XOXO (idolish7 oneshots)

By haruutenn

1.5K 70 11

Filled with random i7 one-shots! Ioriku, momoyuki, & more! (ONGOING) i also have this up on ao3! go check it... More

The Perfect Birthday Gift (ioriku)
I Love You (nagimitsu)
Ioriku Oneshots
Clueless (tamaharu)
Friends Day: Deleted Scenes
Maid Dress Dilemma (pythag)
Riku's Reverse Harem
Secret Night (gakuryuu)
Ioriku Oneshots II

Angel (harutenn)

96 5 2
By haruutenn

Angel and demon AU (Harutenn, kinda?)

Humans, angels, and demons coexist together on Earth.

Humans— the most common type— are considered normal. But, angels and demons are rare, despite having been around longer than humans.

Angels were praised, like a deity, doted on and prayed and kneeled to whenever they crossed streets or appeared in public. The shine of a luminescent halo would cause heads to turn in admiration. Most celebrities were angels, or at the very least, humans.

But, demons were nowhere near as lucky. They were looked down upon as the rubbish of society. When heads turned, scowls filled their faces alongside foul words and stares of shame. Demons were hardly seen in public, a disguise or a magical spell would hide their horns and tails, just enough for them to fit in.

In this world, Kujo Tenn was an angel.

Figuratively and literally. He had feathery, white wings that were dreamily translucent during the day and glowed with an immense brightness at night. The halo that floated a few inches from his head was a perfect oval, shining with an immense power. His smile was enthralling and addictive. Everything about Kujo Tenn was perfect, and maybe that's why everyone loved him. Well, everyone besides Haruka.

"Tch," Haruka mutters, eyes glued to his phone. "Stupid."

"Haru, you can't go around calling things stupid," Touma says, peering from behind Haru's seat in the recording studio. "Let me guess? Is it Kujo Tenn again?"

"Yes!" Haruka says, exasperated by the mere sight of his self-proclaimed worst enemy. "He's the worst. I mean, just look at this picture."

The picture is at the very top of Haruka's Rabbitter feed. It shows Tenn with a bright smile, mid-concert, and his angelic presence lighting up the stage, outshining the other two non-angel members.

Touma looked at the picture for a long while before finally coming to a conclusion, "There's literally nothing wrong with this picture."

"Exactly," Haruka takes his phone back, staring the picture down with a strong glare. "It's too perfect."

Touma sighs, shaking his head, "You're just finding any reason to hate him, aren't you?"

"I am not!" Except he definitely was. "He's just- I'm just-"

"Just what?" Touma interrupts. "It looks like you're just jealous because he's an angel and you're not."

Haruka stays quiet for a moment, neither in agreement or disagreement.

"I'm not jealous," he finally replies, scrolling absentmindedly through the rest of Trigger's pictures now, focusing mostly on Tenn. "I just don't think it's fair. He's only popular because he's an angel."

"You think so?" Touma hums. "Well, even if he wasn't, Trigger is really talented. I doubt anyone would hate them, unless, you know, they were hiding something huge."

Something huge, huh? Haruka thinks to himself, already coming up with ideas that would never come true.

"Anyway, Haru," Touma starts. "You should get over your obsessive hatred. Preferably soon."

"It's not obsessive! And I don't 'hate' him, I just don't like him," he clarifies, eyes narrowed in annoyance. "But, why do I have to get over it soon?"

"We're guests on Trigger's show next week."

Next week came much sooner than Haruka would've liked.

The studio was gloomy, especially so early in the morning. Zool stands around impatiently as the production team sets up for the day. Haruka spots a cameraman adjusting a lens when his hat falls off, revealing the deep red of two small horns. He quickly covers it up in shame, nearly meeting Haruka's eyes, but he quickly looks away, pretending it never happened.

It wasn't rare. For both demons and angels to mask their appearances and shape into something else entirely. Demons could masquerade as humans if it meant for an easier life.

Haruka could sense Tenn's presence coming down the hall, even before he'd seen him.

The studio was filled with tired producers and crew, but when Tenn entered, their faces filled with delight and glee. As if the presence of an angel was all they needed to brighten up their day.

"Good morning," Tenn greets with a charming tilt of his head. He walks over to Zool, Gaku and Ryuu trailing right behind him. "I'm looking forward to working with you today."

Haruka can already feel a headache coming on.

"Same here," Haruka forces, feeling somewhat threatened by Tenn's dainty white wings and halo.

