Eons in Terra: Atlas corp.

By Lux_Weaver

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By Lux_Weaver

Caution: This is government property, for authorized personnel only.
If you are caught in violation of the law, you can be subjected to a life time imprisonment.

May 19, 2016
Atlas corp has been founded by the government as a medicinal laboratory in hope to cure cancer.
Phd. Dr. Gilbert Andrews is assinged as head director.

May 22, 2016
Dr. Gilbert begins project Gamma.
Project gamma v/m: to use gamma radiations to cure cancer.

August 2, 2016
Project Gamma has been terminated. The experiment ended in failure. All test subjects suffered physical and mental trauma resulting to imminent death. All atlas corp., actions are all on hold until new research theory is submitted.

September 17, 2016
U.S. Government has started Project Cleanup.
Project Cleanup v/m: to use chemicals secreted from fruits to cure cancer.

October 15, 2016
Project shows promising results.
Results include:
*the tumor getting smaller (very slow).
*white blood cell and red blood doubled in number in 5 weeks.

December 15, 2016
Fire consumed half the laboratory. Most files and databanks are lost.
Dr. Gibert Andrews -Deceased
Dr. Hellen Andrews -Deceased
Dr. Stephen Collins - missing (still in investigation)
Dr. Hilary Gretchen - Trauma
Asst. Dr. Ellis Doug - severe burns on the back
Asst. Dr. Geovani Groening - severe burns on arms
All activities are put on hold until further investigation.

February 18, 2017
Damaged audio recording found on Dr. Hellen Andrews' fake tooth.
Playing audio:
"What are you doing?!!", said Dr. Hellen
*Bzzzzt* " No! *bzzt* "this isn't how its supposed to be", said Dr. Collins
"Alright, alright Stephen, calm down calm down. Explain everything to us", said Dr. Gilbert.
" No! Shut up!!! Everything's going to change if I don't kill all of you!", replied Dr. Collins
Audio stopped
Dr. Stephen Collins is found to be the primary suspect of the lab incident.

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