Cover Girl |Chris Brown|

By -BleedingPrada

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"Think of it as you're're his Cover Girl" "I'm his what? More

Karma snippet
Cover Girl Season Two
OG ending


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By -BleedingPrada

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Cover Girl: S1E20

Sunday• April 30th, 2017
Los Angeles, California

"Congratulations on the win Jaden" Chris smiled, patting the teenager on the back.

His team had played a game on Friday and Jaden made the winning shot. Many didn't know that the boy played football , basketball and soccer. It was as if he was made to play sports and dominate wherever he landed.

"Thanks man, it was all in the wrist" Jaden smirk, acting like he was shooting a basketball. Chris chuckled and shook his head,  he saw a lot of himself in Jaden and that simply meant that Jaden was surely headed to success.

Se'anie was eating her food quietly next to Chris. Her brain was producing a million images per minute. She was extremely excited for the surprise dinner and she had planned for  Chris. Everybody around the table knew about it, Jenny-Anne was going to make her famous lemon meringue pie and Jo'nae was bringing her delicious chicken dip. Nobody knew what the teenager was doing to make the dip so good but as long as none of them died, they were fine with it.

"So Chris what you got planned for you birthday?" Seven asked, bouncing Paige on his lap.

" I really don't have anything planned" Chris shook his head honestly. At first he wanted to go to the club but after reevaluating that decision, he voted against it.

"Well how about we go bowling or something? You know do something fun besides drinking" Seven suggested, drawing the man away from the surprise.

"I suck at bowling" Chris shook his head.

"It's because you got some crooked ass hands" Jo'nae said, making everybody laugh. She looked around confused as to what was so funny because she was being honest and truthful.

"Damn, that hurt" Chris joked And in result she simply shrugged and kept on eating her slice of cake.

"Okay how about we go on a boat ride?" Se'anie smiled, looking over at Chris, hinting at what she had planned for him.

"Yeah, that sounds great" Chris nodded

"Okay, then it's settled, we shall be on the water" she spoke in a funny accent. Chris chuckled and shook his head at her.

"You're a weirdo" he pouted, leaning into her

"But you like it" she whispered, meeting him half way and pecking his lips.




"Granny you gon be a grandma again"

Se'anie laughed at the chorus of words that left her siblings and her grandma's mouth. Chris looked at them as they bickered and he couldn't help but smile, he saw a strong family that truly relied on each other for support. Although they didn't have their parents, they had each other and an amazing grandmother who did whatever she needed to do to protect them.

They were truly blessed.


"Who you textin'?" Se'anie  asked Jo'nae curiously. We were washing the dishes while the boys, grandma and Paige were outside watching a movie.

Everybody wanted to watch a horror movie but Paige chose Trolls so they were stuck watching that. Se'anie looked over at Jo'nae again, considering she was in the far corner of the kitchen, texting away with a smile on her face.

Throughout dinner, she'd sneak her phone under the table and type away. Se'anie actually caught her smiling a couple times also. It was obvious she was texting somebody that had her interest at a high peak.

"Nobody" she blushed, looking away from her older sister. With a raised a brown the twenty two year old, stepped a little closer to her sibling.

"Girl you can't fool me, gimme that" Se'anie chuckled, grabbing her phone that she held loosely in her hands.

"Hey give it back" she whined , attempting to take the phone away. She mushed her face and held the phone high enough, out of her reach. Se'anie's mouth fell open letting it sink in that her little sister wasn't just texting a boy, the younger actually had a boyfriend. She chose to scroll up a bit, ignoring Jo'nae's cries and pleads. She finally came across a photo of the boy and raised a brow.

"Hmm, you got taste" She smirked "let me know if he has an older brother" Se'anie winked, giving her the phone and walking back to the sink.

She blushed shyly and hit the power button before sliding it into her pocket.

