By shivikavani_love

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Secret love More

He is back
Caring 2
Party Party
Bani's relatives
Movie πŸŽ₯
Bf and Gf
Veer and Bani
2 years later.....
Veer and R
Veer and R 2
Bani and R
Who is R?
Veer's reality
Veer's reality 2
Veer's reality 3
Veer's reality 4
Veer's reality 5
Teer's story
Revenge.. πŸ”ͺ


670 91 28
By shivikavani_love

Haii friends after a long time....ufff....... I am not wasting time on this, Hope you all are fine😊. Anyway welcome to the last part of the story.

Veer and Bani reached the hospital and they enquired in the reception. Veer rushed and Bani followed him. They reached in front of the ICU and spotted Fake VEER aka Teer. Veer's anger doubled seeing him. He went to him and pushed him.

V: You tried to kill my mom....(Veer screamed)

This grabbed the attention of others. Teer looked up and saw his step(or something like that) brother. He tried to get up from the floor. Veer raised his hands again to beat him, and he did it. Blood starts oozing out from his lips(Teer's). In between the fight Teer was trying to speak.

T: Veer...listen to me...i didn't tried to kill anyone... Listen 

V: Brother!!!!!!..... Who's your brother....huh???

Teer is lying on the floor. Veer is kicked him on his stomach. Attenders came towards them and helped Teer to get up from the floor.

Veer couldn't control his anger, he again tried to beat him. But this time Bani stopped Veer. Veer looed at her and Bani nodded her head in no. Veer calmed down.

After sometime,

Veer and Bani are sitting on the chair and Teer is sitting opposite to them. Nurse came out from the ICU. A Nurse dressed Teer's wound. 

N: Chandrakala's bide stander?

Veer and Teer both get up from the chair at the same moment. 

V/T: Haan......

Veer glared at Teer. Nurse gets confused by them. She thought they may be twins.

 Nurse gives a form to Teer, and said him to sign it.

V: Why he? Look sister, Chandrakala is my mom, only mine.

Nurse gets shocked by the statement, but she ignored it

N: Ok... Then who is Veeranshu Singhania....

V: Main...

Nurse takes back the form from Teer and gives it to Veer.  Veer signed and gives it back to her.

N: And we need O-ve blood urgently...

Veer and Bani looked each other. Because their blood groups don't match.

V: We will try to arrange it...

N: Make it fast..

T: Mine is O-ve

N: Then come with me.... Nurse left there. Teer was about to follow her, but Veer stopped him.

V: No need of it...

Bani nudged him and said

B: Veer its not the time to show your anger. Chandra Auntie's life important than anything. Let him go.....

Teer went from there. 

After some hours,

A nurse peeped out of the ICU and said One person can meet her. Veer went in.


Veer stand beside Chandra and hold her hand.

V: Maaa.....

Chandra slowly opened her eyes and looked at Veer. She gets happy and smiled.

C: Where is he?

Veer gets angry, but he hides it. He knows about who she is asking about but he,

V: Who..?

C: Teer  

V: Why are you asking about him. He tried to harm you, did you forget that mom.

C: Who tried to harm me Veer?? No one tried to harm me... I got slipped. Tell me where is he...?

V: He is in outside.

C: Veer i have something to tell you..

V: Tell me mom...

C: Woh....

A nurse interuppted and said time is over.

Veer went out.

After one Day, Chandra shifted to room.

Teer is not in the hospital. After the check ups she got discharge and went back to their house.

*Chandra doesn't reveal the thing which she wanted to tell him when she was in the ICU. 


Chandra, Veer and Bani are sitting in the living room. Chandra is going to reveal the truth. She is waiting someone.

V: Mom...please tell us...

C: Just wait a second..

This time Teer entered in, Chandra smiled at him. Veer gets up from the sofa to leave, but Bani holds  his hand to stop him.

C: Come Teer...

Teer stepped forward.

C: Take your seat beta...

Teer sat opposite to Veer.  Chandra takes a deep breath.

C: Veer Teer is your brother...

V: I know that mom.. My Dad's illegitimate son....

