Expectations (Book Two)

By Jskihopp

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Lyla heads into her second semester of sophomore year and already has her expectations set for her summer ahe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
To Be Continued

Chapter 39

809 19 15
By Jskihopp


My boyfriend's side profile is just unfair. I am looking at him as he's driving, his head facing forward at the road so that I can only see the right side of his face and dammit this boy's jawline has me biting down on my lip. It's defined, but not in a feminine way, in a strong and solid way. Chiseled I guess would be the word most would use to describe it.

An image of his naked body standing above me while I worked him over with my mouth pops into my head and I squirm in my seat. The smooth contours of his abdomen that lead to his solid pecks with the light blonde hairs barely existing over them. I needed that moment as much as he did, to watch what only I could do him as he unraveled at my touch.

I shift in my seat as I look back out my side window in hopes of finding a distraction from the tingling between my thighs. We pass by a bookstore that we went into last weekend. I remember Shawn groaning playfully when I had dragged him into the store, but he followed me around patiently, never complaining as I browsed up and down every aisle. When I picked out four books he insisted on paying for them and I allowed him, knowing it was important to him to buy them for me.

"Did you pick out what movie you want to see?" Shawn's voice pulls my presence back to the vehicle as I glance over at him.

"The new Spiderman?" I suggest hopefully.

I hadn't really looked too much into the movies that were playing today. Shawn had told me last night he wanted to take me to a movie of my choice, but I knew he really wanted to see the new Spiderman. He worked so hard this week I want him to enjoy the movie too and it might not be my first choice, but it's got Tom Holland so I'll survive.

"Really? Deal!" He exclaims excitedly and I giggle at how cute he is.

We pull into the theater parking lot and it's pretty packed. A reminder that it is Saturday night and one can assume probably the busiest night to go see a movie. It also reminds me that I am leaving tomorrow. Hell, I'm leaving in less then twenty four hours from now.

The overwhelming dread starts to creep in and I force it out before it has a chance to dampen my mood. I will deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

Shawn races around the car to open my door, a trait I still find myself getting giddy over. He takes my hand as I exit and we walk towards the theater. Once inside my suspicions are confirmed when we are met with a packed lobby.

All the lines are full as Shawn pulls me over to one of the automated kiosks where there is still a line, but it's drastically shorter. We make it to the front of the line in about five minutes and Shawn's gets us our tickets.

The line for the concession stand is annoying long as well, but I can't come to the movies and not get popcorn so we wait in line again. We get a large popcorn to split and each get our own drinks. We have about ten minutes to spare before our movie starts when we walk into our theater.

Surprisingly, it isn't that full. The movie has been out for maybe four or five weeks now so maybe the initial hype has died down. Shawn leads the way and heads down the back row which is still empty as we plant ourselves into two seats in the middle.

By the time the previews start on the screen, there is still no one in our row or the row ahead of us. I see a few heads scattered amongst the rest of the theater, but all in all I'd guess there are about fifteen other people in here. The previews come to an end and the tell tale Marvel movie intro plays on the screen.

I shove another mouthful of the buttery popcorn into my mouth. I've never been a one kernel at a time type of girl, I need to shovel handfuls into my mouth as to not deny myself the pleasure that is movie theater popcorn.

I feel Shawn's hand rest on my thigh. Both my hands are full as one is holding the popcorn bag and one is serving the important task of transferring popcorn from the bag to my mouth. His hand is warm against the bare skin of my legs and I thank myself for shaving earlier today when I planned to wear a sundress for our date tonight. His thumb starts to stroke back and forth over my skin and it sends a small shiver up my spine, no doubt leaving me covered in goosebumps.

I feel his entire hand start to slowing creep up my thigh, getting higher and higher. I grip the popcorn bag with both hands and I glance sideways at him. His eyes are still focused on the screen but he smirks when he knows I'm looking at him. His hand reaches my panties and his fingers toy with the fabric, stroking along it and tugging at it lightly. I gasp when I feel his knuckle graze over my clit.

Fuck, I forgot how good he makes me feel with just the simplest movements of his hands. I can feel the throbbing building between my legs as I shift in my chair and glance around the theater to make sure no one is looking at us.

His fingers push aside my panties before he slides two fingers inside of me. My head rolls back against the headrest of the chair as I press my lips together to stop myself from moaning out.

"Time for your forty-four seconds," Shawn whispers into my ear and I let out a small chuckle before his fingers start to move inside of me and my laugh turns into a moan before I seal my lips shut again.

Luckily the speakers are blasting out loud music for some montage scene that's playing and it drowns out my voice. His fingers curl inside of me and rub against the spot he knows will turn me to literal putty in his hands.

