Trap Door

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As I walked back into the room I noticed something I didn't before. A small golden... doornob? Right in the wall. It was on the wall of the stairs that lead to my bed loft... area. I shut my door just in case. As I walked over to it I heard Michael run past. I was afraid to open it, but I wanted to so bad. My curiosity took over. I pulled the latch until I heard a faint pop! It creaked opened. It was dark. My eyes adjusted. Inside was nothing I'd seen before. It was a spacious room. White boards. Chalk boards. Tons of stuff. I climbed in carefully. On one of the chalk boards was something I could never unsee. It was horable. I jumped back out and closed the door. I ran to the calling system.
I read down the line. Wade's Bedroom 112-67
At the top of the box wrote; Dial 22- ***- **
I dialed 22-112-67 then waited.
I held the black button remebering the woman.
"Oh yes! What do you need dear?"
"A painting. The Starry Night? Pretty good sized. I want to hang it by my stairs."
"Ill get it to you!" He said cheerfully then disconected the call.
I looked around and figured I would start unpacking my clothes and stuff. About an hour later I finished and flopped on my newly made bed. I thought about the trap door I had found. And what it might have been used for. And if there were others in the rest of the rooms. Knock knock knock!
I opened my door to find Wade standing. Infront of him,was the Starry Night. In his hands a hammer, and a box of nails.
"Oh, thank you so much! I think it will look amazing!" I said reaching for the painting.
"I'll hang it up for you." He said
"Oh that won't be nessesary. I kind of want to lie down, I don't want it hung right away. If that's okay?" I saidvm stifiling a real yawn.
"Oh! No problem. Well, here ya go." He handed me the nails and hammer and left down the hall to the elavator. I shut my door and put everything by my desk. Click! I locked the door just in case. As I started to climb the stairs to my bed, I heard a knock on my balcony doors. Skeptically I walked over and peeked through the curtains. Sam stood looking cold as ice waiting for the door to be opened.

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