C: 😠 Veeerrr.... ( She shouted) Use words properly...

V: Or What should I call him???

C: Calm down Veer... just relax.... Ok leave it.... 

V: Mom why didn't recognize its not me.. when he came here...?

C: Who told that I didn't recognize it...

B: That means....?

C: Yes Bani... But at first it was just a doubt.. But it confirmed when I saw you with Bani...

Trio are shocked😮😲

V: Whe..when..?

Chandra smiled and narrated it.* That two eyes which was watching them was Chandra's.(Hope you remember it. If not, then Chapter: RIDE🏍)

C: On that day it get confirmed, I searched his room on next day and I got his mom's photo. I was heart broken when I saw it. Balwant had told me about his relation with Licy. I was impressed by his frankness. One day he told me that he found him. And said that he was looking like you. He was the sponsor of Teer. But after Balwant death I deposited some amount on Licy's account for his studies. I found some medical reports (About his mental health) on his room that day. An another shock for me.. I wanted to know why he came here what was his intention. Tell me Teer what was that? Killing me?

T: .......... 

C: But you can't do it now.. Because you like love me... 

V: No mom he can't love.. He is a psycho. 

Teer was about to leave but Chandra holds his hand. Teer's eye are filled with tears and hugged Chandra. She hugged him back.

T: I am sorry...I am sorry maa..(He stopped there)

C: You can call me mom....

Veer can't tolerate it anymore and he went to his room, Bani followed him.

After some months,

Teer is completely fine. Veer also starts liking him. Teer is no more behind Bani. He is considering her as good friend, and Bani too. Veer accepted him as his brother.

They are living happily.

One day...

Chandra and Teer went to see Chandra's mom. Veer and Bani escaped from that trip. They were looking for some private moments.

But Chandra and Teer returned two days early. They entered in the house using spare keys. Chandra thought Vani were in hospital.  Chandra was headind to her room but she stopped when she heard a sound from the guest room. Teer is also with her, Teer recognized the sound that its a moan🙉. 

T(Mind) : Oh God... Why this time Veer.!!!! today you both are done..

*Teer knows about Veer and Bani's relation.

C: What's was that?

Teer tried to divert her mind. 

T: What mom? Nothing here wrong


C:😲 She looked at Teer

Teer back turned embarrassed. Chandra understands the truth. She banged at the door.

C: Veer Bani open the door... Open the door I say..

*Veer and Bani were just kissing only, nothing more😂.

Veer and Bani get shocked and opened the door with fear. Bani hides behind the Veer. They have  no courage to face Chandra. Chandra glared at Veer as well as Bani.

V: Mom.. Actually..

Chandra went from there without uttering a word.

V: Why didn't you informed us.?

T: Take a look at your phone.. I have called you more than 10 times.

Veer checked his phone and saw 12 missed calls.

V: Sorry.. Its in silent mode.

B: Teer bhaiyya.. We were just kissing only..

Chandra called Teer and said,

C: Teer....(T: Yes maa...) Tell that love birds to come down.

T: Ok maa...

T to Vani: You heard it na... Then come  with me..

Living room

Bani and Veer standing on a side. Teer and Chandra sitting on the sofa. An awkward silence is there.

Teer was about to speak but chandra stopped him.

C to Vani : So what's your future plans?

V: Mom.. Actually...

C: Answer to my question..(Serious tone)

Both looked down.

C: Then I have decided, Next is your marriage..

Vani and Teer are shocked and happy.

C: But after Teer's. He is elder than you Veer.

This time Teer gets sad. He thinks about Priya.

T: No mom.. There is no girl in my life..  My Priya she is no more..

C: Don't get sad beta... You have a girl. Just go and find her.

T: Don't force me mom.. Who will give  a girl to a psy....

Chandra smacked his head.

C: Don't say that again. You are perfectly alright.. Don't think about your past, that is over.

Chandra and Teer hugged each other. Vani also joined them.

Teer found his love again, her name is  Siya(Teer+Siya=Tiya). VANI AND TIYA  get married. And they lived happily ever after.




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