Dream SMP Imagines

By lilyup1031

414K 5.6K 1.8K

welp, I've done it. I've made an imagine book Requests always open cuz I'm not creative! Characters I'll writ... More

Request Page/Author's Note
Spooky (Ranboo)
Subathon(Jack Manifold)
Grind(Karl Jacobs)
Shock Stream(Dream)
Lost City(Karl Jacobs)
Bad Day(Quackity)
Last Breath(Tubbo)
Surprise pt.1(Dream)
Surprise pt.2(Dream)
Pet Killer(Sapnap)
Final Room(Eret)
Face Cam(Awesamdude)
Off Duty(Awesamdude)
Patronus(Karl Jacobs)
Singing(Jack Manifold)
Upset(Jack Manifold)
Dementors(Jack Manifold)
Fault pt. 2(Awesamdude)
Distraction pt.2(Punz)
Late Night Drive(Quackity)
A Little Jealous(GeorgeNotFound)
Breakdown(Karl Jacobs)
Mafia(Feral Boys)
Five Nights(Jack Manifold)
Mafia pt.2(Feral Boys)
Quiet Voice(Sapnap)
Mafia pt.3(Feral Boys)
So Long(Technoblade)
Quiet Voice pt.2(Sapnap)
Lots of Love(Author)


2.8K 62 19
By lilyup1031

Okay but football AU Dream makes me act up.

Just saying, but am I wrong?

"This is my least favorite part," Clay groaned, leaning back in his seat. I giggled as I glanced back at the multiple, loud, sweaty football players in the back of the bus.

"C'mon, it's not that bad," I answered, putting a hand on his arm. "They're just excited. Let 'em be." Clay sighed and grabbed ahold of my hand. 

"Why am I so nervous? It's like any other game, except it isn't." I squeezed his hand.

"It's like any other game, and you should just do what you always do." Clay looked at me and smiled.

"Spoken like a true team assistant," he said, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks for being here."

"You're more than welcome," I answered as the bus kept going down the road. For good measure, we did one of our handshakes, ending with a little kiss.


The referee's whistle blew, signaling the end of the quarter. The coach called the team together before the game went on. I scanned their faces, and I could see that everyone was visibly nervous. After all, this was the championship game, and this team hadn't made it this far in years. There was lot riding on this final quarter; literally anything could happen. I could sense that Clay was under the most pressure as the quarterback, but I also knew that he was determined and wasn't going to back down.

"Y/N!" I glanced over to see Drista running over to me in her cheer uniform.

"Drista!" I said excitedly. "Aren't you supposed to be cheering right now?"

"Yeah, but it's cooler down here with you," Drista answered with a smile. "What are they gonna do?"

"Like I get to know," I groaned. "Sam's not telling me shit." 

"Y/N!" Drista and I shared an amused glance before I ran over to Sam.

"What's up, Sam?"

"Please, tell me you have the play book," Sam said in a low voice. I sighed but then smiled as I reached into my backpack. I pulled out the little green binder and quickly handed it to Sam.

"Thanks!" he shouted as he ran back to the team. I watched as they huddled together, then they did their team chant before breaking away. I saw Clay take off his helmet and sit down on the bench. He was upset and I could tell, so I went over to him.

"How are you holding up?" Clay looked up at me and sighed.

"I'm freaking out, to be perfectly honest," he answered. "I keep screwing up the plays, and I never do that."

"Clay, you're just nervous," I said, sitting down next to him and grabbing his hand. "It happens to the best of us. All you have to do now is stay calm and focus on the game." Clay glanced at me  and smiled, pressing a small kiss on the back of my hand.

"Sometimes, you're right." I scoffed and looked at him in mock hurt.

"Damn, so ungrateful." Clay chuckled and hugged me tight before putting his helmet back on.

"See you on the flip side, sweetheart," he called as he ran back on. 

"Right back at ya!" I shouted with a smile. We did our handshake from afar, a little salute and blowing a kiss.


Thirty seconds was all that was left on the clock. The other girls from cheer had joined me, Drista and Puffy squeezing my hands so tightly.

"You think they can do it?" Puffy said softly. 

"I sure hope so," I replied, taking a deep breath.  The team had huddled up, using their last timeout. I briefly caught Clay's gaze, the two of us exchanging a smile. 

"I think they've got it," I said, staring at Drista and Puffy. "C'mon team!" My cheering riled up everyone else in the stands and on the sidelines as the team lined up again. The clock started to run, Clay started shouting, and soon, both sides were rushing at each other. 

"C'mon Clay!" Drista and I shouted. Our team spread out, and Clay threw the ball to Nick. 

"Run, Nick!" I heard him yell. And run he did. He ran all the way to the endzone. The crowd erupted into cheers, and Drista and I started jumping up and down, screaming in celebration.

"They've got it!" Drista screamed. I laughed in reply as our kicker came out onto the field, and once he kicked the extra point, the referee's whistle signaled the end of the game. Everyone screamed and the rest of the team ran onto the field to celebrate the win. 

"Well?" Drista shouted. "Go get your man!" I rolled my eyes but laughed as I ran out to find Clay.

"Clay!" I scanned the jumping group of players and found his dirty blonde hair, in the middle of the circle. He must've spotted me because he reached out his hand, and once I took it, he pulled me straight into the center of the crowd.

"Told that you'd be fine," I said loudly. Clay laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You're always right, I'll admit it," he replied. I giggled and pulled him into a kiss, the players' cheers getting a little louder. 

Hey hey! I've returned! Sorry for the hiatus on this book; lots has been happening with school and stuff, but I've returned with some content for you guys. 

Hope you guys liked it, and as always, if you have a imagine request, let me know!

Stay poggers, muffinheads!

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