Deadly Gifted...

By CloudyXAutumn

408K 19.2K 18K

"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that w... More

middle school
Entrance exam
all might
Sports festival
What're The Chances?
Hero suit Upgrades
Taking the Bait
Kamino incident
Oh. Oh? OH!
Amateur Spies vs Expert Villain
Moving on Dramtically
Explosion 💥
Intensive Investigation
Upgrades People Upgrades
Quirk control
Quick Battle
The Start


5.5K 300 408
By CloudyXAutumn


"Yeah pretty much, now I'll explain the plan tomorrow.
I'm tired" Midoriya yawned.

Aizawa nodded his head and walked away to his dorm room as did Midoriya and Kaminari.


Midoriya sat in class, bored.
Though, despite his boredom, he felt accomplished.

Now not only was Aizawa a villain, he could finally go home.

He didn't even have to leave UA permanently, he had villain privilege now.

"Okay class, the Provisional License Exams are close. I understand I've been telling you all this everyday but I have to or you won't take it seriously.

The exams are hard, not everyone will be able to get a license.
But I expect every single 1 of you to get 1.


They nodded their heads as Aizawa moved on with the lesson.

"Today I'll visit the base after school and see what else dad needs me to do, as far as I know I completed all my UA based missions.
But how exactly am I going to reveal myself? It can't be as basic as me just saying I'm a villain.
That'd be too boring for such a long build up and all this acting.

Kacchan's reaction is going to be amazing, I can already imagine it. Especially considering he's weaker, he knows he won't be able to stop me.

Let's see, from the information we stole at the beginning of this year we have a festival in a month and a half.
Maybe more.

Revealing myself then would be too generic.

Kinda a repeated plot.

Oh well, pretty sure the author will figure something out.

Moving on-

I'll have to explain the shut down UA plan to Aizawa, might as well explain it to him on our way to base.
I have to make a visit there and since he has to tag along due to security reasons he'll just make a pit stop there.

After school would be a good time to go, we can use the excuse of groceries since we're already running short on somethings.

Yeah that works."


After school came by fast, it was time for Midoriya to explain everything to Aizawa.

Midoriya sat in the dormitory living room, he was dressed pretty casual. He had to make sure to fit the unexpected expectations the class had of him.

He was wearing a plain white shirt with a beige open jacket paired with sunglasses and black jeans. The sunglasses rested in his fluffy green hair as he used his phone in wait for Aizawa.

"Hey Midoriya! Why are you dressed up?" Sero asked as he noticed his outfit.

"Oh! I'm going grocery shopping, I'm waiting for Aizawa sensei since we're not allowed to go out alone"

"Nice! Since you're going could you get me somethings?"

"Sure? What do you need?" Midoriya asked, biting his tongue in annoyance.

"Just some snacks, any chips or cookies would be nice"

"No preference?"

"I'm not picky, so nah"

"Alright then"

Aizawa came walking in, "time to go"

Midoriya nodded his head, grabbed his shoes, and walked out with Aizawa.
Once they were off of school campus Midoriya had to explain.

"We're going to be speaking in code, try to understand as best as possible. If you don't get something wait til be get to base" Midoriya whispered.

Aizawa nodded his head, "so- how's this going to work?"

"Well in order to launch the "surprise party" we need some preparations. We already have 3 things prepared within the party that'll get the surprise in. The rest of it is just waiting for the signal to get everything done" Midoriya said in his usual class act.

"I understood that surprisingly well, now do we visit the market or the *house* first?"

"House, were not going to take too long and having to haul groceries is going to take away from the stealth portion needed"


Aizawa followed Midoriya down an alleyway, through another, and discovered an entire route of alleyways.

Eventually they made it.

From there the plan was discussed in more detail.


On the flip side.
Something else was happening...



What do you want???
Why are you in my dorm room??" Bakugo asked in dismay.

"Look, I get we don't get along at all.
But this is important

It's about Midoriya."
Monoma shut the door behind him and sat down on a chair besides the door.

Bakugo fixed himself up on his bed, "...what about him...?"

"It can't be just me, you knew him since middle school right? You 2 both have dumb nicknames for each other so I assumed.

Isn't he strange?"

"Depends on what strange you're referring to."

"He feels off...
With everyone he's so nice but he has episodes where he looks like he's straining it.
It's especially strained when talking to either of us."

Bakugo fell silent, he had suspicions of his own but he didn't know what to do...

"Was he like this in middle school?"

"...well. now that you bring it up I've noticed it too...
Stupid Deku.
Back in Middle school he was worse. A whole actor and I couldn't do anything about it.

He had everyone twirled around his stupid fingers."

"What did he do??"

Granted we picked the fights first, but during lunch period.
Me and my group went up to him and started a small fight.

He beat them all up.

And when a teacher came outside.
He fell to the ground and started to cry.

He blamed it on me.

The teacher wouldn't believe me no matter what I said, he was the one who had left them injured. He even did it with a disturbing smile.

It just took the look of someone else for this switch to flick in his head...

It was then where I stopped getting involved with him."

