Marvel: Misfits - Male Reader...

By Necessary_Chaos

13.6K 530 215

Once part of the Young Avengers, Kate Bishop and Y/N L/N find themselves trying to make their way in this new... More

(1) Just Superhero Things
(2) It's so Peaceful... It's a Trap Isn't It
SΜΆhΜΆoΜΆ Gwenpool's Tales! #1
(3) Snooping As Usual
(4) Beware
(5) Assemble...?
Gwenpool's Tales! #2


5.4K 157 56
By Necessary_Chaos

The snow fell calmly on the Barton residence. Nearby, laughter could be heard and soon enough, music as well

If there was a time to be festive and relax, it would be this one, it would be in Christmas

The world knew it, the Avengers did

And so did their protégés. Including the young girl who was walking around in the snow

Kate Bishop, first a nuisance and then a rightful owner of the mantle of Hawkeye, had become as much of a family member for the Bartons

Hence why they invited her over for dinner

Kate found herself chatting with her group of friends while she looked over Clint's daughter

She was asking how their respective holidays were going

- No boys allowed 💅-

Stretchy ✊⚡

"I got to punch a robber dressed as Santa Claus. It was cathartic😅"

Baby Wasp🐝

"I'm heading off to the Quantum realm to help Janet's friends, wish me luck!"



"Flash and Venom invited me over for dinner after I'm done with F.E.A.S.T. Sounds... interesting"



"Torunn asked me to accompany her in some Asgardian hunt"


The girl found herself chuckling at the contrast in messages. They sure lived interesting lives

When was the last time the daughter of a Nordic god invited you to a hunt to celebrate?

Or an alien goo?

Or even going to the Quantum Realm?

Or...wait, did Kamala say she punched Santa Claus?




"Torunn asked me to accompany her in some Asgardian hunt"


"Speaking of"
"Take care of my man please"



"He said he was spending Christmas with you and the Bartons"

"...He did WHAT"


Immediately, Kate stopped walking and she nearly dropped her glasses. Clint's daughter, Lila, turned around and looked at her

Lila: What's wrong, Kate?

She looked at the kid, but before she could answer, another voice joined in

???: Lila, Kate, food's ready. Time to get inside

The young girl cheered as she let go of Kate's hand and rushed inside, much to her father's amusement

However, his expression changed when he noticed how stiff Kate had gotten

Clint: Everything alright, Katie?

Clint was at this point more of a father figure than anything, so there was no point in lying

She hid her phone in her pocket and let out a heavy sigh

Kate: I think Y/N did it again

"Clint: He ghosted everyone to spend Christmas by himself?

The teenager nodded and earned a sigh from the Avenger, who pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance

Clint: Welp, you chose him

Kate crossed her arms as she looked at him

Kate: Yes, yes I did and I'm going to find out why is that. There's no way I'm leaving him on his own and--

She stopped mid-sentence when she realized her current situation. Katie was just outside the house of Clint Barton, her mentor

The same man who had just invited her to eat something. A compromise that she had agreed to and that was immediately thrown in doubt when she learned of her boyfriend's schemes

But she wasn't the only one to realize this, as her mentor looked at her with a knowing smile

Clint: You go ahead, go knock some sense into him. I'm going to save you some pumpkin pie

Kate lowered her glasses to look at him directly

Kate: Are you sure? I-I mean...are you sure?

The man chuckled

Clint: Just make sure he's still alive before you scold him

She sighed, looking at the snow for a moment and then back at Clint, with a softer expression on her face

Kate: Thank you, really

And so, Kate ran back towards her car, with a new destination in mind. As she adjusted the rearview mirror, only one thing came to her mind:

"Y/N L/N, you and I need to talk"


You walked through the festive streets of New York, recently concluding your business at the cemetery, being greeted once again with the festive atmosphere all around

The lights, the Christmas music blasting in the distance, the loving couples taking pictures and being goofy and shuddering in the presence of the cold air and snow was hell

These people were so oblivious, they were so happy on their own, so annoying to see them all just smile like idiots

Did they forget an alien invasion took place just a week ago?

An invasion no

You could feel your steps becoming heavier as the memories crept their way in

You remembered the smoke

The people running in fear

And the blood


Your heart sank at the memory of that voice. You suddenly stopped walking, accidentally causing someone to bump into you

They cursed at you for doing so, but you didn't listen to what they said. No, you were lost to the scene, still so fresh on your mind

But you had planned for this, and instinctively, you reached for your watch

Y/N: N-No.