I glance over at him again and he's watching me now, his eyes hooded and even in the pitch black of the theater I can see the fire burning in them. I can feel myself getting close and I clutch onto the bag of popcorn in my hands which I'm sure will rip open at any point now. Shawn leans into me and places his lips against my temple, kissing against it. And I come. Around his fingers. In a movie theater.

I lean forward as I catch my breath and try not to make myself look too obvious that I'm having an orgasm in a public place. Shawn's hand is removed from under my dress and I instantly miss his touch.

When I sit back against my chair and look over at him, he's grinning away and I barely notice when he winks at me, but I do catch it. I shake my head in disbelief at the things this boy has managed to get me to do in the last few months. Not that he has had to do any convincing as I have been a willing participant.

We walk out of the movie theater hand in hand. The movie had been amazing minus the unaccounted initially five or ten minutes I missed while we were preoccupied. We climb into Shawn's car and he starts to drive, but I notice we aren't heading back towards his house.

"I want to show you something," he says, as if he is reading my thoughts.

I reach across for his hand as he starts to head out of town, the road falling dark without any street lights to illuminate it. We drive for maybe twenty minutes or so before we pull off the road and drive down a narrow paved road. It's heavily wooded as we drive and I wonder where we might be heading.

Eventually there is a clearing of all the trees and as Shawn makes a turn into a small dirt parking lot I notice the headlights hit the reflective water of a small pond. Shawn parks the vehicle so we are looking out at the water.

We are the only vehicle out here and I'm reminded of our lake spot back in Oakridge. It always overwhelms me with how peaceful it is and can put me at ease instantly. This pond is quite smaller then the lake and there's no dock that I can see, but it is still a beautiful spot.

"I used to come here all the time when I was a kid with my dad and sister and then with buddies once I got older. There used to be a rope swing tied to one of the trees that you could swing out into the water on, but someone from town took it down a few years back," he explains and I watch his eyes swipe over the water as he relives the past.

"I love it," I say softly.

"I love you," Shawn replies.

"I love you too you goofball."

"I'm going to miss you so much," his voice is low and carries desperation behind it.

I look over at him as his head lifts and his gaze finds mine. There's no words I can say in this moment. He knows I'm going to miss him. I've said it dozens of times in the past few weeks. In this moment I just need to be with him, to feel his body against me, him inside of me.

I hurriedly climb over the center console and onto his lap as I straddle him. My lips smash into his with hunger and force. I can feel him meet my urgency as his hands roam up and down my back in a frenzy. I reach between us for his belt and work to get it undone before I fumble with his button and zipper.

When I finally have access, I eagerly reach into his boxers and grip him in my hand. He moans against my lips and I start to work my hand up and down on him, stroking his already rock hard cock.

His hands grab at the hem of my dress and bunch it up over my hips as I position myself on top of him. I reach down and pull my panties to the side as I lower myself down onto him, both of us moaning out in relief. There is something so consuming in this moment as I surround him and our bodies fully connect. My mind, my body, and my heart are his.

We stay still for a few moments, just staring into each other's eyes, our connection fueling my desire. I start to rotate my hips while I am on top of him, moving him to where I want to feel him inside of me as he lets out a low growl.

His lips latch onto my neck and sloppily kiss at my skin. I feel his hands run down my back until they reach my hips where they stop. His fingers grip my hips as he starts to lift me off him and lower me back down onto him.

Our movements quicken as we both understand the need for one another in this moment. His fingertips dig into my hips and the small bit of pain urges me to move fast, to feel him deeper inside of me. My hands move from his shoulder and tug at his hair, pulling his head back from my neck so that I can free his lips before my own crash into them. I grasp his shoulders again as I use him to support myself as I ride him faster.

"I'm coming," he moans against my lips as I feel him tense underneath me.

His fingers dig even deeper into the skin of my hips and his head falls forward into my chest. I rest my chin on the top of his head as we hold each other, my arms wrapped around the back of his head. I want to stay in this moment, our connection, with him still inside of me.

I feel Shawn's hands start to lift my hips upward and I reluctantly climb off him and slide back into the passenger seat. I adjust my underwear and dress back to where it needs to be before I buckle my seat belt.

I glance over at Shawn as he is buckling his belt on his shorts. He glances over at me, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. His hair is all tousled from me pulling at it and he could not be looking any sexier with the 'just fucked' look he is sporting.

The drive back to Shawn's house neither one of us speaks as the sound of the radio fills the silence. I'm not really sure what to say. My mind in preoccupied with the fact I am leaving tomorrow as much as I try to not worry about it. I don't dare to bring up the topic because I know I will turn into a blubbering mess.

By the time we make it to Shawn's house its just passed midnight and I let out a yawn. I may not have been getting up at five thirty like Shawn all week but I was up by eight every morning, including today.

