Little Bird (Miya Atsumu x OC)

By CrimsonMerc

179K 5.4K 381

Suzume grew up playing volleyball with her brother. She was right-handed, but after being so inspired by her... More

Part I - HYOGO


3.3K 95 7
By CrimsonMerc

6   Y E A R S   L A T E R

"Atsume! Quick or else we're going to miss daddy's game!" Suzume called from the entryway as she twisted her wedding ring impatiently.

4 years ago, Atsumu planned to take Suzume to Miyagi for a small holiday for their anniversary. He originally planned to propose to her once they got there, but the minute he arrived at her place to pick her up, he just couldn't wait. He had been waiting since high school to propose, and he wasn't able to wait just that little bit longer.

She had thought it was sweet, while he felt bad for ruining the plan he had created in his head. Although that plan had been forgotten the minute she said yes and tackled him to the ground in hugs and kisses.

They ended up marrying 2 years after and not long after that, they found out they Suzume was pregnant, and the blonde cried because of how happy he was. His life was becoming more than he could have ever hoped for and sometimes he worried that one day he might wake to it have just been a dream.

The pitter patter of tiny feet grew louder as her daughter's cheerful laughter filled the house. Atsume was two years old and a spitting image of her father, but with Suzume's eyes.

"A good mix" as both their parents had said.

"Daddas playin with my fabourite!" She exclaimed as she hugged onto her mother's leg and she laughed. It had always made Atsumu sad that her favourite player wasn't him, but Hinata Shoyo. She absolutely adored him and his energetic personality.

Even though she was only a two year old, she showed great interest in volleyball, and would often pester the boys at their practice to play with them, which they loved. She would spend the most time hanging around Hinata who was just so good with kid. Even Sakusa got involved, although he was terrified of her tiny little hands.

"Who knows what disgusting germs children carry." He would always say. However, despite his words it was clear that he did admire the girl, just as she admired him.

When they found out that Atsumu had made the Japan National Team, they threw him a little family party which made his heart swell. They decorated the house and everything and once again... he cried. They had always been so supportive and never had a doubt in their minds.

"Up! Let's go!" The small child exclaimed as she hugged onto Suzume's waist causing her to grunt.

"Careful of your brother, yeah?" She said as she carefully picked Atsume up to rest on her hip. They had another one on the way and it wouldn't be too long to go now.

While she loved children and being pregnant, she was also missing playing volleyball and was looking forward to her return soon. Everyone was.

When Suzume left High School, she was immediately scouted by one of the top women's teams in Japan and she took it. Luckily it was close to Osaka which meant that she would still be close to Atsumu as he had accepted a deal with the MSBY Black Jackals. She didn't think he would have let her go even if she wanted to. He had developed separation anxiety.

He has always adored and supported her since way back then, just as she had him. Of course, they were not without their fights from time to time, but they always moved past them and were stronger than ever.

When they arrived at the stadium, she remembered something that she had been looking forward to and a smile graced her lips.

"Suzu-chan! Finally!" A familiar voice called from behind her and she turned to see Suzuya holding one of the twins on her hip.

"Susu-chan!" They gave a little side hug then moved to greet each other's little ones.

"Aunty Suzu!"

"Aunty Susu!" They called at the same time causing the mothers to sigh in exhaustion.

"I'm assuming your other half is around somewhere with this one's other half?" The dark haired girl asked as she ticked Hana's nose causing her to giggle in response.

"Yeah, come on, we can all sit together."

The group made their way to where Osamu was, and he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. They often caught up and had play dates for their kids who all got along well. They were cousins after all.

Osamu and Suzuya were not yet married, but he had proposed to her just last year. They also have twins Keisuki and Hana who are the same age as Atsume.

There was still a little while until the game started and the olive eyed girl felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Atsume was currently occupied with the twins, poor Osamu handling the bunch while Suzuya laughed taking photos of his anguish.

UncoalT - Are you going to come greet me or what?

The text read, and she shook her head with a laugh as she replied.

Suzume – Where should I meet you?

