And Action [jenvid.]

By alwaysroschel

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"Jen?" "Hmm, yea sorry. Just looking through it again." "Nothing will change this okay?" - after receiving... More

One: The Table Read
Two: The Night Before
Three: Filming Part 1.
Four: Filming Part 2.
Five: Realizations
Six: Lunch
Seven: Olive Branches
Eight: Paparazzi, Playbills, and Dinner?
Nine: Waiting
Ten: Lobsters and 20 Dollars
Eleven: Love bubble
Twelve: Rumour Has It
13: Lies.
14: All I Want
15: Anywhere With You
16: Reality Check Part One.
17: Reality Check Part Two.
18: One Step Closer
19: Welcome To New York
20: The Moment He Knew
22: This is Love
23: The Lucky One
24: Interviews to make the news
25: Meant To Be
26: i have you (always)
tow the author's note

21: The Moment She Knew

504 19 4
By alwaysroschel

Author's Note: this is a continuation of ch 19 from Jennifer's side of things aka the lunch! I did change this approach from CH 20. Instead of flashbacks all throughout I did something else. As well: this chapter is dedicated to the lovely Nibi (:. If you have not read After Hours or TOW they come clean please read them!! Thank you again Nibi for your support with this and my writing (:

Jennifer didn't know why she accepted Christina's invitation for lunch. She has no idea why Christina even came here to her hotel specifically either. But, here she is now getting ready to meet with her boyfriend's ex girlfriend. Without a second thought she sent a text to David telling him she unexpectedly ran into an old friend whom she'll be grabbing lunch with; trying to hold back her gag thinking Christina would be an old friend.

Taking one more glance in the mirror to prepare herself for the unknown mess this lunch will cause, Jennifer walked out of the door to meet Christina. To her surprise the woman had a smile on her face and talked all throughout the walk to their destination. Jennifer slightly regretting that she wasn't the one to pick the lunch spot so she can easily get out if need be. But after all she isn't a local in this city; she's the outcast.

After ordering lunch and the waiter walking away talking a double glance at Jennifer not believing he is in fact serving her; Jennifer broke the question she has been thinking about since opening her hotel room door.

"Christina, I appreciate the gesture of reaching out and inviting me to lunch. But what is this for? We never had to speak to each other after what had happened." Jennifer started things off.

"But we do." Christina took a sip of her water.

"What else is there to speak about?" Jennifer asked another question.

"You and David made me feel like a fool. A fool that got caught up in your web of lies and game of cat and mouse. All for what? So that the two of you can end up together in the end?" Christina paused to look directly into Jennifer's eyes. "This isn't about David solely and your newfound relationship. This is about getting me involved when I sure as hell think the two of you had always been in love during the duration of our relationship. That is what I have a problem with. And that is why I want to talk to you."

"Why not him." Jennifer replied coldly.

"I never talked to you properly about this Jennifer. I want to move on from this, trust me I do. But when everything points to the fear of once again being left for another woman? That is what keeps me from moving on. I need the truth, I need your truth."

"Well I'm going to need wine and tequila." Jennifer said drinking her water.

Christina and Jennifer ate quietly as their food started to come out. Jennifer still feeling awkward, she has no idea what Christina means by her truth. What is Jennifer's truth? They kissed twice. Yes. Before he ended the relationship. That is it. She fell in love with him before, during, and now after his relationship with Christina. But that doesnt mean she deliberately broke them up. She did not ask for that. She just fell in love with someone.

"What do you mean by my truth." Jennifer started the conversation. "What are you trying to say?"

"You knew David and I were in a relationship. Yet something else developed nonetheless." Christina looked at Jennifer.

"I was already in love with him before you came into his life." Jennifer replied. "Do not push for something you have no idea of."

"Care to enlighten me then? Because if we argue I know for sure I will win." Christina smirked. Her lawyer interrogation side coming through yet Jennifer is still trying to find the person David found in this woman. She seems exactly like the people she knew he doesnt like.

"Just because you can argue for a living doesn't mean you'll win this argument you know that right?" Jennifer rebutted. "How can you argue feelings of someone you barely know; how can you argue your way though my feelings?"

"I think I know you pretty well." Christina admitted as she dug into her food more.

"You see the show and you assume you know me. Why don't you enlighten me then? Tell me what you think. Because I'd rather not speak for a lost cause." Jennifer put down her utensils. Normally she isn't the type to speak up towards people who assume they know her. However, Christina is getting on her last nerves; she is also somewhat blaming herself for essentially putting herself in this situation.

