Destiny 2 Lightfall: Fallen D...

By OreZhc3

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After The Witness and its Pyramid Ships enter a Portal inside of The Traveler, A Guardian and his fireteam fo... More

Chapter One: From Rise to Lightfall
Noble 6 / Fireteam Jester's Bio
Chapter Two: We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter Three: A Hunter's Draw
Chapter Four: A Warlock's Journey
Chapter Five: A Titan's Resistance
Chapter Six: Speak of The Devil
Chapter Seven: Threat Level
Chapter Eight: Almost At Reach
Chapter Nine: The Truth
Chapter Ten: The Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Eleven: Battle of Red Cliffs
Chapter Twelve: A New Frontier
Chapter Thirteen: Made it This Far
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.1]
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.2]
Chapter Fifteen: Insurrection In Jingzhuo
Chapter Sixteen: Calm Through The Night
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.1]
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.2]
Chapter Eighteen: Casual Check Up
Chapter Nineteen: Little Hawk Down
Chapter Twenty: Said Too Soon...
Chapter Twenty One: To The Capital
Chapter Twenty Two: Old Monarchy
Chapter Twenty Four: A Promise Behind The Mask
Chapter Twenty Five: Fortunate Son
Chapter Twenty Six: Same Problem Different Day
Chapter Twenty Seven: Breaching Barriers
Chapter Twenty Eight: With Haste
Chapter Twenty Nine: Home Perspective
Chapter Thirty: Looking For Trouble
Chapter Thirty Two: Trouble At Xuchang
Chapter Thirty Three: Under New Management

Chapter Twenty Three: Who Are You

424 4 0
By OreZhc3

Arriving at The Farm they saw the main Shadow Legion command ship breaking orbit at sending ships and Shadows to capture the Civilians there... unknown to them it was exactly as The Vanguard plans to.
Petra and her Corsairs rally with Devrim and the Militia waiting and hiding within the treeline and camouflage themselves surrounding the Farm.
Caiatl and her fleet stay hidden within the jump waiting for the signal, and lastly Misraaks and his Splicers hidden inside the buildings hanging on the ceilings like wolfspiders waiting for their prey.

At the Center of the farm, Psion scouts scan the area in searching of captives and head inside the house that the Splicer are hiding within the ceiling.
A few enter the basement where Crow and Lianshi are hiding as they watch the Psions pass by with more joining.
Once there's enough both Hunters nod before they activate their ults and cause havoc within the Basement.

Outside the Colossus leading the party heard the commotion and order his troops to investigate it.
Suddenly an ambush was launched firing from every position from the treeline followed by Caiatl's fleet coming out of a jump and took the Shadow Legion by surprise firing volleys of Missiles and Cannons at the their Fleet.

Inside a Cabal Pod Raiden and Zavala together waited to be slung at the Command ship along with backup.
Zavala: "are we in position?"
Dubs: "give it 5 seconds... launching now." they felt the G-force from being launched and once it felt like getting hit by a baseball they exit their pods and find themselves inside the Hanger with Two Tormentors that got crushed by the pods.
Zavala: "that was too easy."
Dubs: "continue to the Command Deck, marking your hud."
Mithrax: [Ambush successful, going to out secondary objective.]
Petra Venj: [they're stragglers running away, chase and finishing them off, no prisoners.]
Devrim: [no need to worry, they have to go through other units deep within, we'll clear them out.]

After the successful ambush Zavala and Raiden nod and push their way in fighting through their defenses and pass by the engine room where Cabal fight Cabal for the way into their objectives.
Zavala: "I'll stay to set in the Explosives, continue on without me, kill them back."
Raiden: "with pleasure..."

When Zavala breaks into the Engine Room, The Guardian saw a massive pack of rabid War Beasts with their mouths foaming charging.
Raiden: "typical." he charges up his Arc energy and walk towards the Rabid group.

Within the Command Deck The Warden a Centurion Primus listens to the Coms as his search party and for the first time hearing the words that is considered a disgrace to the Cabal identity as they scattered in a panic while his fleet is being torn apart.
The Warden: "damn them, useless all of them, why bother command cowards, especially clones!!!"
He sat back down thinking all his experiences as a proud Red Legion now all wasted serving another. he removes his helmet and pulled out his blade and look into his reflection and rest it on his neck to commit suicide.
All the sudden the door explodes with Arc energy sending Corpses of War Beasts everywhere and a lone Titan with a Glaive enter. The Warden put on his helmet and confront the lonely Light bearer knowing this is a proper way to die.
The Warden: "foolish for you to come here alone."
Raiden: "im here to ask you for one thing."
The Warden: "what is that one thing..." he pull out his Axes and The Guardian raise his Glaive.
Raiden: "your head... don't make it hard for me."
The Warden: "then Reaper... come take it."