UncoalT - By the stairs close to the food. Don't want my fangirls interrupting our reunion ;)

Suzume couldn't help but chuckle 'He never changes.

"I'll be right back I'm just going to catch up with someone really quick." Suzume said as she got up. Suzuya sent her a knowing look.

"Mhm." She smirked. The light haired girl watched her walk over before turning to whisper something to Atsume.

"Go check on mummy in a little while, alright?"

"Otay Aunty Susu."

Suzume made her way over to the stairs but there was no one there. Just as she turned around, she felt hands over her eyes, and she flinched.

"Guess who~" the voice hummed, but she ripped his hand away and hugged him instead already knowing who it was. He was slightly taken aback by her reaction but smiled warmly as he instantly wrapped his arms around her to hug her back.

"I've missed you, Tooru." She cried.

"I've missed you too, Ushi-chan. I better hear you cheering for me today, or I'll be offended." He said as she wiped a happy tear from her eye.

"I'll try to balance you and my husband out." She said causing him to chuckle.

"Speaking of Atsu's... where's the little rug rat? Did she come to cheer her uncle on?"

"Uncoal Tooru!" As if on cue, Atsume came running at the pair, causing Oikawa to gasp in fake surprise.

"Atsu!" He called as he scooped her up in his arms.

"Come to cheer your favourite uncle on huh?" He smirked and she nodded further fuelling his ego... or so he thought.

"Uncoal Sho playin today!" She yelled causing Oikawa's smirk to drop to a frown.

"Excuse me? W- what about me?"

"Hmmm, I like uncoal Sho better." She replied honestly causing the brunette to cry internally.

"Alright, I'll let it slide this time seeing as I like Shrimpy, but only on one condition." He proposed, recovering from the initial shock.

"What?!" She exclaimed excitedly causing Suzume to shoot him a suspicious look.

"Next time you see your daddy, you tell him 'Uncle Tooru is the best setter in the world!' Do you think you can do that for me?"


"Ya! I can do dat Uncoal Tooru!" She exclaimed proudly while her mother shot 'Uncle Tooru a disapproving look.

"Well, I better get over to my team. I'll catch up with you tomorrow." Oikawa said as he put Atsume down to give Suzume a hug. She hugged him back and he felt an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia hit him. He still cared for her so deeply, but knew he had to move on. He knew that a long time ago but it was still something he hadn't been able to do.

"Yeah, give me a call." She replied before wishing him luck. Atsume sent him a wave to which he waved back with a happy smile. He had been a sucker for her the minute he first saw her.

Oikawa had been visiting when Atsume was born and was one of the first people to see her. He had been a big part of her life, which was why she was always so excited to see him. He had originally thought he wouldn't be able to handle the thought of her having a child with Mr Perfect, but as soon as he lay eyes on her, it was all over. He knew he was going to be the best uncle ever and that he would let her get away with whatever she wanted.

"Oh, and Ushi-chan?"

"Yeah?" She asked turning around to look at him. A soft smile still sat on his face as he looked from her tummy to her face.

"Name the little guy after me this time, would you?" Before she could respond he sent her a wink and ran off towards where his team was. She shook her head in amusement.

"Oi!" Another familiar voice called out to her, and she stopped. Her child once again ran off and she sighed chasing after her.

"Come on Atsu, the games going to-"

"Uncoal Suna!" She shouted as she launched herself at the tall guy. He grunted catching her just in time and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Jeez your getting heavy!" He muttered, earning a scowl and a small bite mark on his arm which caused him to yelp. She laughed in satisfaction and Suzume scolded her, telling her biting was a no no.

"Sorry Uncoal Suna." She said pouting and h ruffled her hair.

"It's okay, go say hi to your uncle Waka, he's just behind me." Suna said and she looked behind him to see that he was just coming out from the room. He set her down and she ran to him.

"Suzume." He greeted with a lazy smile, and she rolled her eyes pulling him in for a hug.

"Rin, stop acting like you aren't happy to see me." She pouted causing him to ruffle her hair just as he had Atsume's.

