Who She Is

Autorstwa Heather_gO

94.3K 2.8K 603

~MALE POV~ Amaya Brooks. She's got to be the prettiest girl ever. She always looks so beautiful. She's always... Więcej

~Character Descriptions~


840 28 1
Autorstwa Heather_gO

Alyx and Amaya's outfits^

Alyx's POV

"Alright, turn here, and it's right there on the left."

"Okay." Amaya does the turn and pulls up outside of Lily's. There's barely any people here, only two cars. It is still early. She parks in a spot and unbuckles, turning to face me. "Ready?"

"Yeah." We open our doors and climb out. I feel my jeans pocket to make sure my wallet's in there. Good. I lead her to the door of the restaurant and hold it open for her. She smiles up at me and slips past me, letting me get a whiff of her perfume.

She takes a seat at a booth, and I sit across from her. "You're such a gentleman, already starting this day off right."

"Because I held the door open?"


"Oh." I thought you're supposed to hold the door open for ladies. I wasn't trying to get brownie points or anything.

"Hi, how are you two this morning? What can I get you to drink?" the waitress named Sandy says. She's an older lady that I've always thought was so nice. She lays two menus on the table.

"I'll get some orange juice." I mentally shrug. I like OJ, can't help it. It's my go-to morning drink.

"I'll just take some water," Amaya says, looking up at her with a smile. Sandy nods and leaves to get our drinks. Amaya grabs the menu and flips through it. "So, what do you usually get? I know you said the omelet, but what kind?"

"The ham and cheese one. It's plain, but it's so good. They make them really big here, too. I also get hash browns with it."

"Alright, I'll get that." A smile appears on her face.

Sandy returns with our drinks, setting them on the table. "Y'all ready to order? Or do you need a minute?"

"We're ready. We'll both take a ham and cheese omelet with hash browns on the side." I look back to Amaya. "Do you want anything else?" She shakes her head. "That'll be it," I inform Sandy. She grabs our menus and takes our order into the kitchen.

"Thanks for ordering for me," she says with a sincere smile.

"It was no problem. So, how was the rest of your weekend?"

She drops eye contact and takes a sip of her water. "Shitty. At least until I got back in town."

"I'm glad you made it back in time." And in one piece. I slept like shit Saturday night, worrying about her. And I didn't get much sleep last night because I was nervous about today. So, yeah, I'm kind of tired.

"Me too. I missed you." She props her elbows up on the table, resting her chin on her hands.

Likewise. I thought I was going to have more time with her Saturday, but she had to leave when I least expected it. "I missed you, too." I thought about her all weekend. I'm really happy that I'm able to be with her right now.

"What'd you do after I left?" she asks, her voice laced with curiosity.

"I watched a movie with my mom and played online with Wes for a few hours. I didn't do much Sunday. What about you?"

"You know what I did," she says, shifting in her seat.

"When you weren't... doing that?"

"Oh, um, not much. I slept in my car Saturday night, went to the beach Sunday morning, and drove back to Elaine's last night."

"You went to the beach?" I ask, curiously.

"Yeah, I was on the coast anyway, so I thought 'why not?'"

I look at her suspiciously. "You didn't swim, right?" I know she said she likes to. Surely, she didn't swim in the freezing ocean water. Even on the coastline, it's still in the fifties outside.

She playfully glares her eyes. "No, Alyx, I didn't. I wanted to, but I also didn't want to freeze to death."

"Good. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

"Why not? You could play doctor." She brings her glass up to her lips and smirks before taking a sip. I widen my eyes at her. "Sorry." She takes a deep inhale through her nose. "Mm, I already smell the food."

I take an inhale and get hit with an incredible smell. I hear the sizzling on the grill, and my stomach growls. "Smells good, doesn't it?"

"Hella good. My mouth's watering," she says with a laugh.

Not even two minutes later, two hot plates of food are being brought our way. I thank the waitress and grab my silverware. When Amaya doesn't make a move, I look up at her to see her staring wide eyed at her plate.

"What's wrong?"

"This thing's bigger than me."

I let a laugh out. "Try it."

She grabs her fork and jabs it into the fluffy egg, breaking a piece off. She brings it up to her lips, blowing on it before eating it. I watch her eyes widen, a look of shock on her face. She swallows it and says, "Oh my god. That was the best thing I've ever eaten."

"I wasn't lying to you." I take a bite of mine and feel my taste buds dance in my mouth.

"Mmm, it's so good," she moans. "Thank you so much for bringing me here."

I smile as I watch her devour the delicious omelet. "You're welcome. We can come here as much as you'd like."

She brings her eyes up to mine. "I'll take that as a promise." She tries the hash browns and slightly moans again. "Even the hash browns are good."

"Their steak and pasta is amazing, too. I'll get one of those sometimes when I don't get the omelet."

"You'll have to bring me here one night for dinner."

"Okay." Does that mean we're going to have more dates?

We're finishing up eating when the waitress comes around and asks how everything was, to which we reply back with honesty. "That's good. Is the check separate or together?" Sandy asks with a smile.

"Together," I reply.

"Alright. I'll be right back with it." She saunters off to the register.

"You know you don't have to. I can pay for my half."

"No, I don't mind. Trust me, I want to." I hope I didn't come off too strong, but I want to. That's why I earned that money, for this exact moment.

"Alright, if you insist. I do make money, too, though. So, you don't have to think you have to pay for everything."

"I don't think that," I say, honestly. "I just want to pay for you. I asked you out, and, as the guy, I'm supposed to pay." I stop and add, "Not to sound sexist or anything."

"Okay, you can pay. I was just letting you know that I do get paid."

