
By xXSilentFearsXx

923 108 60

"You can only be strong for so long, until you break bit by bit." Kidnapped by a Rogue pack when she was just... More



113 13 4
By xXSilentFearsXx

                                  My phone buzzed on the countertop, the sound being a dark lullaby to my already morose thoughts. I feared for what my punishment would be. Master despised when one of his subordinates failed their mission.

He thought by being abusive and strict with us; his pack. That we would grow up to be strong warriors, fearing nobody and being merciless to even children.

The pack was made up of Vampires and Weres, rarely would there be a human or any other Supernatural. Vampires were the brains and Weres were the bronze. We were opposites, but at the same time we both were monsters.

I kinda understand why my ex mate rejected me, I'm not high on the poll for being a 'perfect mate'. I've killed so many people, men, women and even children.

It didn't even matter if that's what we were ourselves. We just had to get it done less it be our heads on a pike.

I've hated myself for so long, it doesn't surprise me that he already does.

Sighing away my emotions and locking them deep within myself. I finally picked up my phone.

"Hello?" My voice was flat and devoid of my inner feelings and I clenched my fists hearing a hearty chuckle.

One that sent me on high alert and made my nerves jittery. I was careful not to allow myself to be taken over by how nervous and fearful I was becoming.

The Were I was talking too had uncanny perspective skills. She could look through you and know almost everything about you, that was her power.

"Lux, darling," Barbara spoke. Her scratchy voice burning my eardrums.

"How have you been?"

"Cut the fucking shit, Barb. Where's your brother." I said strongly voicing that I didn't want to hear any of her fake interest.

Like she gave a shit how I felt.

"Someone's tense," I gritted my teeth hearing the teasing tone. "Awe, is because my brother is coming for you're head-"

She chuckled. "Whoops, wasn't suppose to say that. Although it does make it more amuseing to know that you're probably shaking in fear," I was.

"Biting your lip," Yet again she was right.

"Remember, darling you're like an open book to me. And to my twin brother, well you're only a object to be used."

"I'm afraid though. Your usefulness has run out."


I didn't wait long after the phone call to grab some clothes, shove them in a tacky bag and rush the hell away from my apartment block.

I kept a lookout everywhere. Every dark alley I went through, every shop or business I past by and even a crepsuclar park full of teenagers that I had to go through to cut my journey in half.

I went through all of that. My lungs burning, my body reeking of sweat to find him. His scent was guiding me like a moth to a flame and I grew irritated that it had to come this.

I stopped hugging myself and looking downwards. A white garage door stood in front of me, a large window that was covered by blinds was above it and steps stuck to the side that lead up to a blue door.

A breeze blew, siphoning the heat and I was stuck in a trance when his scent grew stronger. This part of town was barren, a few cars drove past but there was no people and I knew why he chose this.

He was a Were, if Master knew he was here. He'd kill him without a second thought and less humans meant less attention.

Realization crossed my mind at the thought and I shifted backwards, turning around only for a hand to grab mine halting me from moving.

I froze.

"Stay." I had a peek backwards through dark lashes to see Zeke and Fang.

How long were they there? I kept my question to myself, cursing how unaware I was.

Fang was the one who spoke and was the one holding my hand. Her grip was light and frail and dark circles that would compete with mine hung under her eyes.

Zeke seemed uncomfortable and was scowling. His arms crossed and his posture stiff, he refused to meet my eyes when I stared at him. I couldn't help letting my emotions show through my eyes. I quickly avoided those feelings of depression and hurt.

I frowned befuddled letting some weariness lace my tone.

"Stay, why?"

Zeke shared a glance with Fang. One that made my frown deepen and a shiver go down my spine.

"We know that you're apart of the Crimson Pack, Lux." Zeke gritted out between tightly clenched teeth and I took it as a sign that he hated talking to me.

I took a step backwards tugging free from Fangs grip eyeing them cautiously. I wanted to run from them, thinking shortly after that it would be stupid.

These guys were my last chance.

Biting my lip, I asked keeping my voice firm. "How do you know this?"

"Believe me when I say this, but the Crimson Pack has warranted for your arrest. It's all over the new-"

I interrupted Fang, my voice wavering slightly since I knew now that the humans would be after me too.

"How bad?"

They both knew what I meant. A gust of wind blew again and I breathed in all I could digging my nails deeply into my palm. Biting my lip equally as hard. Even though I portrayed myself as strong; I was far from it.

"Bad. Very, very bad." Zeke said softly and I saw he was clenching his fists too.

A car rode by. Another following in suit adding to the dramatic tension coming from me mostly. Millions of thoughts filled my mind, I was becoming erratically scared and I feared I would loose control.

Calm down, I chided to myself controlling my breathing somewhat to mimic Fangs.

"What do we do?" I said glancing at them.

Zeke shook his head furiously. "What do you mean we, we're not involved-"

He was cut off by Fang kicking his shin. Her lips thinned and her eyes glaring at him like a she-devil and Zeke actually seemed afraid that I almost laughed. He held his sore shin scowling at the ground.

"Dont worry, Lux. We were involved the moment you came to us and we'll help you," Fang smiled sweetly that I believed she had bi polar disorder.

She changed emotions so quick that I envied her a bit. If only I had that gift. It would've earned me a lot less scars along the years.

My eyebrows narrowed. "What do you want in return?"

Zeke smirked keeping weary of Fang.

"In return, we want you to help us."


What do you think of this chapter, I hope nobody thought it was rushed?

-Question of the day-

What's your favourite Anime(Can be more than one)?
Mines RWBY, Naruto, One piece, Skyland and I can't think of anymore at the moment ^^

Vote/Comment/Share plz! :)

Goal this chapter- Seven comments ^^

Also thanks so much for all the votes and comments on the last chapter, I reached my goal and the story reached 220 on Vampire so that makes me really happy!! :)

Thanks for reading! :D

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