"Well, you never know who's watching. You know how jealous Naomi gets." He complained causing her to gently nudge his shoulder.

"She just loves you so much." Naomi was Suna's girlfriend, and they had started dating about a year ago. She was a lovely girl, but she still got overly jealous whenever he would talk to other girls. She was usually okay with Suzume and Suzuya considering, but they still had their moments. It was understandable considering Suna's fanbase, but he had always been a loyal guy.

Atsumu too had a large one, as did Suzume, but she trusted him, and he trusted her.

"Ready to make Japan proud?" She asked and he fake yawned faking disinterest.

"I guess."

"Your ridiculous!" She mocked which earned a small snicker from his lips. "I've missed you. You haven't been around much?" She frowned and he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Yeah, well I've sort of been in the doghouse with Naomi so-"

"Oh jeez! What did you do this time?"

"Me?! Why do you assume it's me?!" He tried to defend himself but her folded 'mum' pose had him giving in.

"Okay fine, maybe I did do something... but you're meant to be on my side anyway." He said childishly which was unusual for him, so it brought a laugh from her lips.

"I'm always on your side."

"Little bird? What are you doing back here?" The familiar gruff voice of her brother had her whirling around and placed Atsume down just in time for his sister to latch onto him like a child.

"Big bro!" She sung and no one was even surprised. Everyone was used to her antics, just like Atsumu in a fight, it was like she got 5 years younger when she was around him.

"You better score me a point."

"Huh? I always score points, but they aren't for you." He frowned and Suna snorted covering his mouth knowing she would hit him if she heard.

"Still so serious." She said playfully patting his back and he looked at her confused.

They were distracted when they heard Atsume's voice.

"Sorry daddy, but..." She held up her hands just as she had seen and exclaimed loudly "Uncoal Tooru is the best setter in da world!"

"Eh?! What did ya say? Did he tell ya to say that?! Argh that bas- I mean- bubble head! I'm going to kil- I mean turn him into milk bread when I see him!" The blonde said trying to avoid 'bad words' which caused the others to turn away to hide their laughter. It was hilarious hearing him try to avoid saying bad words in front of their child.

The last time he did it on accident... well let's just say Suzume was not impressed and he vowed never to do it again. The memory still sent goosebumps down his spine.

"Why not just focus on proving who the best setter really is?" A smooth voice sounded and Atsumu looked up to see his wife smiling at him. An even bigger smile lit up his own face when he saw her. To him, she was still the most beautiful girl in the world, and she never failed to give him butterflies.

"Well, yer right. I'm gonna dominate this game. Just watch me, Zume-chan." He sent her a wink as he walked over placing a kiss on her lips causing Atsume to scrunch her nose.

"Ew, Don't look Atsu." Suna said as he attempted to cover her eyes, matching her disgusted look and she held onto his hand to keep it secure.

"Ew!" She shouted, copying the green eyed boy causing the other two to laugh as they pulled away.

"Make sure ya-"

"I always cheer for you." She cut him off with a wink. "Good luck."


It had been a big day for the Miya's, and they were thankful that Atsume didn't give them too much trouble once they got home. After putting her down, the two love birds went to their own room and collapsed from exhaustion. The blonde wrapped his arms around his wife, caressing her tummy which brought a smile to his lips.

"I can't wait till he's born." He whispered and she hummed turning to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Me neither, I just hope he doesn't get your bratty attitude." She teased causing him to gasp.

"I do not have a bratty attitude!" He gasped defensively and she covered his mouth to keep him from waking their daughter in the other room.

"Whatever you say." She rolled her eyes playfully and he couldn't help but shake his head and give in. She moved to lay on his chest and his other hand played with her hand as they lay there contently.

"I love you, Tsumi." He smiled at the name she still called him to this very day and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too, Zume-chan."


Well, there you have it!

I wasn't going to do an Epilogue, but here it is.

I hope you guys enjoyed! And don't forget to follow if you want to know when I release my new story!

This ones for you @TsumuMiya7113 :) 

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