We head straight to Shawn's bedroom, both of us undressing in sync. Shawn hands me one of his t-shirts that I slide over my head before we climb into bed together. I let out a quiet sigh as his arms wrap around me and pull me into his embrace. I can already feel my eyelids growing heavy as I force them to remain open. I need to soak up as much Shawn time as I can, while I still can.

I feel his lips pressing into the top of my head as he plants several kisses into my hair. I smile softly as I place my arms over top his and squeeze them tighter to pull myself closer to him. His body is warm as it molds against mine and I already feel myself getting overheated but I don't dare separate myself from him. If I wake up in a puddle of sweat because I was snug to him all night then so be it.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow already," Shawn whispers as his words hit me square in the chest.

"I know," I solemnly respond.

I lift his hand up to my mouth and press my lips into it as I will myself not to let the tears fall that I've been holding back all day. Well, that's not completely true. I did cry earlier this afternoon when I FaceTimed with Megan and she pushed the topic of my departure tomorrow when I kept trying to avoid it. It had been quite cathartic though to unleash some of the pent up emotion.

"Did you set your alarm?"

"Yeah, I have it set for ten o'clock," I reply. "But, you can feel free to sleep later if you want, I just need to get all my stuff packed up. I can wake you up around eleven thirty since we need to be leaving around twelve."

"Don't you dare not wake me up with you," he whispers, his voice wavering on desperate as his arms squeeze me against his chest. "I need to get every last minute I can with you."

"Okay," I manage to squeak out in response as I take a deep breath to try and stop the tear brimming my eyes from falling.

I feel one fall from my eye as it rolls down my cheek and hits the pillow. Just one tear before I summon all my strength to blink the rest away. I feel Shawn shifting on the bed behind me and his face appears above me as he leans over me.

I tilt my head to look up towards him and his pained expression makes my rib cage compress leaving me short of breath. His hand gently caresses my chin as he peers down at me.

"I am so in love with you," he says softly before he leans down and places a delicate kiss against my lips.

It's a tender kiss and I fell his thumb trace along my jawline before it brushes across my cheek and he pulls his head back from me. He disappears from my view as he returns to his spot behind me, holding me in his arms once again. He is my safe place.

"I love you," I whisper almost so quietly that it's inaudible, but I know he hears me when his arms pull me in closer to him.

I start to feel the toll of the day weigh down on me as my exhaustion sets in. I let out another loud yawn and try to push myself to stay awake, to try and somehow make the morning never come, but as I push to keep my eyes open there is a stronger force pulling them closed. The last sound I hear before I fall asleep is the soft steady comforting breaths of Shawn as he lays beside me.

The dread I feel in the pit of my stomach as soon as my eyes open in the morning has me feeling nauseous. I get out of the bed and rush to the washroom where I am ready to be sick, but nothing comes up as I lean over the toilet.

I splash my face with cold water which seems to help slightly before I leave the washroom. Shawn is up and sitting on his bed. He looks lost in thought as he stares off at the wall.

I move around the room robotically as I start to pack up my suitcase, leaving out my outfit for the plane. At some point, Shawn leaves his bedroom and I keep shoving my clothes into my already overflowing bag. I steal two of Shawn t-shirts I find draped over his dresser, knowing they will be my nightly uniform for bed this summer.

Shawn returns with a mug of coffee for me, which he silently sets on his dresser. I catch his eyes and he offers a small smile which I manage to return before he leaves the room again. We both seem to be in a similar autopilot state right now just moving through the motions.

I finally finish packing and manage to zip up my suitcase without having to sit on top of it. I change into my outfit for the day and leave Shawn's t-shirt I slept in on his bed, but not before I hold it up to my face and breathe in his scent once more.

I wheel my bag out to the front door where I leave it before I head into the kitchen. Everyone is up and sitting at the table as Bailey dishes food onto the four plates that are set out. I take my seat next to Shawn as I stare down at my plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast. I have no appetite whatsoever right now, but I force myself to down a few bites of each item so I don't offend Bailey.

Halfway through the meal I feel Shawn's hand on my thigh as he slowly rubs it over my leggings. I glance over at him and he's already looking at me. He manages another soft smile and I can tell he is doing his best to put on a brave face for me.

I help tidy up the kitchen once everyone is finished, even though I am told by every member of the Nolton family to not lift a finger. Before I realize it, it's almost twelve and we need to head out for the airport. I head to the door where Shawn is already walking out to load my suitcase into his car. I turn to Bailey first who is already wiping away tears from her cheeks.

"Have a safe flight," she mumbles as she wraps me into a big hug. "Make sure to keep in touch this summer and send me pictures from your cottage. I'll miss you," she finishes as she lets me go.

I can feel myself getting choked up as I recall how sweet she has been to me since I've met her.