"...this might be worse than I thought. He has the whole class twirled around his fingers then...
Even Aizawa sensei.

Yesterday night..."
Monoma paused as he looked up at Bakugo. He let out a sigh annoyed, "my room is directly above the living room. I heard chatter coming directly below me.

I couldn't make out the conversation but I knew for a fact I was hearing Midoriya's voice.


He was speaking so-
I don't know how to describe it-"

"No I know exactly what you mean. Cause he did it right in my face.
Right after the teacher gave me my punishment, he laughed right at my face with this crappy grin on his face."

"Im going to just say it then...

I think Midoriya is the UA traitor.
But I don't know how to prove it"

"UA traitor...? What do you mean by that?? I know stupid Deku has some manipulative tactics but-
A villain???
He wouldn't be able to kill-"

"He doesn't necessarily have to kill anyone to be a villain, just giving out information to the league would be enough.

Don't you find it weird that the league was able to find the camp despite the fact only us, class 1-B and the teachers knew we were there? Someone of that group had to leak the info..."

" that you mentioned it..."

"Was there anything else in the past could hint some villainous side?"

"There's a lot...
1 other time, my group picked on him again while he was eating. I just watched cause I didn't feel like getting in trouble.

Milk was poured onto him and he decided to break Kuro's arm..."


"He passed away, but he was one of my friends back then."


How'd you discover he was dead..."

"He didn't come to school...
So we visited...

We found his body...

Splashed in milk.
And shot..."

"Splashed in milk"
"Splashed in milk."

Realization hit the both of them as they stared at each other.
The person Midoriya was in their heads completely changed.

"You don't think-"

No no, Deku wouldn't kill...
At least I don't think so...
Besides when the police investigated they couldn't find who did it, if Deku went out to kill someone he would get caught...

If he doesn't-
That would mean-"

"He's been a villain for longer than we think..."

"No no no, let's recap really quick. We're suspecting stupid Deku of being a villain over the fact he's 2 faced. He's just a snake.
The milk from back then is explainable, they were having dinner the night before the criminal came in. From what the police said, milk was splashed onto his eyes to blind him temporarily so the criminal could shoot.

I've known dumb Deku my whole life, since we were 4.
He's obsessed with heroes, even managed to befriend all might...

He's the last person to be a villain."

"I want to believe that...
Cause it would be really bad if he was a villain. I hate to admit it, but that quirkless loser is strong.

But something tells me there's a lot more to his 2 faces than we're deciding to see."

Bakugo looked at the ground intently, "fine then.
We'll spy on him. If his acting is messing up bad enough for you to notice that means he'll have a slip up and expose himself.

But first.

We'll go through his room."


It's too perfect. It makes it more suspicious" Monoma groaned as he sat in defeat.
He couldn't find even 1 suspicious thing, neither could Bakugo.

"Make sure you leave everything exactly how it's been, Deku has a keen eye and we wouldn't want him to know we've been through his stuff...

If he is a villain, he'll be on guard.

Considering we didn't even find a weapon here, I think we can say it's somewhat safe to think he isn't a murderer...

Hell, we didn't even find something suspicious.
His room is so unsuspicious it makes it suspicious dang it" Bakugo gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"...what do we do if he's actually a villain..."

"He isn't...
At least I hope so. Tch, HE ISN'T.
But in the .0000000001 chance he is...

I don't know what we'll do..."

"He even has Aizawa on his side...
With how he defended him during the press conference...
If Aizawa won't believe us what do we do??"

"We have to find evidence.
That's all to it.
Tch, we won't find any cause that stupid Deku isn't a stupid villain.
I would've figured out if he was one already.

He's just a 2 faced quirkless loser that's training to be a hero...
Thats all"


They walked out of Midoriya's room and left to go downstairs, they knew Midoriya was out grocery shopping with Aizawa and despite the fact they don't believe Midoriya is a villain they were still going to go through with the spying due to internal paranoia and the need for self reassurance.


Midoriya was holding serversl bags of groceries, as was Aizawa.
They were finally back.

"Took you all a while, but yay finally!" Ashido cheered as she grabbed her share of snacks.



Midoriya glanced around the room as he held his cheery smile for everyone to see.

He could see monoma and Bakugo watching in the background with serious inquistive looks.

Something was off.

The first sign was just the fact they were standing next to each other without arguing.

Midoriya waved his hand and smiled as he grabbed some snacks and walked over to them.
"Looks like they're suspecting something, I'll check camera footage and see if anything was done"

"Hey guys, we got snacks for everyone!
He tries handing them over but was only given rude response.

"I don't want your stupid snacks" Bakugo hissed as he snatched the bag aggressively.

Monoma rolled his eyes, "leave me alone"

"Ah... Sorry then"
Midoriya walked away, immediately getting defended by his class.

"That was unnecessarily rude bakubro, Midoriya was being nice"

"Yeah, not cool man. We're all living together, try to be at least a little nice."

Midoriya has to hide a smug grin as he walked upstairs to his room.

Immediately upon opening the door he knew something was off...

"They were in here..."

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