𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲

By infusionate

83.5K 3.1K 6.1K

You don't get to choose who you fall in love with in life, which begs the question of whether people can pret... More

One | Lucky
Two | Script
Three | Favour
Four | Interview
Five | Salad
Six | FaceTime
Seven | Wrap
Nine | Studio
Ten | Breakfast
Eleven | Marrakech
Twelve | Technicality
Thirteen | Swimming
Fourteen | Hair
Fifteen | Chemistry
Sixteen | Cocktail
Seventeen | Vape
Eighteen | Tea
Nineteen | Phone
Twenty | Instagram
Twenty One | Situation
Twenty Two | Car
Twenty Three | Test
Twenty Four | Cigarette
Twenty Five | Pastry
Twenty Six | Nerves
Twenty Seven | Settled
Twenty Eight | Scotland
Twenty Nine | Luggage
Thirty | Beer
Thirty One | Wood
Thirty Two | Poker
Thirty Three | Selfie
Thirty Four | Fire
Thirty Five | Dreaming
Thirty Six | Shooting
Thirty Seven | Penis
Thirty Eight | Meeting
Thirty Nine | Surprise
Forty | Match
Forty One | Funding
Forty Two | Legality
Forty Three | Photos
Forty Four | Velvet
Forty Five | Wet
Forty Six | Dinner
Forty Seven | Golf
Forty Eight | Questions
Forty Nine | Announcement
Fifty | Finish
Fifty One | Cast
Fifty Two | Nerves
Fifty Three | Dress
Fifty Four | Break
Fifty Five | Dark
Fifty Six | Stimulation
Fifty Seven | Hangover
Fifty Eight | TikTok
Fifty Nine | Speech
Sixty | Call
Sixty One | Cult
Sixty Two | Meatballs
Sixty Three | Morning
Sixty Four | Interpretation
Sixty Five | Motel
Sixty Six | Mirror
Sixty Seven | Voicemail
Sixty Eight | Spite
Sixty Nine | Finished

Eight | Venice

1.2K 54 130
By infusionate


FUN FACT, I absolutely hated tonight. It was awkward and uncomfortable and Zendaya decided it would be perfectly okay to invite Timothee to the wrap party. She clung to him most of the night, both of them sharing not so discreet kisses and overtly flirtatious comments.

It's funny because towards the demise of our relationship, she complained she hated public displays of affection and that I was 'too much' for her. Seeing her be the complete opposite with Timothee however, proved to me she just didn't like my public affection.

Timothee, Zendaya and Miles mingled with majority of the actors whilst I spent a refreshing time with Y/N, Mike and our top line crew. Normally, I'd spend the night with the actors, leave the wrap party eventually and kick on to the next venue. I was always nice to the crew, don't get me wrong, I just mingled with my own type; actors.

Y/N kept thanking me for inviting her when we arrived, yet the more alcohol she drank, the more she thanked me.

"Thankyou again for inviting me Tom, this is so cool for me," she would say, before I reminded her that she had already thanked me and she didn't need to in the first place.

"I know but like, thankyou," she would continue.

The wrap party got a bit messy if I'm completely honest, Miles ended up with his head in a toilet bowl whilst I leant against the bathroom stall to support him. One of our producers Kate, ended up going home with one of the head writers and one of the girls in a supporting role ended up breaking up with her boyfriend over the phone.

It was eventful.

I for one, am well and truly smashed. Stumbling out of the bar was one thing, but Mike pushing Y/N, Miles and I into a chauffeur driven car was another.
He told us that production was over and that we could relax, get a sleep in for the first time in forever and that he'd contact us all tomorrow.

"Just head north of sunset boulevard and up towards Beverly drive, thanks mate," I slurred, tapping the driver on the shoulder to thank him.

"This was like, the coolest party I've ever been to," Y/N grinned, leaning her head on Miles' shoulder as he laughed at me.

"I mean, this is my first big movie but I still wouldn't really call tonight a party... You go to some big shots house in the hills or something, then that's a party," he laughed, pushing some of her hair out of her face and she giggled.

I like seeing this side of Y/N. She always seems like she is in 'work mode' all the time, as if she is hiding her true personality.

"I wouldn't even be let into a bar that nice if I weren't with you all tonight... So fucking cool," she smiled, turning towards me and squinting.

