Love, Eternal | ✔️

By thesoullessstars

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*Check TW* [Rewriting] "I told the stars about you" Persephone Drakos, a girl nobody notices who has learned... More



3K 93 33
By thesoullessstars

✮'  𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓷𝓮  '✮

I had forgotten to grab Kols address yesterday. I'll ask him for it today.

Hopping out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself. I smile when I look in the mirror; Today will be a good day.

I finish up in the bathroom, heading to my closet to get dressed. I feel like wearing black today.

I hop into my car, blasting Chase Atlantic, rolling down my window, deciding to have one of my infamous car sessions, pretending I'm the main character from one of my favorite romance books

A girl can dream, can't she?

Just give me some time and space to realize
That you, were busy lying, sleeping 'round with other guys
And what the hell were we?
Tell me we weren't just friends
This doesn't make much sense, no
But I'm not hurt, I'm tense
'Cause I'll be fine without you, babe

Pulling into the parking lot, I decide I'll get the address from Kol after AP lit.

☆ ☆ ☆

I head towards the cafeteria. Normally I would skip lunch and just sit in my car but today I'm a bit hungry, having skipped dinner last night and breakfast this morning.

As I turn the corner I find myself on the floor. Squeezing my eyes shut, focusing on breathing slowly, trying to make the pain disappear.

Seriously, how many times has this happened in the past few days?

"Oh my goodness, I didn't see you there!" Natalia shrieks, her voice laced with fake concern.

I manage to stand up, noticing everyone already staring. Crossing my arms over my chest, providing a false sense of security.

"W-What do you want Natalia?" I trembled.

"Oh, you know. For you to join your sister," she hissed. What? how did she know about my sister?

"W-What?" I whimpered. She rolls her eyes. "Maybe you can be buried right next to her. Why don't you do us all that favor, hm?" She smirked

My eyes sting with unshed tears

"H-How" I mumbled. She laughs. "Oh please, I'm over this conversation," shoving me one last time as she walks past. Causing me to stumble, I catch myself before I fall once more.

I look around to find everyone still staring, some laughing.

My breathing fastens, my chest tightens. I need to get out of here. I turn around, running down the hall, not caring that the tears have escaped.

I turn a corner, getting close to reaching the parking lot- oomph.

Did I really just run into a fucking wall?

Can this day get any worse

I step back and open my eyes. I'm met with someones chest.

I look up, my breathing hitches as I'm met with those same icy blue eyes from yesterday. Not this again. I mentally facepalm at the deja vu feeling.

He smells so good

"S-Sorry, I didn't s-see you there," I mumble while trying to wipe my cheeks, removing any evidence that I had been crying.

Is this dude made out of steel? He just stares at me.

I probably look like a drenched rat.

This is awkward.

"Um, can I get y-your address?" I asked.

He furrows his eyebrows at my question

"F-for the project, you never gave it to me yesterday," I blurted. He only rolls his eyes and nods, grabbing a sticky note out of his pocket.

This dude just carries those in his pockets?

"Here" He says and hands me the sticky note, I ignore the slight tingling sensation as our hands slightly touch.

I smile and walk around him stuffing the note in my pocket.

☆ ☆ ☆

I didn't think I'd come here ever again.

Penelope Eleanora Drakos
Beloved Sister, Daughter
In Our Hearts Forever

I sit in front of her tombstone. "Hey Pen"

I look up at the sky closing my eyes before taking a deep breath "I miss you, astéri mou" (my star)

I don't know how Natalia knew about my sister. She was 6 years older than us and I never mentioned her to anyone.

We had moved here after her death before my freshman year and I've kept to myself ever since.

My parents paid a lot of money to keep her death off every website and news outlet.

"Come on Seph!" Penelope teased. "You'll love it Pen, I'm essentially a professional make-up artist" Penelope rolled her eyes. "Are you done? Can I see it?" she asked. I nod.

"OH MY GOD YOU SNAKE!" She shrieked. I couldn't hold in my laughter as I double over clutching my stomach. "I look like a clown, Seph. A fucking CLOWN!" I can see the smile on her face, letting me know she's amused

I feel my bottom lip wobble as tears escape my eyes.

I exhale rubbing my chest hoping to relieve some of the constricting pain.

"I wish..I wish you didn't leave us Pen" I whisper, bringing a shaking finger to the picture on her tombstone.

I knock on her door "Pen?"

no reply


no reply again

I decide to try one more time

"Penelope, momma said dinner is ready"

still no reply, she must be asleep.

I open her door, not prepared for the sight in front of me

She's laying in a pool of her own blood, not moving.

"PENELOPE?" I screamed, no answer.

I run to her

"P-Pen?" I fall to my knees beside her, ignoring the stabbing pain in my heart and the overwhelming smell of her blood

I grab her shoulders, shaking her, hoping this is all a sick prank to get back at me for the other day.