Meanwhile at the Engine Room Crow and Lianshi manage to regroup on Zavala and help set up Explosives on the Large Engine Block and pistons of the Command Ship with Caiatl's forces pushing back its crew.
Lianshi: "i got the last charge on."
Crow: "clear here, we need time to get the Captives out of here..."

Raiden's POV

Having The Warden incapacitate he remove his helmet to see his face and immediately finding out who was underneath, who resemble a scar across his face.
Raiden: "you..."
The Warden: "i was... the day Dominus Gaul invaded your city i serve under his banner with honor and pride, i crush many of you Lightless Guardians under my foot, i would've killed more if that puny force wasn't there, at the end i enjoy watching them die."

Raiden: "you did... then I'll savor this moment, send Gaul and Calus my regards."

Raiden pull out his Kukuri and walk towards The Warden who let out his last scream before a sharp curved blade silenced him.

Back at the Farm the area is secured and left many casualties for the defenders. Petra herself was injured in the fighting but able and watch Devrim place the injured next to the others.
A portal was open and Zavala, Crow, Lianshi and, Misraaks coming out but notice Raiden wasn't among them.
Petra Venj: "where is Raiden?"
Lianshi: "i thought he'll be done by now." they look back at orbit seeing Command Ship let out a flash of explosions.

Seeing the Explosion cause the defenders to cheer for victory as they saw the Remaining Shadow Fleet to turn tail.
Zavala: "Raiden, Raiden is still in there!"

Crow: "wait something's coming here... fast." a Cabal Pod landed on the middle of the destroyed fountain. Those who can arm themselves and aim at the pod waiting for the smoke the clear. Raiden came out carrying a wrapped banner which is leaking Cabal blood from the bottom. They all holster their weapons but wonder what was he carrying inside that wrapped banner.

Zavala: "what is that?"
Raiden: "tribute..."

At the Han Planet the Emperor, Coutiers, and Honorable Guests waited hours for The Guardians return. Cao Zhang use the opportunity to incriminate Raiden by using their laws.
Cao Zhang: "Father, the Guardian must be executed for wasting his Majesty's-"
Mara Sov: "you insolent fool!" the Queen's shout cause goosebumps amongst the Han Court.
Mara Sov: "have you learn your lesson, have you saw the power of the Guardians, it is enough to kill a God... do you have a sense of thought?"
Cao Zhang: "thought? yes i do, that Guardian must be removed before he becomes a bigger threat to us."
Ikora Rey: "if you think trying to kill him will solve the problem then you're mentally ill and risking a conflict because it's personal, seeing your situation is just not working."
Cao Zhang: "watch your tongue, my father have me command a army of Elite Cavalry, any Guardian will be impaled with-."
Cao Cao: "enough!" Cao Zhang recoiled by his father's voice and turn to face him.
Cao Cao: "why must you be so selfish, have you learn anything yet!?"
Cao Zhang: "father-"

A Eunuch rushes in to The Emperor with news that changes the subject.

???: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, The Guardian has arrived along with people." This news suprise the Emperor and the Courtiers who spoke to eachother highly about the Guardians.

Emperor Xian: "good new, very good news, quickly let them in-"
Cao Hong: "you can't come in without permission!"

Raiden arrive with Commander Zavala, Petra, Crow, Lianshi and, Misraaks who enter while Cao Hong cause a commotion and attempts to stop them from entering but they push through forcefully.
Cao Hong: "you want to die here?!"
Zavala: "i want to see you try."
Cao Cao: "his Majesty has given the permission, let them in."
Cao Hong: "but milord they brought weapons within the Palace." He saw the guns they carried in even loaded just in case but eyeing on Raiden's knife.
Cao Zhang: "father, he broke the palace rules and need to be made an example of, we must remind he doesn't belong here." Foolish enough he approach Raiden with a smug.

Cao Zhang: "I'll make sure it will be quick-" Raiden immediately drop what he held and grab Zhang by the neck before pin him on the ground and choking him as Cao Hong pull his sword and call for Guards. in return Petra held her Dagger at his neck.
Cao Hong: "how dare you-"
Petra Venj: "i told you i don't take threats lightly."
Cao Hong: "guards!!!" Crow and Lianshi aim their guns at the honor guards to stop them on their tracks making it a standoff within the Palace. this horrified The Emperor and Cao Cao who is watching Raiden who took it too far.

The Guardian pull out his kukri and rise it above his head as Zhang look at the blade now terrified. Zhang couldn't close his eyes and scream when Raiden stab his knife near his head as the Courtiers gasp but were relived when he didn't kill Zhang but left him shocked after seeing his life flash before his eyes.

Raiden: "im not in danger Cao Zhang, i am the danger... you're going to die, not now, not when, how will you die... in that time you'll be scared, paranoid, helpless... no one will save you, not even your Generals, army, or your father... once you leave here take Cao Hong to find yourself a beautiful decorated coffin and enjoy the time you have left, because it won't... last... long..."

