out of the classroom with her shoulders hunched and her eyes lifeless.

It wasn't until the door shut behind the teen that a dangerous mix of inspiration and motivation struck Rosie. Without much thought, Rosie left her school bag in the classroom and headed off in the direction she believed to be the source of this whole mess: her Majesty.

In a castle with numerous corridors and dozens of doors, Rosie found her way surprisingly easily to the Princess's office. Of course, the number of guards lining the hallway were a definite giveaway as well. Being the palace tutor, most of the guards didn't bother to give her a second glance. Besides, what sort of threat could a clumsy blonde in corduroy and glasses be to a royal figure anyway? Flashing a smile at them when she made eye contact and offering a small wave when she could only further cemented her nonthreatening persona. As far as they knew, she could simply just be delivering a message to one of the royal staff. Still, Rosie made a mental note to bring up the lax security to someone who could do something about it. Sure, they had weapons and cameras, but Rosie still found herself in the heart of the palace with her own private room. Heck, they hadn't even checked her ID once, Rosie suddenly realized and crossed her fingers that it wouldn't be anytime soon.

Her completely impulsive almost nonexistent plan was going quite well until she bumped into Ms. Song as she walked out of the tall ornate oak doors that Rosie knew immediately to be the way to the soon-to-be Queen's office. Ms. Song hung her head low as she scribbled away on her tablet, almost not even noticing Rosie until their elbows touched as they passed.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rosie instinctively apologized.

"Do watch where you're going, Ms. Son," Ms. Song said before skidding her feet to an abrupt stop and whipped her head back. "Ms. Song! Just what are you doing over here?"

"Um, I kind of just need to talk to the Princess," Rosie said, pointing at the oak doors. "It's important."

"I do not care how important it is! That is not how protocol works here! You need to leave at once!"

"Okay," Rosie replied, seemingly relaxing in her stance.

But not even three seconds later, Rosie darted to the door. While she may not have been faster than a speeding bullet, she was still faster than Ms. Song. Her hand found the handle and yanked, thanking the Lord when it revealed it wasn't locked and swung open before her. Tripping in over her own feet as she dodged Ms. Song's claws swiping at her sweater, Rosie stumbled into the Princess's office with the Head of Staff right behind her.

Immediately, Rosie lost her breath. The room's tall walls only gave way to massive windows that casted natural light from the snow and sun, lighting up the golden frames of Romantic masterpieces and leather spines of literature classics aligning the opposite wall. Hundreds of more books remained tucked away on the towering bookcases while antique and foreign trinkets sat on the shelves and tables boarding the walls next to stretching potted plants. While the room held an ornate older vibe, it meshed with a much newer one as Rosie's gaze drifted towards the back of the room where a sleeker sizable desk sat with the latest computer and technology perched on top of it. And sat behind that desk was the real reason Rosie momentarily lost her breath, the princess herself.

The raven haired woman stood up automatically, her hazel eyes flashing as she cocked her chin up high. Not even an ounce of fear hung on her face as she placed her hands on her desk as she was clinging to it, protecting it. In her black pinstripe pantsuit and tight updo, Rosie's resolve wavered. This woman was royalty and she knew it. Rosie was just barely a reporter turned tutor. Heck, she hadn't even remembered to curtsy and it was far too late now with Ms. Song hot on her tail.

"Excuse me, you can't go in there!" Ms. Song called after Rosie as she stumbled in after her, frantic and looking about ready to hit the blonde with her tablet before she turned to the princess. "I swear, I just blinked and she got right past me."

"I'm sorry," Rosie said automatically, taking a step forward to be out of reach of Ms. Song's swing. "This is my fault."

"She's really fast." Ms. Song added, her eyes darting over Rosie's flats and button down shirt.

A small sigh slipped of frustration out before Rosie could continue. "I just need to talk to you."

The air turned thick as Rosie's pleading eyes met Princess Jennie's bemused ones. Rosie's thoughts turned to Ella just hours before and she prayed her face carried that. If this was a woman who loved her niece so fiercely, hopefully she would recognize someone who felt the same.

"Vic," Princess Jennie said, her gaze drifting to the frazzled woman still gripping her tablet tightly, "can you make a note to security that Ms. Son is to be shown in whenever possible."

"What? You can't just-," Ms. Song bit her tongue before bowing her head. "Yes, your majesty."