"You do? I'm kind of surprised he would pay you."

"He gives me enough money to stay alive, I guess. Haven't you wondered how I got my car? It was part of a deal with him. He tried blackmailing me with my mom, right, but I told him I wouldn't be able to travel around much without a vehicle. So, he caved and bought me one. My pride didn't want to take anything from him, but it's better having a car than being without one. My car's like my safe haven, as stupid as it sounds; it helps me escape from any situation I don't want to deal with."

Sandy brings the check and lays it on our table. I reach for it and pick it up. I pull my wallet out and lay a tip on the table for her. "You ready?" She gives me a nod and slides out of the booth. I stand to my feet and walk to the register to pay for our food.

Once we're in the car, I ask, "Do you mind me asking how you got the dent in your car door?"

She bites down on her lip and looks away. She looks like she's ashamed. "I kicked it."

"What? Why?"

"My dick of a father pissed me off. That night I had dinner with you and your mom, also the same night you went to Ronnie's without me, I was supposed to be off. He told me he didn't need me, but calls me while I'm having dinner with you. That's bullshit, so I ignored him for a few hours. Anyways, I got in 'trouble', and when I was leaving, I was so pissed that I kicked it."

"Amaya, I told you if you had to leave, you could've. I didn't want you to get in any trouble. I didn't even know the seriousness of it then, either. How'd you get in trouble? What did he do?"

"Nothing serious. Can we go to our next stop?"

Just let it go for now, Alyx. "Sure, where do you want to go next? There's this bowling alley I looked up online yesterday that's like two hours away from here. It's got this big arcade in it, too. If you didn't mind going on a little road trip, I thought we could go to that one. If you don't want to, though, we don't have to. We should get there by ten, and if we leave by one, we can be back home in time where it looks like we just got out of school."

"You planned this all out, didn't you?"

"Well, I knew you didn't want to be caught together, so I tried to find something further away. I'll pay for gas if you want me to."

"No, I don't want you to, Alyx, but yeah, we can go. An arcade sounds fun. Again, lead the way."

"I'll have to GPS it this time." I pull up the app and type the address in. I tell her the directions and enjoy the little road trip with this beautiful girl.


We're fifteen minutes away until we're there. We listened to the radio and talked about music we liked. She apparently likes a little bit of rap, but she loves punk rock. She's a little rocker chick. I love it. An image of her in all leather pops into my mind.

She told me she got her ear piercings when she was fifteen and seventeen and how they hurt, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. She said the tattoo on her hip didn't hurt that bad, but the one on her neck hurt like a bitch. Especially when it was getting filled in. She wanted to be a nurse when she was younger but doesn't know what she wants to do now.

"So, what's your favorite subject at school?" I ask. This whole ride has made me a lot more comfortable with her.

"I fucking hate Math, but I actually like English. What about you?"

"I'm good at math-" She cuts me off with a scoff. "But I don't really like it. I like English, too, but History is probably my favorite."

"Why? Because I'm in there?" she teases.

"Nooo," I drag out. It's part of it. "I just like the class, and it's nice learning all the history in the past, whether it was good or bad. I gain some knowledge from it. It's also just an easy grade."

"Yeah, it's mainly taking the notes. Then, the same exact notes are on the test; you just got to memorize them. I'd have better grades in there if the back of your head wasn't so distracting." What does she mean by that? She notices my confusion. "What? I like looking at you. You have a cute head and nice shoulders." I flush at the compliment.

"I'm surprised I've manage to keep my grades up with the way you distract me."

"How do I distract you?! You don't have to see me."

"Just your presence behind me distracts me. And now that I know you look at me, I'm going to have an even harder time concentrating."

"It'll be okay. We can study together."

"Like that won't be just as distracting."

"Fine, I'll try not to stare at you or distract you anymore in class."

"Like I said, just knowing you're right behind me is enough to distract me."

"Do you want me to move seats?" she asks with a more serious tone.

"No! That's not what I meant." I don't want her to move seats. It's my only class with her, and I'm lucky she's that close to me.

"Good, I wasn't going to move anyway."

"I don't want you to," I admit. A moment of silence passes before I remember to ask her something. "Oh, yeah. Did you find out if it was Ryland? That got arrested."

"Yeah, it wasn't him."

"Well, that's good. I have another question. Does Ryland work for your dad?"

"No. I kind of supply him. Ryland just sells for fun. It's sort of a job to him. He's not forced into it like I am."

"Do you hate it?" Stupid question, Alyx. She probably does.

"At first, it wasn't so bad, selling weed to my friends or to people at parties. Then when it turned into more, I tried to refuse, but you know why I couldn't. But it's not all bad. I've met some pretty cool people at the places I visit. Believe it or not, that's how I met Bren. Don't get me wrong, though, I've met some shitty people, too. Overall, I do hate it. If I had a choice, I wouldn't do it."

"Well, I'm glad you made some friends along the way, and I'm sorry you had some bad run ins with others."

"It happens. Are we almost there?" she asks. "I think I see it."

I glance down at my phone and see we're here. "Yeah, it's that turn right there." She pulls into the packed parking lot. Even on a Monday morning, almost every spot is taken by a car. "There's one," I say and point to the empty spot.

She whips into the spot and parks, climbing out of the car before I've even unbuckled. I climb out and admire the huge smile on her face. "I'm so excited!" she says.

"Me, too."

"I need to pee before we play anything, though," she says with a laugh, speed walking to the entrance. I let a laugh out and chase behind the most amazing girl ever.

A/N- I looooove them. They're so cute! Vote and comment! Enjoy!

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