Million Dollar Murder

By Rebel_peanut

79 10 2


Not so bad?
Picking our rooms
Trap Door


3 1 0
By Rebel_peanut

"I found the room I want!" I yelled into the hallway. My mother came running in.
"It's stunning, honey!" She said smiling and hugging me.
"Has Michael picked his?" I asked.
"Oh! Yes. I'm afraid its time to start in loading your things." She said.
"Okay. I'll head out and get what I need. The rest can you take to our house and put in my room? Don't! Unpack anything though." I asked.
"Yea honey. No problem. And I won't!" She said throwing her hands up defensively then smiling. I wandered to the elavtor and down to floor one. I walked out and into a hallway. I remembered the pictures. I followed them into the huge foyer. It was as big as a master bedroom. But probably no where near the size of Wade's master bedroom. A striped chair sat up against the wall.
"Oh. I don't believe I got your, uh, name." I said stupidly.
"Lucile. My name is Lucile." She said rudely.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see the enormous door we had came in.
"Hi. My name is Maddie." I walked a little closer to the door.
"Where are you going?" She demanded.
"To the car. Um, me and Michael are... Moving in." I said awkwardly.
"Oh. Well here." She smiled a black tooth grin and clapped her hands. Me started coming out.
"You get out whatever is needed and they'll carry it in and up for you."
This was going to take a little getting used to.
I smiled, thanked her, then jogged out to the car. I started pulling out things of mine and just like that out disappeared into the arms of a man and into the house. I grabbed the last box and began to carry it up. A man dressed sort of casual walked up with a box.
"Sam." He said. Trying to hold out his hand for me to shake.
"Maddie. Do you, work here? If you don't mind my asking?" I asked feeling my cheeks redden.
"Yea. A school year job. I go to Hammond High. I'm guessing your moving in with Wade?"
"Yea. Actually only for the school year. The summer too maybe. Hammond High? Is that the highschool?" I asked.
"Yea, why? Are you a junior?"
"Yea. Actually. You too?"
"Yup. How about I just show you around your first few days? Sound good?" He smiled a gorgeous smile. I liked him.
"Sounds good. So? Do you, and the rest of the... workers, go home at night?"
"No. Theirs sleeping quarters on level B. Theres also call systems in your rooms. So if you need something just call one of us. Instead of trying to wander aimlessly through this place." He had a point.
Once we were in the elevator we sat down the boxes. He pressed the three. I felt a little sick to my stomach. I didn't know why.
I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 6:30 P.M.
How long did it take? I thought.
After I got everything off mine in my room. We said our goodbyes to my mother. She drove off faster than she could.

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