"You're an actress. Someone who pretends for others and secretly wants something from everyone. You couldn't just get it in your head that perhaps for once maybe the actress won't get everything she wants. You were in love with him before i came into his life but that never stops you does it?" Christina and Jennifer locked eyes. "You were willing to do everything to get him weren't you? Even if it meant that you would be the other person in the relationship."

Christina stopped talking and Jennifer sat in front of her speechless. At first she believed this woman can be nice, if David once had a liking for her then she must be a good person. He has a good judge of character, naturally. Except Jennifer now realizes Christina is an exception to that rule.

"I think you fail to understand something then. David is my best friend before he was my boyfriend. I have accepted his relationships before you, and i accepted you as his girlfriend. Not that he needs my permission to date. I wasn't willing to do everything to get him." Jennifer used air quotes. "I put a wall between me and him because of you. Things unraveled the way that they did for a reason. And why can't you try to accept that fact? If you truly love him then be happy he is happy."

"Was that the lie you told yourself everyday?" Christina scoffed.

"It's the truth." Jennifer said. "I didn't take him from you or wanted to do that at all. I merely had a crush for him. As crushes develop yes. You have no idea who I am so don't assume you can judge me for my feelings either."

"So when did you love him, and realized this person was the one? When I was in a relationship with him?" Christina inched.

"Can you please shut up about that." Jennifer said tight lipped. "Not everything is about you and your relationship. People move on Christina. I realized he was the one when he met my dad. Not that I know you any reason."

"He met your father?" Jennifer nodded. "Have you met his parents?"

"I did."

Jennifer visited her dad solo to check in with him shortly after he had met David two weeks ago. She was nervous for his honest opinion since he is a man of little words when it comes to people outside of his close circle.

Being let into the house Jennifer admired how her dad's house came along. Perhaps this is where she got her knack for interior decorating her own home came from. She noted that her father also had the same taste as hers.

"Jenny." John came down the stairs to see his daughter standing by the front door.

"Hi Daddy, you remembered I was visiting today right?" She asked him which he nodded in response.

"Just you today? Not David?" He joked but was secretly hoping her boyfriend would join them, seeing as he too got fond of him. After the first meeting they instantly had hit it off.

Jennifer laughed at her dad's answers. "Don't act disappointed."

"Just joking with you Jenny." He smiled as the father and daughter walked towards the living room space.

Christina scoffed at Jennifer. "So why did you really invite me then?" Jennifer asked.

"Why did you accept?" Christina combatted.

"David is a good judge of character. I know he means to see good in others, so I wanted to see for myself. I wanted the guilt to stop eating my alive when it comes to you." Jennifer began packing up her things. "But then I realized something. I don't have anything to feel guilty about. Why do I need to feel guilty about feeling anything for anyone when I know I didn't do anything wrong." She stood up from her seat and before leaving made sure she paid for her part of the meal. As she left her name being called by Christina but Jennifer knows she has more pride than to provide answers to someone who will only see her as someone she isn't.

Walking through the streets of New York City made her feel like a stranger in her own body. Yes she has been to the city prior to this visit. But it has been mainly either for filming, PR or she always had friends next to her. She hardly went alone to explore the city herself as it felt more foreign to her.

Jennifer certainly wasn't expecting to run into David's dad while walking about the city. She almost didn't recognize him if he didn't wave her down.

"Ahah sorry I didn't see you immediately." Jennifer apologized.

"You look like you have a lot on your mind." He noted. "Isn't that why most people go for long walks?" He added.

"That is true, the real question is when do I not have a lot on my mind." She joked.

"Care to lighten your mind? I might not be David but perhaps I can offer some fatherly advice while your dad is in LA." He smiles.

"You sure about that offer?"

"Wouldn't put it out there to just anyone willingly Jenny." He called her by the same shortened version of her name John calls her. Just like that the two walked further down the streets as Jennifer started to talk. "What has been on your mind that's weighing it down so much?"

"The future mainly." Jennifer admitted. She hasn't told anyone besides her own father. "I'm just not sure where my life is heading really."

"In what sense?"

"My career, playing Rachel for as long as I have. That's my big worry I don't want the audience to get tired of these stories or these characters."