You shook your head and let out a heavy breath in an attempt to take yourself out of it

Then, you took off your watch and stared at it

It didn't take long before you started to visualize ways for it to be upgraded and slowly, you allowed your mutation to take over the trauma

As your breathing got steadier, you began to walk once again, this time, fiddling with your watch in the process


Access granted. 001

The door unlocked and you pushed it open, soon, the lights on the apartment turned on automatically. Shelter sweet shelter

???: Welcome home, Y/N

A female voice greeted you, her virtual voice echoing through the empty place. Out there it was full of lights and color, but in this apartment, it was as if nothing had changed at all

Because you didn't want it to

You closed the door and took off the coat and hung it

Y/N: Thanks, V.A.L

As you walked into your place, you placed the modified watch on the counter, only for a familiar sound to bother you

It was the ringtone, but you knew exactly who it was

So you turned around and looked at the screen, the ID confirming your suspicion

And reluctantly, you picked up

Y/N: Accept

The screen recognized your command and began the video call, this was the image it showed

The younger one nodded

???: I can see him, Y/N, hi!

She waved at you

Y/N: Hey, Sophie

You returned the gesture with a smile

Then, the other one nodded

???: Thank you, Sophie

She blew a kiss at you and left the screen so that it was now just you and--

Y/N: Uncle Erik, hello

The man smiled and relaxed his posture

Erik: Hello, Y/N

Ever since you had left the island, Forge had developed a device compatible with the technology you developed to keep in contact with you

This as per request of many of the friends and family you had over there

It was tricky, but the teenage members of the mutant community got a hold of it quicker

Of course they did

Erik: How are you, my boy?

You sighed and leaned against the counter

Y/N: As well as I can. I guess

The man gave you a saddened look

Erik: Are you sure you don't want to spend your holiday here?

Then, he took off his helmet

Erik: I'm confident many brothers and sisters would be thrilled by your visit

You smirked as you looked at him

Y/N: I'm assuming you didn't include Hope in that group

A brief laugh was shared. Hope was one of the closest bonds you had, and she was still very much sour about your departure

But she hasn't been exactly open for dialogue, so you're just waiting for her at this point

Once the laughter died out, you ran your fingers through your hair with a more serious expression

Y/N: I appreciate the offer, really. It's just...I can take a step back and meditate on how things have been, you know?

Your "uncle" nodded

Erik: As long as you don't let yourself be consumed by the past. We both know how dangerous that is

He then put his helmet back on, crossing his arms shortly after

Erik: Learn from your past, but celebrate what you have in the present, my boy

While his words resonated with you, a smile soon crept its way too

Y/N: Someone has been spending too much time with Charles

This statement earned a laugh from Magneto, who shook his head

Erik: I guess I have

Lastly, he gave you one of his rarest gifts, a sincere smile

Erik: Then, all it's left to say is Merry Christmas, Y/N

Gladly, you returned the smile, lifting an empty glass of water

Y/N: And a happy Hanukkah to you, uncle Erik

With that, the call ended and the screen returned to black, returning to a colder, drier ambiance that you had grown used to, for the most part

And so, you filled the glass and sat down in front of the computer, got to work on your latest creation, and lost yourself once again

Any thoughts were soon taken over by schematics and blueprints, not even music was playing in the background, just you working on the keyboard

In fact, you were so immersed in your work, that you failed to hear V.A.L's synthetic greeting

V.A.L: Access granted. 002

The door opened, and with it came a sound that you could never ignore, especially when you didn't think you would hear it tonight

Kate's voice

Kate: You almost got away with it again

Immediately, you tensed up and looked at the door, finding your girlfriend standing there with her arms crossed and her sunglasses on

Even then, you could feel her disdain

You raised your hands in defense as you stuttered the best excuse you could come up with

Y/N: Kate? No, I--

Kate stopped you by raising her own hand, sighing as she closed the door behind her

Kate: Don't, Y/N

You watched her enter the apartment. Kate placed her hands on the counter, putting her glasses on there, and let out a sigh

Kate: I just want to know something...

Then, she turned around to face you, her anger mixed with sadness completely visible to you

Kate: Why? Why put so much effort into spending Christmas by yourself? You have an island of friends waiting for you, you have our friends and even the Avengers inviting you over

She crossed her arms and glanced to the side, with a saddened look on her face

Kate: You have me...

You felt a sting in your chest. Watching her suffer like that was torture in its purest form

Kate was supposed to be having dinner with the others, in a place far from the mess that was the city

Yet, there she was, in front of you before the clock even struck ten, because of a decision you took

If there was a moment to feel guilty for avoiding everyone, this was it

Y/N: N-N, Kate, you don't understand, I-

Kate: Then explain it to me until I do. Just...just tell me please, and then I can leave you alone if you really want to

Kate's eyes threatened to form tears, despite her efforts to hold herself back

This had to stop, Kate did nothing to deserve any of this. Even if she had no regard for privacy sometimes

So after mustering all the strength you had available, you finally spoke. You focused everything, every bit of willpower just to look at her in the eyes

Y/N: I lost everything on Christmas, and I mean everything

Kate stopped when she noticed the tone of your voice, sorrow written all over it

There was no going back

Y/N: It was a few days before Christmas, dad decided to take me and my brother ice skating in Central Park to take our mind off of a few problems we had

You drank from the glass, to help you stay calm

Y/N: That same night, a bombing occurred, the area was badly damaged, and many lost their lives. My family was amongst the victims

Kate covered her mouth when she heard that

Granted, you were not the best with social situations, but you were trying your best to push it all aside to give her a much-deserved answer

Kate: Y/N...

