
By ImAProfessional0

1.9K 83 17

When backed into a corner, an animal has two options: kill, or be killed. When backed into a cliff, however... More



133 6 3
By ImAProfessional0


Ivan hummed, looking throughout the house. He didn't expect Alfred to answer his phone or texts, so he didn't bother. With just a few days left until he gave birth, Ivan was beginning to feel skittish.

The bedroom was empty, so Ivan ventured further, into the heat den.

There Alfred lay, blankets obscuring his form. The windows were open, dripping light into the room. The room smelled sugary, like heat, but anyone who smelled it would still know it was false heat.

Every three months, while pregnant, an omega went through false heat in place of regular heat. Ivan wouldn't say he didn't like it; Alfred smelling like heat and lounging around the house like a goddess? Perfection.

He laid down beside him, brushing the hair from his face and feeling him nuzzle into his palm. Just the brief contact brought a smile to his face, and he pecked his forehead, cuddling closer.

"You smell like marijuana," Alfred mumbled.

"I'm sorry, the person next to me was smoking," he replied. They'd both graduated high school months prior, Alfred almost missing the day because of a bout of illness. Ivan immediately started taking college courses, while Alfred elected to govern the house.

"No, it's fine," Alfred said, quickly, before groaning, "ow, ow, ow, I get the damn point."

"Are you okay?"

"This asshole is rolling around," he grumbled, and Ivan sighed, kissing his temple before rubbing his belly, attempting to calm them. Alfred pursed his lips as the baby calmed, sighing in relief.

Before slowly opening his eyes.

"Vanya?" The sweet heat scent was tainted by fear, "I think- I think the baby's coming."

"What?" Alfred whimpered in pain, coiling in on himself, Ivan grabbing him gently, not knowing how to make it better. Alfred gripped his wrist and squeezed, before letting out a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Is there still a baby in me?" Alfred hissed, "This is seriously going to suck."

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"The gynecologist said I was young enough that I had to, so yes please. My mom also said that they might stab me with painkillers and I'm starting to think that'll be wonderful."

"Is it still happening?"

"No, I just have a good memory."

Ivan gave a small laugh, still not believing that this was happening. He pressed a kiss to Alfred's forehead, and told Tolys, a few doors over, to call 911.

He believed it was happening the next day, when Alfred was sobbing even with medication in him and a doctor telling him to push. Only a couple seconds later, with Alfred gripping his hand so tightly he feared he might break it, was the baby born. Alfred was asleep immediately as the nurse raised the bloody baby into the air, with little blue hands and feet and a wail that could break glass.

"Alpha female!" The nurse called just after she weighed her, "You're lucky. Do you know what you're going to name her?"

"No," Ivan said softly, "I'm going to let my husband decide."

The nurse laughed and nodded, extending the little girl to him. He reached out a finger, feeling her blue hands, now red, grasp him. A smile broke his lips, and he took her into his arms.

"Do you want me to stitch him up nice and tight for ya?" The doctor, a skinny alpha who made both him and Alfred uncomfortable for no good reason.

"Stitch?" Ivan asked, worried.

"He tore," the doctor replied, "want me to stitch him tight?"

Not knowing what that meant, Ivan only said, "Just do your job."

The way the nurse's, a small beta, eyes narrowed at the doctor was something he didn't notice, sitting down besides Alfred's head on the bed, too squeamish to watch him get stitched. The little girl fell asleep not long after, swaddled in a soft purple blanket.

Alfred awoke not long after the baby fell asleep, mumbling about hating Arthur.

"What do you want to name her?" Ivan asked, showing him the baby. He immediately drew her closer to himself, although his arms were shaking.

"Ana... Anastasia."

"After my mother?" Ivan asked, brushing the baby's cheek with his finger.


"Anastasia Ivaneva Braginski," Ivan whispered, "she's beautiful, my love-"

The door hinges practically rattled as Winema came in, quickly followed by Powaqa.

"Is it over," Sahkonteic walked in with his hands over his eyes, "please tell me it's over."

Powaqa smiled, "I see purple! Is that an alpha female or are they fucking around with the blankets?"

"Alpha female," Ivan confirmed, nodding his head. Winema came forward first, gently running her hands across the baby's cheeks.

"Oh, she's just so precious," Winema said, "I remember when you were that small-"

"Yeah, he rolled off the bed and almost shattered his skull," Powaqa said after telling Sahkonteic off. Her own husband Apiatan, gave Ivan a small smile before electing to stand in the corner awkwardly: what he was best at.

"I asked you to watch him."

"I didn't hear you."

"What's her name?" Winema asked, looking at Alfred. He still seemed delirious from the meds, but gave a small smile to Winema.

"Anastasia," he said, "my little brute. Or at least she seemed that way when she kicked at two in the morning."

They laughed, passing the baby between each other before giving her to Alfred. In a few hours, they would be back home, but now, there was a new light in their life, and reason for joy.

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