"Don't you have king light skin to worry about?" Jo'nae asked, joining her sister and began rinsing off the dishes. Their grandma had a perfectly good dishwasher but refused to use it. She said the dishwasher was going to make them 'lazy ass kids'.

"Girl bye, what he don't know won't hurt him" Se'anie joked but Jo'nae looked at her like she was a new creature to grace the earth.


"Bro I'm joking, I'd never cheat on Chris" she shook her head, washing out the sink, considering she was done with the dishes.

"Oh, cause I was gonna say, you can't cheat on him, he's too famous, you'll be bullied until the next life time" Jo'nae sighed

"Anyway, where'd you meet this Anthony boy?" Se'anie asked, wiping off her hands.

"At track practice, he's a new guy at school and he didn't really have friends" Jo'nae smiled softly.

"Awwww, well has grandma met him yet?"

Jo'nae looked at the semi-transparent water and shook her head. She knew the amount of trouble she'd get in for agreeing to be Anthony's girlfriend before her grandma approved but she truly liked him and he seemed genuine.

"Yeah you gotta tell her Nae, or she'll blow her top off" Se'anie smiled softly, seeing how stressed her sister was "cheer up, think of all the food we're gonna eat on Friday"

Jo'nae smiled and nodded "did you order his cake?"

"Yeah, it's really cute , well, the photo I showed the guy is really cute so I hope he gets it done properly"

"You're a really good girlfriend" Jo'nae complimented

"Thank you" Se'anie smiled "let's hope he knows it too" she mumbled, looking away.

Se'anie price
Friday• May 5, 2017
Tarzana, California

"Chris wake up" I whispered in his ear and  shook him.

"Go away" he muttered, swatting me away like a fly and rolling over in the bed.

It was nine and our boat ride was scheduled for eleven. The place was in downtown L.A so I wanted to leave the house as soon as possible. I've been in Chris' house since seven thirty, I made breakfast and cleaned up a bit even though the dinner was being held at my condo.

I cleaned up just in case Chris was in the party mood after the dinner and wanted to have his friends over.

"Come on birthday boy, wake that ass up" I jumped on his bed. He finally turned over and looked at me, he squinted his eyes at me before grabbing my ankles. I let out a yelp before hitting the soft mattress that broke my fall.

"Stop" Chris gritted, crawling on top of me. He rested his head on my left breast and almost instantly, he was back in his slumber. I giggled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Chris come on, we gotta go" I sighed, trying to wiggle my way from under him but he had all his weight on me, I was struggling to breathe. "I made breakfast" I teased.

His eyes popped open and he jumped out of bed.

"You should've led with that" he shrugged, running into his bathroom, a few minutes later he came back out and walked out, without sparing me a glance.

"Good morning to you too and you're so welcome for the breakfast" I said sarcastically, following the man to his dining room.

Chris ignored my sarcasm and sat at the table, admiring the pancakes on his plate.

He wasted no time and dug right in, it tasted so good that he almost moaned.

"This is so good Jay, you are an angel" he complimented

"Thank you, now eat quickly and go get ready, I have somewhere I wanna take you" I smiled at how surprised he looked.

"You have plans for me?" He asked in disbelief

I simply nodded and a cute smile spread across his face. It warmed my heart that he was being appreciative even though he hasn't even seen the surprise yet.

As soon as he was done with breakfast, he got up and ran back upstairs to get ready. I giggled and grabbed his plate, taking it into the kitchen and cleaning it off. I grabbed my phone and opened up the gc I had made with all of the people who were attending the dinner.

After I sent the last text, they left me on read but fortunately, Chris came into the kitchen at the same time.

"Ready to go?" I asked, looking at him. I hit my lip, admiring his outfit.

"Yeah, lead the way"

I grabbed his hand and walked us out of the house. We got into Ariel's Porsche and I wasted no time to back out of the driveway. She has been allowing me to use the car since it was her least favorite one and I was more than happy to get it off her hands.

"Here put this on" I said to Chris, handing him a vanta black blindfold. Chris raised his brow but took it anyway.

