COTE X Lol Fanfic: Ayanokōji...

By LonelyMob

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This is just Ayanokouji Kiyotaka being transported to the world of Runeterra/LOL (great game btw, I play it t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11

He who keeps the balance.

1K 69 22
By LonelyMob

Kiyotaka POV****

Running through the thick forest shadowy figures could be seen above the trees, jumping from one branch to another. 


Why am I even running? I could just stop and confront them because I am confident in my fighting ability, but being outnumbered while they have weapons and I don't is really not an ideal situation.

Besides, I still don't know what they're capable of.

They are trained in the art of assassination, how can I tell you ask? well, their footwork gave it all away.

Moving without a sound, landing in complete silence, also they are wearing what looks to be the clothing of ninjas. And since I'm in strange lands and still clueless on how this world functions I have no choice but to retreat.

As I weave through the bushes and tree trunks I hear the sound of water falling.

Not good, depending on how high the fall is could determine my chances of escape. 

Getting closer to the source I saw a cliff, I ran towards it preparing to jump, however, the moment I was on the ledge I stopped moving on instinct. 


Why am I so unlucky?


I was trying to sleep on top of this thick branch when I suddenly saw a shadow, no shadows.

Four of them 20 meters away in front, and three on each side rapidly approaching.


Can't I get a break?

Jumping down I started sprinting in the opposite direction, once I did that the four immediately took chase along with the others. 

This is troublesome...

The game of cat and mouse went on for 2 hours straight, I don't know their motive but to be safe lets just try to escape.

Even though I'm physically fit to keep running for hours because of the training I received since I was a child. Dodging the occasional daggers coated with green liquid and maneuvering through large bushes and rocky landscape can be tiring.

And now I can feel the fatigue catching up.

End Of Flashback*

After further observation, I decided not to dive into the water.

Large, no, massive silhouettes occupied the water beneath. And from the looks of it, they don't seem too friendly.

The 10 shadowy figures who I assume to be ninjas finally caught up to me.

I turned around and cast my gaze on a woman covered in green clothing, with a well-endowed body with larg- ahem... medium breast. She carried a kunai on her right hand and a kama on the left coupled with a few shurikens on her hips.

That pose is cool.

Her eyes locked on me as she stepped forward from the middle of the group to the front.

She then pointed her kunai at me.

????: "Surrender or face the consequences!" She threatened

The others circled around the vicinity to cut off all escape routes. 

I could just jump into the river but, there are unknown variables and I don't wanna risk it

I put my hands on my pocket to strike a dramatic pose and to intimidate the enemy.

Keeping my guard up I sized up my opponents. They all had great physiques, they could even rival mine.

????: " What're you doing standing around for! answer our leader!" the katana-wielding guy shouted in irritation.

I looked at him with an uninterested face, and that seemed to make him blow a fuse. I'm sorry if you don't like how I look, I was just born this way.

He rushed towards me and strikes at my head with the sheath still on, probably not to injure an unarmed person.

I have practiced different types of weapons and the katana was my favorite, all I can say to his move is that its


Dodging, I twisted my body to the right a millisecond before the scabbard hit my forehead I grabbed it with my left hand and pulled it towards me, the sudden force I exerted caught him off guard him.

He didn't let go of his weapon, as I expected.

Because in a battle, lose your blade, lose your life.

Well, not for me.

so I took advantage of that and stuck out my right elbow towards his abdomen.


I then gripped his shoulder, stomped on his feet whilst knee-kicking him on the belly. 

Crouching down groaning in pain while clutching his stomach.

Seizing hold of his katana I finally have a weapon to use, drawing the blade the sound it made from scratching the scabbard made it more intimidating as the light reflected on its shiny exterior.

The others finally got a glimpse of my abilites and took a stance.

I was getting ready to fight the others as they were as well, but the woman with a well-endowed body with larg- medium-breasts held her hand in the air signaling the other ninjas stop.

Phew, I don't really want to fight and exert unnecessary energy, I haven't eaten in 3 days and a bit tired from lack of sleep. I mean who could sleep in this forest with wild and gigantic animals roaming around at night.

Also, did I mention that I was falling from the sky on day one? Lucky for me there were unusually large bushes.

Oh and that one time I tried to cut the branches of trees for my campfire, everything in that area seemed to come alive and started attacking me, so I decided to endure the cold nights inside a cave that I found.

Enough of that, back to the situation at hand.

????: "All of you back down! Shen told me to not harm him."

With those words, they stopped in planning to kill me. 

Is he the one who sent them to capture me? I don't remember offending someone since I got here, Heck, I didn't even meet anyone until now!

Well, at least he doesn't plan to kill that, that's a good sign... Or is it?
I dont really know.

????: "Kid, why don't you just come with us without resisting? It'll make my job easier."

Kid? but we look like the same age...

Kiyotaka: "I don't see any reason to comply." I replied in my monotonous voice.

????: "Tch, What's your name kid? And why are you here?"

Kiyotaka: "I got lost In that dense forest"

????: "Lies, Who sent you here?"

Kiyotaka: "Uhm... ahh, I was traveling? Yes, traveling."

????: " You made it sound like a question. besides, I think I have an idea where you're from."



Kiyotaka"Seriously, I was just traveling until you guys came." 

