Forever In Their World [Seque...

By nashlycam23

17K 515 601

After Jaylee Stone finds out her parents have been taken, she has no other choice but to return back to the D... More



287 9 15
By nashlycam23

Jaylee's POV

"If you think I'm going to slave my body to you, you're wrong. I would never do such a thing." I spoke with much disgust as I took a few steps away from Louis while looking at him.

"Oh I wasn't asking for that sweetheart. You know I'd never do something like that to you." Louis said as he took a few steps towards me.

"Really? Then what are you asking for exactly?" I asked unsurely as I narrowed my eyebrows.

"I just want your consent." He replied as he suddenly towered over me.

"Consent for what?!" I almost shouted as I continued to walk backwards.

"I just want your consent." Louis spoke calmly as if it meant nothing for him to say it.

"For what?" I asked strongly, suddenly feeling nervous just by being around him.

"It's just a consent." Louis smiled softly as he gently caressed my cheek with his fingers.

"Consent for what Louis." I demanded an answer as I narrowed my eyebrows at him, swatting his hand away during the process.

He suddenly grew silent as he looked me deeply in the eyes, curving his lips into a smile while his hand reached for my face again.

"I think you already know the answer to that question." He spoke quietly as if someone else was around to hear it.

My heart started racing as I thought of all the possible things Louis could want from me. And to be honest, I didn't quite like any of the answers.

After looking down at his shirt in concentration my eyes shifted up to meet his, swallowing down the growing lump in my throat.

"I'm not having sex with you." I responded quietly as my mouth felt dry.

I intended for that to sound bold and authoritative, but my voice betrayed me due to the nerves growing in my stomach.

He suddenly chuckled, sending chills down my spine as he took a step closer and ran his hand through my hair.

"That's not what I was asking for doll face." Louis smirked as he shook his head.

"Then what do you want?" I asked as I leaned back, desperate to have space.

"I just want your consent....... your permission." Louis answered as he leaned in close and stopped right at my face, hovering his lips over mine.

"You mean you want to kiss me?" I spoke after I let out a shaky breath.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now princess." Louis responded as my heart pounded against my chest.

I knew I shouldn't have stayed here alone with Louis. This is dangerous. And something tells me this isn't going to end well.

"So..... let me get this straight..... you want me..... to kiss exchange for you telling me where my parents are?" I whispered as I looked at his lips before up at his eyes.

"Why are you whispering?" He grinned as he too spoke quietly.

"I- I'm not." I whispered.

"You tend to do that when you're nervous. Are you nervous right now? What are you scared I'm gonna hurt you or something?" Louis chuckled as I wrapped my arms around my body, feeling completely uncomfortable and out of place.

"It's not like you haven't been since I've known you." I responded as his smile faded.

"I'm not trying to hurt you Jaylee- I just want you on my side, I want you with me....." Louis assured as he grabbed my face and pulled me closer, making me gasp.

I tried holding myself together as he held me dangerously close to his body, making mine tremble nervously.

"I just need your consent." He breathed as my lips started to quiver.

"To do what?" I asked as tears started to form in my eyes.

No Jaylee, please don't act afraid. You're looking like a complete wimp right now! Come on toughen up please!

"To let me do what I want." Louis replied as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"But I dont- know... what you want. How can you get my consent if I don't know what you want to do to me?" I said as I now grew scared.

"I told you I wasn't going to hurt you." Louis suddenly grabbed me by the waist as soon as I tried taking a step back.

"We shouldn't be alone together Louis... this is dangerous." I commented as I pulled back.

"Don't you want to know where your parents are? Huh? Isn't that why you're taking me up on this offer?" Louis spoke up as I gulped.

"I didn't ask for this." I said as I shook my head.

"You get what you want so that I get what I want. And I'm telling you right now what I want. So either you give it to me or you lose out on knowing everything." Louis started to get mad as his grip tightened around my waist.

"I don't want to kiss you." I shook my head as I tried getting out of his grip.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you're saving it for some future boyfriend you'll never get." Louis scoffed as I narrowed my eyes.

"What does that mean?" I asked as I finally shoved his hand off me.

"You really think I'll let you be with someone else? Huh? That I'll let some skinny little prick come walking in to take you away from us? Naw baby, that's not how this works. You're stuck with us now so that means you need to choose who you want to end up with. So mine as well start kissing around and find out if that's gonna be me." Louis responded as I felt disgusted by his words.

"What are you even talking about? You're literally insane." I said as he chuckled darkly.

"You don't gotta choose now but you know I'll make you the happiest. I can please your pretty little body better than the rest." Louis commented as he grabbed my hips and pulled me in.

"Louis stop." I gasped as his grip tightened around my hipbones.

"It's just your consent- that's all I'm asking for baby." Louis said as he looked down at me.

"Stop- I don't want you touching me." I said as I shoved him but he didn't budge.

"You gotta choose what you want. Do you want to know what I did with your parents? Huh? They could be dead for all you know, but you won't ever know that until you give me what I want. So spit it out!" Louis started getting aggressive as he now moved his hands to my wrists.

"How could you ask that from me? You can't use me like this." I spoke as tears started spilling out.