"What are you up to miss Price?" Chris asked her with a smirk.

"You'll see" she smiled as he put the blind fold on.


We finally pulled up to the dock and I parked. I got out of the car first and ran to Chris' side, opening his door.

"Alright I'll lead you to where we gotta be and then you'll take the blindfold off when I tell you okay?"

Chris simple nodded his head and took small baby steps and kept a tight grip on my hand.

"Don't worry I won't let you fall" I giggled

"You play too much sometimes" he responded, feeling around for his surroundings.

I stopped at our swan boat and smiled.

"Okay, take it off" I beamed

"Finally" he huffed taking off the blindfold, his eyes widened at the swan and chuckled.

"You like?" I asked with a cheeky smile

"I love it, I've always seen these but never got around to get on one" he nodded and took both of my hands "thank you Jay"

"You're welcome"

He pecked my lips and we walked over to the swan, getting in and sitting down.


"You're doing it all wrong" I laughed at Chris.

We were trying to bring the boat back in so I can take him to the park for sip and paint. We've been on the water for about three hours and now it was time to move on.

"No, you're doing it wrong" he defended himself. I looked down and saw that we were both peddling in the wrong direction.

I laughed loudly and looked over at Chris.

"We're both doing it wrong"

He looked down and joined me in my laughter before we started doing it right.

"So where to next?" Chris asked

"Let's go so you can see" I smirked


We got to the park quickly and Chris looked at me confused.

"We're at a park?" He asked

"A park where I use to come as a child" I corrected him "come on I got a secret spot I want you to see, put these on too"  I smiled, passing him a hat and some sunglasses to disguise himself before getting out of the car. He followed suit and we made our way through the park quickly. We finally came to the end and made our to the designated area.

There was a blanket laid out with snacks and four canvases along with a lot of different paint colors.

"Yooo this is dope" Chris smiled brightly, looking at the scenery.

We sat down and looked out at the park.

Kids ran around, mother's and father's kept a close eye on their children and butterflies maneuvered around, avoiding the touch of sticky fingered children.

"What you wanna try first?" I asked Chris, looking down at the many unfamiliar snacks we had in our possession. I went online and ordered a box of snacks from an exotic snack shop.

We had chips, pringles, candy and drinks. The only normal thing on the menu was the sandwiches my grandma made for us.

"Mmm let me try the sizzling beef chips" Chris pointed and I grabbed the bag, passing it to him.

I grabbed my canvas and paints of choice along with a sharpie. I began drawing my outline and glanced at Chris every few seconds.

Chris Brown

"No, you fake as hell for not telling me you could draw like that" I shook my head at Se'anie while we walked to the car, hand in hand.

A few fans stopped me and either asked for a picture, hugged me or simply told me happy birthday. I've been having so much fun, I didn't even check my phone to see all the birthday wishes. I made a mental note to check them when I got home.

"I'm sorry that I didn't sit and tell you all my talents" she giggled

"Yeah yeah, I want that painting too" I stated

"Sure" she shrugged

She had made a portrait of me and it was amazing. Although I was eating a bag of chips, I looked good. I looked at the time on my phone and it read 6:30 and the sun was almost completely gone. Soft colors of pink, purple and orange took over the sky, introducing what would soon be known as night, casting darkness onto everyone.

We got in the car and she started up the engine, pulling off onto the road. We sat in a comfortable silence and the only thing heard was Power 106 FM.

" alright since it's our boy Chris' birthday we're gonna celebrate him a bit, this is Anyway by Chris Brown featuring Tayla Parx"

My song came on and I smiled softly.

"Awww they love you" Se'anie cooed, turning the music up. I pulled my phone out and took a small recording of the moment before putting my phone away again.

"Thank you for today Jay, I really appreciate it" I said sincerely.