Tenn gets reeled into a conversation with his other two members, a back and forth that lasts a while, perhaps about the show. Haruka drowns them out, walking away, refusing to be in their presence by choice. It would be about an hour until filming actually began, but Haruka wished they'd start sooner so he didn't have to be around Tenn any longer than he had to.

As he wanders the halls, he passes a room, Trigger's dressing room.

But, he wasn't going to do it. He wasn't going to step inside and look around just for the sake of it. Just to find something, anything that could prove that Tenn wasn't the person he was trying so hard to be. Yet here he was, in the dressing room, closing the door behind himself quietly, trying to be as inconspicuous as he possibly could.

Haruka dug through Tenn's personal items, looking through his phone, checking every nook and cranny, skimming the mirror and all the bags, and yet, nothing. Even after twenty full minutes, Haruka continued to try, nearly forgetting that this was nowhere near okay. Almost forgetting that he was on a time limit.

Well, he would have forgotten had the door not opened. Haruka, with hardly a second to think, hides behind the couch, covering his mouth with his hands. Various footsteps enter the room before it shuts.

Haruka easily recognizes the voices as the Trigger trio.

"Zool's quite the lively bunch, aren't they?" Ryuu says, starting up a conversation.

"If by lively you mean rude, then I'd say you're right," Tenn says, seemingly exhausted.

"Hey, their other center wasn't there just now, was he?" Gaku points out. He leans on the wall, snapping his fingers as if trying to remember something. "What was his name again?"

Haruka isn't sure whether he should be grateful that the Yaotome Gaku had noticed his absence or be offended that the same person had also forgotten his name.

"Isumi Haruka," Tenn replies in that tone of his, sending a shiver down Haruka's spine.

"Right, right," Gaku says, nodding. "He wasn't with the rest of them."

"Maybe he had school," Ryuu suggests. "He's only 17, right?"

"Correct," Tenn says. "Except it's Saturday, and we just saw him."

Haruka has to quickly stifle a laugh, pressing his lips together tightly. He listens to the rest of the conversation from behind the couch, waiting for them to leave. But, the wait is endless even as the three talk and unwind in the room. Haruka is almost bored out of his mind, that is until he hears something that sparks his interest.

"Tenn, it's just the three of us now," Ryuu says with a moderately low voice. "You can undo the spell."


"I'd prefer not to have someone barge in on my secret," Tenn whispers in a threatening tone.


"But, you must be tired since it's so early in the morning," Gaku says. "We still have time until the recording anyway. You should rest for now."

The room fills with an eerie silence. Haruka isn't sure what is going on, and frankly, he's too afraid to know.

Finally, Tenn sighs, giving in to the temptation. "Fine."

Haruka's curiosity is practically killing him to turn around and peer from behind the couch. He wants to see this so-called "spell" be undone. But, he restrains himself, silently sitting and passing the time.


Haruka could hear the spell being cast in his head although nothing was actually said aloud. It was Tenn's voice, a faint whisper in his head.

A cool, cold air overwhelms him. A smell of burnt rubber and sweet citrus, a sudden warmth that fills the room. Haruka gives in to his curiosity, peeking his head from the corner of the couch, only to find Tenn standing in front of Gaku and Ryuu. But, it isn't until the two members move away that Haruka notices the difference.

The halo around Tenn's head has disappeared, and his round, soft wings are long gone, vanished as if they were never there. Instead, his halo has been replaced by two red horns, tall and so obviously sticking out from the white of his hair. His wings were now red, leathery, tall, and spiky. Scary.

Haruka's eyes widened, overwhelmed with the sight.

"Happy now?" Tenn asks, displeasure in his voice.

Ryuu chuckles and Gaku gives a smug look. It wasn't surprising to them at all.

Haruka quickly slips back behind the couch in astonishment.

There's a knock on the door, Ryuu quickly steps in front of it, blocking Tenn from view. He opens it just a bit, enough for him to see who's waiting outside. He smiles in pleasant surprise, "Oh, Minami-kun."

"Tsunashi-san, sorry to bother you but is Isumi-san here? It seems he isn't in our room."

"Haruka-kun? No, he hasn't come by at all," Ryuu says.

Minami sighs, "I see. The recording is going to start soon, and he isn't in any of the other rooms, either."

Gaku appears, swinging an arm around Ryuu's shoulder.

"We'll help you find him," Gaku says with a knowing grin.

"Are you sure?" Minami's eyebrows furrow. "I wouldn't want to trouble you."

"It's fine," Gaku shrugs. "Ryuu and I will help look for him. He must be somewhere around here."