"Oh I wouldn't be using you baby. It's all your choice." Louis chuckled darkly as he pulled me closer.

"So what's it gonna be doll face huh? Are you gonna come here and give me a sweet kiss or are you gonna keep being a b*tch and be selfish?" Louis grinned as he wrapped one arm around my waist, smashing my body against his while the other hand held onto my wrist.

"I'm not something you can just use and toy around with. Since when did I become an object to you? We were friends Louis." I spat as I leaned away from him.

"Oh get over that sweetheart. Business is business. You just need to prove how much you want in. I'm not asking for much really darling. You're just making a great big deal out of it. Like you always do." Louis smirked as my anxiety shot through the roof.

"If Zayn finds out about what you're doing-"

"Zayn isn't gonna know baby girl. You really think he's gonna know about this? I'm not gonna force anything on you princess- no... it'll all be your consent." Louis interrupted as he shook his head.

I narrowed my eyebrows at him as I realized how smart he was being. Louis can be too clever at times and I really hated it. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"And that's why you want it." I whispered as a lump grew in my throat.

"You know what I want sweetheart." He smiled as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well then you can forget this deal. I want nothing to do with you." I hissed as shoved him as far away from me as I could.

He raised his chin up as he stumbled backwards, slowly regaining his balance as his eyes were glued to me.

"So you're saying you don't want to know anything about your parents? That you'd rather live your life not knowing how their well-being is. If they're safe.... hell even if they're alive. I'm not sure even I know the answers to those questions myself." Louis frowned as my heart raced.

"How could you not know?! You're the one who kidnapped them and put them in a house! You have access to them, how could you not know?!" I screamed at him as he shrugged.

"Do I though?" He asked unsurely.

"Yes you do know! Don't play smart with me!" I yelled as he shrugged again.

"I don't know I haven't really been....... Keeping up." He sighed as he took a step closer.

"Where are my parents? You're gonna tell me or so help me God- I will break everything in this house." I hissed as he just smirked at me.

"You would like to know wouldn't you princess?" He said as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I hate you." I muttered as I shook my head while tears blocked my vision.

"It's on your hands if you don't know anything about your parents safety." Louis responded as I closed my eyes and felt tears fall down.

"You really are the worst person I've ever met." I said as he looked at me with no emotion.

"It's not much of a big deal sweetheart. You're just overreacting." Louis shrugged.

"That's easy for you to say!" I raised my voice at him as he pressed his lips to a thin line.

"If you don't want to do this then.... You're just gonna have to accept the fact that you let your own parents down and chose yourself over them." Louis said as my heart slowly started to shatter.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked as he sighed.

"I don't see the need to take care of your parents anymore." Louis shrugged before he turned around and exited out of the living room, leaving me completely speechless.

My stomach dropped as his words sunk in and slowly destroyed my mentality, leaving me in complete despair and confusion. I had no idea Louis would go this far into hurting me. This was getting way too out of hand. I already thought it was getting worse- but this is next level bad.

Why the hell did Louis even want me to kiss him anyways? I knew he liked me but I didn't think he would ever go this far by trying to get me to kiss him. Since when did Louis want to get physical with me? Doesn't he know how wrong that is? I'm not here to fix their needs, I'm here to keep this gang going.

But is that really even the reason anymore? Louis seemed to have proved that it wasn't. It seems like all I'm of use for now is just my body. Cuz apparently I don't do anything else for the gang besides mope around and complain.

This can't be happening. This can't be my life now. Louis can't just forget about my parents just because I rejected him. He can't do this forever can he? There's no way. He has to be bluffing. He's just trying to get my consent.

But what if he's not bluffing? What if he's right? What if he stops caring for my parents and they wind up dead? It would be all my fault, all because I wouldn't land my lips on top of Louis'. I can't bet my parents life on assuming Louis was just bluffing. I had to make sure I kept the situation in control.

My heart started racing against my chest as I stood by Louis' door frame, noticing he left his room completely wide open. I was beyond nervous as I saw him walking around his room, putting clothes and other material things away in his drawers.

Every part of me didn't want to step foot in that room, because I knew the second that I would, things could never be the same again. That I would be torn up in a whole different way and mentally lose myself.

But I also knew the vow that I made for myself, that I would never put me before my parents ever again. It was about them now, not me. I needed to keep them safe and alive even if it meant destroying my sanity.

And as much as I hated it, I knew Louis won.
Just like every damn time.... He wins.

I let out one last breath before I stormed into his room, marching confidentially as he slowly turned around and looked confused by my actions.

"What are you-"

Before Louis could finish his sentence, I crashed my lips against his, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him in until our stomachs collided.

He was hesitant at first, feeling super tense against my body, but until he realized what I was doing, he eased in and kissed me back.

His hands instantly searched for my waist, still being stunned by my spontaneous action as I moved my lips with his.

Before he could kiss me any further I pulled back, listening as he gasped for air while I held onto his hair.

"I'm giving you my consent." I whispered in response as Louis looked me deeply in the eyes.

He then stared at me blankly with no expression on his face before he pulled me in, grabbing me tightly by the waist and kissing me roughly. He didn't slow down at all as he held me firmly in his grasp, turning off my last switch of sanity and consciousness.

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