He lets go of Cao Zhang and retrieve his Blade before stepping over Zhang who let out a huge breath of air as he sat up and cough then look at Raiden shed his knife behind his back and walk over him to approaching the Emperor. Zhang immediately stumbled on his feet with Cao Hong who try to go after Raiden but was held back by Zhang and pull him away to leave together.
Cao Cao: "stand down Guards." The Palace Guards holster their swords and go back to their positions and the Guardians holster theirs guns.
Cao Cao: "we wish to avoid a conflict because of this incident, I've seen how The Vanguard fights, the Technology of your contraptions and will destroy this capital if they wish to, i will grant you anything in order to keep his highness and the people safe from annihilation."
Zavala: "We are not Conquerors, we only ask is an apology and we will accept it... your majesty, i am Commander Zavala of The Vanguard and Titan Order, with us is Misraaks, leader or Kell of House Light."
Mithrax: "it is an honor to meet with his majesty, the Light Provides." The Kell bows to the Emperor.

The Guardian pick up the bloody banner and approach the Emperor and open to present a Cabal's Head that frightened the Emperor who leans back. Cao Cao was too but doesn't reveal it before Raiden turns to show to the Courtiers who share the same reaction.

Emperor Xian: "what- what- what is that- thing?"
Raiden: "This is the Commander who lead raiding parties to kidnap civilians, he is also responsible for massacres during The Red War years ago... i present you this head as Tribute from my recent mission..."

He then turn to Kong Rong who tries to look straightforward but was intimidated.
Raiden: "i used to be a mortal centuries ago... now i am a Guardian with no memories but whose skills involved with killing the unimaginable." The Courtier was still shaken by the tension and glancing at the head one more time he bows to the Guardian.
Raiden: "you want to see an example?"
Kong Rong: "no- i... i am lost for words... i apologize for my attitude to you and The Awoken Queen, my manners are unexcusable."
Raiden: "look. at. me." Kong Rong slowly look up at the Guardian who's helmet shows his own reflection.
Raiden: "you people have been excused for too long... pathetic, a disgraceful display coming from you smart asses, all of you."

Raiden drop the head in front of him before returning to standing next to Zavala with silence.
Cao Cao: "i see how your enemies are fearful of The Vanguard and its allies."
Zavala: "you should see how we deal with diplomacy, very safely and respectfully."
Cao Cao: "what do you think your Majesty, i petition that the Guardian needs to be rewarded for his true valor and bravery." the Courtiers agreed with Cao Cao as they bow either they are his yes men or out of fear.
Emperor Xian: "great, very great... then i decree that The Guardian shall be, Maquis of Jing-"
Raiden: "i decline your offer." He interrupted the Emperor as the Courtier suddenly gossip and left the Emperor confused, nobody ever has done that before.

Meanwhile the Vanguard were confused but Mara Sov and Lord Saladin can see through what is going to happen.
Cao Cao: "allow me to speak to him." he approach Raiden and tries to change his mind.
Cao Cao: "you must take the offer."
Raiden: "no."
Cao Cao: "this is a great opportunity to start your career."
Raiden: "i said no."
Cao Cao: "but Guardian-"
Raiden: "i. said. no... Guardians Make Their Own Fate, you don't, you may be powerful but your influence won't bring me or any Guardian under your banner, no matter the promises or riches you give, Guardians. Make. Their. Own. Fate... remember that." Cao Cao sighs and Raiden turns to Zavala and nods before passing by everyone without speaking a word to them.
Emperor Xian: "wait Guardian." at the door Raiden stopped but didn't look back.
Emperor Xian: "who are you?" Raiden turn his head and gave his last answer... with silence.

Cai Wenji's POV

Hearing about what happened Wenji quickly finds Raiden leaving through the gate.
When she catches up to Raiden and tries speaking to him but he ignores every word she said until he was annoying enough to force himself to speak.

Raiden: "i don't have time to explain when i don't have time to explain, what do you want?"

Cai Wenji: "what happen at the palace, Zhang and Hong left in a hurry with a few guards, i heard from the Eunuchs and maids that you about to kill Zhang and nearly cause a conflict within palace ground."

Raiden: "so it's all my fault that it happened, what's next?" he continue to make his way to the city gate to be stopped by guards who stand infront of him.

???: "im sorry but the Chancellor said to-" he immediately pick up the guard and toss him into the other into the ground. those left standing step aside too afraid to stop the giant and allow him to pass through without contest or authority.
Cai Wenji: "Raiden stop this immediately, as your-"
Raiden: "the fuck does it have to do with today, don't you have a family to spend time with?!"

Wenji stop at her tracks speechless what he just said as he continues his way out of the city gate.
Raiden: "why do you fucking care huh, i never asked for this, leave me alone for once."
when she try to catch up again but held back by Tiana holding Soap in her arms.
Tiana: "give him some space he's not in the mood."
Cai Wenji: "but-"
Tiana: "we'll talk about it..."


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