"I will," I promise her as I quickly wipe away a tear of my own. "And you make sure to keep me updated on your summer."

She nods her head in agreement with me. I turn to Shawn's dad next who is standing beside Bailey. He smiles softly down at me as he steps forward and hugs me.

"You stay safe this summer Lyla. You will be missed here. You're welcome back anytime," his gruff voice assures me. There's no stopping the tears that continue to fall now as I continue to wipe them from my cheeks.

"Thanks so much for having me, I had an amazing week with all of you," I say as my voice wavers.

"Ready?" Shawn's voice interrupts from behind me and I turn to see him waiting on the porch.

I nod my head to him and turn to give a final smile to his dad and sister before I leave the house. Shawn leads the way to his car and opens the door for me. I climb in and stare up at the house where his dad and Bailey stand in the doorway watching us. As Shawn pulls away down the street, they wave and I offer a weak wave of my own in return before they are out of sight.

Shawn reaches for my hand and pulls it up to his lips, placing several kisses against it as he drives. He keeps a hold of it as he somehow manages to make all the turns with his one hand on the steering wheel.

There are a few moments I hesitate to pull my hand away so he can have two hands on the wheel, but I know he needs the physical contact with me so I don't pull away. And who am I kidding, I need to feel him to in order to keep myself grounded in this moment and the reality of it.

It feels like we just left his house yet we are parking at the airport and Shawn is climbing out of his car as he lets go of my hand. Holy shit. I can feel my panic start to set in as the reality that I'm leaving Shawn hits me.

I climb out of the car on shaky legs and use all my brain power to tell my legs to start carrying me inside. Shawn wheels my suitcase behind him with one hand and takes mine in the other as we head inside.

We find our way to the check in line and there are only two people waiting ahead of us. The lady that helps me get checked in is sweet and kind as I hand over my identification. I try to force a smile back to her but it only starts to bring forth the tears I'm holding at bay. She must notice I about to have a breakdown because she looks between me and Shawn then offers me a sympathetic look.

We walk hand in hand to the security check in. This is as far as Shawn can go with me. We both stop and Shawn pulls me into his arms, holding me tighter then he maybe ever has. I bury my head into his chest as I feel my tears start to fall.

I am flooded with every emotion as we prolong our inevitable goodbye from one another. When Shawn finally loosens his hold on me enough for me to lean back, I tilt my head to look up at him.

His eyes are glossed over as a tear falls from one and I reach up and brush it away with my thumb then leave my hand resting against his cheek. He turns his head to place a kiss on the palm of my hand. His hands move to cup either side of my face as his thumbs work to brush away the endless stream of tears that I can't stop.

"You need to stop crying, you're going to dehydrate yourself," he jokes softly and I manage my first genuine smile of the day as I look up at him. "This summer is going to fly by," he promises. "We will talk everyday and before you know it you will be back here in Telford."

"I know," I agree with him as I sniffle. I've managed to slow down my tears at this point and take a deep breath before I continue. "I just miss you already."

"I know, I'm going to miss you so damn much," his voice is thick with emotion.

"Promise we will talk everyday?" I know he already said we would, but I need to hear it from his mouth again.

"I promise."

He leans down and kisses me as his hands hold my face as it remains tilted up towards him. The kiss lingers yet somehow at the same time is over too soon. I think we could stand here lip locked for hours and the moment our lips parted it would still feel too soon.

"I love you."

"I love you too," he says as he finally let's go of me. "Please text me when you land so I know you made it safely."

I nod in response as I start to walk towards the line for security. There's no one waiting so I am ushered right into the screening area.

I glance back over my shoulder and find Shawn already watching me, a sad smile on his face. Before I force myself to turn away, I blow him a kiss, my hand brushing against a tear that has rolled down my cheek. I watch him blow a kiss back to me and I try to memorize the image in my mind, cataloging it with the hundreds of others I have of him that I know will get me through these next two and a half months.

A few months ago, I had different expectations for what my summer was going to look like. I thought I'd be spending everyday with my boyfriend, laying in the sun, and making love to him every night. This is definitely not going to be that.

Hell, never did I expect that the beginning of this school year that I would have a boyfriend by the end of it. That I'd be in love. That I'd be committed to a long distance relationship at the age of nineteen. I never understood it before, when friends would do the whole long distance thing. I mean we're young, why would you want to tie yourself down to someone. But now I get it. I can't imagine any amount of distance coming between Shawn and me. He snuck into my life and weaved himself into every aspect of my future.

This summer is going to be tough and challenging. I know I will have days when I will struggle more then others and miss him so fiercely I'll be tempted to hop on a plane to him. But I know we are going to be okay because I trust the love we have for one another and I know it is strong. I know now it is a love that will last both our lifetimes.

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