So with that, Gaku and Ryuu leave the room, just the two of them alongside Minami. Leaving Tenn to rest in the empty room by himself.

Tenn sighs in relief once the door shuts, leaning back, his wings popping out from behind the couch, nearly poking the top of Haruka's head. They're long and pointy, and Haruka feels compelled to touch them. After all, they were right there.

Tenn moves around again, and then, he hears it.

"Ow!" A voice from behind the couch.

Startled, Tenn stands up, his wings fold behind him in fear.

Haruka picks himself up from the ground, rubbing the top of his head as if he has just experienced the worst pain of his life. Haruka grumbles, "You hit me in the head with your wings!"

Tenn's eyes are wide, pupils contracted in fear. He steps back, nearly dropping the objects on the counter with his jittery wings.

"I-Isumi Haruka," he says, his voice holding a twang of fear. One that Haruka is completely mesmerized by, one he wants to hold onto forever.

But, before either of them say anything else, Tenn shuts his eyes in the midst of the moment, his lips quiver, and for a few seconds, there's nothing.


Then, there's a distinct lightness in the room afterward. A sense of cleanliness, no longer the rubbery, burnt smell from before. Instead, it's been replaced with fresh air. Haruka notices the difference immediately; The return of Tenn's feathery, white wings and his blinding halo. A mere illusion.

"What are you doing here?" Tenn asks, looking back up like nothing happened.

Haruka looks around the room in disbelief before scoffing, "Are you just going to pretend like I didn't just see that?"

Tenn cocks his head to the side, maintaining his innocence, "See what?"

Haruka wants to laugh, to pull Tenn by his false halo and smack some sense into him. Haruka pushes Tenn into a corner, leaving no room for him to run, not that he's in a position to do so.

"You can't trick me, you know." Haruka scoffs, "I know who you are, what you are."

"Is that so?" Tenn doesn't hide the repulsion in his voice.

"Yes!" Haruka says, through skeptic laughter. "I can't believe it. You're a demon, a monster!" Tenn flinches at the sound of the word. Haruka notices it, lips curving upwards in amusement, so he repeats it. "That's right. You're a monster. It's no wonder you try to hide what you really are."

Tenn glowered, "I'm not hiding."

"You're a demon pretending to be an angel! What do you call that, then?"

Tenn doesn't answer, instead he looks down at the ground with a focused stare, as if the answer were down there somewhere.

Haruka pokes him as if he were an object, poking at his wings hidden in a new disguise, at the fake halo that his finger glides right through.

"Hey, answer me," Haruka commands, grabbing hold of Tenn's chin. "I knew you weren't an angel from the moment I saw you. And you never will be one, no matter how hard you try."

Tenn's anger has long gone, instead replaced with a pitiful look. His nose scrunches up and his eyes are lifeless. Tears began welling in his eyes, and his fists clenched in desperate desire to escape but he couldn't. Not when Haruka was grabbing him with an aggression so fierce that Tenn couldn't leave his grasp.

Haruka's eyes are menacing, filled with pure hate, and yet somehow Tenn was the demon in this situation.

"I know that I'll never be an angel," Tenn says, his voice dim. "But, I can still pretend, right?"

He looks up at Haruka, who doesn't feel even the slightest sympathy.

"Whatever," Haruka huffs, rolling his eyes. "You can play pretend all you want. But, you're a fake. Just start praying to a real angel that you won't get caught," Haruka scowls. His grip on Tenn doesn't get any looser, even as he gets closer, face-to-face, and whispers, "I'll turn what they think are angels into devils."

"Please," Tenn says, "Please, don't. I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Haruka's eyes glow in intrigue.

"Yes," Tenn nods, but it's restricted beneath Haruka's grip.

Haruka's lips turn up into a mischievous grin, "Okay, then, I'll keep your secret," he lets Tenn go. "Just as long as you do as I say."

"Really?" There's relief in Tenn's voice. He's so incredibly grateful that he impulsively wraps his arms around Haruka, aiming for a hug.

"Wait! Don't touch me!" Haruka yells, pushing him off. But, it was too late, Tenn had already felt them.

The invisible wings on Haruka's back.

The soft feathers of an angel. 



i STRUGGLED coming up with a title for this even tho its been in my drafts for like 2 weeks.,... anyway happy december !!! :)) 

enjoy this kinda toxic harutenn enemy to lovers trope + demon/angel au that i thought of completely out of nowhere. it was slightly inspired by the show good omens and that time when harukas emo ass said "I'll turn what they think are angels into devils" and now here we are

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