Rosie's head spun as she turned to watch Ms. Song quietly retreat out of the office, shutting the door behind her as she left. This wasn't part of the plan. Sure, there wasn't much of a plan to begin with, but this definitely wasn't it.

"Really?" Rosie asked, spinning to face the royal once more.

The soon-to-be queen gave a single nod and a slight eyebrow raise as if in warning. This was already unprecedented; Rosie knew better than to push her luck.

"Um, thank you," Rosie said as she fiddled with her glasses while she took one small step forward.

"Now," the princess said, sitting back in her chair and twisting the pen cap of her pen, "how can I help?"

"I, uh," Rosie cleared her throat, "I wanted to talk to you about Ella."

Princess Jennie's forehead wrinkled. "Is she not doing well in her classes?"

"No, no, not that. She's actually doing great." Rosie rubbed her hand on the back of her neck as the weight of the situation began to settle. "She just, well, she misses her favorite scientist."

"Her favorite scientist?" Princess Jennie repeated, arching an eyebrow. "And who would that be?"

"Well, you."

The princess blinked, her mouth falling slightly open before she quickly shut it.

"Ms. Son," Princess Jennie started as she adopted a more regal tone, "I know you don't intend to discuss situations you don't understand--"

"But I do understand," Rosie cut her off as a strange sensation gripped her. "She's a scared child who is hurting."

"What would she have to be scared of in this palace?" the princess demanded, staring Rosie down but Rosie refused to be moved.

"She's only ever been hurt in this palace," Rosie snapped before holding her tongue. She was boarding on projecting and she knew it. If she didn't reign it in before the reigning before her, she would only cause more harm to herself and possibly Ella. Forcing herself to take a deep breath, she continued. "I'm sorry. I'm out of line. I just needed you to know that Ella had an advocate for her feelings."

Her majesty's glare softened just a bit, but still remained steadfast.

"As I'm sure Vic told you earlier, something came up and I had a meeting run late. I didn't have a choice."

"Then don't make promises you can't keep," Rosie replied.

The princess cocked an eyebrow, but her hazel eyes held an intrigue that wasn't there before.

"You're rather bold, aren't you, Ms. Son?" the princess said as she leaned back in her chair. "I think you're the only person to talk to me like that in well over a year."

"I really don't mean any disrespect towards you by it," Rosie said, swallowing as her throat had seemingly become dry under the raven haired woman's particular gaze. "But I just care about Lady Ella."

"Enough to risk being thrown in the dungeon by storming into the royal office and then criticizing the actions of the princess to her own face?"

"I, uh, I really thought she was kidding about the existence of the dungeon," Rosie said with a short nervous laugh.

Princess Jennie smile as she breathed out a laugh.

"You really do never cease to amaze me, Ms. Son," the soon-to-be queen said. "I'm glad my niece has a tutor like you in her life. She most certainly needs it."

"But she really needs you," Rosie insisted. "Especially with the holidays coming up. She deserves to be with her family."

It was at that moment that Rosie realized not a single decoration hung in the royal office. Everything was devoid of any notion of the holiday season just days away. Really any personal touch was absence. Not even a picture on her desk. Apparently the princess wasn't too much of a sentimental type.

"I'm sorry but that's just not possible," Princess Jennie sighed. "I have new responsibilities each day. Sacrifices have to be made--"

"She's worried you're going to turn into her father."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Rosie wished they hadn't. The posture of the princess immediately became stiff and her nostrils flared as the knuckles on her pen turned white and shook. But that all passed within a few seconds as the princess slowly exhaled and set her pen down on her desk.

"She told you this?" Princess Jennie asked softly, all aspects of the royal tone from earlier stripped away.

"Earlier today," Rosie nodded as she fiddled with her cardigan sleeve. "I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have said anything..."

"No, it's good you did," Princess Jennie assured her with another sigh. "I... I had no idea. Thank you for telling me."

"Anytime," Rosie shifted the weight on her feet as the tension weighed heavily on her shoulders. "I know you're busy and have to get back to work so I can just let you go."

"Uh, yes, work, right." The princess said as she sat up and pulled her papers and pen closer towards her.

"Have a good evening, your Majesty," Rosie said with a nod and a wave.

"You as well, Ms. Son," Princess Jennie nodded, scribbling away on a paper for a few seconds until she lifted her head just as Rosie was about to open the door. "Ms. Son."

Rosie's hand froze on the door handle as her head turned to look behind her. "Yes, your majesty?"

"Thank you for looking out for my favorite scientist."

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