"Traveling with nothing on hand? don't be stupid, also Which master did you serve? You move well for a kid. Also It was similar to the Shojin monastery's ancient fighting style"

Ancient fighting style? You mean muay thai?  is there another place where they teach similar fighting styles of earth? Since its a game there's a possibility that they have the same basic foundation, that means that the developers included or added the martial arts of my home world to the game.

Kiyotaka: "What are you talking about?"

????: "Feigning ignorance now are we?"

Kiyotaka: "Huh?"

Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about! Maybe a little but, still!

????: "You monks are always like that, hiding everything from the others, even your arts. If you just sent reinforcements to fight off the noxians this war would've been long over."

Monks? so that's how it is, maybe the monks here and the monks on earth aren't that different?

She looked at the sky and said.

????: "It's almost dusk, trust me you don't wanna wander the the forest at night."

Looking back at my direction she questioned.

???? : " So do you wanna do this the hard way, or the easy way?"

Kiyotaka: What's the hard way?

????: We knock you unconscious, tie you up and drag you across the dirt.

Kiyotaka: No, thank you. Easy way?

????: Easy way, you come with us willingly.

I contemplated for a few seconds thinking about the pros and cons.

If their master just wants to meet me then, its fine. But if he tries something suspicious...

Kiyotaka: Accepted, I'll come with you.

Plus  I can gather information while I'm there.

????: "Good, Now that that's settled, let's go. Also return the katana, he loves that blade. And three of you search him for weapons and tie his hands.

Ninjas: Yes, ma'am!

I returned the katana to the guy clutching his foot and belly, to be honest, it was outright funny looking at him but I stopped because he glared at me.

Sorry about that...

I proceeded to follow the girl, 2 of the other ninjas helped the one I injured walk while the others surrounded me with warry looks.

We walked In silence for 20 minutes

Then a view of a gigantic temple on top of a small hill was surrounded by intricate wooden houses came to view. 

The atmosphere and vibe here is kinda peaceful, I could get use to this.

I am kinda glad to see other people, and I wish I could rest but that's gonna have to wait after I meet this "Shen."

Girl Ninja Pov:

That ended surprisingly good, I don't wanna even think what shen would do if we fail.

We might not even get to eat for weeks...

And this boy, he's powerful I can tell. and the fact that he defeated a member of the navori bladescouts in a matter of seconds makes him dangerous to the village.

Also, his fighting style is one of the ancient arts in the Shojin Monastery.

The Shojin Monastery is home to peaceful monks that have long practiced the martial arts of inner healing , and understanding of the spirit realm. Through meditation, the monks are capable of rejuvenating from injuries at a heightened rate. Some of these priests can also display acts of incredible willpower, such as suffering through agonizing amounts of pain for weeks without crying out.

His apathetic face that doesn't change when faced outnumbered, and the fact that he ran for 2 hours while getting hit by my poison dart is incredible.

But, how can a student who belonged to a place meant for healing be this strong you ask?

Because in order to protect their healing arts and pass it down to the next generation, they must be able to protect it.

When I accompanied shen of visiting that place he showed me something under the temple. The underground space was like a vast plain that spread across land.

When we entered, thousands of monks practiced different fighting styles and mastering all types of weapons, they battle each other, some trained in harmony, and others were synchronized.

It was a sight to behold, shen told me that they only come out and fight when the secrets of their monastery are in danger.

But something happened to them, an accident that lead to their extinction...

If he is somehow one of them, then I don't have to worry about him harming the others.

As I was lost in thought I couldn't hear any footsteps behind me, my comrades were trained to be assassins so I knew they didn't go anywhere.

I quickly turned around and sighed in relief.

Phew! He is still there.

Wait what!?

I glanced back at him and he tilted his head in confusion to my actions, I immediately shifted my gaze back towards the path.

Aaaahhh!! So embarrassing! I screamed inside my mind.

Everyone was now looking at me with curiously.

Navori bladescout no. 4 : u-uhm, L-leader... Is everything alright?

"Yes! Everything is f-fine!"

They all nodded shrugged it off.

Tch... how can he move so quietly?!
When I was at the temple with shen, they all made sounds when walking! Because they thought that if the enemy doesn't know your location it would be cowardly!

That was their flaw, they could fight thousands of soldiers with only a hundred of them on the battle field.
But, in a situation where they need to be quiet when approaching the enemy won't work for them. Rather, they'd make their stomps powerful to scare the enemy.

A stealth monk? They are already mighty with their hand to hand combat alone.

Just who are you???

Oh I'll ask for his name later, or shen can do it.

The temple finally showed itself, I then told one of the scouts to go report to master shen.

After a while we arrived at the temple doors, we waited for it to open.

A creaking sound reverberated as the giant doors scratch the marbled floor as it was pushed from the inside.

We went in, there we saw master shen. His back was towards us in a lotus position , setting down the blade on his hands on the katanakake.

The moment he turned around his glowing blue eyes and sword was visible.

He then quoted.

"The eye is blind to fear, to hate, to love - to all things that would sway equilibrium"

(What did you think? Was it good? i ain't that good with english, also I didn't really have a plot so I was just writing whatever came to mind, lmaoo. Anways hope you liked it.

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