Se'anie went out of her way to make me happy today and I can't help but feel shitty for what I've been doing to her. We started off with this whole thing being fake, but she's been doing things for me that a real girlfriend would. What's even crazier is that I've been loving every second of it.

"Yeah of course Chris, it's my pleasure" she beamed, giggling.

I looked at her side profile, watching her concentrate on the road. It was strange how genuine and beautiful her soul was, not to mention her physical appearance.

Keeis is right

If I don't make her mine, I'll regret it but I can't ask her out casually.

At least not after what she just did for me.

If I was going to do this, I was gonna do it right.

"Hey, I left your gift at my condo so I'll just go grab it and then we can go back over to your place okay?" She said, taking the exit to get into her neighborhood.

"Yeah okay" I nodded, wondering what other gift she could've possibly had for me.

We pulled up to her condo and she turned the car off.

"I'm gonna change so come on, I don't wanna leave you down here" she pouted and I laughed.

"Alright let's go"

We made our way into the building and made our way to the elevator. I couldn't help but look at her and smile, she was truly a work of art.

Fuck....I got it bad.

We entered the elevator and I pushed the button for the sixth floor. We got up there rather quickly and made our way to her door.

"Oh shit, I forgot my phone in the car" she whined , feeling around her body. "Go ahead inside and I'll go get my phone"

She passed me the key and I looked at her confused.

How can she forget her phone?

"Weirdo" I mumbled, walking to the door and opening it. The lights were out so I flicked them on.

"SURPRISE" a chorus of voices yelled, making me almost jump out my skin.

"Fuck" I gripped my chest before chuckling.

"Surprise baby" Se'anie's voice rang and I turned around seeing she had her phone in her hand.

The phone she 'left' in the car.

I smirked at her and shook my finger

"You sneaky sneaky dog" I laughed before pulling her into a soft kiss.

This time, I allowed myself to feel.

I felt the fireworks, I felt the magic.

I felt everything.

I felt extremely grateful for her.

She wasn't even really mine and she was doing all of this, so just imagine what it'll be like when I do ask her out.

I pulled away and she looked at me worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked wiping a tear from my cheek.

I'm crying?

Why the fuck am I crying?

"Yeah, yeah , I'm just happy" I smiled, holding her hand that was against my cheek. I saw a few flashes, alerting me that they took a few pictures of us.

"Awww he's crying" Jo'nae pointed out causing the women in the room to coo and the guys to laugh.

"Damn you turning into a softy on us Brown" Hoody shook his head, dapping me up.

"Shut up man" I laughed

"Happy birthday bro" Keeis greeted, dapping me up as well.

"Daddy" Royalty beamed from my mom's arms.

"Princess" I smiled, walking to them and taking her away from my mom. "I missed you"

I kissed all over her face and she giggled.

"Let's eat before Chris makes my ovaries cry" I heard Ciara say

"Girl it better be dry as fuck because Keeis would make a dumb daddy" Keeis' sister Elizabeth said making everyone laugh.

"Don't do my best friend like that" Se'anie pouted, hugging Keeis who was pouting dramatically.

"She ain't wrong" Ciara shrugged

"Oh yeah? Just because you wanna talk shit imma switch ya birth control out with tic-tac's" Keeis pointed at Ciara.

"If you like your life you ain't gonna try me Keeis"

I looked at the bickering couple and the smiles that graced everyone's face around me and felt warm inside. Everyone around me actually came to celebrate my birthday.

Even Jenny-Anne was here, looking like she was trying to steal somebody's husband.

Go on ahead grandma!!!

I laughed at my own thoughts and leaned my head against Royalty's.

This day was perfect and it's all thanks to Se'anie.


Awwwwww so Chris is JUST realizing he likes her like that.

Don't get too comfortable though

Just because he likes her and wants her to be his, it doesn't mean he'll get what he wants.

Y'all want them together fr or no?

Mental health check .... 1-10....lemme hear you.

I'm at a 6...I miss my ex but....not enough to go back.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

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