"Darling, aside from the fact this show is beloved. Things play out the way they are supposed to. The audience loves who they will love and the characters remain in their lives forever. People grow but this show remains as the happiness for a lot of them. I sense its not fear of growing tired of the role, at least not currently. I think it's the fear of losing everything you've worked towards. Let me tell you something Jenny, you cannot lose talent. And thats what you have. Talent. When friends goes off the air? That's what you carry with you. You will not lose that."

"That sounds exactly like what my dad said to me when I spoke to him." Jennifer laughed.

"Well what can I say maybe your dad and I should meet." Arthur joked which caused more laughter. "What else is in that mind of yours?" Jennifer paused. "Why, what's the matter?"

"Your son." Jennifer said.

"Is something going wrong with you and Dave?"

"N-Nothing." Jennifer looked at her hands unknowingly realizing she's playing with them. "I just am very hopeful for a future with him. But I'm also scared."

"You can't let fear control your life Jenny." Arthur began. "Fear should be a motivator and not the standstill point. Take it from me, I did not want David to return back to LA after he moved to New York again. I told him to quit acting and stick with theatre just because I hated to see him fail, that look in my son's eyes. But the fear I had I took it and I changed it to motivate him instead."

"I'm not sure I'm understanding you Arthur." Jennifer said her nose scrunching.

"Your fear of a future with my son only shows that you know there is a future with him. Just like how I feared his life in LA because I knew that there is a life there outside of his life here with his family. You see Jenny, you can't control life when your heart has already chosen for you. You and I both know that you have already seen a life with David." As Arthur spoke Jennifer began to understand more and she bowed her head at his truth. The two now ended up walking right in front of where Arthur had parked his car prior to his walk.

Being away from her father did make Jennifer feel uneasy when these thoughts enter her mind. Not that they come as often as they do now but she likes having that reassurance from John. It does help that Arthur has that same tone and approach as her own father which she is grateful for.

"I do. I can't pin point the exact moment. When I think about it there was a lot of moments. But talking it out has helped me a lot so thank you Arthur." She smiled at him.

"What I can tell you is that whether it be a lot of small moments or one big moment. I can see that you and my son love each other dearly. I can see by the way you laugh at his very bad jokes, from the way you look at him and vice versa. Just don't worry yourself about the future when you have such a good present. The future will come as long as you trust what you have."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Do you need a ride anywhere darling?"

"Ellie's house if possible."

"Sure thing Jenny, hop in." Arthur unlocks the car and Jennifer got in. The car ride to Ellie's was a long one that felt short. Arthur talking about New York and how they came at the right time. How him and Arlene can't wait to visit LA and meet her father. Things that would scare Jennifer but it all sounded so nice now.

Jennifer doesn't like to talk a lot about her worries to her father if its a fresh one. She likes to dwell about it with people around her before going to her dad for advice only because his point of view is all about his daughter. Sometimes you need other opinions rather than people who happen to be in your corner.

"What's on your mind Jenny, you look deeper in thought than normal." John took a sip of his coffee and laughed deeply.

"I just wanted to see you Daddy," Jennifer diverted the topic.

"You never stop by before work just to see me, I think the last time was before you shot the pilot of Friends." John looked at his daughter. "Now what's going on in that mind of yours?"

"My future." Jennifer laughed to make it seem more comical than serious.

"What about your future?"

"Am I doing the right thing all the time?"

"Darling, you can't worry yourself sick about doing the right thing all the time. There is no such thing as the right thing. As long as you are content and happy with your choices that is all that matters." He pauses then continues. "You can't let your barriers stop you from controlling your life Jenny. Your life is yours to take."

"Hypothetically, what if I don't believe that love is going to work out for me?"

"Love is never anything we can predict. For example me. I have been lucky in love in more ways than people think. Love will work out when it is supposed to, and trust me Jenny... It's working out for you."

"What makes you think that?"

"David talked to me about how he just wants you to be happy. He will wait, he will go at your pace because if anything happens he would rather have you in his life as his friend than nothing at all. Love is more than just the physical it's heavily on the emotional as well. I can tell he loves you. I can tell that you love him."

"I do love him."

"I know you love him because you're scared of losing him." John finished his point and Jennifer looks at her father. 

Author's Note: I know I framed CH 20 from the side of how friendship is how the moment he knew. But I wanted the moment she knew to be the part when she realizes she doesn't want to lose him. So I hope that's enough for you all hehe. I am 10 chapters away from the end, and who knows if I will finish before the new year but thank you for sticking by this story. You all make my day (:

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