"What?" I laughed drunkenly.

"You're not a wanker like most people as rich and famous as you usually are," she shrugged.

"Thankyou? You know, other than your accent, the fact you used the word 'wanker' makes it pretty obvious you're not from here... How do you have a visa anyway?" I scoffed.

"I became an American citizen for work... Dual citizenship you know?" She smiled softly.

Miles told the driver to pull up on the side of the street to where the studio had put him up for the production. That's the cool thing about being a star of a film, they pay for your own swanky accommodation.

We said goodbye to Miles, continued driving and Y/N rolled down the window.

"Oh, I live nowhere near here... Mr. Driver can you take me towards Venice Beach?" She hiccuped.

"You live in Venice? Who with?" I asked surprised, not thinking she would have earnt enough to live there alone.

"Just me, I rent this tiny part of a rich old ladies house that she leases to me for cheap. Her name is Magda, she's deaf and her skin is so tan she looks like she's made of leather," she laughed.

The driver turned around after I told him to drop her off first, I didn't want her to not end up getting home safely. We were equally as drunk as each other though.

"How'd tonight go with your ex huh? Can't believe she brought Timothee fucking Chalamet... You know his monobrow is more noticeable in person? I was kind of surprised at how much I didn't find him attractive," she giggled, making me choke on the bottle of water I was sipping from and burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, I was not expecting you to say that... Fuck, why aren't you like this at work? You're all strict and like, professional all the time. You could've chilled with me on set and roasted people all day," I smiled.

"Because I need to kiss ass and suck peoples dicks to be respected at work. Not actual dicks but like, you know what I mean. I'm a fucking production assistant that doesn't want to be a production assistant in the first place," she laughed.

"What do you want to be then?" I said holding the water bottle out for her.

"I wanna write screenplays. But nobody gives a fuck unless you're already a famous book writer or you're an executive producer with a mad career or lots of money. So... Producing is the way to go," she shrugged.

"Why don't you join the writing teams?" I questioned.

"Fuck Kowalski, that's why! No I'm kidding, I mean he still sucks but like, only big movies like Marvel comics have team of writers, most movies it's just one or two people. But Kowalski, he sucks ass," she scoffed.

"Is he the sleazy head writer that went home with Kate tonight?" I said cocking my head to the side. She just nodded and quickly told the driver to pull up on the kerb.

"Thanks mate, have a good night!" I said getting out of the car with her, as she stared at me weirdly.

"Why are you getting out here? Don't you live like, in the hills?" She asked quietly.

"I'll call a car later, I like walking along the canals," I shrugged.

"At three in the morning? Bullshit," she huffed jokingly.

"Okay fine, I just wanted to make sure you got home safely because walking through the canal district is dangerous for a girl like you to be alone. And there's no streets so you'd be walking a while," I rebutted.

"Fine, it's this way," she laughed, ushering me to walk alongside her as she told me which houses usually had 'fairy lights' switched on when it wasn't 3am.

"So ex-fake boyfriend, tell me about Zendaya," she said upfront and bluntly.

"You know most people tip toe around that topic of conversation with me... Except interviewers and tabloids and stuff," I laughed, her abruptness and lack of filter making me laugh.

"Yeah but you're always so polite with them. I know something went down between you two that neither of you talk about," she said smirking, proud of herself for figuring it out.

"How'd you know?" I laughed, shaking my head.

"Cos she acts perfectly normal and you look like a lost puppy on set. Did she cheat on you with Timothee Chalamalabingbong?" She scoffed.

I just shot her finger guns and smiled awkwardly, indicating that she hit the nail on the head with her guess. She's a good guesser. Or maybe it's obvious.

"Fuck her, everyone sucks up to her so much. Just go back to London and go out with the boys and fuck everyone and anyone," she laughed, unlocking a little gate on the side of the canals.

"This is where you live? Fuck..." I said looking around at the huge house in front of us. I closed the gate behind us and looked at the little courtyard we were standing in.

"Don't act all surprised, it's Magda's house that's so impressive. My part of the house is fucking tiny," she laughed, unlocking the door to the bottom floor and smiling at me.

"You want some more water before you go?" She asked quietly.

I nodded and followed her inside.

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