Y/N: I only survived because a woman nearby grabbed me and we ran away from the blasts

You drank what remained of the water and put the glass away

Y/N: I spent days in a police station, Kate. While everyone else opened their gifts and spent time with their loved ones, I lost mine

Your eyes narrowed as the disdain settled in once again

Y/N: I later discovered that it was the work of a villain. Sure, that same woman ended up taking me in and gave me a life but...

Kate: But that stayed with you...

The sound of Kate's whispers made you snap out of it and look at her. Slowly, you nodded

Y/N: I know it's a time for peace and celebration, but you'll have to forgive me if I don't share the enthusiasm

Slowly, the girl walked towards you

Y/N: A-And I don't want to stain anyone's happiness with my own trauma, I know how much it m--

You were suddenly stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around you, Kate buried her head on your chest

She hugged you closer to her, not saying a thing, but holding you tightly. The way she held you, the warmth feeling of safety spoke volumes for her

Not only that but the fact that you could even feel her heartbeat

And soon, you found your vision getting blurry, as tears began to form

You gave in and allowed yourself to drop everything, just for a moment

The girl stroked your hair as you returned the hug

Y/N: I don't want to be alone, Kate, I really don't...

She looked at you and cupped your cheek with a tender smile

Kate: Then you won't be, Y/N. Not if I can do something about it

Then, she reached up and gently met her lips with yours

She let go of you and you were met with that charming smile of hers

Kate: Let's give Christmas another meaning. What do you say?

Y/N: Where do we even start?

She looked to the side and placed a hand on her chin. Then she snapped her fingers

Kate: I got it! V.A.L?

The light above you turned a cyan color

V.A.L: Yes, Ms. Bishop?

Kate: Do we have enough ingredients to make hot chocolate?

The AI remained silent for a couple of seconds, then it beeped

V.A.L: Scanning complete. We do

The teenager looked back at you with a smirk

Kate: You're gonna love it. Family recipe


You were on the balcony. You leaned on the handrails with one hand, and the other holding a cup of hot chocolate

Kate was right. It was pretty damn tasty

And speaking of her, she was standing next to you with a satisfied smile on her face and a blanket big enough for both of you

She taught you how to prepare the famous beverage, arranged the lights in the apartment to look more festive, and even made V.A.L play some Christmas songs

Not the ones everyone knows, but a special playlist she had. In a way, it felt like Christmas alright, but... different


And certainly less painful. Kate made sure of it

You took a sip from your drink and then looked at her

Y/N: Hey, Kate?

You got a "Hmm" in response, as her gaze remained over the city

Y/N: I...I'm sorry you missed dinner with the Bartons

She shifted her attention from the city to you, looking at you for a moment, and then smiling

Kate: You're my boyfriend, Y/N. I'd do it again...Besides, Clint said he'd save something

Then, she drank from her mug, and with a smile, she punched your shoulder

Kate: But try not to ghost everyone, some of us actually want to spend time with you

That got a laugh out of you

Kate: I'm serious! You keep me grounded

You raised a brow at her

Y/N: Grounded?

She nodded

Kate: You don't need me to tell you that we live in a strange world, I mean, the city just recovered from an alien invasion

She put the empty mug aside and placed both hands on the handrail

Kate: Aliens, magic, the whole nine yards. Honestly, pretty easy to get lost in it

Slowly, Kate looked to the side to meet your eyes

Kate: But you help me make sense of it, It's like a safe spot amidst the madness, You know?

You nodded and brought the two of you together using the blanket

Y/N: So, just two teens and a crazy world

Kate smiled at you and scooted closer. Then, a ship flew by. It was the Quinjet that belonged to the Avengers

Kate: Case in point

You shared a laugh and continued to look at the city together, with a blanket covering you and music still playing in the background. That's when it hit you

You were laughing in Christmas, you were actually having a good time

It didn't take an island full of people, or a grandiose adventure, or even a life-changing invention that demanded your full attention for you to survive this much dreaded holiday

You only needed the right person

You leaned on Kate's shoulder, and smiling, she leaned her head on yours

Sure, it would take a while before you could give it back its joyful meaning, but this was certainly a good first step in the right direction

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