"Pen please please please, Penelope open your eyes....please please I promise I'll never cause problems ever again" I begged between sobs

"Pen, I'll make you my famous chocolate chip cookies if you just open your eyes for me, okay?" I rub her cheek hoping the sensation will wake her up.

"What's wron- PENELOPE?" my mom screamed

I'm brought out of the memory feeling a raindrop hit my face

"Oh Pen, I miss you so so fucking much. Nothing is the same without you, I wish you didn't leave me"

I get up, pressing two fingers against my lips then to the picture on her tombstone

"Love you Pen, astéri mou" (my star)

☆ ☆ ☆

I look at my phone. It's ten minutes till six. I went home and cleaned myself up before putting on some leggings and an oversized hoodie.

I'm standing outside Kols house. As much as I don't want to be here, I'm not one to ditch on plans. Might as well get this over with. I knock on the door and wait. After getting no response, I go to knock again when the door swings open.

I'm met with a shirtless Kol, with grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low. His hair is wet, sitting beautifully over his icy blue eyes.

He must have just gotten out of the shower. It takes all my strength to not check him out.

his eyes are NOT beautiful Persephone!

"H-Hi" I greet "I'm here f-for the p-project," I whisper, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, averting his gaze.

He nods "Come in"

I could listen to his deep velvety voice all day

wait what

"Thanks" I reply, giving an appreciative smile

I step inside, taking a second to look around. There's a grand staircase, grey carpets and white walls.

The walls are adorned with family portraits with a faint smell of vanilla in the's warm and homey.

I look around in amazement. This is what a home should look like and feel like.

Reminding me how cold and unloving my home is.

I snap out of my thoughts, only to realize Kol is halfway up the stairs. I jog to catch up to him, trying to hide the fact I'm dying by the time we reach the top.

Why are there so many stairs? More importantly, why am I so out of shape.

Walking down the hallway I look around to see more pictures. I don't see a man in any of them. Where is his dad?

We reach his room

I look around as I enter it'

It's gorgeous. He takes a seat on his bed while I stand in the middle of the room like a statue, not sure where I should sit.

"Sit," he says, pointing to one of the chairs next to his bed. I slowly make my way towards them, pulling out my laptop before sitting Criss Cross on the chair, setting my laptop on my thighs.

"Okay..." I trail off while opening my laptop.

"The first part of the assignment is to get to know each other," I look up to see if he is listening, he only nods in acknowledgment.

"Should we play 20 questions?" I ask, "Sure" he answers, shrugging his shoulders before pulling out his phone.

"Favorite color?"


"I should have guess that" I mumble to myself
I wait for him to ask me but he doesn't
"Mines brown" he only nods to let me know he's listening.

"If you could live anywhere, where would it be?"

"New York"

"Hm..I'd want to live in Italy, especially northern Italy during summer. It's absolutely gorgeous. It's the reason I- shut up" he cuts me off sounding annoyed by my rambling

"Sorry" I wince, slightly embarrassed.

I find myself rambling whenever I talk to people

"Who is your favorite author?"

"Emily Brontë"

"Oooo nice! Mines Edgar Allan Poe"

"How many languages do you speak?"


"Really?! What's the other language?"
He just stares at me, once I realize he isn't going to answer I decide to leave it.

"I speak 3 fluently and am learning a fourth."

"What are they?" He asks

I furrow my eyebrows looking up at him, why is he asking?

"Um Greek is my first language. I lived there till I was about ten. English is my second and Spanish is my third. I'm currently learning I-" I'm cut off by someone knocking on his door.

He sighs, rolling his eyes "Chi è?" (who is it)

His second language is Italian?

"È tua madre" "It's your mother"

"Come in," he says rubbing his eyes out of frustration.

A gorgeous small woman walks in, a spitting image of Kol.

"Dear, dinner is- oh hi, who might you be?" She asks "Hi, I'm Persephone," I answer giving her a small warm smile.

"Mom, we are kinda busy," He snaps, making me wince. Why is he talking to his mom like that?

"Non parlarmi così, soprattutto davanti agli ospiti" she scolds, at this point I'm not sure what she said.

"I'll be down in five, ma" Kol responds

(Don't speak to me like that, especially in front of guests)


Everyone's attention is on me as my phone goes off

I have a pen, I have an app-

"Mamá, ti théleis?" I scold, already knowing it's my mother.

Nobody else calls me.

(Mom, what do you want?)

"Poú eísai agápi mou, írthame spíti norís?"

(Where are you dear, we came home early?)

"Káno éna érgo me ton sýntrofó mou, eímai sto spíti mou tóra."

(I'm doing a project with my partner, I'm on my way home now.)

I hang-up, seeing everyone's eyes still on me. "Sorry, that was my mom. I have to go home. Thanks Stevens." I glance at him, seeing him nod. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Stevens." she only gives me a small smile.

As I step outside I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I get in my car and heading home.

My heart already racing, I'm surprised I've never had a heart attack.

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